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A bigger picture journey... Scares, thrills, questions, decisions... What a mess!

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I am getting the hang of my "stay low" mantra. I am learning to enjoy less and to enjoy it more and more. This is how I progress now. It changes my life in deeper ways. And the progresses are now more consistant and solid, even though I often don't realise there is progress. I am slowly getting rid of the concept of disapointing sessions

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Notes for myself and later.

-- Sometime ago, instinctively switched from watching at porn as a peeping tom to experiencing it from the actors and actresses point of view. I tend to feel what they feel instead of the excitement of watching. Going inside. Downside : often they don't have that much fun. The foreplay tends to become my favorite and the orgasms (when genuine).

-- The basics : fear, pain, sadness ... Shy away from it implies shy from pleasure, shy from life. Intensity and negativity don't change the nature of the core principles. I hope to identify and understand them better later on and give them other names more suitable for communication. Until then, this negative form is the easiest and strongest reminder. I personnaly don't see them as negative but mainly intense.
(Basics for the aneros journey, for my human experience, keys to the O, something else?)
I already forgot what they were for except they were important and all there is to say about something. Must just keep remembering them, the rest will come in time. Good thing, they are so damn easy to remember.
... Some tryouts : fear (arousal, panic, desire), pain (pleasure), sadness (love, joy)
One word (or concept) might be missing... Sweetness. Not sure where it goes. Is it one of the three?
Also... How's breath connected with this all? Not like breath wasn't a huge subject!

-- I mostly refrained from writing vizualization stuff. Not sure why. These are what works best with me. People writing them are a huge inspiration (thanks Pan, Zaneblue, AneRico and others). I can just tune in what they write for instant effect. Damn, why don't I read more of it? And why am so unconfortable writing the same? (tend to do it more in the chat room but often with excessive detail)

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Read the descriptions here over and over "orgasm so intense I cry with pleasure" so saying a super o isn't what t is or isn't 'super' is universal

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@Inhope I'm sorry, what you wrote is unclear to me. Can you rephrase?

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Just registering progress :

First a-less miniOs this morning...
...and in various intensity's... Got the intuition of a dryO not too far... Always unsure with this thing).
None of what worked before works again. In fact every technique is worth one session and no more. Getting used to it. Also getting used to the sensations. Knowing what to expect makes it much easier.

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Oh my god, dryO chairgasms.Couldn't get dryOs in my bed this morning, now have them while trying to work... well not even trying to work but actually working (and listening to music). Does this all help?
Feeling Pwaves, they make me tense, I relax... and here it goes.

Must keep up working, really. But had to stop to register this. Amazing, great!

(maybe I was influenced by AneRico's last blog entry : "A session" > )

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Actually they kept going all day. Not strong but still there.

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Every post you made cancan is mirroring my day so far. In bed right now and still 'orgasming' or,p waves or 'something' how am I to sleep?

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@inhope I am glad you seem to begin finding your marks with this. Not always easy to position ourselves.

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I don't know if it is related, but here is a documentary about a condition I can't help thinking about.
I must warn you, this is not arousing.
I'll be very much interested by your comments. Depending on your reactions we may start a separate subject.

A Hundred Orgasms A Day

54min - Description:

A Hundred Orgasms A Day follow the story of 3 women who were tormented every hour of everyday with the need to have orgasm. This documentary explain how Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome or PSAS causes this unusual condition. PSAS is a little know neurological disorder where women have symptoms of continuous uncontrollable genital arousal. This condition is unrelated to any kind of sensations of sexual desire.

PSAS was initially documented by Doctor Sandra Leiblum in mid 2001, just recently recognized as a unique syndrome in medical science which has a comparable equivalent progressively more claimed by men.

A few physicians makes use of the name Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome to reference the disorder in women; some others look at the syndrome of priapism in adult males to be a similar disorder.

Most importantly, it is really not connected with hyper-sexuality, also known as nymphomania. Both hyper-sexuality, and nymphomania are not known diagnosable health conditions. Not only is it very rare, the disorder is also seldom reported by affected individual who may think it is embarrassing.

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This PSAS (persistant sexual arousal syndrom) would be related (i read somewhere) with Pudendal nerve entrapment.

The pudendal nerve itself sounds like an interesting subject to us anerosers.

