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Abducted by Aneros staff! NO JOKE!

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Hi Folks, I have to tell you, that I MUST have been stealthily abducted by Aneros staff and been brought back home only after being neuralized. I can‘t find any other explanation!

For more than six years I‘m in love with my Eupho Syn now and out of a sudden I decide to buy the Eupho Syn Trident? WTF?! During upackaging my prostate already started to tingle as if welcoming back a close friend?! Only when I inserted my „new“ Eupho Syn Trident I got the clue! They have already made friends a long way back!!!

They must have drugged me, kidnapped me, transported me to their laboratories, examined my rectum with newest 3-D-methods and adjusted the shape and flexibility of the new Eupho Syn Trident in accomodation to every singled unique variable of my body to create these absolute stunning experiences this tool just induced in my bum right from the beginning.

They also must have replaced my nerves with new high speed material that makes it possible to transport such an unknown amount of bliss and ecstasy in no time!

And although I feel kind of abused, I can‘t hold back to wholeheartedly thank @Aneros for this gift. The resulting experiences have been earthshaking if not out of earth.

You didn‘t only make an Eupho Syn 2.0, you made a 10.0, your abolute masterpiece.

Your new EST absolutely wowed me. THE BEST IS YET TO CUM! Thanks a ton! 🙂


HankNDeBois, Gulliver, Ggringo and 6 people reacted
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@sowithoutaneros,  well written!  

Don't discard your old faithful Classic Eupho friend,  put it aside for a month or two and have it revisit your prostate again.   If it's like my Classic Maximus and Classic MGX, they ended up complementing their Trident brothers rather than replacing them.  

For me,  they are all as valuable providing each a particular menu of sensations.


Enjoy your new friend.

Life is wonderful

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don‘t worry, even if I wanted I couldn‘t give up my old friend Eupho Syn Classic. We have concelebrated too many wonderful experiences, and after all it‘s been my first love! 😉 Concerning prostate tools. 

But I can tell, the new Eupho Syn Trident is dancing through my bum as if the Classic had put on new ball slippers. And it‘s reaching out to my sensitive spots as if the Classic had had at least one hand cuffed behind its back. It‘s been an awesome experience like there were two Euphos now working simultanously. 

I‘m absolutely stunned and enjoying it to the max!

Good vibes to you! Mart

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I guess that's my point; your new gizmo is kissing part of the walnut your old version was not and you noticed it big time.  

Perhaps, the reverse applies where your Classic model rubs somewhere your new one doesn't.  After not using it for a while, when you do reinsert it, different sensations will probably surface as if it's a brand new one.

That was my observation.  To me, both versions are great performers rather than one better than the other; they're equally valuable in my arsenal. 

Just my thought.

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@Ggringo, thanks for your valuable thoughts, I can totally agree with. Perhaps even one pushes the other?

Anyway, I wouldn‘t give up on any good old friend when it comes to make a new friend, my good old friend! 😉

Cheers! Mart

P.S. After all my original post was meant to underline how surprisingly new this Eupho Syn Trident feels even after having had such a delightful variety of experiences like I’ve had over years from the classic model. 

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Posted by: @sowithoutaneros

After all my original post was meant to underline how surprisingly new this Eupho Syn Trident feels even after having had such a delightful variety of experiences like I’ve had over years from the classic model. 

Well put (in buns & puns)!!! @sowithoutaneros

Different aneros models provide different experiences and allow people to learn about the different potentials of men's bodies and souls.

But I have to say, so far, the various Syn Trident Models are the best---to me, at least! The "MAMA" is SO ingenious! MAMA is the Multi-Axial Motion Architecture that allows the Trident to move laterally as well as move up/down and in/out and make you cry for your MAAAMAAAAA! This sounds like shameless advertisement! But it is real!

The new Trident Progasm is also really nice.

However, to me, the Eupho Syn Trident is THE Little Prince with his slimmer build! "The Little Prince," since his "debut," has been providing me with sweet treats and wise advice without fail! The Little Prince tells me the truth and makes me see the world with fresh eyes! So, I could almost plan my Os...whenever I got time.

Although said to be more suitable for more "experienced users," EST is in fact an excellent gift for newbies! Becasue the newbies won't be scared by the problems of "girth" or "tight ass."

And it is an excellent gift for a "straight" (or not) guy becasue it is true that "for sexual intercourse, EST's smaller frame freely moves through the man’s thrusting..." I guess most men would be VERY intrigued!

Men in our society still do not talk about these things! They just "brush it off" and make it looks like a fooling around joke! But men do care and they are very curious. Men like to be "probed" I conclude!


So, if some newbies have not yet experienced Eupho Syn Trident, may I suggest: Buy it + BUTT it! You would think you are adopted by some really thoughtful aliens using EST to "probe" you ---- in the mid air miles high ---- in a very scientific yet orgyistical style. Then, you will see light and experience the true meaning of euphoria. And you perhaps will agree with @SOwithoutAneros that the best is yet to cum!

Cheers for EST!  GulliverPlus

SOwithoutAneros, Ggringo, SOwithoutAneros and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @gulliver-plus

Men in our society still do not talk about these things!

I truly confess:

Turns me on a lot!



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