Getting over the hu...
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Getting over the hump

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Let me start by saying I love this device. It has always been a great time almost every time(Especially since I switched to a Helix Syn from a standard MGX).  Unfortunately I am struggling achieving O. I can feel the pleasure building to point of O but I almost always seem to stall out. Now this is great but edging does wear on you and you do just want to climax. I just can't seem to figure it out. I have tried focusing only on the feeling in the backdoor and relaxing and letting my body do what it wants. I have achieved O by accident once. Not sure how I got there nor was I expecting it. I have tried repeating the result with only minor success. I was combining my anal contractions with PC movement and if I focus on the PC this is what I think happened but it is a struggle to separate theses and I don't really have control over how tight the PC squeezes. I can feel the difference anal is more up and down where if I focus on the PC it is more of an rotation into the prostate movement. 

Some explanation as I may be confusing terms. I have the most control when I squeeze the anus I can feel all the muscles down there contract. If I focus where I squeeze it feels more forward and closer to the groin but harder to control. This is how I Oed the first time which was the a feeling I can't describe think Narnia level(Took like 30 secs to achieve after I experimented with where I was squeezing). I did O again in a different session but it was more on the level of the ol' trombone O

Any suggestions? Or is this all mental? And I just need to relax more? Thanks for any help. As my first O was pure bliss 

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It's all experimentation. Congratulations on making it to the Super O .It is an incredible pleasure and an unprecedented feeling.

Testing is needed to know what works for you. What usually happens in my sessions is Inserting the aneros / Anal comfort after insertion / Feeling of well being and pleasure gradually increasing / Anus and prostate enjoying great pleasure that spread to the whole body / Long duration of P waves / Super O as the result of the constant accumulation of P waves.

The Super O for me is more like overflowing, the pleasure of the P waves is long and intense enough to overflow. The feeling that precedes it is: "It's very intense, I think something is going to happen".

Currently I no longer do contractions but some involuntary ones happen simultaneously in a light and random way (PC and anal muscle). Let it grow without interfering and the body itself will take you there through the accumulation of pleasure.

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Thanks, not really sure what p waves are(For me I think p waves are just warmth that spreads through out I only get a few and really have to focus to feel them). But from your description and my recent session. I think I am having mini Os they are just so subtle and buried under under just how good every thing feels in the moment. I had a tingly sensation all over for a few secs after the build up and a slight lull in the good feelings(Same as if you get distracted temporally). I guess I just have to relax, enjoy the moment and be in the present. Side not I do struggle with Kegels now. It gets the motor a runnin' 

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This is all natural, enjoy whatever comes your way during the session and little by little your body will recognize that this is an area of great satisfaction. If I think today "How I could not feel pleasure with aneros?" I won't know how to answer because there was nothing that could be configured for this to happen.

P waves can be understood as heat as well. If you were floating in nice temperature water with waves it would look a bit like P waves. Pleasure and sensations pass in many directions smoothly. Maybe it's not possible to know where they begin or end.

I think you're on the right track and it's just a matter of time before the orgasms intensify and you have Super Os.

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@soul-pleasure thanks for the detail answer. It will help me out as well. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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There's nothing to thank 😉