I feel for these poor women like I couldn't possibly express. I keep wondering if maybe we hold a piece of the puzzle... Could we help?

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The constant state of dryOing whenever I relax lasted for some 48 hours. Then it was only miniOing for 24 hours. Only sleep would leave me in peace. Not complaining, it was delicious and very instructive, though quite invasive, really. Then nothing, back to normal. And I have (like before with the persistant Pwaves) this paradoxical sensation of calm, relief and dispointment. "What?! I can't do it anymore?"... Well, no hurry boy...

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Linking another advice that helped me a lot so far. The Tao of Aneros :

Pasting the most important part :

The Tao of Aneros - User Theorems

  • Orgasmic success is inversely proportional to one's level of expectation.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to one's level of arousal.
  • Orgasmic success can not be forced or coerced to occur.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to the level of mind/body relaxation.
  • Orgasmic success can begin anywhere along the erotic spectrum.
  • Orgasmic success is the gift of awakened body/mind energies.
  • Orgasmic success can be triggered or amplified by multiple stimuli.
  • Orgasmic success is dependent on trust in body and mind.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to internal body language receptiveness.
  • Orgasmic success is affected by all life choice practices.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to one's level of patience.
  • Orgasmic success is achieved following your own unique path.

If you can morph your expectations into intentions,
if you can morph your anxiety into patience,
if you can morph your demands into desires,
if you can morph your mind noise into a mind mantra,
then you're ready for a Super-O to morph into you.

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Some basic advice for beginners I gave in chat and might want to give again (or refine).

[19:02:15] Canacan: 3 things to understand:
[19:03:14] Canacan: your body AND mind must get used to this as it evolves... So really no hurry or you'll have a hard time adjusting
[19:04:46] Canacan: second, the goal is to learn to enjoy more when there is less... The intensity of your enjoyment and capacity to relax into it is the key... This takes focus, good mindset and time...
[19:06:58] Canacan: (i know it is hard to make sense of this one... So one advice which might help :... "Whatever it is, savour it like it was the second coming"... Or for short : "savour!")
[19:07:57] Canacan: third, your session is very heavily influenced by everything that happened before, and less by what you are conciously doing during it
[19:10:53] Canacan: so for short, basic advice:
[19:11:02] Canacan: be safe, be prepared, savour

Put another way:
- make sure you are at ease with what happens
- lower your expectations and highten your experience... In the instant you are powerless
- learn to savour what is here like you already had gems in your hands

Be safe / Be Prepared / Savour

This wont solve any complex equation or make people reach results faster than other. Just very basic and easy to understand advice, anybody can and, I think, should hear before they start. I would perfectly understand anybody complaining for not being told this. So here it was, said it.

On the "be safe" aspect, you can also read this blog entry from AneRico appropriatefully (and funnily) named "Mind the Gap":
Money quote: "The mystic swims in that which the psychotic is drowning"

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Ok some comedy for a change (this is portrayed by actors, not the most realistic, but so funny):

TLC's 'Sex Sent Me to the ER' - 3 Hour Orgasm - (extract only)
Pleasure turns to panic and minutes into hours, as Liz tries everything she can to stop this ...

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Re thinking the definition of orgasm... Working out in progress. First ideas:
(as always saying hazardous experimental stuff like it was the truth... you should know better than taking it too seriously)

[21:36:10] Canacan: i think the usual definition of orgasm is very wrong
[21:36:51] Canacan: an orgasm isn't a peak, a resolution or even an event... It is a process
[21:37:19] Canacan: all the confusion comes from the ejaculation i guess
[21:37:59] Canacan: i discovered even a traditional orgasm starts long before the ejaculation
[21:40:29] Canacan: I think orgasms are physical and mental... Or maybe these are not the right terms... I explain:
[21:41:19] Canacan: there are two "ingredients" for a process to qualify as orgasm
[21:43:24] Canacan: first the involuntary aspect... An orgasm is taking over control... Seemingly irrepressibly building (though they tend to be repressible actually... But they are not produce of the will)
[21:47:31] Canacan: As the intensity of the sensations is getting higher and higher, many side effects can be experienced such as increased heart beat rate and more funky stuff
[21:47:40] Canacan: second the judgmental aspect... An orgasm is "considered" an orgasm... It is a sensation that is enjoyed, one takes pleasure and relief in experiencing... And as such, is accompanied with gratifying hormone rushes
[21:49:02] Canacan: the very same physical manifestation could perfectly not be an orgasm because the person is not accepting it mentally... And could then be more like panic attack or something

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On the same subject, I really like ZaneBlue's hint for females: "clitoral orgasm is like a sneeze, vaginal orgasm is like a shiver".

