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B Mayfield
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Dear Fellow Forum Members,
The following thread is a distillation, of both of my Keys to the Backdoor threads that formerly appeared in the STICKY section at the top of the forum. In putting this together I have attempted to separate the wheat from the chaff and make this area as informational as possible while preserving the contemporaneous nature of my own personal journey to the Super O. Consequently, I have removed a great deal of the email correspondence that was initially a part of these threads. Those that still remain are there only to give context to my comments. If you should wish to view the original threads in their entirety you will be able to see them in the archive section.

You may notice that I have not followed the original chronology of these posts, but in doing this, I trust that you’ll find that this thread flows better. Be advised that I have kept most of the original content intact save for a few typos that I was able to catch this time around. In several instances I did change a line or two or add some additional content to add clarity.

P.S. Be sure to check out the B’s BEST OF BEE LINE thread also. The first post in that thread is the closest thing to an Aneros Primer that I’ve written (and it is fairly current as well)


BF Mayfield

B Mayfield
Member Adventurer Registered
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2118
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It is important to remember that the journey from the penile centered approach to the non-ejaculatory orgasm or Super O is really an evolution of sorts. Turning away from the powerful sensations that are the precursors of an ejaculation to the relatively subtle sensations that characterize the beginnings of a Super O is not easy, particularly if you're not familiar with what these non-ejaculatory precursors feel like in the first place! Where do you feel them? What do they feel like? They may be felt in the anus, rectum, perineum, pelvis and abdomen (think of a midpoint between ones navel and the pubic bone, then deep within the body cavity). The sensations themselves may be described as tickling or tingling at times and as they follow through to Super O a deep and intense surging. In the past, I've suggested that a very subtle form of these sensations may be perceived once in a while when one is yawning or perhaps stretching. Both of these activities involve contraction of the abdomen and diaphragm and may even have some deeper pelvic interaction as well.

The manufacturer has emphasized an approach that seeks to encourage involuntary contractions through systematic exercise and the consequent fatigue of the anal musculature. Ostensibly it's a means of kick-starting the non-ejaculatory response. The idea is that once started these involuntary contractions initiate a positive feedback loop with the aid of the Aneros' abutment tab at the perineal acupressure point (Sweet Spot), which propagates a Super O.

The fact is however, that it’s not necessarily so. In my experience, even a good salvo of involuntaries may be insufficient to take the positive feedback loop to a truly self-propagating level and thus generate a Super O. I believe that more is required to initiate and sustain the non-ejaculatory response. This is where playing with your various tools or techniques come into play. What are the tools? Anal contractions (low level, moderate and hard), rectal contractions, lower abdominal contractions, breathing (valley breathing and vibratory breathing)…and last but most importantly mental focus. Mental focus is without a doubt the passport to the Super O. With mental focus you can coalesce the many disparate pleasure sensations created with the techniques outlined above into one wave and ride that wave into a Super O. To a certain extent it’s about directing your attention to the proper places, while at the same time increasing your level of arousal. I know what you’re thinking. You want a specific formula. Over the last several years between this forum and my email correspondence with other users, I've been searching for the common links for deriving such a formula. So far my experience has shown that users are far better off when they explore on their own with the techniques that I've suggested rather than with any kind of rigid formula. Why? In part because there are subtle differences in how we are all wired; position and degree of sensitivity of the perineal acupressure point and the prostate are both factors that can have influence on how much of what works when. But just as importantly it’s because people end up getting too hung up on following instructions. If one becomes too cognitively engaged, one ends up ignoring what’s happening on a sensory level and then all of a sudden…you’re lost. This all involves time, patience and self-discovery and most of all having a solid commitment to creating an orgasm in a totally new way.

I'’ll try to recap some things in general terms to set you in the right direction.


On the back, side lying and kneeling (with knees next to the bed and torso and head laying on the bed) are my favorites (and probably most suited for newbies). Ironically the only position that worked for me originally was lying on back. Gradually I found success with different positions until today, just about any position works for me. On all fours (which I think you mentioned) is great for generating arousal but can be more difficult for going all the way with. In general it’s good to start with a position that affords you some stability (a position you can hold indefinitely without fatigue), so you are free to focus on other things.

Setting the stage

A good hot shower and some decent erotica are all part of setting the stage. Experiment with forms of stimulation that do not involve direct penile stimulation, external anal massage, anal contractions, nipple tugging, abdominal massage, perineal stimulation, scrotal stimulation etc. The idea here is to ratchet up the arousal/ sexual tension without direct penile stimulation. As you do these things, become aware of subtle feedback that your body gives you. Can you feel your prostate swell? Do you perhaps sense a tickling or tingling in your anus, scrotum, perineum, abdomen etc? Experiment with breathing and try a lower abdominal expansion while you do so. Bear down rectally and as you do so become aware of sensations (if any) in your prostate and anus.

