chain-orgasms! It t...
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chain-orgasms! It took me 5 years

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I am still so overwhelmed and happy.

Most of my aneros sessions have been full of pleasure, I was always looking forward to them. I experienced many calm seas-orgasms, many brutally eruptive orgasms, but never ever have I experienced such a demanding chain of orgasms in such brutally quick succession for such a long period.

Oh... my.... god.... and I am not even religious.

After the years of my journey, I did not believe that my body was capable of this.

Here is what happened two days ago: It started as a nice and calm, very relaxed session. I just popped in my aneros, enjoyed the gentle build up of p-waves getting more intense, soothing, relaxing, just enjoying the energy running up and down my body. Eventually they would lead to orgasmic peaks once in a while to ebb away again after it coming up again every couple of minutes or so, sometimes they would stay a bit longer sometimes a bit shorter.
Like I was used too after 30ish minutes I felt that a stronger orgasm was building. Nice... still within the usual. Building up.... getting very intense.... getting even more intense... wow this is a good one.... and still a bit more... wow this one lasts longer than usual, but is a bit too "rough" for a calm seas.... and then finally ebbing away...  OK, wow this was new. But it really felt good. I felt the pleasure slowly fading. Like it always does after I had my orgasm. Sometimes if I keep breathing relaxed I manage to have a second one, and even if not, I often enjoy this subtle after waves, as they are so nice and relaxing. This is what I thought would happen this time as well.

But then it started... suddenly. A new build up. So early? well... nice. Normally my second orgasm is way less intense than my first one, but this time... same as the first one. wow. nice, guess I am lucky today...
ebbing away a bit, but suddenly: a new build up, and only 20, maybe 30 seconds after the 2nd orgasm, comes another one, again insanely intense! I struggle to breath, my body moves calm but uncontrollably,  until finally after probably 20 seconds the pleasure fades away again. Oooof. Wow. 3 orgasms. Never had that before in such a short time. I was still thinking about how lucky I am today, when I felt the next one building. Fuck! what is going on? I am still out of breath, collecting myself when this next one rolls over me without mercy. Consuming me. 

This was when I fully drifted away. I felt like a passenger. Like watching myself. Without a chance to interfere with the process. I don't know how many more orgasms hit me. 20? 30? The only thing I can tell you, that when I finally was able to think again, I looked at my watch and almost 2 hours had past from the beginning, meaning I had constant orgasms for about an hour and a half. and not this calm soothing kind of orgasms, that make you giggle or sometimes cry because they feel so wholesome... No. The unforgiving, consuming kind. The kind that makes you feel like being fucked by a force. 


I want it again.

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I'll have one of those please.

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This is very tasty . Congratulations ! Sometimes I think I can't take it. Any anal movement triggers more and more and we just watch . The next day a feeling of brightness and happiness. How good it is to enjoy...


@tbob.  You will get there . Enjoy what comes

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Sounds amazing, inspiring!  Any tips on technique?  Rely on weed, porn, or nipple play? Thanks, and congrats.

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I’ve had maybe 4 or 5 of those rolling and overlapping intense orgasms since late 2021. They feel life changing. The disappointment for me is that they’re not life changing because the elude me, nothing has changed except my expectations - but then, when you least expect it, sometimes moments after you decide to give up on trying *bam* 1 1/2 hours of shaking, crying and feeling like the universe has penetrated your soul.

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It is a spiritual feeling to say the least. If you are there or have ever been there, there is no mistaking what is happening. May be mind blowing and hard to believe, but just relax into it and let it take you. I didn't believe it was possible for a dozen years...when I am wrong, I am WRONG!

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this one came completely unassisted. I like nipple play a lot, but when I do it, then I like to focus on my nipplegasms.

And I never use porn during my aneros sessions. Too distracting.

As for use of drugs, I am very positive towards them, but then again, I don’t want to be dependent. So you might say my journey took a bit longer as I stubbornly stuck to “aneros only”, but hey…. I like the journey!

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Posted by: @dismantled

They feel life changing. The disappointment for me is that they’re not life changing because the elude me, nothing has changed except my expectations - but then, when you least expect it, sometimes moments after you decide to give up on trying *bam* 1 1/2 hours of shaking, crying and feeling like the universe has penetrated your soul.

Yeah I get this, it's like I cannot take what I learn during sessions and bring it with me outside of them. What seems so obvious and simple just gets back to being opaque and complicated. Chop wood, carry water I guess... and try to earn my next session. 

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@northernlight congratulations!! How many years you have been using Aneros?

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pretty much 5 years if I count correctly. However with some dry spells in between or phases of several months where I simply lost interest (imagine that!).

