• Huge Mistake!

    So my partner and I just got home from an awesome vacation! We had a great time and had some great quality time together. We had switched hotels because we were staying in different cities throughout the week, I had brought the progasm and helix…

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  • Found something fun

    So the past few weeks, I have actually had some time to myself to explore my body with the aneros. And with that, great results have happened. I have achieved some great orgasms with the use of my progasm. I don't know if I would…

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  • 3 nights of bliss

    So this weekend was a mixed bag. My partner was working overnight all weekend, so I had the nights to myself. I missed having him near me, but I was quickly distracted with all the aneros time I was able to have to myself. I…

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  • Something new ahead

    I ordered a eupho syn yesterday, and should be here by the end of the week. Haven't ridden in a long time and am going into a weekend where I will have ample time to ride! Really excited to relax, unwind, and see where my…

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  • Something different

    Hey all, I have been MIA for a while. My partner and I have been very busy lately, but that does not mean I have stopped my journey. I have had some great sessions in the past month, and just have been too busy to…

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  • Wow…

    Sooo… Last night the Boyfriend were out doing some errands after work, and the conversation came up that we haven't had some playtime this week. He was craving it and so was I. On the way home, I told him that we would do something…

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  • Awakening

    So no session yet. i Don't think I will have time until Tuesday. Which is completely okay. I have used this time to do some kegel exercises…and to get to know my body a little better! I have obstained from all regular jack-off routines, and…

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  • First time and beyond

    So my journey began about 6 years ago. When I purchase my original model, I was much younger and had tried to achieve something with the original helix without much success. I was very impatient, and not really knowing what I was looking for. Plus,…

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