• "The science of orgasm".

    http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=science%20of%20orgasm I ordered it from the library on an interlibrary loan. Looks very interesting. The author has an email address. I can see whether he can direct me to anyone at the Mayo Clinic who might be interested in someone who can produce a series…

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  • Wicked fingertip

    My wife was out for an specified shopping trip, and I was feeling a bit horny. Not wanting to go through the entire hoo-hah of clensing, prepping, and cleanup for the time, I just tried putting the fingertip of my left hand onto the golden…

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  • Fun at Mayo Clinic

    I was having my teeth cleaned at Mayo, when I considered brightening the technician's day my creating a "hot spot" in my mouth that triggered an orgasm when her little nutpick hit it. Just for fun, I found I could trigger a pwave at will…

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  • Interesting …

    With my wife out shopping for a couple of hours, I thought it was a good time to take a brisk canter with my trusty steed. Cleaned up, lubed, and inserted, only having the slippery dickens shoot out once this time. It only took a…

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  • Routine ecstasy

    Well, bedtime with my wife asleep in the other room. Cleaned up, lubed up, snitched a bathtowl from the laundry to handle the problem of small towels under me, inserted, and lay back to let it happen. About 20 minutes in, I was starting to…

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  • Thank you, Lord!

    Woke up and peed, I'd like a ride if my wife were out shopping. Nope, napping in the other room. Back in bed, trying a little fooling around. I tried that exercise where you tent your hand and push a log through your abdomen. WEEEEEEEEEE!…

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  • At the internist's office

    Went to see my doctor, getting my periodic diabetic checkup. Mentioned to him that I'd had an odd experience; within the last month I'd learned to call up dry orgasms at will just by requesting a p-wave. "That's unusual." He asked if it was a…

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  • Ya cain't never tell …

    My knee was giving me fits in the morning, and I took two alleve tabs. When my wife went shopping, i thought it was a good time to relax … I cleaned and lubed and put in the smallest peridise. But instead of howling ecstasy,…

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  • First real eupho ride.

    2013-11-27 04:49:56] aneros_2010: Helix Syn here [2013-11-27 04:50:28] WarrenGWonka: HELLO! Shake hands in there little buddy! [2013-11-27 04:50:57] WarrenGWonka: Semi-erect, even with my ED [2013-11-27 04:51:30] WarrenGWonka: more… hard. cool! [2013-11-27 04:52:27] WarrenGWonka: Last time around, I just got to the poinr where I could…

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  • Thanks, friend

    I had a chance to try a ride across the moors with brine accompanying me. I was alone in the house; so I could listen to his Eupho session and synch with it. Woooooo! I can hardly wait for my Eupho Syn to get here….

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