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We can always use more perspectives, yeah? How I got the elusive SUPER-O

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Hi everyone, I'm new obviously, and I wanted to share with you all how my first super-o happened, and how I keep doing it time and time again! If this works for you, then you will have discovered the greatest feeling in the universe - no hyperbole. What have you got to lose?

I bought an aneros...MDX (OK so apparently it's the MGX. THANKS GUYS FOR TELLING ME GOSH. Next lunch your tots are mine.) I think? The older one...about 10 years ago. I never had much success with it, but I'm pretty sure that was because I was approaching it like any other sex toy. Fifteen minutes would pass and I'd be rubbing my dick and destroying my session in 3-5 minutes.

So I thought the toy was the problem. I bought a helix. WOW, the helix is amazing. I have had super-os with the MDX (MGX) and the Helix, but they come FASTER and HARDER with the helix.

For lube I always use KY. Once I used olive oil and once I used peanut butter, but I can't recommend doing that guys!


1)Ok now that the supplies are out of the way, let's talk turkey. First thing I ALWAYS do is have a bowel movement. I want my colon as clear as possible I will also pee and make sure not to drink a huge amount of water before my session because if I do I will invariably be getting up every 15 minutes or so to pee, and nothing ruins a good session like peeing (except jacking off!).

2)Insertion of the helix takes me about 10 minutes. I *could* slam it in no problem and it wouldn't hurt a but my goal is not to feel the aneros inside me except for the p-spot. I don't want to be "aware" of the buttplug, because I personally CANNOT have a p-orgasm if I am. I'm not afraid of butt play, but feeling it in your rectum takes away from the blussful sensory experience that is prostate massage.

3)Once it's inserted, I'll watch an hour of TV. Yes, you heard that right. Something relaxing, or maybe some music. But always for an hour. Again, I want to feel as natural, comfortable, and relaxed as I can before I even move towards a p-orgasm.

4)Once the hour passes and I'm as comfy as I was before insertion, I'll lie down on my bed. Now, this is the part that I think I do differently than others. I will put a pillow under my lower back, making sure not to touch the aneros. This helps, maybe because contact for me is better. Anyway, the first time I ddi this I felt nothing because I assume my prostate was totally untrained and unused to "visitors!"

5)I'll put on some nice porn, but nothing that results in ejaculation on screen! For me this is crucial! I cannot be thinking about ejaculating if I want a super-o or even just p-waves!! I'll just watch the porn, enjoying the solitude and feeling how alive we are when we have sex. Relaxation continues, until....p-waves.

6)Most of you know, p-waves are subtle to more intense "waves" of pleasure that originate in the perineal area or prostate more likely, and radiate ourward. The KEY TO THIS WHOLE THING (I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH...I WILL HAVE NO ORGASM IF I DONT DO THIS) is to be CONTENT with these p-waves. Maybe they're the most intense feeling for today. That's FINE! They feel great, you're relaxed, and life is good right now.

7)Eventually I'll keep focusing on the porn and on the p-waves. The word orgasm does not enter my mind. There usually at this point comes a time when the p-waves get more intense and I feel something on the precipice, but here's the important part.....HOLD BACK. Don't squash it, for the love of God don't squash it. Just..."avoid" an orgasm. I do that by telling myself I already feel wonderful and I dont want any false promise of an orgasm ruining my evening.

8) It'll happen (maybe. If not this time, then next time. or after that. or after that. you MUST TRAIN your prostate, and it probably wont happen for you right away.). Your first prostate orgasm. These feel fantastic - in my opinion way better than penile orgasms, but still nowhere NEAR the super-o. But that's ok!. If a penile orgasm is 7/10, this is a 10/10. You may find your head bucking back and your muscles tightening up uncontrollably, and you may even be in disbelieve that this could have happened. Just don't overthink it. Let your body work - use your mind, but don't use it to move your body voluntarily.

