I have a question about prostate milking. I read on one web site that you can do milking of the prostate by using a prostate massager (in this case the helix syn). To be honest I've never given milking a second thought (or first for that matter)
I haven't seen much of any discussion about prostate milking here in the forum so I'd like to bring up the subject.
Is it safe?
Why do it?
What (if any) are the benefits?
Does anyone here do it?
I'll try to answer the best I can 🙂
Is it safe? I think so! It feels really relieving to milk my prostate. It feels like there is "something" inside my prostate that needed to come out once I milk fluid out of it. It's a "wow I'm glad I got THAT out!" kind of feeling. But it didn't feel like there was anything there nagging or bothering me before I started to milk my prostate; once the fluid--or especially the really thick globby kind--comes out, it's an "ahhhhhhh that feels good" feeling. I've never felt pain or discomfort from milking.
Why do it? I guess it helps get semen and seminal fluid build up removed from your prostate. Sometimes I milk out a pretty thick mass of what I guess is "old semen" that seems like it didn't come out during my last ejaculation. It's usually not the usual color of my semen and is a consistency that is also very different from my regular ejaculated semen. I figure if something like that comes out ONLY when I'm milking my prostate on purpose, then it has to beneficial. That's the stuff that, when it comes out, makes me feel really good inside and out. It's not an orgasmic feeling, it's just a "I'm finally clean" kind of feeling. I find that it also helps the strength of my orgasm and especially ejaculation. Usually a day after I milk my prostate, my cumshot is so much stronger, the ejaculate flies much further through the air, and more semen comes out. Diet, exercise, stress, hydration, time of day, etc. all plays a role in semen, I know I know. However, after a good milking, things feel and react differently concerning my cumshot and orgasmic strength. There is also anecdotal evidence that milking prostate is good for the prostate's overall health and conditioning.
What (if any) are the benefits? See above lol
Does anyone here do it? I do for sure! I use a g-spot dildo though. I've tried to milk my prostate with every Aneros I have (MGX classic and Trident, Eupho Classic and Trident, Helix classic and trident, Maximus classic and trident, Progasm, two Peridise models, and the PS-New) and they just aren't long enough to allow me to move them in and out of my body in the way I need to move a toy so that the contact on my prostate and seminal vesicles is exactly what I need to milk the glands. My g-spot dildos are not that flared or too big, they just have the right angle needed for that kind of contact. When I use these dildos, I can milk something out of me every time. Once milking starts, Aneros can make more come out on its own without me moving it by hand, but it's not the same feeling, not the same kinds of fluid coming out, and its overall very different feeling.
My advice is if you really want to milk your prostate and you don't get any fluid release by using Aneros alone, you're best to get a g-spot dildo. It's pretty cool to do!
@techpump and I agree that Aneros alone is really not sufficient to "milk" the prostate correctly. Most of the articles I read on prostate "milking" say that "milking" and "prostate massage" are really the same thing. They are not! I am in chastity most of the time now, and so I need regular "milking" of my prostate. But I choose to do it with Aneros and nothing more forceful as @techpump practices. I guess I am more cautious. If my Aneros sessions are long enough and if I am using the right model, I can generally get a fair amount of fluid expelled. It may not be all prostatic fluid but it feels good and does relieve some of the "horniness" associated with a prostate full of fluid. Since I am usually afflicted with "blue-balls" after about 10 days of chastity, my regular ejaculations (with a fairly long edging) will take care of emptying my prostate!
PS I've had a PS-NEW too and when I used it, I did expel more fluid but my prostate (or seminal vesicles) became sore after a rather short session with it. I don't have it any more.
I read on one web site that you can do milking of the prostate by using a prostate massager (in this case the helix syn).
My own experience has revealed the conditions need to be 'right' to accomplish a true "milking" using your Aneros and without using your hand to manipulate the massager. Generally, you need to be highly aroused, your prostate needs to be full and engorged due to arousal (an erect penis from edging is helpful but not mandatory). You should be on the high excitement plateau just before reaching the PONR (Point of No Return), then using your sphincter and PC muscles start performing very strong, rhythmic, slow paced contractions with total relaxation between contractions. It is important to maintain your arousal level, through penile stimulation if necessary, but don't take yourself to the point of ejaculatory inevitability (PONR). This may take a long time and be somewhat strenuous but you will eventually get the ejaculatory ducts to open and the drip, drip, drip of prostatic fluid. The process may not yield much fluid nor be intensely pleasurable in relationship to the amount of energy expended, it can be done, but Aneros devices (regardless of model or size) may not be the best tools for this particular activity. The best tool I've found for performing a real self "milking" is the Njoy 'Pure Wand'. I suspect having a professional masseuse do this would be much more pleasant as you could really just relax into the pleasurable release to be had.
