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Posted by: @helical

In my current phase of learning, I seem to like to grab for the easier (for me) Aneros success rather than build from nothing at all A-lessly.

I completely understand this feeling.
Besides the fact that having something up your ass is very nice, the Aless approach seems more difficult.

My progress with Aless has always been parallel to my progress with an Aneros. The pleasure felt in Aless has always progressed but has also always been a little below the pleasure obtained with a massager.

Until last Friday!

Since a few months, I have found a cruising rhythm that suits me particularly well. An Aneros session on Monday and Thursday. And an Aless session ending with a traditional orgasm on Friday.
For a few weeks now, I have been able to get comparable orgasms almost every time, but not better, with Aless.
And last Friday, I reached a new level in Aless because the session was simply the best one since I started two years ago.

A perfect session with more and more intense Dry-O's, eventually turning into Super-O's. Wonderful! Unbelievable! And to top it all off, a traditional orgasm that was simply the best of my life. What happiness!

So, what I thought was science fiction at the beginning of my journey is indeed true. It is possible to experience the best sexual pleasure in the world just by relaxing, breathing in a certain way and contracting certain muscles more or less. What an adventure!

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Nice in-depth report.

Posted by: @helical

A-less is very possible and reproducible, for yourselves via your posts.  In my current phase of learning, I seem to like to grab for the easier (for me) Aneros success rather than build from nothing at all A-lessly.  I should pay A-less-ville a visit sometime.  It is still a marvel to me that A-less can occur at all!

Indeed it is ha! Do pay A-Less-ville frequent visits throughout your journey. I think it would serve you well to keep in touch with A-Less orgasm. There can be an element of ‘use it or lose it’ to prostate orgasm. I’ve found that out trying to learn toys after such a long period of A-Less only. I wouldn’t say it’s day one with the toys,but having A-Less locked down,I really did think toy play would be a cinch,it is not!

Posted by: @helical

I seem to be letting go of reliance-belief I need to tense up major muscle groups to further and to enjoy progress in a session

Yes,we don’t ‘need’ to flex anything other than the pelvic floor. Abs among other major muscles groups can be used to enhance things,or not. In some cases too much tension in major muscle groups can stagnate progress,as it’s battling relaxation. Paradoxically,too much tension is often cited as a cause for PE. The opposite seems true in a lot of cases for PO!  Leaving them out,particularly during Kegel training can yield greater control of and a stronger pelvic floor.

Posted by: @helical

Speedy for me, twice came before the half-hour mark

Nothing wrong with a little streamlining. A natural phenomenon as we progress. I could never grasp the 3 hour sessions some guys have. I just did have that time to give lol.

Looking forward to the next instalment. 🙂



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sessions 25 & 26, A-less edition

(25) Later in the night, session 24's residual tingle fueled wonder whether I could build upon my session 21 Aless note.  Engaging internal muscles near the tailbone was a go-to, and I very pleasantly attempted peaks until I fell asleep, which fully succeeded thrice.  I didn’t bother with nipples.

My morning-after was graced by the reactions of @morexp and @helgast and their clairvoyance of exactly what I wanted to know but did not voice, like

Posted by: @helical (session 14 Aless)

In what degree less pleasure than with Aneros was this?  Some, I am sure- the slip-sliding frictional pleasures were absent, naturally.  But was anything missing at the peak? 

@morexpcongrat-you-elations on your dual all-time highs last week and thanks for detailing this so that I can easier keep the faith in Aless.

@helghast : great affirmations that I'm on the right path.  I don't know what "PE" stood for in your reply

I’m still daydreaming more than actualizing here, but success in fording the gap with my wife might look like first growing confidence in the Aless phenomenon, and explaining it as a meditative and Kegel-exercise thing, working in it the spirit of 

Posted by: @morexp

(...) relaxing, breathing in a certain way and contracting certain muscles more or less.

, then incorporating it as a part of making-out for starters.

(26) The afternoon after the previous night's Aneros and Aless adventures.  Encouraged by horniness, excitement for the freedom of the impending weekend and the two @morexp and @helghast replies, I tried again.  Summoning Aless in the lucidity of sunlit hours makes it incontrovertible.  Sitting fairly straight gives more specificity in pelvic muscle control, than reclining or slouching.  I psyched myself out of some extended good feelings, telling myself my muscles are tiring and allowing a specter of doubt that this sort of orgasm is a bodily endurance matter- when am I gonna peak already(?!)  So I rolled off the arousal train still in motion!  Yet I dusted myself off and spat out "what nonsense!" and with the tingles as my fare, hopped back on to get off at a further Alessville stop.   So this was like 26A and 26B.

Posted by: @helical

I am becoming a changed man.

Indeed: a more sensual being.  “It takes courage to enjoy it (…) big time sensuality” (Bjork) (sessions 21-24).  It is a beautiful empowerment to awaken to our actuality suffused exquisitely with an electrically-crackling fretwork for pleasure.  The kicker is the "Aless phenomenon" I can't resist referring to it as such, like @morexp 's "science fiction" beginnings.

In the morning, I was trying to fake myself out, the Aless was a figment of a dream.  There’s still an element of back-convincing myself it is real, in spite having written about it at length.  Reading others' Aless experience and reviewing my own helps settle me into that Aless is indeed mine.  With time I hope to overcome this denial that was similar to that I had attained Aneros orgasm.  Weird does it sound to deny reality.  Perhaps it is a matter of integration of the fresh rending of inner-Helical.  I do not hold back my private thoughts from you or myself and in penetrating the mysteries I find for myself further validation and clarity.

I must learn to trust and regard all observations of sensations originating within as valid/“my truth”, just as this fine forum regards anyone’s posts.  Not once have I seen the validity of anyone’s postings challenged.  Thank you fellow denizens for maintaining your continence while upon the grounds of this singularly private public-square.  The social support by-example shores up the journeyman’s necessary belief in the best is yet to come.  I aim to shun hyperbole as I may be wont in flights of self-amusement.  For veracity may let entries emerge as a meterstick of the plumbed depths of my inner space.

A sunburst of goodness reaches all whose skin it alights upon.

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Sessions 28-30

(28 HSV) @poseidon ‘s recent Helix Syn V review encouraged me to break-in settings past 1 & 2.

Posted by: @poseidon

(...) On the 3rd option I'm able to time lightly fluttering and flexing my PC and BC muscles with the vibration, and here I have an intense Super-O. Admittingly I got self-conscious and distracted at how loudly I was moaning from this one--a sign that this is working very very well. Eventually I get to vibration pattern 6 (the one with increasing levels of constant vibration power) and DAMN.  (...)

I activated 3 and synced some contractions sort of as he had.  Growing lustier, I activated 6, and it felt like wow Wow WOW!, wow Wow WOW! was urgently taking over me.  It was a very nice orgasm, maybe my highest yet.  One hour tops and I had finished up: removed HSV, proceeded “traditionally” with an unhurried nice load; and cleaned up.  Ahh.  I had felt such relief from a high level of weekend morning randiness when an attempt at making love to Mrs. Helical didn’t pan out.  HSV may one day prove to save my marriage <laughs, perhaps none too heartily>.

(29 Aless) It was more entertaining than I initially expected, reading some [Sticky] NEW HELIX SYN V REVIEWS  , when I felt I had to pee soon.  But, hold up, this combination felt arousing- it could get interesting.  I sensed a mini-O almost touched-off.  I stopped to direct all attention to simply feel and act.  I enjoyed 1 or 2 mini-O’s by what seemed 5 minutes.  I amped myself up with the body-memory how vibrations 3 and 6 felt the day before.  A 3rd.  This is real!  I riffed on @helghast ‘s tip to keep pressure on the bass line and add accompaniments.  

