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New to this and want to know what to expect

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I just ordered the Helix Trident Syn and am anxiously awaiting its arrival.  What should I expect in terms of beginner usage and initial results?

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I think it’s probably impossible to answer your question as everyone’s responses are so different, but hey, unpack it lovingly, look at it as your new friend and imagine all the pleasure it can bring you! 

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Posted by: @tucsoncowboy
What should I expect in terms of beginner usage and initial results?

Honestly, Please don't expect anything. As  @iopas noted each individual is going to react differently to prostate stimulation, so it is best not to make any expectations as is noted in item H.) of the the post Introductory Message to New Members (please read and follow through on the links contained therein).>

In response to you specific question you can look at Aneros Basics to get an inkling of the journey you have embarked upon. Please read the Aneros WIKI to answer many of your questions. Welcome to your new life!

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel I have been using my first prostate massager (MGX) for almost two weeks now, and I've managed five sessions ranging between 90 minutes and two hours. To provide a little background, I've always been interested in exploring new sources of pleasure which include energy orgasms and dry O's and wet O's from nipple stimulation alone.

My experiences with the MGX so far mimic the sensations of my energy orgasms. After about 30 minutes with the MGX in place, I feel heat and vibrations/tingling in my pelvic area, and when I breathe deeply into my pelvis, it feels like the energy is spilling over the top of a dam into my stomach with each inhale. That's the best way I can describe it. Sometimes these cause my upper body to move like a wave, but after a few minutes like this, all of the muscles in my upper body lock up, my back arches and pushes my stomach toward the sky or my head and shoulders will lift off the bed. Sometimes my body alternates between the two, but either way, it's hard to catch my breath when this happens. This continues for 30 seconds to a minute and is sometimes followed immediately by another as I'm trying to resume normal breathing. When the movements stop, I'm left with a feeling of warmth and calmness all over my body. The difference between my energy orgasms and what I experience with the MGX is the MGX seems to bring on the "orgasms" much faster and with greater frequency. They're not necessarily more intense though, but I will say that at least one time in each of my last two MGX sessions, my legs began shaking violently. I didn't even know they could move like that. Those movements definitely added to the pleasure I felt in my prostate though.

I think the use of the MGX is bringing on rewiring faster, too. Just this morning while I was watching a training video for work on my laptop (at home), the audio coming from the speakers caused pleasant vibrations in my pelvic area that caught my attention. I started breathing deeply into them and felt the heat and tingling enter my stomach. Within five or so minutes, my entire upper body tensed up and started moving like a wave like I had the MGX in place; only, I wasn't using it. I haven't used it in a few days. Anyway, this happened a few more times during the video. Luckily, it wasn't a conference call where I had to speak or use my video...just an hour-long training video that turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be. 🙂 As stated above, playing with my nipples alone and breathing deeply can bring on the same orgasmic sensations, but this seems to be much easier now than it was prior to using the MGX. I have been experimenting with nipple play for about four or five months now, so this could just be a coincidence.

I guess I'm typing all of this because I am looking for some type of validation. Am I experiencing Super-O's, mini-O's, P-waves, etc.? I would like to be able to name my experiences. If none of them sound like a Super-O, that's okay, but my mind is blown. I know things can still get better, but it's hard to imagine feeling that much better. My brain attempts to rationalize all of this by trying to convince me I'm controlling the movements. Granted, if I re-engage my mind, I can slow things down until everything eventually stops, but it's not like I'm able to stop everything all at once. It's not like I want to either because it feels too damn good.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (and, hopefully, respond). Maybe sharing my experiences and getting your comments will help another noob that stumbles upon this thread.

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Posted by: @anerosmgxnoob
I guess I'm typing all of this because I am looking for some type of validation. Am I experiencing Super-O's, mini-O's, P-waves, etc.? I would like to be able to name my experiences.

First, I'd like to welcome you to our little community. Second, I don't think your progress is coincidental, you are in the process of rewiring your brain to a new pleasure typography. 

From your description of sensations you have definitely been experiencing P-waves, mini-O's and perhaps even a Super-O (please see Super-O (Aneros WIKI definition)). The key elements to a Super-O are that it is non-ejaculatory and "... an orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference.". They may not be any more intense than a traditional ejaculatory orgasm and may, in fact , be less intense, though longer lasting. I think too many newbies are somewhat confused by the term Super-O, believing it to be something overwhelmingly intense. In fact the dictionary only defines 'super' as "over and above : higher in quantity, quality, or degree than : more than" and does not denote the degree to which it is "over and above", thus even 1% over a traditional orgasm in terms of physical intensity, or duration or emotional quality can qualify it as a Super-O. You are the only one who can make that determination, so don't discount your sensations as less than what they are. Too many men discount their experiences as "not a Super-O" when in fact they were having a Super-O but were expecting something else.

You have made great progress in two short weeks and I imagine your sessions will get even more intense as you grow forward so congratulations are in order

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel Thanks for the response and the encouragement. I did ejaculate the first time using the MGX but haven't since (in a session or otherwise). I was too "active" during my first session before reading that I needed to be more passive and even submissive. I had another 2+ hour session last night, and although it wasn't the best of the lot, I've experienced quite a few random aftershocks today. They started as subtle pulses in my prostate that continued until a burst of energy shot to the top of my head. They are very enjoyable but could be embarrassing if I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time. 🙄

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