I wish I was told before, it would have spared me the huge misconception.

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I don't know who's reading this (except future me, undoubtly and with good reason, "Hello me! Doing good?") but here it is, never mind the readership, what I think to be good info I should spread.

AneRico's last blog entry made me read again some stuff I didn't really get the first time.

I think this is a must read (especially for advanced members here):

Did I say "MUST"?... Yes i did. Really!

Not totally sure what it is worth... But at the very least a lot of thoughts before the eventual discard or remix or anything. Feel free to comment here or create another subject.

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@Canacan --- Great info! It speaks for itself!


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I'll join @Theme_Gasm in saying the link to Positive Disintegration is a great piece of information. It certainly explains my movement going from Dabrowski's Level II to Level III and movement toward Level IV. While I know there will plenty of newbies who won't "get it" now, in time as their Aneros use leads them into their erotic meditations the veil will be lifted.
Good Vibes to You !

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I'm going to have to read it a couple of times myself! Interesting view of how we develop!


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@rumel & @Theme_Gasm Thanks for the feed back.
Please feel free to elaborate here or on a new subject if you prefer.

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Okay I promised to post this... This is a mess for now. But I'd rather put it in the open as soon as possible. I'll edit the transcript and comment, clarify and synthesize later on.

From what I recall there were three interesting subjects (though not all fully developed):
- easing Pwaves
- what is pain and what is pleasure
- panic arousal

So here it goes for now. Feel free to comment.