Posted by: @helghast

The way I did it during A-Less was to keep pressure on pc contraction and sphincter contraction. (...) Try not to completely let pressure off the pelvic floor,while still flexing other muscles,but try to to think about the contractions to much

Posted by: @helical

I’ve noticed around 9 discrete good-feeling pelvic-area muscle contractions I can activate.  I don’t have names for them all but I know ‘em by how it feels to contract them and by the weaker, or stronger in relation, sensations when I do them.

I used these in a chorded way, picking the best to selectively egg the pleasure on.  Dry-O’s, pleasure peaks, mini-O's, whatever these may be should not be a hang-up- “¡Me gusta!”.  I kept reaching for more and received ‘em each time.  Maybe I didn’t have to pee after all, and my body was trying to give my awareness what it wanted to transpire?

"ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN": this from @SOwithoutAneros ‘s posting in his Open Collection of Helpful Visualizations for Aneros use, Aless sessions and rewiring .  It is a wonderful sentiment which I am starting to believe*: suspend expectations and simply delight in what you come across.  *This is is a big in the mental development of someone who tends to see the glass half-empty.  Great thread by the way- I appreciate all contributors to it- verily, ye be visual geniuses.  I can't stop referring to that thread when writing my posts.

(30) HSV is a beeeast!  It seemed 5 minutes with it off, inside me, and I was at a mini-O.  Then I turned it on and got down to some biznazz.  At some point, I likely had more orgasms in me, but decided it was long-enough/satisfying-enough, and stopped.  Forumistas know what it’s like to be unbound from the 1 or 2 traditional penile orgasms and so to make departing the pleasure zone more of a choice than a constraint of the refractory period <smiles contentedly & knowingly to self and Reader>.  Settings 3 and 6 again were good but the constant 1/low this time took the cake!  I have to allow as a general principle "No Rules, Just Right"- whatever is good at the time is good at the time.

So to recap for myself / and gratitude for good things in my life, recently I’ve noticed these changes:

  • More sensitivity
  • Sensations building much sooner in Aless and Aneros sessions.  The first day I had identified as having an orgasm (session 11) took 40 minutes.  Lately I am capable of having a mini-O within 5 minutes of Aless or Aneros.  And of having 2 dry-Os in 30 minutes of Aneros.  Part of that is learning to believe in belief!
  • The identification of several (9?) discrete-feeling (discreet too!) zones of tension I can trigger and derive sensations.  More than I ever would've thought.
  • The ability to “chord” these zones in the sense of activating these simultaneously or in a reciprocative or alternating manner. 
  • “Strategically” using these zones to egg on a given level of arousal.  Preceding that was learning that arousal can be my plaything- I don’t have to remain content at a plateau unless I choose to be.  And preceding that, and more importantly: having courage to reach for more pleasure- I am not going to break!
  • Improved comfort with removal and insertion.  And "speed" although that's a non-goal.
  • Starting to change skeptical me over to "Anything can happen"

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Sessions 31-34

(31) Another standout session!  Helix Syn V (HSV) got me off like gangbusters off and powered-on around 6 times, but who’s counting?

(32A A-less)  Holding hands with my sleeping wife meant things were subdued.  But I took a little time to play with egging on arousal.  It is good practicing I suppose, to use discreet smaller flexes instead of larger ones like abs and glutes which could make the bed vibrate and awaken her.  I would love to feel a “calm seas” orgasm vs. my go-to of tension-fed orgasms.  And so practice like this could help fill my sails towards lands unknown.

(32B) In the afternoon on a couch, a filling bladder contributed prostate-tingling like (29 Aless).  I foresee many future times where a little NTP is my nudge to begin an Aless pleasure/practice session.  Cross-reference Do you find a little need to pee (“NTP”) translates into prostate arousal?   When starting, I threw on a blanket and half-covered my face just in case someone were to walk by.  Stronger feelings developed with more privacy.  I got a little pleasantly tired from the muscle actions and some breath holding of a sort to increase abdominal pressure, and called things done.  I still had to pee and got up, still feeling tingly.  It has been great egging on arousal, and it is really a ladder for me to reach for what I want.

Unlike some of you, I don’t get hard during A-less or Aneros.  But it is convenient to be able to wrap-up A-less and simply get up without an erection.  For what it’s worth, the hydraulics ordinarily activate just fine when the dick will be used.

(32C, 33, and 34) Aless.  Two of them were NPT-initiated.

Oh just wait until I tell you about session 35 with HSV!  Best to all.

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Session 35 entry part 1

(35) HSV Sunday 7/11/21’s session was terrific.  First I’d like to record some success tips before addressing the session proper:

  • Insertion depth: “all of the way” without being ridiculous about jamming it to the hilt.  A reasonable endpoint might be feeling the light touch of tab(s) upon your perineum- in doing so I think I receive all of stimulation Aneros was designed to provide via depth and tab(s).
  • Relax: when it started to feel good and I felt muscle tension rise, I aimed to let most of that tension go.  This allowed for more-fluid internal muscle contractions of greater intensity and slip/slide-y frictional feelings.  I tried to forego squeezing abs hard or bearing down hard for the generation of abdominal pressure.  This also helps me shift from a fatigue-driven end-of-session or end-of-orgasm to a chosen end-of-session.  Cross-reference What causes your prostate orgasm to finish?  In my poll I was curious if many you had choice-driven ends to orgasm rather than fatigue-driven ends.
  • Varied locations for orgasms: realizing sometimes the quick repeated internal contractions are at the epicenter of an orgasm.  And these can occur at different places in different orgasms.

Disclaimer: I have no anatomical training to know if links below I’ve stumbled across in 5 minutes in Google are applicable or accurate on the following 3 muscle movements.  As a novice it seems reasonable to gather some anatomical sense for the things I feel, in realizing muscle points of attachment and movement may be close enough to the prostate and groin areas to stimulate those.

  • Egging on arousal- hip abduction.  Imagine laying flat on your back with legs relaxed together.  Draw imaginary lines from each thigh toward your hip in a vee.  You’ll spread your thigh(s) in a tiny movement not externally observable.  This is a momentary movement.  At the lines’ apex you’ll feel a tiny interior pelvic muscle actuation or “blip”.  But in rewiring, we know all about tiny sensations!  This blip will bring a good feeling near your prostate.  Momentarily hold for effect.  Your arousal rises.  Release.  Repeat.  Try doing both legs or one at a time.  Doing this made internal HSV vibrations feel more immediate against some thing(s) very good-feeling.  This brought me deeper into an orgasm or helped trigger one.  Over and over.  It also works wonderfully for Aless.
  • Egging on arousal- hip adduction.  See above, but in the bringing leg(s) together direction.  It also works wonderfully for Aless.  With Aneros, do only one leg at a time- you may perceive the tip glide sideways in a micro-motion across your prostate.  If you permit it, the sensation can drive you pleasingly nuts.
  • Egging on arousal- medial rotators of the hip joint.  Similar to both methods above, but envision lines in the center of your thighs lengthwise.  Rotate both about these axes very subtly in the counter-clockwise direction.  It work during Aneros or A-less sessions.

Any of those 3 movements also work while on all-fours, on your side, sitting, and so on.

  • Breathing: panting for a few seconds here and there.  Not deep enough, long enough to get dizzy.
  • Slow hip “thrusts”/pelvic tilts to egg arousal on.
  • Time-off between Aneros sessions: I took the preceding day off from Aneros, stoking fires with A-less sessions.
  • Self-check: Generally relaxed, no work, self-care, not hungry or thirsty, had plenty of sleep the night before.  It was a Sunday late afternoon.  I jogged and spent time grilling outdoors.  I ate dinner, showered and shaved.