There was times when I was more successful with nipplegasms and aless then with aneros. 
And I think all of it was an important part of my journey. I had a fulminant start at the first try and then zero success for months. So for me it was about learning to manage expectations, learning to listen to my body and accepting that pleasure comes in many different often unknown variations. I think the most important lesson I learned was that intensity does not matter… it develops on it’s own when it’s time. Boy was I right!

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Watching a lot of the clips online of “super-oes,” some of it is pretty alarming: the subjects look like they’re having a seizure--I mean, a serious one! I’m wondering if it could be too much of a good thing for some people: it looks to me awfully stressful physiologically. I can’t imagine, for example, what the heart rate would go up to during one of these excited episodes. Plus sometimes they hold their breath for a very long time. I’ll get my Aneros tomorrow and if I find pleasure in it I sure hope I won’t be jerking around on my bed. 

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@kjoqsupplicant don’t worry, we don’t all react that way to super-Os.

I never filmed myself during a session. I think I don’t move much, I’m generally very relaxed during a super-O, sometimes my whole body can get tense when it’s a very big one. I moan a lot (in a low voice)

As for my heart rate, my Apple Watch shows a rather steady 93-101 BPM for last night session (a good one, with 2 super-Os in it).

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@kjoqsupplicant good luck on your journey. Also realize that many people on the clips are just exhibitionists. I have never experienced orgasm or super O with Aneros but this is my honest opinion.

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@arousalfr Oh, okay. Good to know, thanks

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@ghusa It has struck me that some of the Super-Os look mighty theatrical. There’s one I’ve watched four times out of sheer fascination. It’s actually quite violent!

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Just got my Progasm and peridise delivered. Trying them out now

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@rogermarleau Good Luck. Let me know how that Peridise feel. I love it but the only issue is it has sharp ends on one side and they do scratch the butt. If you feel the same as me then you may want to put something like condom on sharp ends or something else.

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I get my Helix Syn V today! Full report to follow regardless of good, bad, or indifferent result

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Posted by: @kjoqsupplicant
I’ll get my Aneros tomorrow and if I find pleasure in it I sure hope I won’t be jerking around on my bed.

When I first started, I also worried about the thrashing around and especially the loud moaning. But after years of sessions, and not having that happen a single time (despite the immense pleasure)... I find it funny/cute that I was ever worried about it. I'm at a point now where I think if it ever did happen, it might be a nice problem to have. 🤤


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Posted by: @kjoqsupplicant

I’m wondering if it could be too much of a good thing for some people: it looks to me awfully stressful physiologically.

I can't speak on this.  I have never had one of those sessions happen to me.  What I can say is that some users have reported negative effects.  Quite a long time ago, I remember a guy being frustrated because he felt Aneros sessions were giving him neck pain from his orgasmic movements.  Who knows how true that actually was, but I can only imagine how many times guys have pulled something during a session (lol). 

Psychologically...  I would see it as the opposite.  They are fully letting go in those moments.

I still find some of these videos to be over the top.  Then again... I feel one day I'll come on here with a similar story once I hit the Super O.

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@clenchy Aha, good to know

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@nat I meant PHYSIOlogically, not PSYCHOlogically. Yeah, they’re very close.

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@ghusa First set of about 6 sessions with Helix Syn V, pleasant sensation but nothing spectacular. Nowhere near the pleasure of a masturbation orgasm.

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@kjoqsupplicant 1/ prostate pleasure needs patience 🙂 2/ surprisingly, non-vibrant Aneroses >>> vibrating devices.

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@arousalfr I’ll try without the vibe

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@kjoqsupplicant lots of newcomers need quite a lot of sessions before starting feeling something interesting. Others are luckier an obtain orgasms very quickly.

I was rather in the lucky part. No super-Os immediately, but some encouraging pleasure from the first sessions.

I found useful support and advice in a forum about prostatic pleasure like this one, I don’t know if I would have succeeded/persisted without it.

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Before aneros I replaced my current Eupho with my finger. After the purchase I thought "it must be much easier now without using my hands" .

Result: It didn't work as expected, even though I had pleasure previously with my fingers (replacing the aneros).

Surprisingly the pleasure became real with aneros after much oscillation. Today the Super Os are consistent (in frequency) and obviously amazing.

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The forum is very important as it is rich with a lot of information, advice and perspectives.  Lots of collaborators too.  It's like an ecosystem, wherever you look, everyone benefits.

I never thought that my anus would become a new sexual organ. He gives me so much pleasure! The way to return that pleasure to my anus is to fill it with aneros (his desire). This is a new thought, "I need to satisfy this new sexual organ", "it wants to be filled".

He is so precious 🤤

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@arousalfr “encouraging pleasure” sounds a little lukewarm? If I get something as intense as a masturbation orgasm or more, that’s when I’ll be encouraged.

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@kjoqsupplicant hmmm I hope you’re in the lucky ones. If not you might be quickly disappointed.

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