I initially found out about the Aneros (Helix syn) at a website for problems associated with having an enlarged prostate. Apparently massaging the prostate with the Aneros will help with creating a healthier prostate. I purchased the Helix and have been using it for about 2 weeks. So far I've tried just using it as many here have recommended, inserting it and then doing nothing. So far I have nothing to report as far as orgasms, although I can feel it there and I'm able to focus better and better on the small contractions.
My question is this....From the info I get on the Healthy Prostate website, I am told that it is a good idea to "milk the prostate" regularly. This is described as a different process than what a typical prostate massage is. This process involves manually moving the Aneros in and out, versus using contractions as they describe in using for prostate massage. So I am not sure if by using this technique, will it disrupt the "rewiring" process that I may now be going through by inserting the Aneros and doing nothing.
Here's what works for me.
I like to do my 'orgasmic' sessions (those where I meditate and affirm the blessing of pleasure and some level of orgasm) with tools that I do not use for simple play or massage therapy. For me those are a Helix-classic and an Eupho-classic. I feel well 're-wired' into both of those toys. I feel that my prostate and brain "know" where we are going whenever either of those devices clears my anal canal and says 'hello' to my prostate.
My other Aneros activities are just for simple fun, fantasy and games. (the joy of anal play etc.) or BPH massage therapy. Aside from avoiding injury I have no rules for non-orgasmic sessions. Goal is to 'expand the envelope.' There's no rewiring and seldom more than a short chain of mini-Os, shakes or some other novel experience.
My massage therapy pretty much follows the recommendations of the HIH (HighIslandHealth) website however I also employ a Vice or other generous sized tool for this practice.
My BPH growth seems to have been arrested and I'm looking forward to some size reduction. You might search the archives for posts by @ten_s_nut who started massage at a younger age than I did. He reported some significant size reduction!
My question is this....From the info I get on the Healthy Prostate website, I am told that it is a good idea to "milk the prostate" regularly. This is described as a different process than what a typical prostate massage is. This process involves manually moving the Aneros in and out, versus using contractions as they describe in using for prostate massage. So I am not sure if by using this technique, will it disrupt the "rewiring" process that I may now be going through by inserting the Aneros and doing nothing.
While the term prostate "massage” and prostate "milking” are often used interchangeably, I believe there is a distinct difference we can identify. Prostate “massage” is the act of stimulating/manipulating the prostate gland for pleasure or medical purposes, it may or may not lead to release of fluids or cause an orgasm. Prostate “milking” is the release of fluids as a direct result of prostate “massage”. The Aneros devices are prostate "massagers”, they may or may not be used as “milking” devices depending on the individuals involved.
There is some debate about the merits of milking the prostate versus draining those seminal fluids through normal ejaculation so I would be a little skeptical about whether "...it is a good idea to "milk the prostate" regularly." Prostate massage on a regular basis is probably a generally healthy exercise. Prostate massage taken to the point of 'milking' may have undesirable consequences. Your Aneros device is an excellent prostate massage tool when used in accord with the manufacturers recommendations, i.e. hands free, using only your pelvic floor muscles to provide subtle movement. However, this movement is not likely to have sufficient force or intensity to cause a true 'milking' effect. Manually manipulating the device to provide a true prostate milking is not recommended by the manufacturer and may be counter productive to your rewiring if your goal is to achieve Super-O's and other orgasmic states.
Self “milking” with the Aneros via ‘hands free’ manipulation is difficult as one usually needs to be very relaxed for the ejaculatory ducts to open and allow the fluids to flow out of the prostate. The stronger, more vigorous, muscular contractions needed to effectively move the massager create a level of tension which is antithetical to the relaxation of the gland ducts. It is possible to train the various muscle groups to alternately relax and contract to accomplish a “milking” but it will take practice. It is unnecessary to employ strong muscle contractions with your Aneros use as a “massager” to generate orgasmic feelings, hence you can employ it for many hours without triggering a “milking” response.
'Milking' your prostate of seminal fluids can be learned. You can read a short paragraph about [URL="http://'http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Understanding_Your_Body#Prostate_Milking"] Prostate Milking[/URL] in the “Your Body” chapter of the Aneros WIKI. You can read a longer treatise on prostate milking technique and issues from Lady Lubyanka. There is also a well written blog by Andr. titled HOW TO MILK A BULL which gives step by step descriptions of the process.
My own experience has revealed the conditions need to be 'right' to accomplish a true "milking" using your Aneros and without using your hand to manipulate the massager. Generally, you need to be highly aroused, your prostate needs to be full and engorged due to arousal (an erect penis from edging is helpful but not mandatory). You should be on the high excitement plateau just before reaching the PONR (Point of No Return), then using your sphincter and PC muscles start performing very strong, rhythmic, slow paced contractions with total relaxation between contractions. It is important to maintain your arousal level, through penile stimulation if necessary, but don't take yourself to the point of ejaculatory inevitability (PONR). This may take a long time and be somewhat strenuous but you will eventually get the ejaculatory ducts to open and the drip, drip, drip of prostatic fluid. The process may not yield much fluid nor be intensely pleasurable in relationship to the amount of energy expended, it can be done, but Aneros devices (regardless of model or size) may not be the best tools for this particular activity. The best tool I've found for performing a real self "milking" is the Njoy 'Pure Wand'. I suspect having a professional masseuse do this would be much more pleasant as you could really just relax into the pleasurable release to be had. Good Vibes to You !