Helix Syn V amazing
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Helix Syn V amazing

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If you can only afford one Aneros, look no further than the HSV! This one has been amazing for me as it can be used as a standalone or as a vibrator with three intensity levels and six patterns. Sometimes I use it as a standalone toy and let it work it's magic - other times I like to start out at level 1 step one with a steady level. When I start feeling waves I ramp up to level 2 and use the slow ramp up and down vibe. In no time can feel the toy getting sucked inside and auto contractions begin and eventually autofuck kicks in with it's gyrations which have me moaning loudly and experiencing long Os!

If you need something larger, try the Vice 2, it's larger brother! or get both for a good team and variety!

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I second the motion on the Helix Syn V device.  It is my go to device.  I normally start off with no vibration, as I practice some pelvic floor exercise with it in:  5 second Kegels on the breath out pulling my penis in like the head of a turtle after a large belly breath in.  Then I may start to feel some auto contracting and relaxing feeling in my anus too. I usually do this in front of a mirror, and then will start to ooze precum; I just let it drip anywhere, or spread it around my balls (which are shaven).  I try to not touch my penis but do succumb occasionally as the drippage becomes too much and I am wiping down there anyway.  I am cut, so I tend to like to touch the frenulum down under the head with this lubricant as it feels great, very sensitive for arousal to erection.

I like the fact that the shape is anatomically like the rectum, and it has the 8 specially tuned vibrations patterns with 3 speed selections - that's a ton of options for us.  I stay on the low intensity most of the time, but have cranked it up on occasion.  Sometimes I will stand up in front of the mirror and watch my erection rise.  Touching it or just backing off to save myself for my wife later.


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Another amazing session this morning with HSV! Started out with lowest setting on #1 and totally relaxed with the head of HSV nestled on my prostate! Before long am feeding a long series of p waves and soon a long O complete with body quivering - guess you could say an intense super O. Then I switched to step #2 and enjoyed the tapping for awhile before bumping the intensity up a notch and soon enjoying another intense wave of pleasure radiating up and down my back followed by more body quivering and more Os! This one never ceases to amaze me - has definitely become a favorite!

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I am a 68 year old man and purchased the HSV last November during the Black Friday sale, and have been enjoying it more and more. I don't often have the time to use it, but yesterday I had a few uninterrupted hours to myself and found myself exploring all the different patterns and speeds as I tried various positions. I finally started to feel the pleasure ramp up, and my hips began moving with changes in the intensity. After about an hour, I could tell my orgasm was close and I held back as long as possible until it finally overwhelmed me. The orgasm was so intense! Just waves of pleasure that lasted about 45 seconds. I think I could have enjoyed going longer, but knew that my privacy would soon be over, so I ended my session. What's amazing is that I had no erection, and there was no penis stimulation involved. I was laying on my back with one leg raised over the back of our spare couch, in the dark, just focused on the sensations. It was incredible. 

I really appreciate how comfortable the toy is both upon insertion and when fully seated. The sensations it produces are really effective. Definitely helped being able to just concentrate on the sensations it was producing in my prostate.

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Sounds like you had a great session! My experience has been pretty much the same as I rarely have an erection during my long sessions but do experience long and very intense orgasms! Thanks for sharing your experience!

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@fred27 I am very surprised by your testimony. It seemed to me that a vibrating model desensitized the prostate and did not allow for super O

. Do you contract or do you only use vibrations?

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If the vibration is too intense, it may tend to desensitize the area but with Vice2 and HSV you can control the intensity level. Sometimes I turn off the vibe and just enjoy the stimulation. As to whether or not I contract or use vibration, I mix it up to enjoy the pleasure! A strong contraction with the vibrating head on the prostate can really push you over the top with a massive orgasm!

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I purchased a Helix Syn V in June this year and use it three to four times a week. I'm not that fussed about the vibration modes, I find them distracting. The shape size of the HSV seem just right for me and after ten minutes or so I am at a height of pleasure that goes on and on with periodic peaks. I am in my seventies and usually have a session of and hour or an hour and a half before going to bed. I try different position, on my back with extended legs, on my back with raised knees, kneeling up , standing up and also with feet raised. Each position has its own delights and I use nipple, pec stimulation to heighten the peaks of pleasure. I am practicing pairing stimulation of other parts of my body to gain different sensations during the pleasure plateaus and the intense peaks. The HSV is a wonderful addition to my erotic life.

Ghusa and Fred27 reacted
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Sounds like you’re enjoying the HSV as well! Am also in my 70s and trying different positions provides different results - all good! Nipple stimulation along with muscle and breathing control yields immense pleasure!

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Thanks for your comment. Glad to be in the company of at least one other septugenarian who enjoys the ecstacy of prostate massage.

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Another septagenarian here,the HSV is the best model yet for me.I start out without the vibe and then switch to number 2 or usually 7.The tabs seem to hit me just right also.My go to position is one leg flat the other raised after an orgasm I switch legs and another orgasm starts.I do this about 30 or 40 mins. without the vibe and than repeat with it.I have never had a HFWO.I like intercourse soon after and the orgasms are long and fantastic!




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@rickdboy2022 ,another septuagenarian

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@evergreen I am two weeks new to all this.  How do you know how long to use the vibration before you run the risk of desensitization and is that desensitization permanent?

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Posted by: @darragh
@evergreen I am two weeks new to all this.  How do you know how long to use the vibration before you run the risk of desensitization and is that desensitization permanent?

You will know that you are starting to get desensitized when P-waves lose their intensity or stop altogether even though your Aneros may still feel good in situ. I don't believe this desensitization is permanent, just give yourself some recovery time of no Aneros use for about a week and everything should be back to normal sensitivity. 

Good Vibes to You!

Pu_Manchu and Fred27 reacted
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thanks for the advice there!   By the way;  76 here.   Also estim since 1992, so I've had a lot of occasions to be desensitized.  Started with Aneros a few years ago.

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Sereno2

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If you have the HSV and Vice2, you might want to try them together. I discovered this duo this morning with awesome results! I inserted the Vice2 inside all the way and then inserted the p tab on the HSV inside with the body laying against my perenium and the feelings were mind blowing. Used a similar pattern on both devices but experiment to see what works for you!

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@fred27 I totally get it.  I’m at the point now where any sort of sustained pressure on my perineum starts the super-o buildup cycle—  Driving, sitting in a restaurant; etc. can trigger it.  Been taking a 100% play break here lately hoping this is all just part of a recovery process.  Trying not to sit so it’s hard to tell if it’s getting better.

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@darragh I just saw your post and rumel's answer has been my experience also.Having said that I only enjoy the 2nd and 7th setting on the low level.At the begining of a session it actually  feels like I have vibration on but it is just the prostate area reacting to the stimulation,I guess thats called rewiring.When the pleasure starts to wane which is about 45 minutes I take a break drink some water relube and put it on 7.I have used the strong vibration just for kicks a few times and to me it is harmless.I think it might even be benificial  to wake up your prostate once in a while but it certainly doesn't do damage.






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