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Are you glad you completed your "rewiring" journey? Poll is created on Sep 18, 2020

Poll results: Are you glad you completed your "rewiring" journey?
Voter(s): 21
Poll is created on Sep 18, 2020
Yes  -  votes: 19 / 90.5%
No  -  votes: 1 / 4.8%
Don't know  -  votes: 0 / 0%
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Are you glad you completed your "rewiring" journey?

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  are you glad you completed your "rewiring" journey?

Varmint, Varmint and Varmint reacted
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As a timid, introverted person, I'd say that the Aneros journey and all the places it's taking me mentally and physically is one of the most exciting and interesting part of my adult life. So yes ! 

Edit : I don't think that my rewiring will ever be "complete", there's always more to look forward ! 

eagerbeaver, Poseidon, Varmint and 9 people reacted
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Very much so! The pleasure enjoyed is second to none and can last as long as you want or can endure! Since rewired have been experiencing lots of Aless as well!

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I have to agree with @Zentai 'rewiring' is an ongoing process with no finite completion point. As one learns more it facilitates attainment of a wider range of sensual experiences with the Super-O being one of the most intense sensual experiences a man can achieve. As is so often noted here on the Forum, the learning process is an individual's journey with no specific destination.

Good Vibes to You!

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Why do you say it is "interesting"? What is it you look forward to?




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Posted by: @fred27

Very much so! The pleasure enjoyed is second to none and can last as long as you want or can endure! Since rewired have been experiencing lots of Aless as well!




Aside from enjoying the superpower of being able to access what sounds like near unlimited sexual pleasure, are there any other benefits this power brings along with it which you particularly value?



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I'll try to explain. Mostly I find that life in general is pretty bland. I can see beauty in nature and arts, books, music, movies, but these days I'm very rarely surprised by anything really new.

When I was a kid I was amazed by new scientific discoveries, space travel, cloning, computers, what the future would be. I'd run to my parents with a magazine in hand, excited to share some new things I just learned. In my late thirties, it's just not the same.

Rewiring is living the kind of adventure I read about as a youngster, going where few men went before me, experiencing completely new sensations. It's like being a space explorer in my own mind. It's amazing that this is even possible !



Pranos, eagerbeaver, 7sDoor and 12 people reacted
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Interesting. The way you describe yourself, I also see myself. Except, I have yet to lose enthusiasm for the world around me. Artificial intelligence, the new GPT-3 technology that was just released, Elon Musk's neural link, the field of systems thinking, PKM (personal knowledge management) tools, using the mind as a laboratory with meditation and breathwork, the list goes on! 

I feel as though 'enthusiasm' is potential energy just waiting for activation and conscious channeling.

You mention your parents when you describe your fondest memories. I have to wonder if they remain key factors to your psychological growth and expression. I can say a large part of my evolution over the past 4 years has been strongly tied to my mother. Aside from her, I'd say the other primary stimuli for my spiritual growth has been the aneros. 

You refer to rewiring as an adventure. I can appreciate this, to an extent. If I may, while I haven't reached "super-o" status yet, this "adventure" appears to center on a solitary pursuit of sensual bodily pleasure. But to what end?

What do you think about the idea of channeling your sexual energy into generating the enthusiasm you say is missing? Is "sexual energy" the term you'd use to describe it?

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After being on the "rewiring" journey since about 2010, I have to say, I feel a little tired and maybe a little fed up, at times. But not fed up or not, it doesn't keep me from having an average of 2, 6 hour sessions a week over the past 4 years (I took 4 years off from 2012 - 2016 while living abroad, and spent about 1-2 years from 2010-2012 making some progress). After the dust settles and my prana is depleted, me and my prostate are usually laying there like a sweaty, worn out, sexually frustrated and overstimulated animal. lol

Despite having myofascial pain syndrome caused by the numerous trigger points across my back since 2016; despite literally collapsing, due to losing muscle control of my right shoulder 3 times while lifting weights over the past 3 years (it happened due to what I believe was trigger point induced metabolic syndrome on the right side of my body, primarily originating from my rhomboid major. The 3rd time I collapsed, I decided to go to the VA emergency room (I'm a vet) find out what the f*ck was happening with my shoulder. He agreed with me that it sounds like myofascial pain syndrome. So I spent the last 2 years in physical therapy working with 2 different chiropractors, 2 different physical therapists, and 2 different massage therapists. Please forgive the running sentences, and for all the complaining 🙂

I can say that this has truly been a major part of my life. Actually, it has been perhaps one of the most important experiences of my life, in a spiritually enlightening kind of way. Not necessarily because of the sensual pleasure (what would it be without that?) but also because today I'm in the best health and physical shape of my life. Where the metabolic syndrome has essentially deactivated the flow of blood and oxygen to my back, I feel as though I'm essenetially arriving in my body. It's hard to describe. Throw in the cardiovascular expanding Wim Hof breathing and pranayama exercises, intermittent fasting, cold water therapy, and various other things, things can get interesting.