[23:33:33] Canacan: ‹@nerve› its not fading... The more i try to suppress it (i unconsciously do all the time) the most intense they get... Actually, maybe if i manage to relax they will stop or i end up Oing (i dont want that)
[23:34:29] nerve: ‹@Canacan› shift your something else...supressing it is focusing on it
[23:35:08] Canacan: ‹@nerve› well my focus was on the chat... Didn't change a thing
[23:35:12] nerve: ‹@Canacan› CHAIRGASM..........
[23:36:14] devajones: ‹@nerve› ok i'll try i'm trusting you
[23:36:26] Canacan: ‹@nerve› but if i orgasm they'll get worse!
[23:36:31] nerve: ‹@Canacan› no.... chat will focus your attention on it...I mean something else...example when I practise piano focus is on that
[23:37:19] nerve: ‹@devajones› I'm honored...
[23:37:59] Canacan: ‹@nerve› seems i found the off button
[23:38:18] nerve: ‹@Canacan› which is......?
[23:38:28] kaiju5x: i found my off button, its pain... and it hurts
[23:38:43] kaiju5x: or should I say... Burn
[23:38:50] nerve: ‹@kaiju5x› thats a bit extreme......
[23:38:52] Canacan: One variety of relax mind breathing associated with an emotion
[23:39:11] kaiju5x: yeah thats the worst way for sure
[23:39:16] kaiju5x: brb
[23:39:49] Canacan: ‹@kaiju5x› not for me... Since working on pwaves EVERY sensation is potential for pleasure... Including pain
[23:40:03] devajones: ‹@kaiju5x› the lube again???
[23:40:10] fun1: User entered the chat room.
[23:40:21] devajones: ‹@fun1› wb
[23:41:43] Canacan: (which actually is good cause it eases the pain and protects the body from negative reaction to pain (itching, scratching, tensing et all) solving some of the stress induced pains)
[23:41:57] nerve: ‹@Canacan› so if I hit you on the head with a'd enjoy that
[23:42:07] Canacan: ‹@fun1› wb
[23:42:17] Canacan: ‹@nerve› try it
[23:42:33] Canacan: (hides behind his iPad)
[23:42:48] nerve: ‹@Canacan› only if you'd enjoy it
[23:43:57] Canacan: i dont enjoy a hit... But when in pain I'll deal with it by riding it like a pwave... Eventually getting pleasure in the process
[23:44:43] Canacan: ‹@nerve› didn't you ever experience that?
[23:45:14] nerve: ‹@Canacan› nope pain is pain oooowwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:45:30] Canacan: (even in this sex asylum i am not normal )
[23:45:49] nerve: ‹@Canacan› if you can do that you are gifted
[23:45:49] euphemistic: ‹@Canacan›
[23:46:17] Canacan: ‹@nerve› depends on the intensity and your capacity to enjoy said intensity... Sex is pain
[23:46:53] nerve: ‹@Canacan› that means you are not doing it right....does everyone agree with that ?
[23:47:30] Canacan: ‹@nerve› i am gifted alright... But i am sure everybody is the same only the levels of intensity and the moral changes
[23:48:38] Canacan: ‹@nerve› sex is not painful because of the hormone rush... Try rape and you'll see how painful it is when you don't ride it
[23:48:51] nerve: ‹@devajones› what about the female sex pain ?
[23:49:01] Canacan: life is pain
[23:49:13] Canacan: and life is also orgasmic
[23:49:30] devajones: ‹@nerve› .hmmmmmm is sex pain
[23:49:42] nerve: ‹@Canacan› you've lost me...and thats sayin something
[23:49:44] devajones: sex can be pain
[23:49:56] devajones: rape scenario is a good one because that is definitely painful
[23:50:03] devajones: nothing about rape feels good
[23:50:04] nerve: ‹@devajones› mean you are not doin it right
[23:50:08] Canacan: we are registering sensations either as pain or pleasure... But all in all this a moral choice
[23:50:16] devajones: however i've had concensual sex that was painful
[23:50:38] devajones: ‹@nerve› overall i do not equate sex to pain
[23:50:56] nerve: ‹@devajones› me niether
[23:50:57] Canacan: sensations are just intense or not
[23:51:00] devajones: most of the time is is all pleasure...outside of when i'm being spanked or flogged...however that type of pain results in heightened pleasure
[23:51:15] devajones: anal sex can be pain if not done correctly
[23:51:51] nerve: its a good point...pain and pleasure both stimulate the nerves and engage the brain
[23:51:53] devajones: [][][][]]
[23:51:59] devajones: ]9?"ikioolkokok;lpl;'[
[23:52:10] Canacan: ‹@devajones› all you say is proving my point...except maybe i didnt phrase it well
[23:52:20] nerve: ‹@devajones› whoose flogging you now
[23:52:35] nerve: ‹@Canacan› and I agree with you too
[23:52:55] devajones: ooppss sory
[23:52:57] devajones:
[23:53:03] devajones: cleaning keyboard
[23:53:20] nerve: ‹@devajones› thats funny
[23:53:21] devajones: ‹@nerve› lmao i'm flogging the keyboard apprently
[23:53:24] Canacan: ‹@nerve› exactly... Pleasure is when you enjoy it, pain when you dont... The nerves are not responsible, the brain is
[23:53:32] nerve: edr5u6v p9;ybp 8ov y[; 9ub ]
[23:53:35] nerve: -[9hbb 6y75ri ulo ty8;9 vy8l97v 87ot c64tyi8o-]
[23:53:38] nerve: 09- n
[23:54:01] nerve: ‹@Canacan› are you sayin I'm not responsible
[23:54:23] Canacan:
[23:54:31] kaiju5x: pain
[23:54:39] nerve: ‹@nerve› secret coded message to FBI
[23:54:42] kaiju5x: is not pleasure
[23:54:44] kaiju5x:
[23:55:11] nerve: both stimulate nerve(s)
[23:55:16] devajones: ‹@nerve i will say the only time consensual sex was painful was after i'd been going at it too long...thats not a good idea
[23:55:36] nerve: ‹@devajones› binging huh
[23:56:17] Canacan: Take anything pleasurable to you...then augment the intensity, past a certain point it becomes pain... This is your level of tolerance
[23:56:38] nerve: ‹@Canacan› OK I'll buy that....
[23:56:57] kaiju5x: ‹@Canacan› btw masturbating and not ejac causes some pain too
[23:57:37] nerve: ‹@kaiju5x› yeah rub yourself raw....
[23:57:45] Canacan: take anything painful, lower the intensity, past a certain point you can choose to enjoy it
[23:58:42] devajones: ‹@nerve› more like other people binging on me
[23:58:49] Canacan: yes you are all describing sex that is painful... Sex is intense, it is painful without all the lube arousal and hormones
[23:58:53] Turnrow: User entered the chat room.
[23:58:59] nerve: ‹@Canacan› thats interesting...I got burnt the other day from microwaved water....hurt like hell
[23:59:08] Turnrow: Hey bros
[23:59:20] devajones: ‹@Turnrow› hey here
[23:59:37] devajones: ‹@nerve› where were you putting this "water"
[23:59:40] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› hey
[23:59:40] Turnrow: just checking to see what you all are discussing
[23:59:53] devajones: ‹@Turnrow› how painful sex really is
[00:00:07] kaiju5x: ‹@Turnrow› hi
[00:00:12] Canacan: what makes things painful or not is the brain... Scientifically proven
[00:00:14] Turnrow: thats a BIG topic........LOL
[00:00:45] kaiju5x: how did it get so scientific?
[00:00:54] nerve: ‹@devajones› it just spilled as I was removing it...really nothing kinky here
[00:01:10] devajones: ‹@nerve› damn
[00:01:21] devajones: ‹@nerve› thought you were trying to cook sperm while still in the testes
[00:01:57] nerve: ‹@devajones›

