facial anal bliss
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facial anal bliss

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I'm inspired to write this by newcomers not surprisingly asking "what exactly, is a Super O?"

And as a separate thread, because what I have experienced, from the beginning of this adventure, is either different from everyone else, or I'm missing something in the descriptions.

Every time I enter the blissful state, with our without an Aneros up my ass, my face is in on it. A cord of pleasurable tension seems to link my ass to my face. Sometimes it might be up through my lower jaw and lower lip. Other times it is in my upper lip. Sometimes, even higher, into my eye sockets. I can invite it to wander, and it does. Every session, after perhaps hundreds of sessions, it seems amazingly unique in the pattern of pleasure. How can this be?

Inviting the facial/anal cord to pulse and twist, makes me more ready to approach the nips, with the slightest touch bringing on spasms of ecstasy - often sending my groin into twinges of pleasure. If I invite them, the pulses travel down my legs, perhaps even to my toes, with my face and eyes throbbing in harmony.

This endlessly varying delight is what keeps me going - never tiring of trying again.

Am i the only one, with my face playing the aneros game?

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Don't know if it's related but I sometimes get a shit eating grin during my prostate orgasms. Don't know if it's just a reaction to the sheer contentedness or a byproduct of the stimulation but it's sometimes there. 

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When my star is in the rise,I get a tingle on the inside of my lower lip in the centre,I have to rub it with my tongue tip lol

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In my attempted session last night..when some new good feelings where "pinging" I became aware my face was in a concerned scowl for some reason.  A reaction to new feelings..not sure how to process them. It was a good feeling though.  🙂

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