Any E-stim device f...
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Any E-stim device for aneros session ?

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Hello all,

I would like to know any E-stim device that stimulates muscles using specific frequency and amplitude electric voltage for our aneros sessions. I think that it can stimulates and relaxes muscles strongly and effectively. Is there any one who experienced it. In the internet, there are enough information and tips about E-stim device. For example, you can take a look 

Please share your opinions and experiences.

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Aneros once sold one called the slightest touch. There is an excellent write-up about the method and contact pad placement and so on that can be found on the wiki. I've been curious also, never tried.

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Don't think the Slightest Touch is still being sold, and I don't know if there's been a definitive replacement device

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@faith-manages yeah, I guess it has been some years since Aneros sold the Slightest Touch, but there is great info about it on the wiki Devices Section.

There used to be a document floating around somewhere, I thought it was accessable from the wiki, but I can't find it now. It was on my old phone that I dropped one too many times.(if anyone knows of the possibility of recovering data from a busted samsung device, please let me know!!!) I digress. The document was put together by some of the gang here, I thought, and it went into detail about use of the slightest touch... setting the level/intensity, pad placement, etc, but it was also a great basic guide to using Aneros prostate massagers. It is the info I was absorbing when I had a completely mind blowing first hands free Super O.


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@frekansdavtamj , there is a thread called The Slightest Touch on this Forum which discusses the use of a product called 'The Slightest Touch' (a modified TENS E-stim device originally designed for women but has also been used by men). (Apparently the company was sold a few years ago and since then their service and customer relations significantly deteriorated, I believe the company has since gone out of business. At this time one may be much better off purchasing an alternative product from another manufacturer. Two well known alternative manufacturers are Paridise Electro Stimulations & Erostek.)

The original makers of that product produced a short user manual for men's usage/guidance with @B Mayfield as a contributing author, (here’s a link to a copy of that manual.

E-Stim equipment is mentioned in the Aneros WIKI and in several threads in the Forum such as Electrosex and Aneros, electrostimulation...., Hesitating to post this but… & electro-stim + aneros / ‘sterostimming’. There once was a commercially available item called The Electrify It Kit which showed the use of the Aneros Maximus in an electrified condition, this is apparently no longer available.

There are a few commercially available prostate massagers which are adapted to use e-stim power boxes, If you Google "estim prostate massagers" you'll find them.

Good Vibes to You!

Regal13, frekans, Regal13 and 3 people reacted
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@rumel thank you for that link! I had been looking for that for a while.


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What do people think of this?

Prostate electrode device!

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I’ve been using a tens unit with amazing results for a few years now. The manual for slightest touch is a wonderful resource for suggestions for electrode placement and current intensity. I also heartily recommend attaching an electrode to an N-joy steel toy or plug for direct estim to your prostate itself! Try it, you may find it’s amazing, as I have.

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I came to Aneros after years of estim and naturally had the same desire. I had tried a cheap anal trode that was a piece of crap - way too easily could get sucked in.

I had good luck taking an MGX and applying strips of aluminum adhesive-backed tape to either side, folded to make tabs for clip leads to attach to the back side.

In the "end", I decided that the natural sphincter waves were pleasurable, and let them go on their own while estim caressed my cock, with glans and shaft trodes hooked up in to separate channels. For those who have never tried estim, this setup for all the world can feel like someone mysteriously giving a mind-blowing hand job.

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