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Do you shave your perineum? Poll is created on Jul 02, 2008

Poll results: Do you shave your perineum?
Voter(s): 27
Poll is created on Jul 02, 2008
I shave my perineum.  -  votes: 4 / 14.8%
I don't shave anything.  -  votes: 9 / 33.3%
I shave my anus.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I shave both my perineum and anus.  -  votes: 14 / 51.9%

Do you shave your perineum?

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I'm interested in knowing if anyone out there shaves their perineum or around their pink starfish?
My main reason for this is to know about itching and irritation. Please reply if it's safe or not. I don't want to go around for two weeks with an uncomfortable feeling between my legs. I am a little bit hairy and I am worried that there may be hair from around my anus that is being pulled in with the aneros, causing uncomfortable sensations.

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Wow! First poller, hence 100% for both. Excellent!

pnoman, I'm not particularly hairy, (unlike Esau 😀 ) but I shave both every 2 or 3 days when I do my chin. (I've got a light beard too). I find that around the 3 day mark it does get itchy down there which prompts me to get the razor out. It's a good incentive to keep my chin shaved too!
I love the feeling of baldness and keep the rest of my pubes short as well.

Safe? Perfectly, to which thousands of porn stars and millions of others more discreet will attest.

Have fun,

Old Wolf

Edit: As per artform's request re age: I'm 57

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Hi pnoman

I'm with Old Wolf here!

I use a "Body-Groomer" on everything down there and a razor to trim my beard up there.

I just use some talc on my guys when they get a little itchy!

I am probably average, as far as hairiness and I too love the feeling of coolness and breeziness
down there and I also find that everything is MORE sensitive and tactile when clean shaven???

So, I vote for bald pubes!

Later, Hlaser99

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Still unanimous!

I'm with you guys on this. The Bodygroom is great. Let the fair winds flow!

Mrs. a too, and all that direct skin contact and the energy flows!!!

Ever go "commando" in a pair of outer shorts or a kilt?

Life is good.


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Hello all
I'm 62 and when you get to that age, hair unfortunately, grows quickly in all the wrong spots (bald as a badger but you should see my arse)

I'd love to know how to shave my anal hair because it actually worries me at the gym when doing my exercise bike thing.

I once tried cutting the hair on my testicles with scissors and accidentally clipped them. I bled like a stuck pig. Haven't had the courage to try that again.

Is the 'Bodygroom' (I haven't heard of it) the tool I need for this? If there are any suggestions I'd like to hear them.

I have an electric shaver that I do my head with but I'm a bit sceptical about using it down there as well. I didn't want to give all those blokes that call me 'shit head' more ammunition.

Happy July 4th to all the Yanks on the forum.


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I shave everything. The Bodygroom works great on the anus and butt area, with no ingrowns! I have found the best shaver for the testicles and pubes to be the Seiko Cleancut ES1080. Leaves a nice smooth result with no nicks. For some reason the Bodygroom seems hazardous to testicles but works great in other areas. The Seiko was designed for pubic shaving. I highly recommend it!

DO NOT use a traditional electric shaver for beards on the testicles, especially if it has an integrated trimmer. That is asking for trouble!


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Hi mb

The Bodygroom is a rechargeable electric wet/dry shaver with always active trimmers on both sides of the head which has a specially designed foil to work with body hair, but not heavy beard/head hair. It is made by Philips, the huge Dutch electronics etc. firm. Maybe Aneros would like to add it to their store!

I used to use my regular shaver down there with some bloody results on occasion! I agree with you Car_01 that the Bodygroom can ocassionally nick the scrotum skin, but even there I get a good clean shave with very few problems and no major blood-letting. Thanks for the Seiko tip, I may try that too...

It will be interesting to see how this poll develops now that we have entrants of differing practices. It would be interesting for everyone to also post their ages, since that may reveal an interesting pattern. I'm 61.

Edit: Thanks for adding your age Old Wolf!


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I use hair remover about once every two weeks. It works like a champ and leaves you smooth and hairless. Be sure to apply a skin soothing moisturizing suave afterwards.

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Hey guys!

More are voting, but no longer posting with age and details such as "pubes too?"

Privacy is respected and so is everyone's choice. Just because we early voter/posters were so enthusiastic about our choice: "Off with that hair!", doesn't mean the poll is biased. Let's hear why you prefer to keep fuzzy and your age. I really think the demographics of this subject could prove interesting and useful to all.

Thanks to any brave new posters! All the best to all.


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I forgot to add, I'm 49. I do my pubes too. It's way more comfortable in the summer.