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Session 35 entry part 2 of 2

Like (24 Aneros) I’m dusting off old pop culture in trying to re-contextualize myself with respect to my mental and bodily (pardon the phrase) opening up with Aneros.  I’ve woven my stream of consciousness notes, about this extraordinary session (35 HSV) jotted down in brief lulls of pleasure, with old rock lyrics.

Prince & the Revolution "Computer Blue"

Yes Lisa
Is the water warm enough?
Yes Lisa
Shall we begin?
Yes Lisa

Lyrics from songmeanings.com

Are you ready?

Prince & the Revolution "Darling Nikki"

I knew a girl named Nikki
I guess you could say she was a sex fiend
I met her in a hotel lobby
Masturbating with a magazine
She said how'd you like to waste some time
And I could not resist when I saw little Nikki grind

She took me to her castle
And I just couldn't believe my eyes
She had so many devices
Everything that money could buy
She said sign your name on the dotted line
The lights went out
And Nikki started to grind

Prince & The Revolution Darling Nikki English Subs

Lyrics from songmeanings.com

Nikki purred- when she sees my muscles tense, I must relax this time- she slid her familiar HSV into me.  She delighted my 4 dry-Os were with the best I could manage to release tension under her expectant eyes.  That volley felt new, floated me in air with a warming tingle and her implement disappeared from my feeling it inside.  I was blissed and “at one” with the toy.  Corny, no?  Oh, that was but Nikki’s amuse-gueule offered to prepare me for what was to come.  Say a quick prayer!

I re-started a count from 0 for vibration-on.  It’s not a competition, it’s just to get to know myself a bit better.  Quote marks delineate what I said to myself or thought loudly.

Nikki compelled me to all fours.  She pulled my hips over my knees and pushed my chest down.  Cool air wafted across my bear rear.  Having assumed the position my balls tightened as I asked, what could be next Nikki?  I am yours, always (please be gentle, I thought).  Nikki directed you will not hold out on me tonight, now close your eyes!  But my eyes gave a startle reflex when I first felt, then heard two clicks and a familiar hum.  They half-closed in pleasure as my sphincter/taint was captured in sympathetic buzzing with 1/low.  


[1, 2] I salivated, asshole pulsed

[3] “This is the best thing I have ever felt.”  I cried momentarily, pulled myself together.  Tonight I responded emotionally to orgasm!  This doesn’t happen to me.

[4] “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

When pleasure drove my torso higher she firmly directed my head against the mattress.  Arching my back to rise hard against her hand made me hotter as her beast brought to heel.  Many a time my sleeve aided a swallowed yell while I bellowed in my head at Nikki’s ministrations.  

[5] “I can’t stop cumming.”

[6] This one was centered by my asshole and taint like a wet orgasm 

[7] “The buzzing at my asshole is making me crazy and that fat Aneros-bump is too”.  “Can’t stop cumming.”

[8, 9]

[10] This one started in the posterior rectum.  Nikki gave it time to expand- get it, get it, she urged.  It was clearly different than those by the taint/asshole.

My lightly sweated shirt cooly hovered at my back and forearms.  She released her hand from the back of my head.  Wondering how long I’d been at this, I checked the time.  11:51 pm.  “I will stop at midnight.  I can’t stop cumming!  It’s an arbitrary time, but I will stop then.”


[12] Big internal contractions. 

“A dozen orgasms wat the fu k!”  I glanced at the time again.  “It’s 11:59, have I stopped?”

I said to Nikki it’s time to stop for now: “Twelve sounds good for the witching hour.”

I am not done with you yet, she said as she again buried my damp head back into the bedsheet.

“Oh, here is another one now.”

The castle started spinning
Or maybe it was my brain
I can't tell you what she did to me
But my body will never be the same
Her lovin' will kick your behind
Oh, she'll show you no mercy
But she'll sho'nuff, sho'nuff show you how to grind

[13] This started with Nikki’s delicious tapping at my prostate.  Sweetness grew to the taint and to fill the rectum which in turn tightened to grant slicker passage for her to kiss the prostate full-on and faster still.  “I can’t stop cumming!  OMG OMG, JC WTF”.

Grabbing for some scrap of my wits, “Thirteen sounds right for the witching hour.”  I reached behind and switched off this marionette-player which had rendered me its most accommodating, writhing sub beholden to her pleasure-bidding.  The incandescence from which sparks had flown spiraling in the dark so many times began to cool.  “WTF.”  “This blew my mind tonight!”  I cried briefly, and I pulled myself back together.  “JC.  WTF.”  Twenty minutes later and I still said “wowie, wowie, wowie, wowie”.  I don’t know if tonight met the super-O stratosphere but I do not care much!  “OMG”.  “Oh f”.

Darlin' Nikki

My mind’s eye recalled a favorite Sybian video clip.  A pretty, milfy blonde with pendulous padding in the right places, tousled locks and flushed cheeks dismounted with a relieved exclamation, “I’m all fucked-out”.  I recalled long-ago being so hot from her moaning yet slightly jealous I could not have orgasm after orgasm.  Tonight, I am not jealous.  I am not “all fucked out”- but some water might be nice!  My body was no longer the limit- “I” decided to stop.  Glorious!  I feel self-congratulated!

Tonight’s litany of swear words hones closer to an earthy truth which fancier words fail to fit the immediacy of existence within the quivering flesh.  A half-hour past the last dry-O, and I’m still joyfully cussing about it all.  It was hard to want to sleep while awestruck with possibilities.  I went to sleep but not without a wet send-off to some remaining carnal tingles.  

Woke up the next morning
Nikki wasn't there
I looked all over and all I found
Was a phone number on the stairs
It said thank you for a funky time
Call me up whenever you want to grind

Daylight found me awake in my own bed, not in her castle.  But it was real and the 17 happened!  It is amazing how Aneros self-discovery makes you topsy-turvy.  “Anything can happen.”  Wow.  You could say Nikki’s got my number.  I’m dialed-in, for sure.

Oh, Nikki, oh

Scant time had separated orgasms.  Certainly I didn’t ask if and when the next would arrive.  Could it have been one minute, 2 or 3?  What time I began the session was lost when my mind got blown.  10:21pm?  10:41pm?  Let’s split the difference and call it 90 minutes between start and midnight.  With a total of seventeen vibration-off plus vibration-on orgasms, that averages one counted-event every 5 1/2 minutes.  Yet.  YET!  Each dry-O is not a flash in the pan.  Each has some length.  Think of a bell-curve of pleasure.  “Legs” bracket the peak.  Within the leg-zones, it is hard to pinpoint where one orgasm ends or where one orgasm begins.  When I have presence of mind to utter “I’m cumming” the orgasm started some time before that- I’d already been committed in its thrall.  It is hard to define “lulls” when it is all but full absorption into varying degrees of pleasure.

Un-f'n-believable!  I can’t believe it you guys!  I am so wrecked for work this following day replaying pleasure in my mind.

Come back Nikki, come back
Your dirty little prince
Wanna grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind

I’m dubbing my HSV “Darling Nikki”.  Oh Nikki, I am ablaze, can I (im)possibly fall for you?

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Session 36 spontaneous Aless

It is weird and wonderful, perhaps slightly concerning, that I am spontaneously Aless today!  I was horny since last night from writing (35 HSV) and together with hankering for another Aneros session having taken the day prior as a butt-break.  Alas there wasn’t any time to do it.  While pee-ing this afternoon I felt prostate warmth.  I sat down, egged arousal on briefly, had an Aless.  Ran to the bed, had an Aless.  Went to the kitchen to pick up my microwaved lunch, sat in the backyard, had an Aless.  I am tingling now as I write this (uh what might be coming next?).  I have a full schedule this afternoon- wish me luck to stay on-task.  Today’s rumbling train rides could get rather… interesting.  Pity any realistic chance for Aneros won’t be for hours and hours yet.