I haven't seen much of any discussion about prostate milking here in the forum so I'd like to bring up the subject.
There are literally hundreds of threads on the forum which mention prostate milking if you use Google's search engine with the keywords "prostate milking" & "community.aneros.com" you'll get a listing of those threads.
Over the years I've responded to numerous threads addressing the question of prostate milking. The latest one I responded to is here -> Prostate Milking. Here are a few more you may wish to read -> Using the Aneros for Milking Playing..., Prostate milking and Aneros usage, Using the Aneros for problems with BPH, Milking the prostate, Safety of prostate massagers.
Is it safe?
IMHO, yes it is safe when done properly and gently. There are some conditions under which prostate massage is ill advised, please see the cautions noted in the Safety paragraphs in the Health Issues section of the Aneros WIKI.
Why do it?
Prostate massage, in general, has long been considered a healthful practice in oriental medicine. Prostate milking is like an extended deep tissue muscle massage. The theory being this type of massage helps release old, stagnant (possibly toxic) fluids sequestered in the prostate and seminal vesicles. For those practicing orgasm denial, prostate milking is seen as a method of providing healthful release of seminal fluids whilst in some cases denying the male orgasmic pleasure. Prostate massage leading to milking can be a very pleasurable exercise, the massage may even go beyond the 'milking' aspect and lead into prostate based orgasms. For those who are practicing semen retention for arousal maintenance, prostate milking is a practice which allows temporary relief from 'blue balls' syndrome. Prostate milking can obviate the hormonally triggered libido drop/refractory period of an ejaculatory orgasm. For some men, prostate milking prior to intercourse can increase their stamina and endurance making their erections longer lasting and markedly decreasing their susceptibility to an ejaculatory orgasm.
What (if any) are the benefits?
As noted above and as testified by @techpump and @goldenboy .
Does anyone here do it?
YES, many men on this forum have reported regular practice of this technique, myself included.
Good Vibes to You !
Thanks so much guys...lots if info!
Prostate milking can obviate the hormonally triggered libido drop/refractory period of an ejaculatory orgasm.
I was under the impression the milking process did in fact promote some form of refractory effects? I thought I read that somewhere before; maybe I misread.
I use a g-spot dildo though. ... My g-spot dildos are not that flared or too big, they just have the right angle needed for that kind of contact. When I use these dildos, I can milk something out of me every time. ... get a g-spot dildo. It's pretty cool to do!
@techpump Which g-spot dildo models/brand do you find effective?
When my prostate is tight and full from a prolonged period of semen retention, I find milking helps to alleviate the pressure, and the relief feels wonderful. I have found the larger Aneros devices can be used for milking. One occasion when I was incredibly full, I splattered prostatic fluid on the bathroom floor from just inserting the Maximus. I enjoy using the Progasm Jr for active milking, slowly inserting and retracting it, angling it up to put comfortable pressure on the prostate. After a few strokes, I can feel fluid start to dribble out and I will stop the milking while watching the prostatic fluid ooze out my penis. I find prostatic fluid is the most flavorful of my sex juices, so if you love to taste 'your own', keep this in mind.
Before I had the Aneros devices, I would use this glass wand below, and it is an incredible device if your sole purpose is milking your prostate. It is comfortable, long enough to be expertly manipulated, and feels incredible: https://www.amazon.com/Sinclair-Institute-Crystal-Glass-Spot/dp/B00GIXDIMU
I was under the impression the milking process did in fact promote some form of refractory effects?
There are multiple causes contributing to refractory effects following ejaculations. It is my understanding that one of the causes is the dramatic drop of fluid pressure in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland when they are emptied. This drop in fluid pressure is detected by the nerves and that information is sent to the brain in combination with nerve impulses from other sources such as penile stimulation and the spasmodic action of the pelvic floor muscles. The brain functions then determine the amount of prolactin and oxytocin (among other hormones) to release. You are correct in that 'milking' does provide some refractory effect, my use of the word obviate was probably inappropriate and I should have used a less restrictive term such as reduce or lessen. The point I was trying to make was the hormonal releases are probably significantly less than occur during a full ejaculation, hence, many men will find their arousal level does not drop off precipitously and rebounds sooner than it would have from a full ejaculation from orgasm.
Good Vibes to You !
@techpump Which g-spot dildo models/brand do you find effective?
There are two that I use exclusively and are really the best ones I have.
