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How to reach the next level?

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finally i'm starting to experiment the Aneros and after a month, now i have learned how to breath and how to start feel some powerfull pleasure.

I start to feel this sensation, if i use little and soft contraction of the anus muscle, when i start to breath more deeply and more fast, i start to feel like as an orgasm is approaching, some time i feel like how my muscle start to be contracted, my heartbeat accelerate and i feel near to an orgasm, but.... at this level i can't continue to contract the anus muscle and pelvic muscle... and this wonderfull senssation approaching.... VANISH.

How to solve it?

Some tips? I thin kthat my super O is so near.

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Hey @TheNovice I'd love to offer some advice but don't want to come across as too "preachy". I am reminded of the song "You Can't Hurry Love". Well, you can't hurry your Super-O either! The best advice I can offer is to just continue your regular sessions, and enjoy each new pleasure as it comes. Be sure to keep your mind open to anything; fantasies help me a lot. You are not on a timetable for a Super-O. It will come in its own way and time. Feel the intense pleasure within your body and within your prostate! You will continue to grow in your Aneros journey. Good luck!

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@TheNovice you wrote:

but.... at this level i can't continue to contract the anus muscle and pelvic muscle... and this wonderfull senssation approaching.... VANISH.
When you say you can't continue to contract muscles, is it because of muscle fatigue or you are lost in deep sensations? Are your pelvic and PC muscles strong enough to go through your entire session? I noticed you are a new member, (welcome by the way) so do you practice Kegels on a regular basis?

I'm not sure what the answer is for you but it could also be psycological as if you almost expect everything to come to a screaching halt. As @goldenboy mentions, stick with it and all will fall into place for you. Good luck.

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I have experienced the same. I can continue as I have good pic muscles. I think my prostate get fatigued. Needs a break from action. I am new to this and want to ask from the experienced once can I do in again on the same day or do u need a 24 hour breather. Thanks to all.

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@Woodbine nothing stops you from doing it as often as you want. Actually, it is your body that will tell you if it's up to it. You just need to listen to it. Having said that, you also need to not over do it. Your prostate does need to rest if it's overworked. You know the saying, too much of a good thing...

I hope this helps.

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Hi @TheNovice , I agree to @goldenboy's and @GGringo's proposals but as everyone is unique I have no receipt for you, either. Only this one for sure: To advance to the next level you have to complete the first. I don't want to come across as too "preachy" either, why I better cite an authority:

Daniel: [after seeing Miyagi practice the crane technique] Could you teach me?
Miyagi: First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule, Daniel-san, not mine.

As a little help from another newbie I would like to tell you about my experiences. To clear my first hurdle I considered of importance to develop an inner dialogue with my subconsciousness as well as with my gland. My conscious mind and even my subconscious mind have made a lot of reservations about inviting my gland to do as it wants, to take over control of my body or even to let my body fully obey its orders.

As our subconscious mind even so is our safety belt and life saver in our everyday life, it needed a lot of persuasion until my subconsciousness gave in. As I still felt frightened about what comes next I argued myself into the opinion that letting go won't do me any harm. I didn't need to speak out loud but I had to enunciate verbalizations of my opinion repeating them again and again as a kind of autosuggestion.

To conquer my last little fears I regard my excursion to erotic hypnosis as very helpful as I learned to absolutely give up control and let someone else (first the hypnotic voice, later the gland, meanwhile both) fully take over command. Don't misunderstand this. If the fire alarm or the door bell is ringing your subconscious mind takes over and is back on command within one hundredths of a second. I must admit when the doorbell actually rang it felt a bit like a coitus interruptus but even more it gave me a good sense of security. And when not disturbed and with enough space and time available I did find a very, very deep relaxation never felt before.

If you dare to give erotic hypnosis a try I can recommend Shibby. She may become a bit addictive but nothing to fear not to get rid of. And furthermore it's not at all that kind of kinky stuff, some people clutter the web with. No, she really is doing a fine job and always is concerned about your health and your security. As a first step I would suggest ShibbySays/wiki/index for a proper sequence of her audio files. You can also access them on y*ut*be at no costs. I must admit I have fallen for her voice. 😮

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask here or to send me a p.m.

Good luck and good vibes on all your way! Stick to it, it's worth it!

We are Prostate. Resistance is futile.

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Thanks everyone. I didn't realize that this is a journey and not just sex. For the first time in my life I am being instructed to listen to yourself and your body. I found that today. After my first great experience I was very impressed. I did it for an hour or so when it wasn't as strong I thought well it's over, impatient I guess. That's what I have to learn is listen and patience. I stopped and showered. For the next two hours I still had that prostate feeling so I thought I would ask can I do it again. Maybe my job wasn't finished. You guys helped and I gave it another go. This time it wasn't as intense but just a few drops of prostate fluid leaked. I felt it. Tried for a bit more. It was nice but not like the first so I called it. Well feel much better and that pressure is gone so must have had to go back. This is much better than an orgasm to ejaculation not as tired.