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Thanks for the replies. I'm gettin' a bodygroom. I'm gonna shave my anus, my balls, my perineum. I think it will make aneros use MUCH more pleasant. Especially during the prep stage (enema, lubing, etc) and during cleanup. And Old Wolf- thanks for the idea. I normally shave every 2-3 days as well. I'm gonna do everything at the same time. This forum rocks! It's great that I can ask any question- no matter how stupid it may sound- and get awesome response from the aneros community! You guys rock!

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I agree with the bodygroomer. It is a good shaver, but I can not use it on my shaft or balls! It is quite hazardous for me!!!!!!!! Nood

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Sounds definitive Nood! And thanks guys for posting... Who will join in with listing their age?

Say, who ever invented shaft hair??? What a rotten idea!!! Fortunately I can shave mine away very carefully with the Bodygroom.

Anyone else using depilatories like JIH? Any advice for those of us who might like to try it?

Anyone had the permanent laser hair removal treatment?


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Sounds definitive Nood! And thanks guys for posting... Who will join in with listing their age?

Say, who ever invented shaft hair??? What a rotten idea!!! Fortunately I can shave mine away very carefully with the Bodygroom.

Anyone else using depilatories like JIH? Any advice for those of us who might like to try it?

Anyone had the permanent laser hair removal treatment?


I started sprouting a few shaft hairs too. Not a good thing, but the Cleancut does a good job removing it. I wasn't daring enough to try the Bodygroom there. BTW, it's a lot easier to shave the shaft with an erection.

Laser hair removal can be very effective on dark hair as long as it isn't too fine and the technician knows what she is doing. I have a lot of experience with laser hair removal and electrolysis. I work out with weights and removing body hair improves muscular definition and is way more comfortable in the hot summer. I have had laser hair removal on my upper body and it removed 90% of my chest and back hair. I finished up my chest with electrolysis and it is 99.5% hair free. Chest hair is way overrated. As a side effect I found that my nipples are a lot more sensitive with the hair gone. I was really enjoying my electrolysis treatments at the end. Now I am cleaning up the shoulders and back with electrolysis and it's going great.

So to answer your question, yes laser can work, but not on light or fine hairs. Electrolysis works on all hairs but is more tedious since they target one hair at a time. The hairs that the laser didn't kill became finer so I decided to get them nuked with electrolysis. Some may find the results from laser alone to be satisfactory though. I wanted it all gone though.

Pubic hair is often light colored and the skin can be darker there, so in many cases electrolysis might be better. I would like to have electrolysis on the entire genital area, but most electrologists, who are female, are reluctant to do genital work on men. I suppose they are afraid guys might have erections while they are doing electrolyis on them and are embarrassed. As the client it wouldn't bother me, and it actually makes the needle insertions easier.


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I'm 35 yrs and I shave everything from the neck down. (I keep my mustache and sideburns.) Unlike everyone else, I use a triple blade razor (Mach-3) for everything, including chest, arms/armpits, legs, abs, penis shaft, pubes, butt, anus, etc. I've never had any problems shaving any of those areas. I lather up with a good shaving cream and then I do my thing, bout once a week. It leaves me baby smooth with no irritation. Oh, I also use Tend Skin to ensure that I don't get razor bumps/razor burn. You can order it at Women like it too, especially for underarms and bikini lines.

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I'm 35 yrs and I shave everything from the neck down. (I keep my mustache and sideburns.) Unlike everyone else, I use a triple blade razor (Mach-3) for everything, including chest, arms/armpits, legs, abs, penis shaft, pubes, butt, anus, etc. I've never had any problems shaving any of those areas. I lather up with a good shaving cream and then I do my thing, bout once a week. It leaves me baby smooth with no irritation. Oh, I also use Tend Skin to ensure that I don't get razor bumps/razor burn. You can order it at Women like it too, especially for underarms and bikini lines.

I'll second that on the armpits. I had mine done too at the suggestion of my electrologist and I'm glad I did!

I would be afraid of ingrowns using a blade on my behind. Some are more prone to ingrowns than others I guess. I used Tend Skin on my balls once and I thought I was going to die from the pain! Tend Skin is a very good product though. I used it on my chest before I went with laser treatments.

If you use a blade you should try the Fusion Power. That is the ultimate shaving appliance!


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I picked the “I don’t shave anything.” but I do remove the hair at my perineum area. I’ve tried the shaving procedure but have found the razor stubble which emerges in a couple of days to be irritating and itchy which in turn requires re-shaving the area and irritating the skin anew. Like fellow member ‘JIH’, I have switched to using a depilatory on the perineum area for a couple of reasons : first, it takes about a week before new hairs start to emerge; second, when the new hair does emerge it is not bristle stiff and sharply irritating like cut hairs; third, even as I let them grow out it takes another week to 10 days before they begin to get pinched by the Aneros P-tab; fourth, the irritation due to the depilatory chemicals only lasts about 18 hours whereas razor burn can be two days for me, especially if I sweat much; fifth, since I’m 61, I am starting to notice my skin becoming thinner and more susceptible to the abrasions and cuts shaving may cause.