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Here is a quote i don't want to forget :

[2014-06-11 23:53:17] rumel: ‹@Guest1› Tingling & buzzing are certainly good signs your body is responding to the presence of your Aneros device, perhaps it would be better to think of these as elements of your prostate awakening rather than discrete "steps". The Aneros journey is not always linear, forward but often times seems stagnant or even retrograde, but don't be fooled by this you are always learning something even when you are not consciously aware of it.

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And here is another :

As I see it you want to let go of ALL expectations. You insert the Aneros and become a "Pleasure Detective" ; you work to develop your Witness Consciousness. You become a keen observer of what is going on with your body and your sensations. VERY MINOR contractions or better...none at all. You are 'all about' watching, sensing, detecting, witnessing. You are all about quieting your mind and observing. You are all about discovering any muscle tension and relaxing scan again and again and again...each time you sense tension you gently relax it again.

In an older post you mentioned your awareness of 'energy' in your pelvis. Let's call that your Root Chakra. I would suggest you 'witness' that energy during your sessions. Is it present? can you 'grow' it? can you spread it? (using mental focus only, no muscle tension, no clenching/contracting to get it to do what you want).

It sounds like a contradiction but you seek pleasure by expecting nothing. You are relaxing deeply and observing (like I said; Pleasure Detective). You simply note what comes up for you and if pleasure starts up, you relax through that as well.

Each session you benefit from prostate massage, time spent with self, time spent honoring self, benefits from relaxation/meditative experience. You develop your inner senses as well as an appreciation for yourself and your wonderful human form. It is incredibly valuable time, spent well. Keep that in mind.

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I knew it!

How giving birth can cause an orgasm: Study finds release of hormones during delivery can push some women to ecstasy

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Refining my "stay low" mantra. Wording it differently for now.

The Aneros journey for me, short version:
Do less, get less, enjoy more

The larger journey version:
Do less, get less, acknowledge more

I don't know whoever else it might help. But for me it is invaluable.

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This thread is a mess... I should someday try to correct the underdevelopped and reorganise some of the thoughts... But still, it is extremely useful for me to read again sometimes.

More may come when mind becomes clearer about the new stuff.

Meanwhile please read it all, I am more than open to comments, criticisms and demands for clarifications... All the more because I am aware that they are very much needed on many points.

Love to all

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Recently I created a thread with the following opening :

Looking for Magic Button(tm) to the best orgasm ever... Or how to entirely miss the point.

I think only explorers get the benefit, and the benefit is better connection with oneself and the world and more enjoyment of life.
To me, THIS is orgasmic.

All shortcuts, tricks and (vibrating) devices are just distractions.
Uncovering a shortcut can be cool and fun - taking someone else's most likely is an illusion.

You can here read the responses :

But what I'd like now is to comment on the last part of my quote, that there is no shortcut. Well after all I think there is a shortcut. But this shortest of shortcuts is... Aneros and we are all taking it already. Ask any tantrist, practionner of chi-kung or sex therapist, what we achieve here takes ages and hard work for all the others.

Trying to shorten the shortcut is asking a bit too much.

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Extract from a chat transcript :
(A bit experimental as always)

dauntless mind, dauntless heart and dauntless body climb the ladder of pleasure in full acceptance of the state of fear

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