• good vibes

    Have been having a few more experimental sessions with the vibrating beads and tonight I managed to find the best position to use the vibrator,on my back with with knees bent but legs spread and a cushion under my bottom and with 2 beads inserted…

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  • new toy

    Fancied a change recently and decided to get some vibrating beads to add to my collection of aneros toys. Tried a few positions ect but ended up doggy style but angling downwards and with three of the beads in me and one outside my hole…

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  • up the tempo

    Been re discovering the tempo again the last few sessions and tonight after a week off riding I fancied some fun. The tempo is so easy just a small amount of coconut oil insert and let the pendulum swing .I have found that on all…

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  • step8

    Purchased the tempo a few months back and found it excellent to start off a session to get warmed up before using progasm or pro jnr specially to go for long all out marathon 2or 3 hour full body orgasm type session but kind of…

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