9)Once the p-orgasm ends, you WILL want another, and FAST. RESIST. Go back to step 6. The p-waves will most likely be back but you must not mentally force them. See a pattern here? FORCE NOTHING. EXPECT NOTHING. Expectations lead to disappointment. Every single time. I promise. Every p-wave, prostate orgasm, and super-o (for me) is a surprise.

10) If you did the mental part right and stayed in a good position, you'll get another p-orgasm. I have to say this one last time. DONT try to get a prostate orgasm, it will NOT work.

11) This time, enjoy the orgasm, but when it's over do your best to "control" the following p-waves. Let them come and enjoy them, but the best way I can put this is that you should hold something back. It's like charging a battery. If you feel, for example, that your body is going to "tingle" all over, then maybe hold back and tingle only in your feet? You probably won't realize what's happening but it's crucial.

12) Keep holding back the p-waves gently until it's time to hold back your next p-orgasm. I know. It's hard. It's heartbreaking. It's worth it. Still feel the orgasm, but try and get your mind into a lucid state where the orgasm is not everything this time like it was twice before. This takes practice.

13) Repeat this. Just repeat.

14) You will hopefully eventually feel a PANG of something wonderful on your prostate. DO NOT GIVE IN. Accept it and think "woah, cool." Then it'll happen again. And again. If you think at this point that the super-o is here, then you've likely lost. Just stay the course. If you MUST, give the aneros a TINY "nudge" with your rectal muscles, but this must be at the right time. Do it right when you're about to get another pang of pleasure - literally right before. Then stop. Quick and subtle and precise!

15) Go to heaven, lose touch with reality, and feel the best you have ever felt and 100 times better than you thought you could. The super O will contort you. You might moan. You will feel an incredible orgasm all over your body. This might last 30 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, who knows. Just enjoy it. Violent is the best way I can describe how it looks.

16) Next is my favorite part. Once the super-o is over, relax and go back to normal. Tell yourself "that was awesome." "No need for any more orgasms"! Keep doing this. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM super-o, even stronger than before. If the first one was violent, this one is going to be unreal - or maybe not. Sometimes the second/third/fourth/fifth super o in a row are way better than the first but all I do is tilt my head back involuntarily and my facial and eye muscles just tighten up more than a WASP woman's asshole.

17) Repeat until it's time for work or your neighbors have called the cops on you for beating your wife because you're going to sound like a banshee unless you hold yourself back during that super-o. This is the ONE place you shouldn't do that. Let go. Be free. Experience the best pleasure God has given human beings. I don't know what g-spot orgasms feel like but if they feel anything like this then why the hell don't more women do it to themselves? Or maybe they do...none of my gfs did.

I digress. This is my ironclad strategy. Yes, it took 4 (yes four) sessions to reach any orgasm, but once I got there it was all downhill from there. Notice that I never contract my sphincter muscles except for a tiny nudge here and there. I don't need to. During the super-o, the aneros will move in and out and in out totally on its own. I promise. For me, the super-o is the result of the body releasing all of the energy that we've collecting over our 20,30,40,50,60,70,80! Years of life. I know it's hocus pocus, but this is seriously a transcendentally magical experience. You might even hallucinate. Honestly, I don't believe that myself, but you have to admit it sounds good. My professional opinion as an internist is that I have no idea. Damn I'm a good doctor.

Happy Relaxations! Let me know if you do anything similar or, even better, if this helped you!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that right before the orgasm and super-o, anything "painful" or even "not wonderful" will start to feel like the best thing ever. Stick in your eye? Oh yes more. Stabbed by a knife through the hand? Do the other hand! You get the idea. EVERYTHING feels incredible.

EDIT2: I forgot to mention that I think of the super-o as basically a loooong string of regular prostate orgasms experienced ALL AT ONCE. That's what it feels like, at least. That's how I rationalize "trying" to control that third orgasm so that better things can happen. If you always "give in" you will NEVER reach the mountaintop.