Many of these techniques are going to be explored further once you introduce the Aneros, but for now just play with them a little a see where they take you by themselves.


This is a topic that has received a tremendous amount of attention (too much) in the forum. In a nutshell, if you choose to pre-lubricate (and it’s a good idea for most newbies) all you need are one or two infant droppers full of one of the thinner glycerin preparations (ID Glide, KY liquid, WET etc.). After that, all that’s left is lubricating the Aneros itself with copious amounts of KY JELLY prior to insertion. It is NOT necessary to take a KY enema to effectively lubricate oneself. Between the small amount of pre-lubrication (which is internal, so it won’t dry up) and the jelly application outside, the Aneros is about as mobile as it will ever get! So do this, then forget about it!


Start with the manufacturers instructions (20 minutes or so) to begin with, but do so loosely, don’t get hung up on following them to the letter. But if these exercises don’t get the involuntaries happening, don’t sweat it.


One suggestion I have is to start by establishing a base level contraction. This will be a low level contraction that you maintain throughout the entire session. Stay with this contraction for several minutes before introducing any harder contractions, just so you can become accustomed to what it feels like (it may feel different later when you return to it from a higher magnitude contraction and you want to be able to recognize that). Also, as opposed to just alternating between anal and rectal contractions try also using them simultaneously. That being said, when doing them simultaneously be sure to use the rectal contraction in a more measured way. Why? Because a rectal contraction involves a larger muscle group which can over-power the anal contraction completely. So explore some fine-tuning with it. Again, the idea here is not really to get a workout per se as much as it is to generate sensation. Here’s the key; pleasurable sensations trump all. If you learn to generate pleasurable sensations through anal, rectal, and abdominal contractions and rhythmic breathing and learn to magnify and center these sensations through mental focus, you will find the Super O. In this way, creating the Super O is much less a mechanical process of thrusting or slamming yourself to an orgasm (penile centered mindset), as it is a dance between mind and body. For this reason I usually encourage newbies to explore and have fun with it, and be a little less directed in the beginning.

The following exercises are an illustration of how several techniques may be combined to encourage involuntaries and generate sensation. Start with a set of 16 moderate contractions holding for about 10 - 12 seconds each. Inhale slowly into the lower abdomen (vibrating your diaphragm) while contracting, and exhaling with the release. When releasing these contractions be sure to come back to the base level contraction for about 4 seconds. Be observant of any sensations or twitching that may arise (this may occur during or after the moderate contraction. If any sensation is observed, allow yourself to enjoy it no matter how subtle it is. (Pleasure itself is don't ignore it). After this first set try adding another technique to the mix for the next set. While holding this contraction introduce a rectal contraction as well (this is a bearing down – pushing out contraction). Anal and rectal contractions work antagonistically, one pushing in the other pushing out, very often interesting sensations can be developed by working these techniques simultaneously. Again, between contractions always come back to the base level (that is, so you're never letting go entirely) and when you do be observant of any sensations that may come your way. Alternatively you may exhale with contraction and inhale with release. Mixing up techniques like this is a great way to get acquainted with your body in new way and generate sensations at the same time.

VERY IMPORTANT; if you feel something building DON'T hammer it with a strong contraction. Instead approach it very gingerly with a slightly upgraded anal contraction for example. It’s almost like fishing; when you feel a nibble you don’t want to pull the hook out of the fish’s mouth before it’s really set. The same goes for the Super O. When you feel encouraging sensations, think more in terms of supporting them or bolstering them with some supportive contractions and rhythmic breathing. Once the orgasm is imminent, you may employ stronger contractions to constructive ends. Try holding your breath slightly and bearing down (only hold for 10 secs. or so anoxia is no the goal). OR bear down (rectal contraction) with a slight anal contraction while executing some short panting (quick inhalation and exhalation but with very little air exchanged so you are neither hyperventilating or becoming anoxic, while doing this expand your lower abdomen as if filling with air. You get a couple of things from this, lower abdominal expansion (which gives a nice full sensation in the pelvic region), vibration of the diaphragm, and anal/ rectal tension, which creates more sensory input at the same time.


Visualization is the process by which one uses the focus on a mental image for a specific purpose or goal. This technique can be very useful in that (with it) your body may actually coordinate certain responses almost involuntarily. So what kind of images does one use? Generally any image that gets you really aroused. My preference is to use more abstract images. For instance I rarely use images about intercourse or a session with my wife. Why? I find them too distracting. I want the focus to be on me as much as possible; therefore I use images that involve something happening with my body.