Oh my.

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Session 37 public mini Aless

More followed after the earlier marvel of the virtually spontaneous Aless (session 36), and one of those had sublime after-pulses in the internal penis root.  Then I fired off a traditional load to burn off excess sexual energy before leaving for the train.  I wondered, could I follow an ejac. O with a dry O*?  So I did my hip abduction trick and felt arousal rise.  I became the barest of uneasy about this boundless sexual spirit (boundaries can be comfortable- they can feel safe) I am becoming.  And it was almost time to go.  So I quit it.

*I should try it sometime!

I boarded and thought again as earlier that sitting aboard the rumbly train might get interesting.  This had to be subdued, as a public exercise.  But the Covid-mask helped (“face underwear”)- I just had to avoid contorting my face.  It was good practice in trying not to tense muscles at the abdomen and higher- a recent hope of mine.  Mild after-trembles inside were so sweet; after-effects are a new development for me.

I suppose it’s not so strange a notion dry-Os may be found at milder levels of arousal.  After all, I have felt lower-intensity ejac. orgasms before.  But feeling the bodily-truth of this dry-O nuance and its implications are amazing.  So I am rewired as they say, supplemented beyond the quick, easy high of ejac. orgasm that seems a male birthright, typically experienced somewhere in the upper-third of the pleasure range.  While a 30% power ejac. orgasm would be a letdown, these alternate-mode orgasms could be 30% power, and that could be ok.  It is not that these are disappointing, because their progeny can far surpass them on the mountain.  And the limit in terms of peak-intensity, repetition and individual duration I have not found.  We have all of the permission we need to swim out as far in the pleasure ocean we can imagine our bodies can take us.  If we exhaust ourselves or lose confidence we’ll not drown- the waves will buoy us back to the shoal.

When starting out I could scarcely believe in Aless others described.  And now to think it is an effect of this all, for me as well.  Cheers!

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Sessions 38-40

(38 HSV) 2/low is good

(39 Aless) Honing and taking delight in an ejaculation-less ejaculatory sensation of mild pulsing of prostate and penis hand-in-hand.

(37 Aless)

(...) could I follow an ejac. O with a dry O*?

Yes.  I was a matter of egging-on arousal and a mini-Aless resulted.

(40 Aless) (quite a bit higher)  I used my egging-on arousal tricks listed in (Session 35 entry part 1) differently.  So, left-leg hip abduction together with right-leg medial rotation, and vice-versa.  This asymmetry has synergy!

(4 Helix Trident)

There’s no O button to hit, and I have to learn that.

Au contraire, I may have found my dry-O button!  The rapid welling-up of pleasure was a treat.  I had another pleasant “WTF” moment of my new life, as the Aless was much stronger than I’m used to.  For instance, I felt a desire to get vocally-involved, felt profound tingling, and salivated.  The asymmetric trick was repeated to pull successively larger bunnies out of the magic hat.  Two more Alesses were followed by nice perineal, and rectal after-contractions, respectively.  And another had very pleasant contractions during, at another place, perhaps the prostate.  Aless dry-O “ejaculations” where I get penis pulses but nothing’s shot-out are growing in sensation compared to as recently as (39 Aless).  After a half-dozen Alesses, I retreated to an ejac. O to discharge some of this crazy sex energy.

I’m tempted to call today a Super-O Aless because it’s much better than previous days’ Alesses.  Since I am such a doubting Thomas for previous phenomena I eventually came ‘round to believe, let me just leave it at a good Aless day.  If history repeats itself, in the next few days and/or sessions I may be able to come to terms with whatever it may be or surpass it and then call “that” a Super-O Aless.  But what is “super” anyway, when I’ve read Anerosians after years are still reaching higher and higher?  It’s all relative.

I'm realizing how powerful belief is to progress, and @morexp 's example may have planted a seed in my mind to swim further into my pleasure ocean.  @helghast 's Aless assurances and example are foundational too.

Posted by: @morexp

My progress with Aless has always been parallel to my progress with an Aneros. The pleasure felt in Aless has always progressed but has also always been a little below the pleasure obtained with a massager.  (...)

For a few weeks now, I have been able to get comparable orgasms almost every time, but not better, with Aless.
And last Friday, I reached a new level in Aless because the session was simply the best one since I started two years ago.

A perfect session with more and more intense Dry-O's, eventually turning into Super-O's.


(25 & 26 Aless)

fording the gap with my wife might look like first growing confidence in the Aless phenomenon

It looks like I’m growing in leaps towards the day I’ll be confident to introduce Aless to her for the first time.  And you guys will bear witness if I do.  That I’m “believing in” Aless much more is evident, compared to the doubts as recently as (25 & 26 Aless).

(11 HSV)

Were this to truly be Helical’s beginning, I’d love if possible to grasp a sense of wonder, enjoyment, exploration in the thick of my adult years yet somehow hearken back a kind of consonant memory-echo.

I say with emotion, it is, and it is possible.  In life I have been bit distracted by the new feelings and possibilities of puberty redux.  I don’t know what the end-game looks like for these phenomena I’ve experienced the last 4 weeks!

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It looks like I’m growing in leaps towards the day I’ll be confident to introduce Aless to her for the first time.

Time to put on your big boy panties and bring her in. No need for scary anal toys when you can manipulate your own body. The arousal she can bring to the table only enhances the experience. 

Posted by: @helical

I’m tempted to call today a Super-O Aless because it’s much better than previous days’ Alesses.  Since I am such a doubting Thomas for previous phenomena I eventually came ‘round to believe, let me just leave it at a good Aless day. 

They are all super-o really. Just of varying intensities,once your head is wrapped around that,skys the limit my friend. @morexp nailed it with A-less was always under par until it wasn’t! I don’t think any of the toys will ever truly top A-Less,by my logic i don’t see how they can. Toy,muscles,massage is massage! 


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@helghast @morexp that’s lots for me to ponder, my friends


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Session 41. HST felt so comfortable, and usage a confident reminder while vibration is quite nice, I can get it on my own.  Deserted island, coconut milk, and HST- I would be ok!  The band of the sweats around my knees gave me something to work against in my first time trying my “asymmetric hip abduction/medial rotation trick” with Aneros, and predictably, it was good.  One dry-O I thought unbelievable.  But the others were nothing to sneeze at, like when my prostate pulsed quickly like 20 times in a row.  On all fours and leaning to one side felt great.  I’ll keep exploring opportunities for asymmetric muscle forces for the skyrocketing arousal they have bought me recently.  HST kept taking me “there” until sleepiness with my rear up and chest on the bed.  Because I’m in second-puberty mode/Orgasma-lympics, I have to try all combinations!  So I followed Aneros with a mini-Aless.  Then a traditional O.  This ol boy has butt buzz all of the time these days.  What a trip!


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Happily, I need to adjust my journaling approach.  Aneros sessions, with a defined start and end still lend themselves to numbering as I have done.

