Hello Together At my last session I chose the Aneros Helix Trident. Unfortunately I only had 1.5 hours to myself, but it’s better than having no time at all. I took all the necessary precautions so that I could enjoy the Aneros to the full….
Posted on January 25th, 2022.Session Length: 1.5 hours Models Used: Helix Trident
Hello Together At my last session I chose the Aneros Helix Trident. Unfortunately I only had 1.5 hours to myself, but it’s better than having no time at all. I took all the necessary precautions so that I could enjoy the Aneros to the full….
Posted on January 16th, 2022.Session Length: 2.5 hours Models Used: MGX Trident
On friday, 14.1 I had an incredible ride with my mgx trident and I still wonder what I have experienced. This is what happened: I was lying on my back with my feet on the bed. I listened to a binaural soundtrack to relax. After…
Posted on July 31st, 2020.Session Length: 2 hours Models Used: MGX Trident
Hello everyone My last session went so well and I could manage to take 2hours without any interruptions. I went back home from work and had some aless going on during the day, so i decided to do sport first and then ride my new…
Posted on July 26th, 2020.Session Length: Models Used: MGX Classic
It has been a long time since I last used my aneros models. My first buyings were MGX Classic, Helix Classic and the Progasm Classic as I had no clue which one would be perfect for me and back then I was 25 years old…
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