One of the images I use involves being penetrated. No, this is not a gay fantasy, (there isn't really a mental picture of someone else being involved at all) yet it’s something that I've found arousing and centering at the same time. I visualize being penetrated (in an abstract way, by some object or some energy) as I pull the Aneros in with an anal contraction. At the same time I find myself excitedly inhaling in a ratcheting fashion (as if one was going to sneeze), it occurs almost like a light panting that vibrates my diaphragm. I yield a rectal contraction to push the unit out very slightly and hold my breath very slightly as I do so (several seconds). As I draw it in again with an anal contraction I inhale and expand my lower abdomen and become aware of the fullness there. As I gently and slowly work the Aneros in and out, I visualize and mentally focus on a center in my pelvic area extended straight upward from my rectum into my abdomen (a point below the navel and above the my pubic bone. I imagine the Aneros touching this area with every stroke, and with every stroke a sensation growing. A tickling sensation emerges that grows in magnitude and I can feel my prostate swell. Occasionally as my rectum pushes the Aneros out, I contract my anus at the same time, as if I trying to hold on to the unit to keep it from being expelled. The tickling sensation increases and becomes a surging that I feel in my abdomen, prostate, anus and rectum. As sensations increase I mentally direct and focus these sensations through that point in my abdomen and as I do I notice the sensations grow in magnitude. Now I am becoming aware of the unit drawing in on it’s own and I can feel the abutment tab dig into my perineum. My penis becomes very engorged and very erect. My anus starts to contract spasmodically moving the abutment simultaneously and the surging keeps on growing until I think I’m going to explode and then suddenly I’m there. Intense blissful surging waves of pleasure sweep over my entire body...the Super O.

Keep in mind that even though I've spoken about the Aneros moving in and out in the above illustration, the excursion (distance moved from in stroke to out) is really very small. It is important to understand that large-scale movements do not necessarily trigger the Super O response at all. If that were the case, dildos and such would have been used for this purpose long ago. No, instead it is the subtle yet precise movements of the Aneros, coupled with an open and adequately aroused subject that makes for success.

Again it bears repeating; pleasurable sensations trump all. If you learn to generate pleasurable sensations through anal, rectal, and abdominal contractions and rhythmic breathing and learn to magnify and center these sensations through mental focus, you will find the Super O.

Good luck

BF Mayfield


About a year ago I posted some comments to one of my Keys... threads regarding initiating and sustaining Super O's WITHOUT the use of the Aneros. The thread was entitled the Aneros the Only Way to Fly? In it I went into some detail about a session that I had had involving breathing, anal, rectal and abdominal contractions and mental focus only (with no penile contact). As some of you may recall I characterized it as a wonderful and intense experience but not of the same order of magnitude as my Aneros sessions. Furthermore, I stated at the time, and have since maintained throughout the forum, that I believed this method to be the ideal warm-up prior to the Aneros' introduction. Where this still may be the case with respect to the warm-up aspect, something happened to me recently that has made me change my mind completely regarding the potential of the Aneros Free Super O.

Last Friday, I was beginning one of my sessions as usual, building arousal with some good erotica while practicing my breathing and various contractions. Coincidentally about that time I received an email from a user who was in search of some information. In the process of our correspondence he very generously provided me with some particularly stimulating viewing material. In the course of 20 minutes or so, between this exquisite visual and audio stimulation, the occasional emails and my arousal techniques I found myself becoming tremendously aroused. After a half and hour I was experiencing such intense sexual excitement; my heart pounding, butterflies in the stomach, that I knew that something big was imminent. All the while (as is my practice) I kept directing this sensual energy deeper into my body with mental focus, rhythmic breathing and the occasional contractions. As I tried to hold onto it and concentrate it, some of this energy would actual re-emerge elsewhere as a delightful sensation in a completely different area of my body. It was as if there was too much energy to keep it bottled up for long, much like a cup that was overflowing from being over filled. Then I started experiencing the involuntaries, and shortly after, several small scale Super O’s. These orgasms were fairly typical in size and intensity for this Aneros free technique. Yet something was very different this time, instead experiencing a release from these orgasms, my excitement was still growing in strength! Then at some point, I must have reached critical mass, because I crossed over to a totally different level, one in which I was completely awash in non-ejaculatory orgasms. And not just any orgasms mind you; but intense, immense, whole body experiences, SUPER O'S, that were totally overwhelming! The sensations themselves had a deep pelvic component, yet they seemed to roll over me (like a warm wave) from my head down to my toes. It was like a dam breaking... as the orgasm hit it would happen slowly at first then increase in size and intensity as it swept over me. I was absolutely bathed in bliss. As time went on, I found that the orgasms just kept coming, wave upon wave, inexorably, such that I wasn't’t sure that I could stop them even if I had wanted to (and I didn't want to). Furthermore I found that these were true multiple orgasms, NOT just consecutive orgasms. In the past, I would have to confess that I've described the experience of one orgasm occurring consecutively or sequentially (one after the other) as multiple. The distinction with this experience is that it was at times an almost continuous orgasmic state, with one orgasm peaking on top of another, in many instances even before the first one had had time to dissipate! Another interesting factor was once this got started there was very little effort necessary to keep it going.