When I started working toward building sensations on my Aneros days-off, it made sense to number them.  Nowadays with butt buzz often in the background, I can have an Aless of varying level or volleys of them at various times.  So these I may summarize with “Aless sessions recently…”

I’ll leave you with this thought- and I can’t find where in the forum I read it- prostate orgasms are developed-as / experienced-as “getting on” more than “getting off”.  Or think energy building rather than tension release.  Any ways, the descriptions work for me in understanding myself.  Cool thread with external links to also explore- expand your headspace of what pleasure is and how to manipulate it:

A question on what is the basis of Aless

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Sessions 42-44

(42 HSV) 50 min. and called it a good night

Aless sessions recently:

Try Aless after through pooping and moved yourself elsewhere.  A long string of gentle prostate contractions lead to “Ahh.”  During Aless I’m intuiting better what will egg my arousal on higher, even if it’s a different zone.  Like, pleasure at the prostate: try amplifying it at the rectum.  Or vice-versa.  Or "transverse muscles" A simple A-Less contraction sequence. .  It has all been building in getting my go-to’s to work smoother, like cooking- “season to taste”- you don't measure- you sense, and do as pleases you.  

Another time, I caught myself grunting quietly on break in the back yard, and then the impulse of pleasure rose.  After OMG-ing to myself under my breath, I again asked myself, “How can this be?!”  I could reach for more yet an online meeting was to be momentarily.   Aless must be improving since my brow remains knitted after one recedes.  And I feel the need to catch my breath when it's through- I must be holding it a bit to not vocalize.

(43 HST) dry-O within about 1 minute.  Woo- that didn't take long!  Had to stop after a half hour, which was fine.

(44 HST) I love it recently while warming up with a finger produces something almost moan-worthy right off of the bat.  I’m not bothering to count or time it like a sport- just to relax and enjoy.  I spent effort chasing down a HFWO, including stroke-n-stop - alas eluded my sphincter's grasp.  However, @helghast ’s 1-2, pumper-roo [Solved] Can you HFWO from Aneros or Aless? has felt great, Aneros or no.  I appreciate such “cheat codes” for pleasure I might not have thought to string together and easily repeat.  Using it got me tantalizing close to "something", including feeling like tiny doors at the prostate pulsed open and shut.  And then I dry-O’d- which is not a bad result at all!  I recall cautionary advice about wishing like King Midas.  Yet @helghast makes HFWO sounds so good. 

Posted by: @helghast in [Solved] Can you HFWO from Aneros or Aless?

HFWO orgasm is very satisfying. I’ve had a few from A-Less,they are way stronger than a ruined orgasm. Continuous manipulation of the pelvic floor keeps the orgasm going. Even better from pegging,or with an aneros toy stroking your gland.

A jewel out of reach, bah!  I wrapped up with a traditional-O with HST nestled.


I catch myself sometimes resigning myself a dry-O (Aless or Aneros) is over before it may truly be by quenching it- relaxing whichever muscle is tingling and puffing out the stored breath in my lungs.  I’d like to surpass the hang-up.  Do I think I don’t deserve the pleasure, do I think I will be harmed?  I have to remind myself I’m not gonna break and keep reach-reach-reaching until I get that “peaked” feeling, but not prematurely.  If I’m in a dry-O, can I not pulse my sphincter or rectum and drive it higher, and keep climbing?  Yes I can, and should- repeatedly!  I should tell myself as “Nikki” urged that magical Session 35- “get it, get it”.  Inspiration to smash through barriers will also be drawn from @helghast 's Wife coaches me to the next place.


A smile of small pleasure bubbles increasingly gathers up along my perineal edge with each line I complete to you and the Forum.  An Aless is well into a simmer.  Imagine the swirling air above Alabama asphalt through the screen and spreads warmth up your thighs and tumbles down into the valley of your lap.  A hawk, third-hand symbol of the updraft that is now your own heat appears, circles lazily above, surveys all you feel.  Feel.  This is your plaything, too now.  Give yourself the space to give in- I will, imminently.  The Aless is now insistent I indulge and fast, in my seat- full boil!  So thank you for indulging me in what may apparently include a form of self-gratifying exhibitionism.  And I wish you the very best in “bottomless” tingly adventures- swim out to sea with me as far as the waves will take us ; )

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Are you a writer by profession? Wish I could write like that 🙂

I think your really getting into your A-Less. So easy isn’t it. No mess,no clean up,no fuss!

Posted by: @helical

I’d like to surpass the hang-up. 

I guess we don’t level up until we are ready,seems the norm for everyone.

Posted by: @helical

A jewel out of reach, bah! 

You’ll get one sometime,just pepper in an odd try here and there. Maybe starting with A-Less instead of toys got me the info quicker. But hey,now I’m learning the toys that everyone else has mastered ha ha. Back to front I am 😉




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Sessions 45 and 46

Posted by: @helghast

Are you a writer by profession?

No.  How kind of you to say.  I feel appreciated and recognized.  Thank you.

Posted by: @helghast

I think your really getting into your A-Less. So easy isn’t it. No mess,no clean up,no fuss!

Yes sensei, I am getting into my Aless. I will develop this, my ongoing project.  Across several posts you've made it sound so appealing.  Perhaps one day I will emerge beyond the Aneros and into A-less exclusively.  But for now, Aneros is too good to me and too reliable to pry from my grasp.  Don’t even try : )  Sitting on a hard stool literally impressed upon me what I have honed.  I can now contract up to a level it slightly hurts.  Crack a walnut?  Bust a nut?  Prehensile perineum?  We will see.  Now it could be time to hone gradations in power.  What is the least I can contract and develop pleasure?  What fluid, coordinated muscle wags and sequences can I operate?

(45 HSV “unplugged”)  While HST is good, this tool makes me drool.  There’s something about the  slightly bigger dimensions or lever action of firmer arms.  Or the anticipation of the vibration.  Syncing pc contractions to puffs of breath did nice things.  I’m revising my “desert island Aneros” from HST to HSV: I would use the HSV until its reserves were gone.  Then off ‘til I were to be rescued.  After all, vibration brought more magic to Super-O Sessions 35 and, next up, 46.

(46 HSV Super-O) July 28.  It had been a few days since last session, but the time was right again.  I was hot, with an A-less sizzling here and there of varying degrees, in going with and as the afternoon sun.  When late night fell, I was eager to begin.  I had a mini dry-O gently fingering upward a little lube, and a dry-O within about a minute of HSV.  In the past I would’ve thought such sensitivity a trait of vagina-owners, but it is my ability now, nonetheless.  Only just stating out with such lustiness and insistent glow as I felt, “Nikki” seemed poised to wrack my ass with pleasure tonight.  Where one dry-O ended, another took flight.  My pelvic muscles felt as a set, a tuned engine performs as well as it sounds.  Rather than halting or forced squeezes here and a poke there as in earlier days, it felt as a fluent muscular embodiment and expression of simultaneously feeling and building pleasure.  I was in that zone 

Posted by: @zentai in Documenting my journey from the first Super O

when you get to a certain place, it doesn't really matter what you do or what position you're in, it will continue to happen until things wind down by themselves

My backside pulsed around HSV while my prostate tickled.  It made me nuts to experience pleasure in 2 places at once, albeit the prostate, the stronger.  I think there really is something to

Posted by: @helghast in Wife coaches me to the next place.

“Let the toy be still,you move around the toy instead”

, moving my body to meet Aneros rather than using Aneros to meet my body.  In any case, joy!

Then I turned on 2/low and felt extra sensitivity at that setting than in earlier sessions.  It was simply an outstanding session that night.  Like my night with “Nikki” (Session 35), I see in hindsight, my feeling emotion means it is a Super-O.  Helical may tend towards the saturnine, but he mouthed wholeheartedly, “Lucky to be alive!”  Similar to rolling dry-Os when one is followed by one stronger still, such an expression was met with more.  And so with the Forum’s opinion (again in @helghast 's Wife coaches me to the next place.  ) to do so, I let it out, sobbing gently, “it’s good, it’s good”, unabashed of wet eyelids.  Pure happiness.  The oscillating dry-O’s seemed to settle after I signaled my joy to the universe.  And so after that maybe half-hour I thought perhaps I should stop for the night.