Appendix (ROTK style, guys)

So Mr. Fury (The_Fury) posted some wonderful questions below that I couldn't ignore. They belong up here with the first post, so here goes (2nd time, by the way. First time I did this, it was LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST ARGH. OK:

Just when i think I've found the dry orgasm/super o i realize that I'm nowhere near.. anyway some questions and few observations: FIRST and FOREMOST: I think you got the wrong idea from my first post. ANY prostatic/dry orgasm from the aneros is a MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE step. It is the HARDEST step by far, and you must. Your difficulties getting one step further just make you human and unique....don't you dare quit!

1. i dont get what you men by putting a pillow under your upper legs, what does that mean sorry? under your feet? under your ass or what? Personal preference, fury. The pillow below my sacrum helps keep the bulging part of the aneros consistently against my prostate. Other people experience the opposite effect and a pillow above the sacrum may be just the thing. Or no pillow. I really should have explained when I was inserting my opinion here, huh?

2. what position is this youre using? Dorsal Recumbent. Always. Lying down flat.

3. Porn, no matter how tame or mild, or not showing ejaculation, always ruins a session for me, not sure hwo youre doing it or what youre wathcing but it almost always put focus on the penis and desire for shooting a load. All depends on your makeup, Fury. I used to not be able to watch porn without getting an erection in less than five seconds. NOTHING SEXY WAS EVEN ON! I call that a classic case of conditioning (LOL I make myself laugh). Anyway, if it makes it too hard, then don't use it, but I would really suggest that you desensitive yourself to pornography as much as you can. Not only will life be better, but your sessions will be as well. When YOU are in control over how external stimuli affect you, then you are in control of your own life and destiny. And the Aneros is easier to use. IMO.

4. been at this 10 years, took about 8 to get any kind of orgasm, kinda confused as to why, seems it takes longer for some.... This is far from the longest I have heard. It could a lot of resons, and I'm not enumerating them again. i did the first time butit was erased an its better not to scare you over ridiculous notions that aren't true anyway. BUT this is totally unrelated I PROMISE, hinging my integrity as a physician on this. Are you checking your PSA levels regularly? I assume you're over 40-50 because of the Aneros's target audience. If you're not, I'm so sorry and after this I will go tie myself under a bees nest and cover myself with honey.

5. this is an important one i think: is your penis hard during any of this? i cannot, and need to repeat this, CANNOT feel any orgasm without it being hard with an aneros inserted. I dont understand all the flaccid guys here that can, its infuriating as its such a massive distraction! Nope, I NEVER get an erection during Aneros sessions, nor can I. Period - and yes, I have tried. Cannot do it. Chalk it up to normal physiological differences. My results are better than many people's and not as good as others who DO get erections when the time comes. Don't give it another thought. Also, "precum," "pre-ejaculatory fluid," "cowper's fluid," or a couple other names that don't matter is SO individualized that to tell you the truth some people go their whole live without knowing it exists. Men, mind you. It NEVER appears because they produce so little. Others get "drenched" in it, for lack of a better term. Normal, put it out of your mind.

6. have you modified the helix in any way at all? like removing the curly tab at the back? i find that such a giant distraction as well when it catches on the bed etc Sanded it right after too.

7. i can always get to a certain level of orgasm in aneros sessions (with the penis being erect as a prerequsite) but its almost always just weaker than anything ejaculatory, in fact my super t's are so intense at times that i find it impossible for them to be any higher in intensity, if they were i think it would likely result in loosing conciousness or something else crazy. So why isnt it the same for non ejacultory ones? Personally I will NEVER ejaculate after or during an aneros session. I'm human like you - masturbation feels great, usually, BUT when the changes to your body (beniiiign according to what I've read so dont fly off the handle) that the Aneros causes combine with the normal post ejaculatoy refractory period, I get an awful, awful, terrible sensation of almost complete dissociation (Where am I? What have I been doing for the past few hours?), extreme fatigue (the bed's five feet away but the carpet's a crumple away...carpet wins), and migraines (no jokes here, migraines can get the death penalty. They almost ruined my life and did ruin my mom's for a few years. Migraines and cluster headaches. ASDGASGAORGPARGH

Sorry...anyway, I hope that helps, and I have no idea why I get snarky the second time I type something out. Must be the inconvenience. PM me or ask here if you need me again my friend. There are tons of others here who know more about the device than I do, but maybe they aren't as available. I should be around a good amount.