I have been been on a journey of semen retention. That is another interesting fasit in life for a man. Google it. There are benefits. I'm on my 23rd day. This massage was what I needed.

Thanks again all.

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Hey @TheNovice and @Woodbine,

from your describtion I guess what you are experiencing is "the edge™". The bad news is: this edge is an illusion, there is no orgasm waiting on the other side. There is a dedicated thread to it but I forgot how it's called, therefore I summon @rumel to help out.

I'll make it as short as I can:
You are trying to push yourself actively to orgasm. That's not what anerosing is about. That's the penile approach and it's not working here. Super-O's are a lot like the cliché female orgasms: slow, long buildup, long lasting plateaus. Can you remember any female partner that you just rubbed the clit really fast and hard for 1-5 minutes and she was coming from it? No? Guess what - it's the same with your prostate. Woman have to be in the mood and really relaxed. They need to let themself fall and surrender. One tiny distraction and it's all gone. Or even worse: high on lust but somehow not able to come - for hours. The same rules and problems apply to you now. You could argue, that there are a lot woman that are rather fast and don't need that whole foreplay expense. That's right - these woman actually know their body (because they usually trained alot solo). When you can have Super-O's reliably, this will be true for you too. But not now, while you are still learning.

The catch is not to find and stimulate the prostate, the catch is to train your brain and nervous system to understand the existing stimulation as something arousing that can be build up and escalade in an orgasm. In other words: to get the stim from your prostate to your brain. That's why it's called "re-wiring" and that's why the "do nothing approach" is so effective for many users - it forces you to build up sensual awareness instead of producing unnecessary stimulation. A phrase I just learned recently really puts this into a nice slogan:
adrenaline ≠ ecstasy

At the moment you are just pushing your adrenaline and that's a dead end. What helped me most when I was trapped in the edge-mindset was to regard the aneros as a tool for relaxation rather than arousal. Go in the session with the goal to really relax and not with the goal to orgasm or even to be sexual. Just as you would go into a yakuzi. That helps alot.

Cheers, Unfug

Edit: Thx @SOwithoutAneros for the hypnosis links. I'm into this too (and currently listening to Nikki Fatale).

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Thanks @SOwithoutAneros for the links to the hypno files 🙂

Thanks @Unfug for that interesting post 🙂

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@Unfug , @lonewolf8 , as glad as I am to have found them, as glad I am to share them. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did! :o:cool:
Would like to read about your experiences with this femme fatale later. 😀
@Unfug , thanks for your hint to Nikki Fatale. As I currently am on day five of SR and w/o Shibby for moderating my addiction to her voice, it will last some days until I will give her a try and can give you feedback.
Best wishes to you and amazing experiences!

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@SOwithoutAneros wow i love her voice! During 01 Good boy or maybe it was 02 Clench, it kinda felt weird like i was getting some sort of internal pleasure. But then I do have Helix Syn inside me so.. hmm.

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@Unfug, I believe the thread you were referring to was Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths.

@TheNovice & @Woodbine, the above posters have all given you good tips. If there is a 'next level', it will be found through continued practice and experimentation, be patient, you will progress as your mind accepts the deeper wisdom of your body. You may also benefit from reading 'Neros' thread The Myth of Super Orgasm. Good Vibes to You !

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When you feel an orgasm approaching stop contracting your pelvic and sphincter muscles and just relax and let your body take over and the orgasm will happen. That has been my experience.

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@SOwithoutAneros wow i love her voice! [...]

@lonewolf8 , so do I. Doesn't she sound as lovely as one would imagine the voices of the Sirens of greek mythology, so seductive and demanding?

And the best is yet to come, there is a file Shibby will ride your Helix as a strap-on, and she knows well how to do it. The fun has just begun.

My ultimate session until now, "Entranced Confessions - Confess!", today as on the 6th day of SR and w/o Shibby gave me some wonderful Aless. Only for a short moment remembering one little scene all of a sudden brought me p-waves ending in some nice little HFOs - while driving by car! Whatch your thoughts!

I'm full of curiosity for your next reports and wish you will have some earth moving experiences! 😀

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Just want to say to all. Thanks for your support and guidance

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When you feel an orgasm approaching stop contracting your pelvic and sphincter muscles and just relax and let your body take over and the orgasm will happen. That has been my experience.

what do you mean by this? are you saying you clench/use muscles throughout your sessions? i thought 'do nothing' was the way to go here for most people?'

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By and large I favour the 'do nothing' approach, but sometimes it helps to do a few kegels - i.e. muscle contractions - to get things started. Once the orgasmic process is underway then further use of voluntary contractions or clenching will tend to impede the process, although of course one may well experience a whole series of involuntary contractions, clenching or pelvic thrusts during orgasms.

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