But not long after, there was more to be had.  I worked at trying to trust myself to relax muscles such as abs and still dry-O.  This was partly successful.  But as pleasure built, so did tension.  Yet peak tension seemed to be a little less, and that is the direction I think I want to go next.

I may have noted this before.  But it still gives me pause when orgasms can have different locations.  At the butthole is not my usual, but it’s altogether nice- differing from those at the prostate (“sweetness”) or the rectum.  It is more an all-consciousness envelopment of a keen sense at the mini chocolate donut of a pleasurable being filled in the annular void.  Of pressing out in all directions yet somehow pressing in in all directions at once.  Oh, joy!

I logged onto chat, looking for someone to celebrate with, my great session.  I happened upon @barfly again, compared notes, and turned in.  I was still awed with possibilities, just like Session 35.

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Posted by: @helical

Where one dry-O ended, another took flight.

At the beginning of my journey, I had sessions that brought me almost no pleasure. And others that worked better, during which I had three or four Dry-O's. And other sessions with a few more orgasms. This allowed me to classify the sessions, to know which ones were remarkable and which ones were not.
For a few months now, each of my sessions has been working great. I always have several orgasms, most of the time these orgasms are better than a few weeks before.
What distinguishes an exceptional session from another for me today, besides the intensity of the pleasure, is the time that elapses between two orgasms. In some sessions, it can take a few minutes between two Dry-O's. In others, it may be as little as 10 or 20 seconds between two peaks of pleasure. And when the session is exceptional, sometimes there is no break between orgasms. It's like a continuous orgasm that lasts several minutes. But I feel that it is not a single orgasm that lasts a long time because there are levels in this extraordinary pleasure. Just when I feel that the orgasm is over, the next one starts with an even more intense pleasure, even better! When everything goes well, there is even a kind of rush and this uninterrupted sequence of orgasms with a pleasure that increases each time is transformed into what is, for me, a Super-O.

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I haven’t forgotten you guys, the kindness and support, as we tell our tales and share advice.  All has been well, and I hope things are coming along for you also.

I felt my prostate hum at times during what became a couple of months off of Aneros.  Yet I seemed to want to pay attention elsewhere, or wanted distraction elsewhere.  And so then not until last week, feeling that hum, did I try again: (HT) pleasant calm seas, tingles on my back and arms called and echoed.  Then the next night (HST) was quite a bit better; not my absolute heights and yet very nice.  Again I witnessed how the felt properties of the HT change with the addition of the silicone skin- boy is HST comfy!  

It is easy to predict, the next session, I will want to run to my last and most exquisite car in my stable: the HSV!

So this entry encourages us, “you can go back home”.  Your body won’t lose the tuning you may have toiled long to acquire.  You won’t forget how to loosen-up both the strictures of the “body’s mind” and your concept of what is possible.   Once Aneros is in, your body will intuit the beneficial reactions to put into play.  Let it; forego your mind’s wont as-boss and its demand for a result.

I am likely to share more this fall season.  And I look forward to reviewing your entries to learn what you all have been up to.  Best!

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In hindsight, my 3 month break has reset patterns.  So I considered which muscles to try, and adding reverse Kegels (thanks @Helghast for mentioning that term elsewhere).  For all, I exerted less firmly than in the past.  I experienced anew my reality.  I detected the small HSV movements as I lost myself.  The delicious tickle at 2/low kept me hungry while orgasms built upon those preceding.  My prostate whispered to me during the day, and with that went my tries at growing this in the direction of Aless.

My imagination of a Black Friday sale tantalizes me, that I could excuse myself to buy a “Madame Eupho”, and maybe even a Pro- variant too, if I’m feeling cheeky.  While I'm darn tingly now, I'll wait before doing prostate pleasure again.  It was only just last night.

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Welcome back, @helical! I also took a sabbatical of sorts, exploring different aspects of sexuality and sexual practice. That's encouraging how you've been able to come back after a hiatus of prostate play. I'm looking to do the same, although I'm rewiring myself to achieve Super Os without THC or other substances, as well as incorporating meditation and fitness/diet outside of sexual matters too.

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December 2021-January 2022, part 1

Looking back, maybe I needn’t have been in a rush to try all of the things.  I tried for the first time Eupho, Peridise and a small dildo.  Not simultaneously!  There was no harm though.  It has been fun allowing myself to get carried away.  I am also grateful that I am able to treat myself and for my ability for receptive pleasure.  As I come down from this extended flight of fancy I’ll loop around with more tries with my acquisitions.

Eupho and Peridise

With Eupho, there was additional arousal in feeling it act upon a different area of the prostate than I’d felt before!  Firmer contractions seemed to be needed to move this, yet the size was very comfortable.  It seemed to have me work for it a little harder, perhaps due to the taper.

For Peridise, the smaller of the pair, I asked myself, am I sure it’s not hitting the prostate, because it did in fact give me dry-O.  It touched a spot in the moment I named “beautiful”.  Good things come in small packages.  At this point I have to ask myself, is there anything Aneros makes for which I will not derive satisfaction?

Other remarks

Changing positions during a session does good things.  But changing devices seems to distract me away from reaching higher levels of pleasure.  It is like while I’m on one device, I’m already partway in my mind onto the next.  But more on cycling through positions:

  1. On my right side with knees partway up
  2. On my back, feet flat on bed.
  3. Legs in an easy vee, which was relaxing
  4. Lastly, In a sloppy “childs’ pose”, I was surprised by the intensity of feeling compared to 1-3.

I lingered in (4.)  Up until now I believed that the point of most contraction was the most pleasurable.  Now there were “relax-orgasms” where releasing “top of rectum” or back of rectum made them come.  Relaxing made great feelings at the sphincter as Aneros felt like it was sliding out, even if it didn’t.

While in (4.), I had an interesting way to build arousal.  I held my hanging balls and fingered the taut spot between them, which made another orgasm.  Similarly it was exciting to pull balls back and let the flap against the underside of my dick.  I removed the HSV.  I kept it on the perineum and hole, and turned on vibration 1: low, and had two orgasms like that- milder and yet they did occur.  This surprised me- it was another “Anything Can Happen” moment for me.  I hadn’t tried it before, because I doubted it.  In the heat of the moment there was an imagination lightening flash I was vibrating my “pussy”.


After reading historical forum threads and plenty of reviews elsewhere, I purchased a beginner dildo, 4-¾" x 1-¼”, the Vixen Creations “Spur” at a sex shop.    It’s a dual-density beauty- soft silicone on the outside and firmer in the core.  It’s curved to reach the spot.  Frequently the Mustang was mentioned in the forums, but it’s the next size up.  I’d read online it’s a good idea to come home with something a little smaller than to find yourself with something a little bigger than comfortable.   https://vixen-creations.myshopify.com  An Aneros chat member very helpfully sent me a link to a video which emboldened me to put it in for the first time.  It and the ones earlier in the series were  informative, and Clara is cute!   https://www.xvideos.com/video61774623/clara_dee_-_booty_bootcamp_6_dildos_-_anal_joi

I’ve tried Spur twice so far.  Insertion seemed to pleasurably go on and on.  Overall, I felt it was a little underwhelming compared to Aneros- but I’m committing a mistake in comparing sessions now, aren’t I?  I’d reached dry-Os, holding it stationary at the spot which felt good.  I gently wiggled it, which caused arousal to shoot up.  It also did great things to clench my hole against soft silicone.

