Prostate Infection
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Prostate Infection

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I am a new user of the Vice 2 and the Helix Syn V. The first one I tried was the Vice 2 with a 1 hour session. It felt good and got to a point where my anal muscles were spasming on their own. At first I felt like I was going to have a wet orgasm but as I relaxed and just tried to take in and experience what I was feeling the feeling of orgasm remained without having an ejaculation. So I think that was a good start. Now I do have an enlarged prostate and have a poor flow. However after this session when I peed it came out of me like when I was 15 y.o.

A couple days after that I received my Helix Syn V. I wasn't in a position where I could lay down and relax like the first time but I wanted to compare the sensations between the two. I spent an hour with each as I did things around the house. When I ended the session my prostate felt a little sore and I didn't have the increase in urine flow as I had the first time. That soreness lasted into the next day. After that each day I felt more and more like a UTI (but just in my prostate) where I had burning when I peed and difficulty peeing. After a couple days of this I went to the doctor and he said I had a prostate infection caused by bacteria and gave me an antibiotic. He knows I ride a bicycle and commented that that there is always bacteria in the urinary track and if the prostate is irritated (from the saddle) it can cause an infection to start. I didn't what to mention the Aneros to my doctor but know that I ride all the time and never had this happen before, Because of the soreness I had in my prostate after using the Aneros I am confident it irritated my prostate enough to cause the infection.

I am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. I also wonder if it was because of the vibrating models and if a non-vibrating model could have prevented this. Is it possible I just overdid it and with time my prostate would better get used to this. Or is it not advisable for someone with an enlarged prostate to use prostate stimulation?

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Hey, there was period in my life where I played a lot of with the prostate. And it eventualy got irritated or awaken it is hard to tell. I had exactly same symptoms like you. Went to the doc did all the exams everything looked fine, doc said it is an infection and prescribed antibiotics.

I didn't take them because they are very heavy on the body and eventualy symptoms disapeared. From this expireince I learned that you need to be gentle with your prostate otherwise you can strain it. You mentioned that you had a long session this is exactly what causing your symptoms. I think doctor prescribed you anti-biotics because they didn't know that you were invloved in anal play sessions. I would consider go to the doctor and mention anal paly so they can correct your treatment.

Start small and be gentle, it also happeneds to me from time to time when I put to much pressure on the prostate. Helix Syn Trident works best for me.

This post was modified 11 months ago 2 times by astronaut

Sebastian Miński
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I have had similars symptoms without prostate infection but my prostate was enlarged in examination. The symptoms subsided by themselves. This happens when I ride not too often but with longer periods of abstinence. What helped me I suppose are short regular sessions (I use mainly Aneros Helix Syn) and later I introduced prostate milking which enabled more control over enlarging prostate issue. I have also switched lube to silicone-based for compatible toys. Water-based lube dry out too quickly which might cause irritation.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Sebastian Miński

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Posted by: @astronaut
From this expireince I learned that you need to be gentle with your prostate otherwise you can strain it. You mentioned that you had a long session this is exactly what causing your symptoms. I

Thanks so much for the reply. I guess my mistake was thinking that if some stimulation was good (and relaxed my prostate) that more would be better.

Posted by: @astronaut
I think doctor prescribed you anti-biotics because they didn't know that you were invloved in anal play sessions. I would consider go to the doctor and mention anal paly so they can correct your treatment.

It actually went beyond just the prostate being irritated. The irritation of my prostate weakened it and gave the bacteria an opportunity to attack it and colonize and cause a bacterial infection. I needed the antibiotic to then kill off the bacteria. If my prostate was just irritated from the rubbing the problem wouldn't have been so great. I didn't expect any irritation to cause the chain reaction.

Posted by: @sebastian-minski
I have had similars symptoms without prostate infection but my prostate was enlarged in examination. The symptoms subsided by themselves. This happens when I ride not too often but with longer periods of abstinence. What helped me I suppose are short regular sessions (I use mainly Aneros Helix Syn) and later I introduced prostate milking which enabled more control over enlarging prostate issue.

I ride a lot (4 -5 times a week for 1 to 2 hours each ride). The saddle I use (with a cut out in the middle) helps plus (I believe) the rubbing isn't direct as it is with the Aneros so I never have problems riding. I have also inserted a firm spherical rubber ball on a rod into my anus on occasions and put pressure (while rubbing) my prostate to milk the fluid out of it in an attempt to aid in prostate health but the rubbing was always a lot less so it never caused a problem. I agree that I need to work up to using the Aneros over a longer period of time.

Another question I have is in regard to the vibrating models vs the non-vibrating models. Can a person get the same (or maybe even better results) from the non-vibrating models. Are the vibrating models just a crutch to get inexperienced users to orgasm faster? Would I be better off starting with (and getting used to) a non-vibrating model? Aneros seems to have a larger selection of non-vibrating models.


