I unlocked something last week. I dont know what it was but now all of a sudden my super-Os are really really intense. I’ve had orgasmic energy run up through my body and get trapped in my head. I could literally feel it in my brain. Its surreal. Ive had energy go to the tip of my penis and it feels like a gallon of cum is about to drop out of my cockhead. I’ve actually had both of my...

I unlocked something last week. I dont know what it was but now all of a sudden my super-Os are really really intense. I’ve had orgasmic energy run up through my body and get trapped in my head. I could literally feel it in my brain. Its surreal. Ive had energy go to the tip of my penis and it feels like a gallon of cum is about to drop out of my cockhead. I’ve actually had both of my...

I posted an earlier thread about me having a session where the intensity ramped up so much it made me feel queasy. This same day I was scheduled to travel that evening. Full disclosure...

Last afternoon I lay on my couch and replaced my envision of touching my sweet spot right above my penis‘ root and my perineum by forming a half of a cockring using my forefinger and my middlefinger. Inspired by the actual movies about action heroes and all their magic skills and energies I instead imagined a ring of energy emitting a mixture of green and blue light at the position of and formed like a typical cockring. At my sweet...

So I woke up fairly early this morning. 5:17am to be exact. I was laying down actually reading through the whole Jeff Bezos scandal with AMI. All the slutty details. My mind started to ponder...

Hi guys, Our latest Arctic Vortex blast of winter cold arrived yesterday afternoon with the latest blast of blustery, cold air arriving this afternoon as I write this. Tomorrow early Thursday morning we shall have a low of 9 F. However, I had sessions early Sunday morning just before sunrise and the same time yesterday morning Tuesday. I was horned for those sessions. Sunday I used MGX, Progasm Junior, and Maximus. Yesterday morning I added Progasm Black ICE which I brought out...

Hi guys, Thursday morning, January 24, just around sunrise, I had an amazing sessions with MGX, Progasm Junior, and Maximus which lasted about an hour. All three models performed exquisitely. What impressed me most of this session was that I had to do anything but to relax and the each plow my ass and massage my prostate effortlessly. Yes, I breathed slowly and rhythmically which actually propelled the effortless action of each model as well as add in an occasional Kegel. Immediately...

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