• Sod's Law, Murphy's Law & drying laundry

    I thought it was time to blow the dust off the blog. I visit the site on a daily basis to see what is happening. I have had many sessions with the Aneros, usually every second day. On a couple of occasions I have come…

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  • Time passes by

    Time passes quicker than the blink of an eye. An up date is called for. The wife got curious last month about my 2 friends. I said that she did not have a prostate so it would do no good. Anyway she wanted to try…

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  • A Week

    My MGX arrived 3 days ago. The Helix has had the most use because it arrived first. I feel that the MGX with its more pointed front hits the spot. The position that gives the most sensation is seated in a soft chair. While seated…

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  • Some days

    Tuesday, Nothing much happened. Some mild leg shaking. Wednesday. Lying on my side listening to Hypnaerosession. Some lovely sensations in the anus, mild tickle on the prostate. Turned onto my back and all sensations dissapered. I had to get up to bring the washing in…

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  • Cast Off

    Well it is indeed a strange world. 4 weeks after ordering the Helix and 2 days after ordering the MGX the Helix arrives this morning. Also an e mail telling me the MGX has been dispatched. Upon opening the package i was pleased to see…

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  • Second attempt

    Well here I am , 26 days after ordering the Helix. Still no delivery, the retailer is awaiting delivery. What to do ? The waiting is very frustrating. I read all the new posts and think what about me. I had another scout around the…

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  • Down & Up

    After waiting 14 days for my Helix I e mailed the company. They replied that it was out of stock but were expecting delivery soon. I felt very disapointed. Down, deflated. My cd of Hypnaerosession arrived yesterday. I went outside last night and gave it…

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  • Waiting

    Still waiting nervously for the post to come. I found some small bore soft plastic tube in the irrigation section of a home improvement store. The tube fitted snugly over the syringe outlet. I held the other end of the tube over a flame to…

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  • A Voice

    I went to the cd Babe site and listened to the 8 tracks for the Hypnaerosession cd. Just sat there with my eyes close listening. "Welcome back my sexy friend" That was a jolt. Made up my mind to buy the cd after listening. Ordered…

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  • Groundwork

    I decided to do some prep work today while awaiting the arrival of my Helix. Off to the pharmacy. Bought some KY and a 5cc syringe. I will look for some small soft plastic tube to put on the outlet. Downloaded the Hypnaerosession samples from…

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