• October 10 Columbus Day session, with super hot Aless following

    Hi guys,
    Sunday morning, yesterday, in the hours following sunrise, our first true autumn weather arrived with blustery winds which cleared away the days of high humidity, cloudy, and drizzly weather. By mid morning, we had bright sunshine and clear skies with hardly a cloud in the sky. When I arrived back home yesterday afternoon, the apartment felt cold. I woke up this morning feeling like an icicle. I had to wait for the noon hour for the temps to rise to the upper 50’s before I could attempt a session.
    The session began at 12:30 and ended at 1:30 or thereabouts, about an hour. I used in order Progasm ICE, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. It’s been a while since I used Progasm ICE to begin a session. Insertion was easy because of the sleekness of Progasm Classic. I rode that model for about 20 minutes. It was a fairly good ride and it didn’t slip out which it tends to do.
    Then I used Maximus, and wow! Maximus slipped to the hilt in one gentle penetrating thrust. It seemed to hit a spot of pleasure that I hadn’t noticed before. Plus Maximus reached around my prostate once again as in other previous session. Hence, I was in business as Maximus became once again the Energizer Bunny that he is. I allowed Maximus to massage and exercise me in his own way. Waves of electric pleasure ensued. Maximus was doing some amazing things I hadn’t noticed before.
    Like Maximus, Progasm Classic again was an Energizer Bunny which operated in a less lively, yet still effective manner. Again waves of pleasure happened. I worked with Maximus and then Progasm Classic in a leisurely manner probably twenty minutes each.
    Immediately after concluding the session these waves of pleasure have continued in my Aless. I must savor and work with this phenomenon even into the night hours after I go to bed. Unfortunate we have a low of 45 degrees tonight, proof that autumn weather has finally arrived. Take care!
    Update at 5 p.m. There is that sweet ache of a well plowed anal canal/musculature and a well-exercised prostate! It so wonderful to enter so powerful into this sweet ache too!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      10/11/2016at10:53 pm

      @BigGlansDC, great post as usual. I’m anxious to get a Maximus but I need to pick the right moment to go since my better half is not aware of anything. This will happen sometimes this Winter.
      Take care and enjoy your breakthroughs!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      10/11/2016at11:32 pm

      @GGringo Yes, I am making many new and exciting discoveries in my sessions these days. I truly hope that you can get a Maximus very soon. But I have an idea for you. You can ask your friend to get one at the adult store for you!

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