The Burning Question 11/19/2015 Just Checking In 11/13/2015 Three year Anniversary 07/15/2011 J4's Vice Review and General Update 01/03/2011 The Road Less Traveled… 07/19/2010 At Last 04/19/2010 New Year, No Fear 01/14/2010 Eupho Review 09/05/2009 The shell rub 08/10/2009 One Year Anniversary Musings 07/24/2009 11 month anniversary (updated 6/22) 06/15/2009 Grinding Away 06/05/2009 Just another day at the office 05/21/2009 Coming clean 05/09/2009 Moving on down the road 05/06/2009 Oily Fish Moon 03/13/2009 Fish oil fancies 03/07/2009 The Great Fish Oil Experiment Update 03/02/2009 The Great Fish Oil Experiment 02/25/2009 8 Month Anniversary 02/11/2009 Revolution Now 01/29/2009 Serious Aftershocks 01/07/2009 My first time with the progasm 01/06/2009 Two weeks without the Aneros 01/02/2009 First Mini-O 12/10/2008 I think I had my 1st Dry-O!!! 11/24/2008 Tried Shea Butter! 11/19/2008 Oct 9 – Nov 12 11/12/2008 I love progress – first mini P-Wave? 10/21/2008 Measuring Aneros Time 10/08/2008 Registration Day 10/04/2008 4th Month 10/04/2008 3rd Month 10/04/2008 2nd Month 10/04/2008 1st Month 10/04/2008
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