After several hours of this I was able to obtain some brief moments of rest when I distracted myself sufficiently to disengage from this…phenomena. To return, I found that all that I had to do was to focus my attention once more and I experienced what I would call an echo sensation and soon thereafter I was rockin' and a rollin' all over again. It was almost as if the orgasm had never really stopped but just been put on pause (as if it was still cycling in the background somewhere).

Again, this was an Aneros free event, one that was not penile centered and that had little specific technique to generate it, outside of my usual warm up techniques. Rather it was created as a direct result of a high order of arousal (to the extreme), with visual and auditory stimulation, that was channeled and focused mentally inward.

Sustaining it again was primarily accomplished mentally, with the aid of the video and the use of an occasional anal or rectal contraction here or there and maybe some nipple tugging. .

I maintained this experience for about 3 hours, how many orgasms I had …I still don’t know; I lost count, perhaps 30 or 40. (No I'm not joking and this is NOT hyperbole) Finally it was about 1: 30 am, so, I was off to bed and to the Aneros (yes, there’s a part II here …but that’s for another day).

Suffice it to say that this was yet another defining moment for me in what has been, over the past several years, an incredible sensual adventure. Given that this chapter occurred without the Aneros, it reminds me of what my self-hypnosis instructor once told me...

The body'’s primary sexual organ is found between your ears…. not between your legs.

Ohhhh how right she was!!

BF Mayfield

P.S. The erotica that I used was a video of a genuinely multi-orgasmic female. You'll note that I wrote genuinely...(actors need not apply). Within the approximate 4 minute playing time of this video this wonderful lady has 4 intense, REAL orgasms. Interesting enough, this was not terribly explicit either; it was the experience of seeing (her rhythmic abdominal spasms) and hearing real ecstasy that did the trick. I looped it and utilized it almost like a mantra elevating my arousal to push me over the edge. Thereafter, I kept it on and used it to maintain my arousal and the Super O’s that flowed from there, almost indefinitely.


There is a great deal about the Aneros experience that can be shared by a man with a woman. It is true that perfecting a technique for achieving this Super O requires a guy to initially spend some time by himself. The reason for this is that it takes a certain amount of time, experimentation, and discipline to get in touch with the new sensations that will lead you to this place. However, after a short period of time, the participation of partner can be tremendously arousing. I can tell you that I have had numerous Super Orgasms while giving my wife oral pleasure. She's has even had her own very intense orgasms at nearly the same moment. I have discussed this with her, and she has told me, that there are 3 things that seem to make it happen for her, 1) my lingual efforts on her behalf which she has described as 'crazed', 2) her hearing, and seeing my ecstasy, and 3) a transfer of energy between us (much as described in tantra teachings).

In this way, I absolutely do believe the Aneros has created greater intimacy between us. Furthermore, we have both found that the sex lasts longer, with more orgasms for her (really for us both), since the activities don't just end abruptly, the way they used to as soon as I had had a penile orgasm. The penile orgasm is no longer the climax of our encounters but simply another item on our sexual menu. Putting the Super Orgasm aside, the addition of the Aneros into our sex life has created greater intensity when we have intercourse as well. As my wife puts it “you really get animated when you have that thing in you”. Animated indeed! In addition, on occasion my wife likes to actually watch me ejaculate, and with the Aneros in place she usually gets quite a show.

Does the Aneros make my penis larger? No. It doesn't make her vagina smaller either, but that's scarcely the point, is it?

I believe that the physical and emotional experience of sharing sexual sensations is what intimacy is all about. And the Aneros stimulator has enabled US to discover many new sensations to share!

For the ladies: as I've said so many times before, arousal is an essential element for generating the Super-O. A willing partner can be used for other forms of stimulation that further intensify arousal. Methods such as nipple licking, tugging or biting, ear lobe licking, caressing the upper body, etc. The general criteria are that whatever it is, it must NOT involve direct or indirect stimulation of his genitalia and it MUST NOT be distracting in any way. These of course are subjective elements, so add to taste. Also remember that these sessions MUST be focused on HIM, so you must remove the expectation completely that he must reciprocate for you (for the time that is devoted to exploring the Super-O).