I just have a hard time justifying all this effort it's largely just a hedonistic, self-serving pursuit to activate what are probably the same areas of the brain that are activated when smoking crack. I must believe there is a higher purpose. My working theory is that this sexual energy, the same energy that has been stagnating in my body, can be used, as a tool. I'd like to explore that avenue further.



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I'd say that recreating the sense of wonder I had as a kid is just becoming harder with time. It's not that all enthusiasm is gone, it's more that most new things are just a logical progression of old things.

Computers that occupied entire buildings now fit in your pocket or on your wrist, which is amazing but it stopped being surprising to me. Cars will be faster, phones thinner, automation will take over, at some point we'll get to singularity. This is more or less inevitable and just not stimulating. As an adult I just know that these innovations are not really making the world a better place in the great scale of things.

Understanding human consciousness, the universal quest for happiness, I feel that breakthroughs in these fields could move humanity forward. I don't have a lot of answers, but I think that if more people, men and women, can experience the feelings of bliss, complete love for yourself and others that I sometimes attain, and yes, that sense of child like wonderment, that's something worth working on. 

Sharing techniques with others so they can get there and then spread this knowledge themselves is what gets you out of your practice being self-serving IMHO. I strongly believe that there is a limited number of "paths" to rewire, and also a limited number of "personalities", and that matching the right technique with the right person is what makes it work... that would be one of the important goals. 



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Posted by: @metalbunny
Posted by: @fred27

Very much so! The pleasure enjoyed is second to none and can last as long as you want or can endure! Since rewired have been experiencing lots of Aless as well!




Aside from enjoying the superpower of being able to access what sounds like near unlimited sexual pleasure, are there any other benefits this power brings along with it which you particularly value?

 Would say other benefits include the ability to totally relax and focus on what is happening at the time and be absorbed in that moment! Until one can be totally relaxed, one cannot enjoy the moment and it’s pleasure!



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While I still think I’m continuing my journey, and getting even better and more continuous orgasms with each session, I am so glad I discovered the magic of prostate orgasm. My only regret is not having discovered this amazing ability years ago! Every man should experience this bliss!

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Thank you for your patience with my reply.

How do you know that what you are experiencing, with what sounds like a certain numbness, is not a result of the stimulation caused by what you experience with the aneros? In other words, if the orgasms are as good as the way you describe, then it sounds like the real world would have a hard time keeping up with the standards of bliss induced with an aneros. Furthermore, how does one keep from becoming addicted to bliss? And bliss - to what end that is not self-centered? 


@rumel @zentai

In order to bring myself back up to speed with this conversation, I reread the posts in this thread. I noticed a couple typos with some words in my responses that could have led to a miscommunication.

Whatever the case, I just want to summarize that I'm interested in understanding various philosophical and neurobiological ramifications involved with a rewiring journey. I hear an awful lot of focus on self-gratification, but no discussion around how this rewiring journey affects individuals in non-sexual-non-sensual ways? 

This subject reminds me of Aristotle's virtue ethics, and the quest for excellence found in the golden mean. How do you wrestle with its potential for addiction? I have yet to rewire, but I have learned that this energy is STRONG! How do you work with it, outside of the obvious - just having another session?



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Thanks for your response, but come on, there has to be more to it than just orgasms! Right?


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Posted by: @metalbunny

Thanks for your response, but come on, there has to be more to it than just orgasms! Right?


Like what ? What if the goal is to orgasm as much as possible once your basics needs are met ? I hope it's not just that, but who knows ?

The more I think about it, the more I believe that early humans were attuned with these feelings, and for some reason we de-wired at some point. And we know for a fact that all the connections are still intact, but the signals need some work. So how important is that mechanism if it was "maintained" for so long but so few know about it ?

Maybe "normal" sex triggered Super-Os in both men and women ?

Maybe it's the feeling you got when you and 4 other malnourished guys managed to kill a f'kin saber tooth tiger with sticks ?  

You're right, daily feelings can't compete, maybe they're not supposed to. 

I never put it so plainly, but the bottom line might be this : when you're experiencing bliss, you don't think about lying or cheating or stealing or vengeance or national pride. You can't hurt anyone, or make them sad. Wouldn't you want bliss to be more widespread in the world ? 

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@metalbunny but what incredible, mind blowing overpoweringly intense orgasms though, totally satisfactory as far as I’m concerned, call me shallow I guess!


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I feel an amazing boost in energy, a little more calm, and a little bit more focus as well. I've only just started my rewiring journey though -- like @rumel said it's only a path forward, the journey is the destination. So stay on the journey and regardless what you experience, accept whatever you feel! 🙂

metalbunny, frekans, metalbunny and 3 people reacted
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@poseidon You are right. I think that the journey is more important than the destination.  


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Posted by: @poseidon

I feel an amazing boost in energy, a little more calm, and a little bit more focus as well. I've only just started my rewiring journey though -- like @rumel said it's only a path forward, the journey is the destination. So stay on the journey and regardless what you experience, accept whatever you feel! 🙂 basket random 

I agree with your idea. 


This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by roomtreble

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