Maybe I am missing some extreme pleasure from the Spur since I’m new to a dildo?  Some accounts in the forum say dildos are very pleasurable.  Compliments to Aneros, Aneros designs are easy to use, and they are inherently safe since there’s no external manipulation.  With a dildo I have to wonder how to toy with it, hand position, and not poke too hard.

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December 2021-January 2022 part 2

To add to “all of the things” of part 1-

Progasm Ice

Early January saw my first try: “was great!”  I felt much personal potential with it.  The hard to quantify factor, arousal, was greater during and after use.  As I had with HSV in particular, I found myself admiring Progasm’s design and aesthetics.  I did HSV first.  For Progasm I used coconut oil based lube plus silicone oil for extra assurance I’d be greased as all get-out.  I felt more pressure on my insides, but it wasn’t unpleasant, and I took it as a reminder to go slowly.  I gently observed and worked with the angles.  The friction free finish put my insides at-ease, and ensured movement.  Before I knew it, it was in.  I sensed it would be a good idea to contract with less force.  The insistent gentle pressure telegraphed to me its ease to generate orgasms.  It lit up different areas than my other tools of the trade- more tries are mandatory!  I was more tingly after session than usual, even after a traditional finish.  I felt an accomplishment for having gotten to “Pro”.  I was fine the next day, so I hadn’t overdone it.

My second time with Progasm, I again took it slow, but my butt wasn’t having it.  It stuck although I tried varying angles.  I took this not as trouble but as success in reading my body: I went for the Peridise, and had a nice session.

Insertion advice from the chat room

Several days later, I had received great advice.  It was about smoothing mental friction to the new to me, larger form of the Progasm, mainly, and not overthinking insertion.

I was advised that going from a smaller toy to a larger one within a session, seen in an anal “JOI” video of part 1, wouldn’t be needed.  That’s because the Progasm doesn’t hold the anus open much.  A smaller one preceding it would hold open and stretch to an even lesser degree.  Stretching the rectum isn’t needed.  Just relax the sphincter.

Simply use the Progasm to tease and get ready. Then as you relax start inserting it.  Don’t focus on insertion, but on what feels good.  Tease with touch. Tease with the tip. Tease with a little more of the Progasm, and then it’s in before you know it.

Newbies may balk at it, but the Progasm isn’t big enough to cause damage.  It’s not in the size category of must-prep to feel comfortable.   The worst that could happen is going a little too quick and it hurts a little, which would only be uncomfortable for a moment.  This would feel the same as constipation- a little feeling of stretch that fades.

It was noted to me that the Progasm form is the inverse of plugs and other toys.  Once the head is in, it narrows.  Thus if in putting it in past the head, you feel a stretch, that goes away as you insert farther.

In summary, don’t assume the larger format is a big deal.  Once I’d received the advice, I was advised to just go for it.  Taken not literally, but: shove it in!  I lubed finger, self and toy.  I angled the toy in, tipping it back so the tip went in straight and then I altered the angle so the rest entered straight.  And like so, it was in after just 5 or 10 minutes.


One of my dry-Os had the highly-desired characteristic of having a first part with an even higher part B with a seamless transition: joy!   Like the first time with Progasm, I felt so pleasantly tingly on the following day, and wanting for Progasm again.  I am very pleased I bought the Progasm.

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Aless in intercourse / Aless with wife, outside of sex

Since last July I’d wondered Can you Aless during intercourse?

Sessions 38-40 (last July)

It looks like I’m growing in leaps towards the day I’ll be confident to introduce Aless to her for the first time.  And you guys will bear witness if I do.

Posted by: @helghast (last July)

Time to put on your big boy panties and bring her in. No need for scary anal toys when you can manipulate your own body.

I raise these as possible factors for success.  Since January, I have cut way back on orgasms outside of intercourse, a.k.a. penis masturbation.  Same with porn, although to a lesser degree of success.  Also, I began Mindgasm last month.

As I noted in My firsts: dry orgasm / Aless / Super-O / spontaneous Aless / public mini Aless (...) last month, I thought to try mentally connecting to my prostate in PIV intercourse, unbeknownst at that point to my wife, though.  The vigorous activity makes this easier said than done, though.  Then I thought to try squeezing various pelvic muscles right after ejaculation and before pulling out.  For a few PIV sessions, that caused tingles.  It was nice to extend each coupling with more moments of intimacy beyond ejaculation means show’s over.  She had to sense something.  She may have felt my focus change, muscles twitch and heard additional “I love you’s.”

I recognized a similar pattern with this and when I first learned how to have an Aneros dry orgasm.  With Aneros, it had begun by experiencing a new and mild feeling, then doubt.  Then breaking through to greater feeling.  Then, the occurrence and acceptance of orgasm.  Lastly was the integration of the new ability into my self-concept.  Lo and behold, the pattern began anew.  Sensations increased over independent bouts of PIV.  On a later post-ejaculatory try, I acknowledged the feeling as an actual dry orgasm.

As exciting as the above was, the greater breakthrough happened last Saturday.  My prostate was remarkably tingly.  I inserted slowly in missionary PIV.  With the head and some more in, in a natural way an Aless/“non-ejaculatory orgasm (NEO)” occurred!  I marveled at how “intuitively” this occurred, unlike the deliberate post-ejaculation contractions.  According to her, I did not freeze motion in my tracks.  Momentarily I worried an unavoidable rise to ejaculation would occur, but it didn’t.  The rest finished mostly as expected, but with another Aless, followed by her orgasm, and my ejaculation.

We talked about it later on that day.  I voiced amazement the surprise of feeling orgasm in a different way, in intercourse, no less.  I expressed how physically and emotionally intimate it felt to be sharing this with her.  I admitted how tingly and sexed-up I felt.  She said "just relax and let go, let yourself be loved”.  I said it sounded like she knew the general idea, yet  I contrasted the experience of this with the how a typical male orgasm goes.  I said I was picturing the sex we had earlier.  We shared one of our most tenderly passionate kisses ever, and I had an Aless outside of intercourse.  During our talking I became aware I wanted a second Aless.  Or was it when I felt one brewing, or is all one in the same, this wave of desire and then feel?  So I asked her to put her fingertips gently below my navel.  Through Mindgasm the past few weeks I have cultivated sensitivity towards a spot below my navel.  If I touch it in the right frame of mind, it becomes a mental focal point for me to contract the Mindgasm “top” * muscle originating near the pelvic bone, and feel pleasure.  This, I supposed was not the ischiocavernosus / bulbospongiosus muscles pairs, but rather, the levator prostatae (LP).  Then, all of the usual abdominal contractions with orgasm occurred, her hand still there.  I had a wonderfully “difficult” time cooling off.  I voiced to her these questions I was barely audibly asking myself, “am I coming down?, am I done?, but I still have these butterflies”.

On Sunday a couple more Aless occurred in intercourse.  We talked some more.  I took it slow and did not mention Aneros or Mindgasm.  I mentioned “Kegels don’t hurt”.  She thought they were just for women.  I hope she’ll be inspired to do some herself.  I’m daydreaming of showing her the free portions of the Mindgasm course so she can have a better insight as to where this all has come about. I am glad for what this foretells in intimate life with my wife, as far as closeness and communication!

Resources (some)

* Wanna learn about the “top muscle / secret muscle / imaginary muscle”- a source of some really good sensations?  I urge you to read @darkorb ’s How to have a-less orgasms almost instantly! (male vagus nerve orgasms?)  (Edit fixed link 10/30/22; yay working link had been pointed out elsewhere) and his A male vagus nerve experiment .  Don’t miss page 2 of the former for @unfug ’s 3/4/20 and 3/7/20 posts with explanations and diagrams with the locations of the LP and other pelvic floor muscles, and why LP, as well as the other parts and their associated force vectors are important to pleasure.  I am no anatomist but I tend to agree that the "top" muscle is in fact the LP.  Thank-you contributors, @darkorb, @unfug and others a educating me in a practical way I can literally feel in Aless and Mindgasm.