In my own case, I like looking at and touching my wife's vagina while I am using the Aneros. Sometimes, I insert a finger into her anus and leave it there while I am having the Super Orgasm experience, in this way, as my body goes through spasms she is able to have a “first hand” experience of her own. Sometimes staring at her anus allows me to focus on the sensations that I'm having in my anus. Other times I watch her masturbate to an orgasm while my face is in close proximity…, again, visual, auditory and olfactory stimulation (sight, sound and smell) are all excellent sources of arousal.

BF Mayfield


I recently posted some comments to a thread in the forum that touched on a topic that hasn't really been covered adequately up to this point. It concerned the duration of an Aneros session. In the past users have questioned just how long an Aneros session should be. Is it an hour, two hours, six hours, all night long or what?

First I must qualify one thing; if one is an advanced user, that is, an individual who is capable of having Super O's at will, THERE IS NO TIME PARAMETER! Have at it man! For the newbie however who is still in search of this experience, I strongly suggest that shorter sessions be considered, no more than 60 to 90 minutes. In all cases though, the factors that will determine the duration of any given Aneros session will be one's level of comfort and one’s level of patience / frustration.

To start with keep in mind that there may be a certain level of discomfort for the newbie who has had little or no experience with anal play. The fact is, for many people it simply takes time to become accustomed to the sensation of anal penetration (even on this small scale). For those who are experiencing this for the first time, I say, go slow, give yourself time, there'’s no need to rush this. If you do, you may find that things become VERY uncomfortable indeed. I suspect that many who have written in the forum complaining about experiencing nothing but a pain in ass or a feeling of a need to urinate or defecate, have not given themselves adequate time to become accustomed to the Aneros. What is adequate time? It will vary from person to person. In some cases it may be only a matter of minutes for others it may take several sessions to get past this stage. It is important that one NOT engage in any large-scale contractions before getting through this discomfort, frankly it will only make it worse. A better course is to find the most relaxing position for yourself and just relax for a while…. give your sphincter an opportunity to accommodate the Aneros.

For those who are passed the initial discomfort of introducing the device, it is important to note that pain or discomfort, particularly of the unremitting type, is a sure sign that it is time to terminate your session. So if you’ve been going at it for an hour or two and you find yourself getting sore, stop and resume your exploration another day. The truth is you will not find the Super O if you are in any discomfort anyway; it’s a distraction, so stop and resume at another time.

Patience and frustration are obviously related (one being the flip-side of the other). Being patient is about being open to new and perhaps very subtle sensations without expectation of outcome. Thoughts like, I should be there by now, …why isn't this working, and I've got to make this happen, will all be counterproductive. Instead the thought process should be more like …this feels really nice, I wonder what happens if I add this or that… or I don't think I feel anything with this maybe I'll try that.... Like I've said in the past, look at it all as a sensual journey, one with several destinations, but don’t get hung up on going to any one place …just let the path unfold on it’s own as much as possible.

When patience is exhausted the result is… frustration. Frustration results in a loss of focus and with loss of focus one generally ignores the subtle sensations that you need to explore to reveal the Super O.

Of the 2 factors, discomfort is the showstopper, that is, you cannot nor should you work through it. Most times it is only effectively resolved by laying off for a while. Your level of patience and/or frustration however is really a state of mind and depending on your mental discipline, it can sometimes be worked with. But if you can’t get your attitude together, again stop and revisited this all another day.

In summary, the duration of an Aneros session should be established by one’s physical and mental state. If you are feeling good and enjoying the ride…. stay with it as long as you wish. If however, you are experiencing discomfort or becoming frustrated consider instead discontinuing the session and revisiting it on another day with fresh body and spirit!

BF Mayfield


More superlatives? Well, yes! This one involves an exquisitely intense, traditional penile ejaculation mediated by the Aneros, hence the name Super T. I stumbled across it during the finale of a particularly intense Super O session. The session had started with about 4 Super O lites (a Super O brought about without the use of the Aneros) which I generated while viewing some good erotica. In particular I enjoy female masturbation videos that feature plenty of close-ups of soft, wet, turgid flesh (just a personal preference…). Anyway, I was feeling very aroused when I made it off to the bedroom to begin with my Aneros. Almost from the moment that I started lubricating it, I could feel an orgasm building, so once it was inserted it was only a matter of seconds before my first Super O. Over the next hour, I would have countless more Super O's (it was over 10..that's all I know), the most intense of which occurred while lying on my left side. Near the end of the session, I was having a series of back-to-back orgasms such that it almost seemed as if it was one continuous experience. All I can tell you is that at one point my anus was racked by so many involuntary contractions that it seemed like it was mouthing interrogatories (who-what-where- when- why ....say them all very quickly 5 times, and you'll get the picture).