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Ah rumel!

The joys of thinning skin AND shaft hair! Me (61) too... I'll probably have to switch to depilatory (or laser/elctrolysis! Thanks for your insights on that Car_01.) sometime soon too...

More voters and fewer new posters! Hmmm... I wonder what their ages are?


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Hi All,
I have done a bit of everything.. shaved, then used hair remover (worked the best and longest), now,
I 'm full of hair everywhere, with no removal at this time. 🙂
I will probably use hair remover again, but I don't know when...

I have noticed that now that I have not removed the hair, I have started to get some hair pulling at my perineum when I use my traditional Aneros's, but I have been using my Peridise more now, so it is not a big issue at the moment.

i'm 59 years young, and getting younger every day! 😀

I answered the poll with "no removal of hair".

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I recently tried plucking my anus hairs. It actually doesn't hurt that much. The hair around your anus has weak roots, so it doesn't take that much to pull em out. You can actually pull em out by hand if you've got a good grip. Better than shaving because it doesn't leave stubble and a razor burn, and it grows in thinner as well. Eventually, you'll have no hair down there. Only problem is it's difficult to maneuver the tweezer to get those last remaining hairs. Haven't tried it on my sack though... kind of afraid to go tweezing there. 🙂

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Years ago I switched from shaving to plucking. I love the long-lasting satin smoothness (10-14) days. With each plucking session a few roots come out, so those hairs never grow back. After plucking on and off for thirty years, I probably only have about 20% of my pubic hair left, and what grows back is usually soft and fine. I love the feeling of the sheets on my bald genitals, and I like the look. My wife doesn't share my enthusiasm, but she tolerates it.

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I keep my pubes very short, shave my scrotum and perineum. I also use removal cream around my anus because of a problem with a pilonidal sinus below the tailbone, years ago.

My wife loves the "boys" smooth and rewards me on a regular basis with a damned good licking for being good. 😉

I'm 56, have a brand new Aneros in the package, which will be used for the first time today.

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I indicated in the survey that I shave all of the "down there" area. I originally just started trimming the pubic hair and trimming the massive amounts of hair on my chest and elsewhere. Finally, about 8 months ago, I started shaving balls, shaft, perineum, ass crack, leaving the pubic area still trimmed. Recently, my wife saw me trimming that area one day and suggested that we both shave each other so now, for the past 3 months, that area is shaved as well. I use a Trac-II, Gillette safety, shave in the shower at the gym where I go daily, usually shaving balls and crack and now pubes about every other day. I am 68, have always slept naked (since about 12 y/o), enjoy naturist activities (yes, I don't hide my shaved areas at the gym or beach with towel or clothing), and do not wear underwear either. I love the free and easy feelings of being naked and shaved.

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I shave my chest down to my anus. I use a gillette fushion. It gives me a good shave. I don't shave as often as I should though. Usually when the hair starts itching, off it comes. I love the feeling of being smooth. During summer it is much easier to stay smooth. It looks great since I am a "naturist" too. Nood

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I encourage to try a male brazilian. I have been waxing for a year and would never go back to the razor. No painful ingrowns and the smooth sensual result is to die for!

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I shave my testicles only,leaving hair over the rest of my body minus my face,which sports a moustache.


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I shave my lower belly, balls, and everywhere around my anus. I like it when my wife shaves everything, so I return the favor. One thing is sure, I get a lot more head when I shave than I used to. 😆

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49 and have been shaving totally down since i was in my early 30's. The look and feel is fantastic. More so when I hit the nude beach and ride my bike... 😀

We should all post pics on here! LOL

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Shaving really makes things much more comfortable. I had problems with how to approach this for a while and used many different products. I have found the best thing to use is Noxzema Shaving Bikini Shavers. You couldn't cut yourself with these things if you tried. I have shaved all the areas that are hard to reach and very delicate without a scratch. I don't even have to try and look at what I am doing, I just reach down there and do it. In fact, I have discovered that the only thing slowing me down is the hair that collects so rapidly. It's a no brainer. I have been able to consistently stay on top of hair growth.

Hope this helps!!

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Thought I should post a note to the effect that I no longer shave anything down there, else in a few days I may have forgotten that I did cast my vote, and horrors --- vote again! 😕

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