Attachment: note the LP's attachments to the prostate

@mr-nuts ’s Levator Prostatae Muscle Contractions, LPMC.

@caesar713 ’s Special abilities ; edit 10/26/22 to fix link at left, should be https://community.aneros.com/forum/general-discussion/special-abilities/#post-115644

@helghast ’s S-Contraction = Prostate-O during Intercourse.

(I don’t mean to leave anyone out; we all learn from one another and with all of the good info. and thoughts flying around it can be a blur)

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Progasm Ice orgasm trigger

Last night was one of my flabbergasting best!  It was as close to an orgasm button as anything has yet been for me!

With underwear on, drag your pointer finger across the Progasm base through the cotton.  Balance friction and slip to deliver subtle vibration to the sweet spot.  Improvise “zings”.  That did the trick for over an hour.  Also, the same during orgasm shot me through the floor of the next-higher plane.  Think a wet finger tenderly loving the lip of a wine glass makes it sing.  Additional sensuality was in grazing the inside of the cheeks and the puffy perineum, which I forget.

We sure know when we find a button.  The ground dissolves below our feet.  We plunge with the feeling of cresting of a rollercoaster- that excitement frozen at our belly, or lower.  Lighting strikes again- and again- and we’re helpless but to respond.  We’re one, once more with an atavistic, elemental state.  We exist only for pleasure, forever is in that moment.  The boundaries of present, but a construct of our consensus “reality”, melt into a roiling sea of action and innate reaction.

They were all full-bodied orgasms- each series could stand alone as satisfying.  Limitless soaring.

I had double-timed it back to bed after taking a leak, eager for more racy times.  Wide-eyed kid in a candy shop.  There was little dwelling in lulls, just go straight for the good stuff.

By the time I uttered “OMG”, “I’m in the grip”, I was already long gone in thrall.  I broke the spell, telling myself that all good things must come to an end.  Looking back, why did I tell myself this?  I’ve long thought my ego guards itself with “paper tigers”; I’ve become better at shooing these away- but not always.

I stopped only out of need to work in a few hours.  I finished elated, face flushed and full of a sense of accomplishment.  Gluttonous goodness.  Inside I dwelled in a land of midnight sun.

I suppose the word cum can humorously take the form: cum, cummier, cummiest.  Wishing you the mostest!


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Two-week Aneros streak

I’ve never before been on an unbroken streak of daily use on end.  An hour flies by with no idea of how many dry orgasms I’ve had.  When a lull happens, another peak is waiting in the wings.  

Orgasms can be trained

We hear of pain tolerance, we can train to raise pleasure tolerance.  Just keep reaching.  To get higher means spreading further our wings, floating on updrafts like an eagle.  Yes spreading out can feel outside the comfort zone, not knowing how high we’ll get, but we won’t fall to earth.

Kneeling, I jounced the mattress.  The moment between act and action allows mental space that something may be happening to me, rather than I’m driving it.  I’d grip the headboard for dear life.  When another peak was about imminent- I would stop motion!  Then I would throw all focus to the prostate, and the thought of how coming feels.  I’d maybe hook my head under the top rung and activate my back.  That or crunching my forehead into the mattress would take me the rest of the way there- a delicious bit slower than usual, against the backdrop of absence of the distraction of motion.  And have me BASE jump off the cliff in that silence.  The thought to keep and grow static pleasure partly comes from Mindgasm I think.

Bonus thought

When we jerk after rewiring, it has potential to play out, the prostate likes to interject with its own pleasure.  Even if it waylays and holds a bit for ransom the wet orgasm.  When we do get to make love with someone special- mmm, what potential we have.  @pablito63  had suggested to me the penis is an extension of the prostate.  And I say that’s an interesting inversion of dependence, which asserts our right to multiple dry orgasms instead of the single wet one.  Let’s do both- a string of dries and then a wet finale!

Best, all!

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Posted by: @helical


Hi.  First post!  May I have tips on preventing post-session discomfort?  My butt experience is my new HST twice for around an hour altogether.  For a couple of days post-HST my anus feels tight all day, and hurts a little to poop.  I want to persist after my bum settles down again, but I may quit if discomfort occurs each time.

I’d read the site and Wiki instructions.  With a slick, gloved finger, I trace around and ease into the hole until it feels a little more pliable.  Then I try slowly the well-lubed HST, oriented correctly.  I got it in after what seemed several minutes, although that second time I felt plenty of resistance to pushing it in throughout that process.  Once fully in, it was certainly a unique feeling.  I know not to expect the world in the beginning, and I feel a sense of achievement for having gotten it in.

I suppose the cure is more relaxation- not easy for me yet- before and during insertion.  I’m trying not to ponder tears within or hemorrhoids.


  • Helix Syn Trident
  • lubricant: Aneros Sessions
  • gloves: nitrile
  • lube-shooter (haven’t used it)

I’m happy to be here.  Collectively you have experienced amazing things and written about them amazingly.

Thank you, would-be mentors!

, Pues hay que tomar medidas en la insercion, la primera no tener prisas y no creer que es un vulgar Plug, ni consolador anal.

La segunda lubricarlo muy bien, asi como el esfinter, para que pueda entrar lentamente, dilatandose el solo sin presionarlo. Y dejarlo introducir, lentamente el solo, desde el 50x100, aprovechando las contracciones anales, ademas de producir placer, se consigue que el busque la Prostata y se asiente lentamente en la posicion adecuada, asi como el guia de la base , y cumpla su funcion de presion .

Hay que , tomarselo con calma y no moverlo en la sesion como un consolador, el aneros Eupho, sabra encontrar el camino para ,masajear tu Prostata y darte placer sin limites.


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Last night, I couldn’t tell.  Long-duration orgasms?  Or generally high and then punctuated by peaks?  I was all under a warm, heavy blanket called “feeling good”.  I’d begun with a Gläs p/g-spot dildo.  (Thanks @zentai toy suggestion).  Polished glass is a wonderful ghost's touch- there but not. So slick, it is maddening, if you think about the feeling as it drags along some of the most sensitive skin of the body.  It doesn't tug skin when lubed, and is fast friends with body heat.  Progasm Ice and Program Jr are similar in that frictionless sense, and, as a bonus, without the weight of glass.

I really don’t know “how” to use a dildo yet. I puzzle a little on how to go “by feel”/“blind “.  Many axes of rotation.  Out of caution, I don’t prod. But it set the stage, made my pelvis glow diffusely. Thus my time with Progasm Ice after was in an exploratory, playful mood. I was wide open to see where pleasure comes from and to give it room to breathe. To not contract and bear down with my body so much as I successfully do to great effect.  @pablito63 (thanks) had suggested, keep pushing myself to relax, to allow increasing arousal by the very desire to contract until I simply must contract.  To push that margin far, to ride the very blissful "edge" of a super O and focus on breathing.  After initial relaxation, begin slight hip gyrations while resisting the desire to contract.

In contrast to a dildo, Aneros is so “certain”- it hits consistently -and- it’s hands-free. It’s up to me to move my body around it as I please, and I love that. So instead of contracting hard- relaxing, breathing and “reverse-contractions” made my eyes cross.  Portions felt Super-O “esque”- hints of emotion.

I love how nearly every use with Aneros can feel different. There is no such thing as a bad orgasm. Remain open to whatever lady luck tosses your way and you can help her along too.  Tips from others!

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