It was a fantastic session, waves of Super O's, virtually an hour's worth, so I decided that I needed something special to complete it. My usual procedure would be to just stroke myself to a traditional orgasm at this point, delightful, but pretty straightforward. This time I tried something a little different, I decided to actually make the Aneros a more active participant in the orgasm as opposed to letting it passively massage my prostate as the involuntary contractions of the ejaculation hit me. I started stroking my penis until I just started to feel the very beginnings of the orgasm building. At this point I took my hands off, and started executing some moderate to large anal contractions, the idea being to have the Aneros by itself, propagate the ejaculation. Within 10 to 15 seconds I would find that the ejaculatory sensations would ebb somewhat so I then switched back to the hands on approach to build it back up. What I found was that it built back up very quickly, and did so to a higher level than where I'd started (the Aneros had added something). Working back and forth, on again and off again, in short order I found that less and less of the stroking was necessary to keep everything going. Finally, I was just barely touching my penis, but using the Aneros to greater and greater effect such that the Aneros was now mediating a tremendous penile orgasm! It was like a tango between my hand and the Aneros; each one taking turns enticing and coaxing an ejaculation from my penis. I could actually feel my prostate swelling inside of me. The effect of this was as if one was inhaling in deeper and deeper to accommodate enormous sneeze.

Finally when I felt that my climax was imminent, I let the Aneros have the last word with several slammer contractions. At that point I could just barely feel the release of ejaculate deep within my body (the warm tickling pressure) yet the full-on spasms hadn't kicked in. It was like a dam full of water was wide open, but the water was standing still, waiting for gravity to take effect. At this point I stroked my penis powerfully and suddenly I exploded. It was a seismic event. I mean... I cleared out some ejaculate that was left over from an orgasm that I had when I was a 16 years old! It completely emptied me! My abdomen was literally covered in ejaculate. It seemed to go on for almost 30 seconds, while the aftershocks lasted for about 20 minutes, and the afterglow... well, for hours I wasn't quite the same. All and all it was an extraordinarily powerful and intense traditional orgasm,...yes a Super T.

I've tried this approach a second time since then to equal effect. Although I haven't attempted this technique all by itself, I must believe that the intensity of this approach is directly related to having had the Super O's previously. It is for this reason that I'm classifying this as more of an experienced user's technique.

Check it out!

BF Mayfield


Although a “clean-out” is not strictly necessary prior to using the Aneros (particularly if one is regular, and knows when they'’re empty), it may make some users more comfortable by reducing the risk of any “accidents”. Furthermore, for others any enema can be a very pleasant experience in its own right.

The way that I like to approach this is to do an evacuation of the rectum only, without involving the entire bowel if possible. To accomplish this, one must try to avoid doing anything that will get peristalsis (the rhythmic bowel contraction) started. If the bowel becomes irritated and starts contracting, you're more or less committed to clearing out your entire system, which can be time consuming and sometimes unpleasant (cramping). To avoid this I use water ONLY, being careful to keep it as close to 'body temperature' as possible. In terms of the amount that I use, I find that 4 - 6 fluid ounces is sufficient. Again, the idea is not to completely fill the rectum with fluid, but to loosen and help flush out any material that's present. I always lubricate my anus and the enema nozzle to facilitate insertion. I find sitting on the toilet the most convenient place for the cleansing itself. A second application of the same volume can be made if necessary. But you don't want to over do it. Ordinarily, I will follow this with a nice hot shower to get cleaned up and relaxed at the same time.

Bear in mind that the amount of fluid that I’ve suggested is not a lot, it is roughly equivalent to a third to half of the volume of an average soft drink can. But if you think that it's too much, start with a smaller amount. In so far as the equipment for this, you can find bulb syringe type enemas or the “fountain type” at your local drugstore. The latter is really just a hot water bottle that has one end cut off. You just fill and hang the bag and gravity drives the liquid through a tube to the nozzle. The tube has a shut off clip so you can control the flow. For many the fountain type is a good way to go, in that it give you a bit better control the amount that you take in. The bulb type devices on the other hand offer greater convenience (easy to prepare and clean).

