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KSMO no longer available?

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Hi all, after recently struggling on my journey and not achieving any pleasure as such, I recently came across a lot of information regarding the KSMO method. 

The problem however seems to be that the website is no longer active and I have no idea how to access any of this content. 

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. 

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Posted by: @lee92
I recently came across a lot of information regarding the KSMO method. The problem however seems to be that the website is no longer active and I have no idea how to access any of this content. 

Unfortunately, the discoverer/creator of the KSMO protocol (Jack Johnston) has retired and discontinued his services and website. Please see this post. I am not aware of anyone taking up his mantle to continue his teaching protocol. 

Good Vibes to You!

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Hello @lee92


About Ksmo @rumel answered just above.

Some questions:

1 - How much time of (aneros journey) do you have?

2 - What aneros do you use?

3 - What is the average length of your sessions?

4 - Do you abstain from any sexual stimulus a few days before the session?

5 - From 0 to 10 How much pleasure have you felt in the sessions?

These questions can help (us) members understand your point of view.

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@rumel thank you

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@soul-pleasure 1. Around 6 months

  • 2. Helix syn trident
  • 3. Around 2 hours 
  • 4.  Yes 
  • 5. Around 2 maximum 

Thank you. Hopefully this will provide a more clear insight. 

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You have to remember that our bodies work differently, each at their own time. It took me 1 year and a half to get consistent results.


Helix is balanced so you can't go wrong with it. Personally I do 1 hour sessions. Follow your body, if a session has not progressed well, don't be afraid to end it if you feel it's the right thing to do. One thing that I find that works for me is avoiding sexual stimuli 1 or 2 days before sessions. During the aneros session, all the excitement becomes so fresh that it generates pleasure in itself. What I mean is that, let the aneros (after insertion) awaken the excitement that was not used, observe the reactions that accompany the session, with time the body starts to recognize the discrete prostate massage as pleasurable.

Fulfill basic requirements such as:

- Cleaning the rectum (enema) 

- Comfortable lubrication (adequate, no need to exaggerate) .

- Quiet time and place.

- Some abstinence before sessions for learning or practice purposes .


You gave a score of 2 for the sensations you felt in the last sessions, if you felt a slight comfort / well-being in the anal and prostate area, this is the way to go. Follow him and it will grow.


Good luck

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@soul-pleasure I'm not 100% certain what you mean by a slight comfort but I am completely relaxed with insertion.


The one positive feedback I can give is that I certainly noticed rubbing the nipples certainly helps and feel this could potentially lead the way. 

Nevertheless, I am enjoying this journey and it has really led to a whole new outlook on  pleasure and sex. 

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Yes, you understood correctly.

Continue your journey 😉

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Posted by: @rumel

Posted by: @lee92
I recently came across a lot of information regarding the KSMO method. The problem however seems to be that the website is no longer active and I have no idea how to access any of this content. 

Unfortunately, the discoverer/creator of the KSMO protocol (Jack Johnston) has retired and discontinued his services and website. Please see this post. I am not aware of anyone taking up his mantle to continue his teaching protocol. 

Good Vibes to You!


Oh no, I decided to buy this sometime in early 2022 and never really gave it the attention I needed to, now I missed my chance it seems.  Crap.  I would have hoped that he would have passed this on to someone else to continue coaching instead of just disappearing everything so abruptly! 


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Posted by: @faith-manages

Crap.  I would have hoped that he would have passed this on to someone else to continue coaching instead of just disappearing everything so abruptly! 

I was thinking the same thing.  Perhaps there's someone here that has more info on this.  Or maybe someone that knows someone, heh heh.


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