Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

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First Super-O Last Night

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Hey everyone,

First time posting here. I learned about this forum yesterday. I purchased a We Vibe (not Aneros, I know) over the weekend after experimenting with butt play with my fiance during sex. I'm a cis-hetero guy (not that it matters) and she had begun playing with my ass while I was on top of her during sex and I realized I really enjoy it.

I didn't know what to expect when I first purchased it so I immediately began just masturbating while watching porn with it inside. I then learned about the super orgasm after doing some googling and was curious about how to achieve it. I started reading around and began changing my approach to how I used the toy. I stopped watching porn and began basically meditating with it inside every night before bed this week. However, I was still not letting myself go. I would crank the settings to full blast and be thinking about sex the whole time.

After reading this forum yesterday, and learning about the importance of being relaxed, I took a whole new approach last night. I took a hot bath before bed. I made a playlist of relaxing music. I laid on my side, put the toy in, and put it on a very low setting. I just relaxed and did not think about sex. I focussed on my breathing the whole time. Large inhales through the nose from my belly and exhales through the mouth. I focussed only on breathing and listening to the music. After about 30 mins I began to feel those contractions and kept thinking the toy was falling out of my ass but it had not moved at all. I then remembered reading something about moving your hips so i switched songs to a very rhythmic one and began moving my hips to the music. This changed EVERYTHING. I could feel the vibe moving all through me and touching every spot. It felt incredible. I was drooling all over my pillow. During the bridge of that song, I began to feel my heart rate picking up and the vibe intensely hitting my spot. I knew I was reaching the point of no return. However, I didn't get overly excited and just kept focusing on my breathing. And that is when waves of pleasure and the electric magic began flowing throughout my entire body for about 30-40 seconds. Afterwards I broke my concentration because i was so happy but I am going to try and keep riding that wave from now on.

I definitely had my first super orgasm and it was life changing. I am so glad I discovered this and wish every man could enjoy this. I feel like our homophobic and close-minded world is preventing so many from really appreciating all life has to offer and being in touch with their bodies. 

Does anyone have any additional tips? I am thinking of purchasing an Aneros but is it that much different from the We Vibe? 



This topic was modified 2 years ago by buttholesurfer

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Try the Trident helix my favourite 

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Congratulations, and welcome to the Forum ! 


Posted by: @buttholesurfer

Does anyone have any additional tips? I am thinking of purchasing an Aneros but is it that much different from the We Vibe? 

Unless you get one of the vibrating Aneros models, then yes, it's a completely different experience, because the Aneros are designed so they are self-propelled, in other words, they will move on their own, or at least feel like they are moving. Of course this might not happen right away, but it's so worth it ! 

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