Orgasms hours after...
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Orgasms hours after removal of massager

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Hey everyone,

i just bought a helix and i have used if twice. The first time i used it i didnt get much out of it just a little pressure. Then that night when i went to bed and was laying there relaxed my body had waves coming over me happened for about 15-20 mins was greeeat feelings. All this while the massager has been out of me for hours. Then the following day i had a 2 hour session in the after noon while laying down this was incredible from the second i inserted it for pretty much the full two hours just wave after wave of pleasure. Then later that night i was doing work on my computer and just kept have orgasm after orgasm about every 5-10 mins all night long. With no massager in place is that common to keep have orgasms or is that my body just getting used to the new experience. (Trust me im not complaining this weekend has been amazing A++for the massager) the only negative is both times i seemed to get a minor case of blueballs after which was relieved from penile  masturbation. So i guess my questions are

is blueballs normal after a session?

are orgasms normal for hours after a massager session? Or is that just my body rewiring process? Either way its amazing! A++ 

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Posted by: @jason8871
With no massager in place is that common to keep have orgasms or is that my body just getting used to the new experience.

NO, what you have described is not common, you are very fortunate. Most men go through a steep learning curve to achieve the kind of results you have gotten. There have been a few reports of uncontrolled spontaneous orgasms which may be associated with a condition called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, see the thread Far too many orgasms? and the study report Prostate? induced orgasms: A concise review illustrated with a highly relevant case study.

Posted by: @jason8871
Is blueballs normal after a session?

Prostate massage brings increased blood flow to the whole pelvic floor and combined with the arousal factor this vasocongestion may create epididymal hypertension (blue balls) for some men. This is normal to some extent for but is not usually problematic with many men enjoying their feelings of increased arousal after their Anerosessions, an afterglow effect. If this is a problem for you, you may opt to proceed to an ejaculatory orgasm through traditional masturbatory methods which should relieve the condition.

Posted by: @jason8871
Are orgasms normal for hours after a massager session? Or is that just my body rewiring process?

No, this is not typical but I wouldn't want to label it as abnormal either. It is possible this is just a phase in your rewiring process and may disappear after a certain period of time. The rewiring process is an ongoing evolution of sorts as your brain's neuroplasticity is at work creating new pathways to orgasmic pleasures. Welcome to the Aneros Journey.

Good Vibes to You!
