• Awakening ?

    An update is long overdue.
    In view of this mornings events now is a good time.
    My progress on this journey is more snails pace than slow lane.
    I got a Progasm Ice in October/ November.
    A good move as it hit the spot and stayed there.
    It woke things up for me.
    Not long after I removed the Tail from my Helix.
    Helix had done nothing for me up until this time.
    Now it is a different animal, delivering sensations like never before.
    I had been thinking about another model.
    Vice was announced.
    Sounded good but some said the vibe was a bit strong.
    Tempo then came along.
    Nearly but hot quite.
    Peridise advanced was the choice.
    A good decision.
    Immediate but subtle sensations from it.
    I felt that things were starting to change for me,
    The Progasm was stirring the pot, Helix was delivering and the Peridise was a delight.
    Nipples were driving me mad sometimes and I was getting Aneroless sensations.
    Then this morning.
    This is my post.
    "Happiness Peridisified
    Wow, Wow, Wow !
    This is insane.
    How is it possible to be owned by a piece of plastic.
    Thats what happened to me for over 2 hours this morning.
    The owner was the smallest produce in the Aneros range.
    The smallest of the Peridise advanced set.
    The cat woke me early.
    I made a cup of tea and was feeling horny.
    Put the smallest Peridise in and sat drinking my tea.
    There was a constant itching pulsing sensation.
    Went back to bed.
    The sensations continued.
    Waves of pleasure up my neck to crown of head.
    I moaned, groaned, panted.
    This went on for about an hour until the alarm went off.
    I got up and made a coffee..
    As I sat the sensations continued without a break except for a stronger wave now and then.
    My eyes were open but I was not aware of seeing anything.
    Only the itching pulsing pleasure.
    Sensations down the back of my legs.
    My cock felt full.
    My balls felt alive.
    My knees felt like jelly.
    I did not trust myself to walk around.
    This went on for over an hour.
    I finally had to halt things when the urge for the morning toilet visit arrived.
    I still have an itch inside and the occasional pulse and it is now 3 hours from the start.
    I feel tired."
    Shortly after posting I went on chat.
    The aftershocks/ echoes continued.
    I left chat, had a shower, intending to go shopping.
    My legs still felt like jelly.
    I thought it better not to drive or go out.
    Returned to chat for an hour or so.
    Further aftershocks.
    Hard to believe I felt so tired.
    Had some lunch and went to bed for 2 hours.
    Slept like a log.
    The sensations have gone on all day.
    Finally a 3 way link between nipples, top of head and whatever spot the Peridise made contact with this morning..
    The back of my lower legs feel like they have been in a marathon.
    I think I will have tomorrow morning off as I need to go to the shops.
    Is the beast within awake ?


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/13/2011at9:33 am

      WHOA!!! YES!!! a kundalini awakening resounds… CONGRATULATIONS!!! onward… yes, do give your body a day at least to absorb and store the memories of what it has done… and then…

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/14/2011at10:32 am

      Congratulations Voyager! 😀 Such awesome progress you have made. This is the point where you start to be a believer in what these things can do. Onward!

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