Do I involve my par...
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Do I involve my partner?

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I’m 76 and my partner 84 and have both enjoyed a satisfying sex life. Some years ago I had to revert to Viagra to Maintain an erection and recently I will need to increase the dose. There are side effects so I wanted to avoid this. Also my partner finds intercourse painful now so I decided to explore the internet.

I came upon Aneos and thought this might be an answer. I’m well versed with my anatomy and remembered feeling pleasure when my doctor checked out my prostate. My partner has always ruled out anal sex and finds the subject repellent so I wondered if I should keep the activity secret or tell her. I wanted this to become part of our joint sexual experience so I decided to tell her, but how!

I decided to show her the “How to use the aneos” and see her reaction. When she saw the internal cleaning picture she said “is that it?”. When she came to the picture of a section of the male reproductive system with the partially inserted Aneos, she pointed to the bladder and said “what’s that”. This gave me the chance to take her on a tour of the male reproductive system and point out the prostate. 

She is well aware of my frustration and thought it might be a good idea. I explained I would like her to help with the insertion process and she agreed.

So I have placed an order and await our new adventure. I have no idea where it will take us.

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Posted by: @hexode
Do I involve my partner?

ABSOLUTELY! and kudos to you for educating your partner about your own anatomy. I invite you and you partner to read through the Aneros Women and Couples Corner and the Women Too section of the Aneros WIKI., You just may find the next phase of your relationship to be more exciting and pleasure filled than you could have imagined.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks for the links, they are very helpful. I have explored the community more and found some more information. I do appreciate your reply, I don't do social media but I think this will be useful so I have made an exception.

Inserting the Aneros for the first time has concerned me so I decided to experiment with a finger before it arrives. I lubricated well and tried to massage my anus but when I tried to enter it was not receptive. When I pressed down as if I was defecating it was more responsive and I started a slow gentle attempt at entry. When I tried again after a few minutes it was more receptive and on the third occasion it allowed me in easily. I did this when I had woken up in the morning with my partner asleep alongside me, this in itself was arousing. I then lay for some time with my finger in my rectum. I’m looking forward to its arrival and I have decided to give it to my partner to open. I will see what her response is.

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Great work.  I also went through conflict on how to involve my partner and communicate how the aneros could help.  I took the complete medical approach, and she added- 'and it is ok if it is fun too'.  This can tend to be a solo journey but it is nice to involve your significant other as well along the way.