When all else fails: when you can't eat, or everything hurts. When you can't sleep and you can't wake up. When the motivation is gone and the guilt remains, find a legal way to use Marijuana. It's my favorite "pharmaceutical" and I'll be damned if I care what congress says about what I can prescribe. That is, unless its opiates in which case you ain't getting any cause I don't wanna go to jail.

Why did I bring this up? I'm sure many of you know. THC makes the super-o FAR, no....FAAAAAAAR easier to achieve. It takes you out of your own head and connects you with your physical body. If this is an option I like the option. Just maybe try the edibles and not the joints, yea? Hope it's legal where you live. I'm in Florida...if you're here i'll examine you for glaucoma. JUST KIDDING GET OFF MY BACK ALREADY


Best of luck to you and the rest of those here.

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I've been a member on here since the beginning days of Brad Mayfield. This is one of the best posts I've read. Thanks for sharing!

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I've been a member on here since the beginning days of Brad Mayfield. This is one of the best posts I've read. Thanks for sharing!

My pleasure! Why even be here if i'm not going to do everything I can to help everyone who still needs to get there? My method wont work for everyone, since we're all different of course, but it is predicated on teasing yourself. To me, that's the ONLY way to avoid the whole "DAMNIT I WANT AN ORGASM NOW" mentality that destroys sessions.

The only times I've failed (three times out of about 28) after the initial learning period were beause I was so damn eager for that super-o. It's like some kind of biblical lesson. The more you reach out for something, the more elusive it gets. Good things come to those who....don't care (soooort of, at least your stupid brain thinks that)? XD

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nice sharing
to be honest, when i was a noob to this. what you wrote would not make any sense to me
but fast forward 3,4 years later, I could feel the energy inside of my body just by reading thru your post. I could easily relate to what i have experienced
I totally agree with you that one should NOT FORCE to have a prostate orgasm, you can do that with penile orgasm by going faster(thus the quality drops) but that could not be applied to prostate orgasm. I think a lot of newbie fall into that cycle. Inserted, nothing happened, clenched the muscle tighter and tighter, at the end... fed up and the mood is no longer there then write off aneros/prostate toy as hype. Even as an experienced user, once a while i do admit i am rushing for the orgasm instead of growing one. your posts reminded me not to do that.

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@spinsizzle81 I concur; this is a great post! Keep it up! With such a long, involved forum post, it is auto-saved. If you are going to blog, I would suggest copy/paste from Word. I have lost several blog posts to that.

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Just when i think ive found the dry orgasm/super o i realise im nowhere near.. anyway some questions and few observations:

1. i dont get what you men by putting a pillow under your upper legs, what does that mean sorry? under your feet? under your ass or what?
2. what position is this youre using?
3. Porn, no matter how tame or mild, or not showing ejaculation, always ruins a session for me, not sure hwo youre doing it or what youre wathcing but it almost always put focus on the penis and desire for shooting a load.
4. been at this 10 years, took about 8 to get any kind of orgasm, kinda confused as to why, seems it takes longer for some....
5. this is an important one i think: is your penis hard during any of this? mine seems to be up and down, but often i feel very little when its soft, like it needs to be hard to feel orgasmic energy?
6. have you modified the helix in any way at all? like remooving the curly tab at the back? i find that such a giant distraction as well when it catches on the bed etc
7. i can always get to a certain level of orgasm in aneros sessions (with the penis being erect as a prerequsite) but its almost always just weaker than anything ejaculatory, in fact my super t's are so intense at times that i find it impossible for them to be any higher in intensity, if they were i think it would likely result in loosing conciousness or something else crazy. So why isnt it the same for non ejacultory ones?