Again, all that's necessary is enough fluid to facilitate the evacuation of your rectum, so start small and see what happens. If you do decide on the “fountain type”, you should know that they usually come with a douche nozzle as well, (which I wouldn't attempt to use for this purpose). Make sure to use the enema tip that is short and smooth. Also be certain that the tube is free of any kinks before you start, and that you bleed the line of any air by making sure that water runs free through the tube then stop the flow with the clip. Lubricate the tip of the nozzle and your anus you're ready to go!

Just remember to wash all the equipment well before AND after use and make sure everything dries completely before storage (this to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold). In so far as the safety of enemas is concerned, they have been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians for health purposes. It is said that they started the practice after seeing an Ibis (a bird with a long thin bill), take in water and expel it into their hindquarters. So long as one keeps the practice occasional, and is careful to limit the amount fluid that you take in, there shouldn't be any problem. Of course I'm no doctor, and if you have any particular health concerns you may want to consult with your doctor first.

BF Mayfield

(this post was edited 2006-05-24 20:26:44)


First the short. A great deal has been made of lubrication in the past in the forum, and I’ll admit that I've participated in a fair amount of it myself. However, as I have journeyed onward, some things have become clearer to me. The truth is that one shouldn't get too hung up on lubrication. Find a lubricant that'’s slick, one that you like, one that “agrees with you”, then apply it and be done with it. Despite what anybody has to say on this, almost any decent personal lubricant will suffice, so long as it meet the criteria above.

Now the long……

I use KY jelly. It adheres to the Aneros easily (as contrasted to the thinner lubricants which do not) and it is super slick. It's also available just about everywhere, from drugstores to supermarkets. On occasion I have used some of the thinner types of products to pre-lubricate my rectum (prior to the Aneros' insertion). This involves getting an infant medicine dropper (available from your neighborhood drugstore). They have a small bulb end that may be removed so that it can be filled (and easily cleaned). They only hold about 2 or 3 teaspoons, which is all that you'll need. KY jelly can also be used for this purpose, but filling the dropper is a little harder. Pre-lubrication is not strictly necessary, but I find that it affords the Aneros maximum mobility. Lubricating the Aneros itself is fairly straightforward; completely coat the main body of the unit (down to the ribs), being careful to keep the abutment tab and handle dry.

The standard forms of Wet, ID Glide, and KY are all water based (water soluble) lubricants. The chief constituent in all of these products is GLYCERIN.

Silicone formulations represent the newest technology in personal lubrication. Silicone is a material found in many hand creams and industrial lubricants. One of its main physical properties is that it is water repellent (silicone sprays are used for water proofing camping equipment for example). In cosmetic preparations it's actually used to keep the skins own natural moisture in! ID Millennium and Wet Platinum are both silicone-based products. The advantage of these products is that they are extremely slick and yet will not dry out or break down as the water-based counterparts do. The downside is that some people may show sensitivity to them and that clean up can be a bit more of a challenge.

Although some have reported success with the Aneros and oil-based products, (Vaseline and Albolene cream for example), these products have the ability to be absorbed into the skin which as a practical matter disqualifies them for everyday use in my book.


Although it would seem desirable to use natural products, they are unfortunately inadequate to the task. In choosing a lubricant, what you're really after is a substance that reduces the "surface tension" of the skin without being appreciably absorbed. Vegetable oils do make the skin feel slippery, but do so weakly as compared to glycerin based, (water based) lubricants. Oils can be absorbed into the skin. This makes continual reapplication necessary. Another factor to consider are possible allergic reactions (for some individuals) to vegetable oils, which may cause irritation or worse.

I have experimented with straight olive oil and an oil complex containing several different oils (sweet almond, coconut, wheat germ, grape seed, sunflower and sesame oils). I found that they simply didn't facilitate the kind of mobility that I was used to with KY. For purposes of a Super O session, it is essential that the Aneros has unfettered movement of the in and out of the anus. That said, there are those that like to “retain the Aneros”, throughout a day for purposes of continuous massage, (vs. an orgasmic experience). For such an application, natural oils may be adequate. Some have even reported using only water! After all, what called for with this case is something pretty much limited to aiding in the initial insertion.

In addition to natural oils there are also new generations of so-called “natural “lubricants that use botanicals (guar gum, locust bean and aloe) that are available. I haven’t tried any of them myself, but I suspect that these are really examples of “niche marketing” versus any kind breakthrough in (personal lubricant) technology.

All and all, I firmly believe that the traditional water-soluble lubricants show several distinct advantages. First, they are not readily absorbed into the skin (as are oil based products). Considering that we're talking about some very delicate tissues in the anus and rectum, the water-soluble products are simply the gentler alternative. I myself have found that the oil-based products make me sore. In addition, because of the absorption of some of the oil-based products, reapplication may become necessary. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, CLEAN UP IS A SNAP with the water based products.

