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It is true!

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I've been on my journey of discovery with Aneros products for five years now, for four and a half of those years I had pleasurable experiences but I knew I wasn't quite there and there was more to be had.

During lockdown I found myself with time on my hands and vastly reduced if not non existent levels of stress, it was a combination of time and an stress-free life that was my breakthrough. Having guilt free time to just lie back and enjoy the sensations of a session with my aneros's was a rare luxury.

My first Super-O was a revelation, I kinda knew what was happening but I was also scared of what was happening to me and that I may not be able to experience it again, luck for me I found where I needed to be both mentally and physically, to ride the waves of pleasure and to know when to let go, this in turn lead me to learn to relish and enjoy one of life most secretive pleasures, multiple super-o's.

I feel a debt of gratitude to both the team at Aneros and everyone that has contributed to this forum, it's an invaluable resource for those on 'the journey'.

Rewiring took me a long time and during that time it lead me to experiment with electro play and urethral sounding, all in the pursuit of self-pleasure. Saying that, nothing comes close to the out-of-this-world deep intense feelings you get from wave after wave pf p-waves and super-o's washing over you.

Keep the faith my friends, it's a long road for some but the rewards are there to be had.

Aneros I love you!

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@nice-sounding-guy another great post displaying success and this with gratitude!  There  is more than enough doom and gloom in our world these days; to read about someone's absolute pleasure is more than welcomed.  Aneros activities are pleasurable and provide a great distraction.


Good vibes to you.

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Thank you my friend. Agreed on the doom and gloom comment, I've vastly reduced my consumption of 'News' and feel so much better for it, live for the moment, for pleasure of others as well as yourself. 

I've also recently started practising 'random acts of kindness', boy does that feel good!

Rewarding my fellow citizens with small gifts or paying for a random persons coffee in Starbucks, these type of small gestures. Yes, my business may have been devastated by Covid but I'm still in not a bad position compared to many other poor souls, if we all looked out for one another a little bit more the world would be a much nicer place.

Sorry, went off-piste there a bit!


Faith-Manages, Ggringo, Faith-Manages and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @nice-sounding-guy



Rewarding my fellow citizens with small gifts or paying for a random persons coffee in Starbucks, these type of small gestures. Yes, my business may have been devastated by Covid but I'm still in not a bad position compared to many other poor souls, if we all looked out for one another a little bit more the world would be a much nicer place.


Well spoken!  I feel for all small business owners and poor individuals whom are directly affected with today's new reality.   Good luck for your business.

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Have you posted anywhere on this site your break thru that led to the super O.  If not, please consider doing so as you have the type of analytical mind that just might help others who need your insight.  I applaud you on your random acts of kindness.  Having survived a bad case of Covid, I am also being moved into the realm of gifts of kindnesses to others.

You seem to be in another world of great enjoyment of your new orgasmic state.  When you have time, tell us also what changes you have experienced in your sensual life.

Thanks bro

This post was modified 4 years ago by Turnrow

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Hello my friend, I have indeed posted about my rewiring and the breakthrough. You can read all about it on my 'Nice Sounding Guy's blog' on this site, I started it at the beginning of lockdown and have tried my best to keep it up to date.

Glad to hear you survived Covid.



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Posted by: @nice-sounding-guy

it was a combination of time and an stress-free life that was my breakthrough. Having guilt free time to just lie back and enjoy the sensations of a session with my aneros's was a rare luxury.

It's already more than four years ago, but quite the same combiination of free time and no errands has helped me to start me off and making me as happy as your lovely Avatar looks like. 🙂

Good vibes for your further journey! Mart
