• Pop!

    Lube: Natural Jelly I got a few new models at the weekend. I tried them out in turn, not expecting anything. It can take time for the body to adjust to a new model of Aneros – for example, it took over a month for…

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  • Bigger and better

    Lube: Vaseline only. I prepared by douching to remove the solids from the rectum, then used my finger to spread Vaseline up as far as I could reach. The Vaseline was cool and clung to the Progasm in little lumps. I prepared the bed, inserted,…

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  • Aurora Anerovis

    Lube: natural jelly. In the last few weeks, my body has been in a quiet phase. The sessions have been pleasant, but they've only barely reached the plateau. New, interesting sensations have cropped up, but no "O". That all changed this evening. Some background into…

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  • It's been a while…

    Not a great deal happened in the last few weeks. Most sessions led to a "calm seas" O, which I really liked. I then had a long weekend when I was away from my toys and also too busy during the day and too tired…

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  • Where's the off switch? (Revisited)

    Since my last blog, circumstances have meant that I couldn't use the Aneros devices, so all my sessions have been "-less". There have been good sessions and not so good sessions. I'm still preferring to use what I'm calling the "stick man" position: flat on…

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  • Close but no cigar

    As I said in my last blog post, I'll continue to report on my progress, warts and all. I think I may have been too tired last night and started too late. I did everything much as I'd done the previous session, got up a…

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  • An appeal to new users

    With the increasing ease that I'm now finding in getting into sessions, it occurred to me that the [I]old hands[/I] might forget how difficult it was to start with. With that in mind, I urge new users to share their experiences, good and bad, in…

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  • So much, so quickly.

    As I'd cut off the curl on the tail of my devices, I thought I'd try using one of them whilst sitting. Bad move. Not much movement and I felt a little sore inside and out afterwards — that's with taking it gently too. You…

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  • Slow but sure

    I was able to reproduce exactly the same effects as yesterday, with the added bonus that when the first O subsided, I was able to trigger a second one, during which I fell asleep. On waking at about 4am, I removed the Maximus, pottered around…

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  • Did lightning just strike?

    Lube: Natural Jelly I took double the recommended dose of a supermarket "herbal sleep aid" (hops, valerian and passion flower) — there's no effect with the dose they recommend — and waited an hour. Forum member [I]imperium[/I] had suggested I try these, and I had…

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