Complete Noob here!
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Complete Noob here!

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Hey guys, I’m new to this whole prostate orgasms…. I haven’t had one yet and I just ordered the Helix Trident, just waiting for it to get here.  Thought I’d come on the forums to get some pointers.   I’d like some ideas and suggestions on how to handle it?  Thanks in advance! 

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Posted by: @joeroberts77
I’d like some ideas and suggestions on how to handle it?

Welcome to the Aneros Forums, you've joined a unique group of caring men who will offer you much guidance as you begin this sensual voyage. My first bit of advice is to do a lot of reading and that starts off with the sticky threads in the Newbies Nook Forum -> LEARN - Helpful Links for new members, Intoductory Message  to New Members, B's Keys & B's Best and the Aneros WIKI. Your journey may have a steep learning curve but I promise you it will be enjoyable.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thank you for having me here, I don’t suppose you have a discord or a facebook page?

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Posts: 4079

Posted by: @joeroberts77
I don’t suppose you have a discord or a facebook page?

At one time someone did set up a Discord account for Aneros discussions but I don't have any links to that.There is an official Aneros Facebook page -> . There is an unofficial account on Reddit ->   However I think your best source of information is right here on the Aneros Forums

Good Vibes to You!

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Hope your journey is very rewarding - there are so many supportive folks in this community.

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