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UPDATE: @spinsizzle81

*I actually followed your guide just now for a session, i removed all expectation and had the mindset of 'fighting off the orgasm' when it approached, here is what happened:

I used the MGX (helix and MGX work on me, MGX slightly better lately)
I put a pillow just above where my knees are whislt lying down but below my ass, and then it allowed my legs to not have any tension in them. I bent my legs slightly over the pillow in a sort of shape
I had orgasmic energy throughtout the 1+hr long session, it was warm and it spread. It never ceased once, its like i orgasm the entire session. Is this pwaves? or what?
If things got more intense this is when my penis would get hard, i would then try to 'relax away from the orgasm' and the erection would subdside and i could focus more on the prostate then
I usually have to fight off falling asleep when i lie down for sessions so this time i intentially closed my eyes and instead focused on relaxing and the sensations rather than the boredom and this worked well.
I was very relaxed but orgasming the whole time (or pwaving the whole time??)
The device would autofuck me at times however it never goes into a defined orgasm state like this: Orgasm starts ------Pleasure----- more pleasure-----orgasm ends like an ejaculatory one would, it just got a little better but not much?

I seem to get all the right things happening except a dry orgasm, unless what i experience is an orgasm on a low level that is continuous?

Either way it was really lovely and my longest session in 10+ years!

EDIT: sorry i dont understand your pillow placement, is it like i had it? so its below your ass and above the bend in your legs right? pressing against the helix a little?

Also: are you syaing your do your sessions high?

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UPDATE: @spinsizzle81

*I actually followed your guide just now for a session, i removed all expectation and had the mindset of 'fighting off the orgasm' when it approached, here is what happened:

I used the MGX (helix and MGX work on me, MGX slightly better lately)
I put a pillow just above where my knees are whislt lying down but below my ass, and then it allowed my legs to not have any tension in them. I bent my legs slightly over the pillow in a sort of shape
I had orgasmic energy throughtout the 1+hr long session, it was warm and it spread. It never ceased once, its like i orgasm the entire session. Is this pwaves? or what?
If things got more intense this is when my penis would get hard, i would then try to 'relax away from the orgasm' and the erection would subdside and i could focus more on the prostate then
I usually have to fight off falling asleep when i lie down for sessions so this time i intentially closed my eyes and instead focused on relaxing and the sensations rather than the boredom and this worked well.
I was very relaxed but orgasming the whole time (or pwaving the whole time??)
The device would autofuck me at times however it never goes into a defined orgasm state like this: Orgasm starts ------Pleasure----- more pleasure-----orgasm ends like an ejaculatory one would, it just got a little better but not much?

I seem to get all the right things happening except a dry orgasm, unless what i experience is an orgasm on a low level that is continuous?

Either way it was really lovely and my longest session in 10+ years!

EDIT: sorry i dont understand your pillow placement, is it like i had it? so its below your ass and above the bend in your legs right? pressing against the helix a little?

Also: are you syaing your do your sessions high?

I don't smoke, I've just seen it on forums that many of y'all do. I couldn't smoke if I wanted to, lol. As for the pillow, put it where you're most comfortable. You want to top front of the device leaning against front of your body. Just play with it till you find something that works, or even scrap it if its no good for you. Like I said, we're all different.

And yea, those sound like p-waves. OK...for me, p-waves are long-lasting waxing/waning but never subsiding completely waves of pretty good feelings...really nice.
What I just call an orgasm is about 15 seconds of total muscle rigidity and an unmistakable understanding of what's happening. You will konw.
The super-o is that times 100 and you, or at least I, can make it last for hours. As soon as it ends, I put my brain into the frame of mind that produced the regular orgasm and out comes you know what again. I honestly haven't ever gotten to the point where I can't go on. I just decide it's been enough, who knows how healthy it is to go that long, and I'm not always sitting with an entire day off, lol. Hope that clarifies those things.