One is the Laura Berman Delilah slender flat head vibe (can be found on amazon, etc.). Looks like it would have a hard time going in, but once I'm plenty warmed up from Aneros use, maybe after 15 minutes, it goes right in! But I don't just move it in and out over and over with the toy at the same angle. When I hold/angle the toy down towards the floor (I'm laying on the floor on my back), the head contacts my prostate very intensely. When I hold the toy up towards the ceiling it's not as intense. So I hold it up as I push in and then down and I pull it out and it feels so fucking amazing I can't even tell you how wonderful this toy is in making perfect contact with my prostate!!! Especially when moving it slowly, I can literally feel my prostate move fluid into my urethra and feel it slowly move its way out of me through my cock. Sometimes this movement takes a whole minute, and feeling that juice slowly move through me is blissful. Another way I use this toy is turned on its side so the side of the flat disc head contacts my prostate more sharply. It doesn't hurt unless I want to be aggressive and overly forceful though. If you're slow, steady and moving the toy with care and love, it feels wonderful. So rotating the toy side to side in certain spots inside me also provokes milking. It's a great toy, it's not that big and targets the prostate extremely well.
The toy I love the most, and have had for probably the last 11 or so years, is a smooth glass g-spot dildo that I can't find online at all anymore. (As a side note, I've seen several models using this toy on themselves in porn videos LOL and I say "Man she's getting off on my toy too!") The shaft is the same diameter up to the slightly curved head, and the angle is pretty subtle. It's not extreme like many g-spot toys can be. The other end is very hard to describe. I just spent over 15 minutes looking at a few hundred glass dildos online and can't find it. I haven't been able to find it online in years now. But this is as close to it as I can find:
The g-spot end is the same diameter and size as the shaft so it's very comfy. The other end is like three larger round nodes in a row with these tiny little raised bumps on the other end, and the whole end tapers to a small point. I never use that side it's never done anything for me. I use this dildo the same as I described with the Berman toy above, but I don't angle it up and down as much.
I've tried several other g-spot oriented dildos over the years and they don't do it like the Berman toy or the glass toy. The heads always feel too large. Silicone toys can feel good but these hard rigid toys are best in my opinion. If your ass contracts from pleasure and the toy can bend or move even slightly you're not going to be in full control of targeting your prostate and other glands so you can milk them. If I stay steady and strong while my ass is contracting very, very hard from the stimulation, I can push past it and achieve an extremely strong orgasm. After that, if I move the toy slowly and delicately, quite a bit of fluid is milked out of me.
As @goldenboy brings up, I'm a bit more aggressive on my prostate than some users here on the forum. I am very passive and relaxed for parts of my prostate sessions, but other times I'm bold, aggressive and forceful too. Moving from relaxed to aggressive back to relaxed more than a few times a session brings me extremely strong orgasms. So, moving from Aneros (calmer) to dildo (less calm) and back to Aneros (less calm, more excited) usually results in a super O. I'll go back to dildo play and be more aggressive than the first time and can orgasm from it (this is quite hard for me though, I don't have an O every time I use the dildo on myself, sometimes its almost impossible to keep moving it when I'm 99.9999999% towards an orgasm), and then when I go back to Aneros it's so calming and gentle and sweet that I'll have small, relaxing Os over and over.
I mix it up all the time. I never really do the same thing session to session. I treat it like working out at the gym: if you stay with the same few exercises and same weight you don't improve and don't grow and get stronger. If I keep my Aneros/prostate sessions the same every time, I wind up hitting slumps and boredom. I'm not like everyone here though!
There are multiple causes contributing to refractory effects following ejaculations. It is my understanding that one of the causes is the dramatic drop of fluid pressure in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland when they are emptied. This drop in fluid pressure is detected by the nerves and that information is sent to the brain in combination with nerve impulses from other sources such as penile stimulation and the spasmodic action of the pelvic floor muscles. The brain functions then determine the amount of prolactin and oxytocin (among other hormones) to release. You are correct in that 'milking' does provide some refractory effect, my use of the word obviate was probably inappropriate and I should have used a less restrictive term such as reduce or lessen. The point I was trying to make was the hormonal releases are probably significantly less than occur during a full ejaculation, hence, many men will find their arousal level does not drop off precipitously and rebounds sooner than it would have from a full ejaculation from orgasm.
Good Vibes to You !
Before I am able to milk anything out of me, my penis is more full, not fully erect, but on the way towards it. It goes from very flaccid to semi hard. But once I milk fluid out of me, my penis really doesn't get full on its own anymore. I totally agree with what you're saying here!!! Milking my prostate certainly leads to a less hard penis unless I'm stimulating it by hand or with other toys. But even then it's not as easy to get hard, especially if I milk fluid out of me more than a few times.