Fury, you are close but the hardest part for me was the next part. Turning a so-called p-wave into a dry orgasm takes a kind of mental fortitude that I did not possess at first. Please trust me - you CANNOT go in with the goal of an orgasm or a super-o. You MUST not. Once those p-waves start like they did last time for you, shut most of your brain off. Meditate. Stare at a point on the wall and dont look away. Anything....anything but thinking about whats going on, unless you need to pee or something hurts. Besides those kinds of things, you must never lose your focus and you must never tell yourself "this is it. this is the day." Why? because saying that is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

Those who CAN do that are either so incredibly talented that I can't imagine what level they are on or maybe they've been doing this for 60 years. I have NEVER heard anywhere of a person who can "force" a dry-orgasm. P-waves, yes. Steps 2 and 3...Oh no. Good luck! It may take a while, don't be discouraged. You're already farther than you've ever been. Well done! Just don't give me any credit, I don't deserve it. It's all you and it will continue to be all you. Sure, I can suggest things that have worked for me, but I have rarely seen a device whose instructions are SO darn personalized. What works for you might be the worst thing ever for me. Except the thing about focusing. Listen to that part!!! XD

EDIT: Dude. Why can I not just leave this alone after I write the post? I think of something, I HAVE to post it. You're an earwig, my friend, and I mean that in the best possble way. Ok this time I wanted to say that there exist numerous "aneros tapes," which are exactly what they sound like. Their stated goal is guided meditation to take you to the goal. Some are total garbage, while the other's I haven't heard so I can't say. Reviews and this forum are your best friends if you decide to go there...just dont get one blind.

Pip pip cheerio.

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Thanks for the reply!

The meditate part you mentioned I understand and it's what I observed, i was in an sort of super relaxed trans state, I'm not complaining, the session was lovely and I took whatever I could from it. I hope it develops into orgasm somehow, but I feel I am doing the right things, does it just suddenly change one day and the prostate just goes "oh ah ha" and boom, orgasms?

The pillow i mentioned because you stated you had it placed in such way that it helped provide pressure on the device to then put pressure on your prostate, I just wanted clarification on how you had it positioned as I couldn't understand your description.

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Thanks for the reply!

The meditate part you mentioned I understand and it's what I observed, i was in an sort of super relaxed trans state, I'm not complaining, the session was lovely and I took whatever I could from it. I hope it develops into orgasm somehow, but I feel I am doing the right things, does it just suddenly change one day and the prostate just goes "oh ah ha" and boom, orgasms?

The pillow i mentioned because you stated you had it placed in such way that it helped provide pressure on the device to then put pressure on your prostate, I just wanted clarification on how you had it positioned as I couldn't understand your description.

For me, nothing fancy. Under the lumbar spine until I feel comfortable.

Ooookay. I see what I did. In my haste I typed "upper legs" as in somewhere under the femur. Ignore that. Under or above your butt is what I do.

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@spinsizzle81 OBSERVE and be the LEARNER. Love your perspective and imagery. You are a real ASSet to this community. Thank you.

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For me, nothing fancy. Under the lumbar spine until I feel comfortable.

Ooookay. I see what I did. In my haste I typed "upper legs" as in somewhere under the femur. Ignore that. Under or above your butt is what I do.

gonna try this method and see. nv thought of this before

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gonna try this method and see. nv thought of this before

I'm also gonna try this tonight. See if it helps kick start this aneros thing.

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This is a very good guide. It reminds me of my nine hour long adventures back in the early 1990s before aneros existed. Kudos!

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So where I put the pillow was: in between my ass and my knee (behind the knee)

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This red line indicates the pillow (view is from behind) so the pillow is just under my ass and goes under where the leg bends ie the knee. So @spinsizzle81 are you saying you have the pillow up against the aneros when its inserted to keep it from moving as per this image?

My preference is above my ass so that not only does it create pressure right at the point where my lumbar spine ends, it also helps keep my ass off the bed. For me this does two things...the tip of the aneros is pressed harder against my p-spot, and since my ass is lifted the aneros can move.

Other things may work for you....so experiment and whatever you do....DON'T GET IMPATIENT!!!! Nothing will destroy a session faster than impatience and frustration my friend.

So much of this is just TRAINING your prostate and your body. I can have super-o's without the aneros, it's just a little harder. Eventually just imagining that it's there will be enough...crazy huh?? I've done it on an international flight when I had the whole row to myself...pretended to be asleep XD

Thank you everyone for the compliments. I have no intention of blogging or being any kind of "expert." I just found this forum and got intrigued. Something compelled me to share my insights in the hope that at least one person can achieve what I have achieved. I've met too many people who 100% that the Aneros and prostate stimulation is a complete lie and a scam. If I can help just one person get there then I will be happy. Happy playing!

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Excellent post! @spinsizzle81

Last night, I adapted many items from your post to my routine and made a huge breakthrough!!!

I stopped trying to make it happen, basically I did nothing, just waited. I kept telling myself that I was happy with what I feel in the moment and squashed all thoughts of what I wanted.

Also, I was very tired. So my brain naturally turns off the worries and I relax easily.

Previously, I got some involuntaries and some pleasant feelings, but nothing strong.

So far, I find my body responds best to the Progasm Jr. I put it in and waited, no squeezing nothing. In a few minutes the Progasm Jr. was squirming in it's own.

I wore the Progasm Jr. all night and lost count of the times it woke me up.

I experienced these for the first time:
Successive Strong P-waves
Continuous internal pleasure
Definite sense of ongoing subtle involuntary contraction
Sense of pleasure caused by blood pulse internally
Some muscle quaking with pleasure
Sense of arousal moving toward something
Surprise attack of very serious pleasure
Involuntary clamping with definite feeling of light orgasm (Mini-O)
Disbelief that this can actually be for real

One of the events felt much like a T orgasm, but dry. It lasted a long time and was wonderful.:cool:

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I'm just curious about one thing @spinsizzle81 During your hour of porn watching do you get an erection at all?

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Hey @spinsizzle81,

thank you for your euphoric and detailed post! You might want to copy&paste it to the My First Super Orgasm... -Thread.

Expectations lead to disappointment. Every single time. I promise. Every p-wave, prostate orgasm, and super-o (for me) is a surprise.

Old but gold. In fact this next statement makes it complete:

[...] but when it's over do your best to "control" the following p-waves.

Yes, you can't control (or force) orgasms, but you can control p-waves, respectively learn to spark and build them. So, spark those p-waves, build those p-waves, let them take over from there...

I know it's hocus pocus, but this is seriously a transcendentally magical experience. You might even hallucinate. Honestly, I don't believe that myself, but you have to admit it sounds good. My professional opinion as an internist is that I have no idea. Damn I'm a good doctor.

It is transcendental indeed. But there is no magical thing about it aside from how overwhelming it feels. I did really boost my a-less game after I learned about hypnosis, meditation, brainwaves & trance. Unfortunately this approach seems to be rather obscure for many members here in the forum. (There are a few fans of erotic hypnosis and Kundalini-meditation though.) This whole subject of mental game / "letting go" (or how you call it: FORCE NOTHING. EXPECT NOTHING) is key. IMHO the underlying mechanism of your body/brain which makes this all possible is a certain working state of your brain between sleep and wake: trance (alpha-wave pattern).

I'm sure many of you know. THC makes the super-o FAR, no....FAAAAAAAR easier to achieve. It takes you out of your own head and connects you with your physical body.

I absolutely agree, but it's a controversial topic that might get you into some flamewars with conservative members. 😉

Cheers, Unfug

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