In so far as KY versus the other glycerin based products, I have found that they're all pretty much the same; some thinner some thicker. Again, for the most part, they all contain the same ingredients. I use KY jelly exclusively at this point. It's readily available (even at some grocery stores), it's thicker so it can be cut with water if necessary, and generic alternatives (the drugstore's own brand) are commonly available as well. Personally I find that the jelly is more slippery than the thinner formulations. (It's also easier at the check out counter,. you know more discreet, after all, KY has some medical uses too. Compare that to a phallic shaped bottle that has WET emblazoned on it! 🙂

Store bought versions (KY liquid, WET etc.) are fine for "internal lubrication." The full strength KY Jelly is best for application directly on the Aneros itself. Again, the thicker consistency of the jelly simply adheres better to the Aneros' surface (it doesn't all run down the sides before you can get it inside you). The two applications together give the Aneros the ultimate mobility, which translates into the optimum responsiveness to even the minutest anal contractions. The infant medicine droppers you've read about hold normally about 2 teaspoons, maximum. The concept around this is to have lubrication inside and outside the rectum. Even with copious amounts applied directly to the Aneros a large amount is squeezed off as it passes through the anus and into the rectum. So in applying some lubrication internally, you're assuring the Aneros maximum mobility.

BF Mayfield

(this post was edited 2005-11-19 21:25:03)


Regarding modifications,

I posted on this subject some time ago (now seen in the B's Keys to the Backdoor -Condensed) sticky above. At that time however, the New Generation line was not in existence. The MGX, MGX Classic, and SGX were all modifiable, albeit with some degree of difficulty. It should be mentioned that my reason for attempting the modification in the first place was that the MGX Classic engaged my perineum nearer to my scrotum, effectively overshooting my sweet spot (perineal acupressure point). When the redesigned MGX was finally introduced, a shorter and tighter abutment tab was provided (yes, the manufacturer listened to our feedback). Still and all there are those that prefer the longer tab and for them the MGX Classic remains a better fit of the two units.

With respect to the Next Generation models, only the Helix and the Eupho come with a 3rd generation abutment tab (on the Maximus it's much the same as with the newer style MGX). This 3rd gen arm is thinner all the way to the base, and the tab is comprised of a small-flattened ball end. I made the statement in my review of all of the Next Gen. models that I believed that the abutment tab/arm would be a much simpler matter to modify. Whereas I still believe that to be the case, I haven't seen a need to do it for myself, so I can't really comment on modification from the perspective of having personal experience. So most of what I am about to say is from the standpoint of having modified the earlier models and from my evaluations of the form and function of the Helix.

Modification should ONLY be attempted if: 1) there is no contact with your perineum in any position that you tried as the unit is presently configured. 2) there is too much contact, you find normal use of the device painful and the other remedies (wrapping the tip, etc.) have proven ineffective. 3) you have a strong feeling of where your sweet spot is and you are fairly certain that the tab is not hitting it. Furthermore this should only be considered when one has developed a good amount of familiarity with the unit, that is you've been using it for several months.

Again, before one goes modifying ANYTHING, it is essential that you know the relative location of your sweet spot. After all, the Aneros is made of a hard molded plastic that will allow for SOME adjustment, but really there are only so many times that you can go back to the well. That is, eventually the plastic will fail and you could have breakage, so know where you're going before you undertake this. Good planning is a MUST!

With respect to what you'll need, again, the best tool for this job is a heat gun. Heat guns look just like common hair dryers, but they are designed to provide a much more intense and focused source of heat. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE...CAREFULLY, MAKE MEASUREMENTS OF THE LOCATION/CONFIGURATION OF THE ABUTMENT TAB/ARM IN THE FACTORY POSITION. In particular examine and make note of the overhang of the tip of the tab in relationship to the body of the unit. Why? Because, you may need to return it to its original position if your adjustment does not work. It is important to start by making small modifications , remember small adjustments of a fraction of an inch may have larger significance in the performance of the massager. In general, it is advisable to think of all adjustments as occurring evenly over the length of the abutment tab and arm. So in this way if one is thinking of adjusting the unit to engage at a higher point along the perineum (near to the scrotum) for example. It is necessary to 1) adjust upward on the right angle bend where the arm juts to the tip (opening up the angle). But it is equally important to give a small tweak to the arm itself, bringing it very slightly closer to the body of the unit. Why? Because in adjusting the angle of the tip, one has also changed the amount of pressure that is being brought to bear (diminished). So this must be compensated for (that it unless there was also too much pressure to begin with).

Remember, the abutment tab/arm is not there just for grins, when properly engaged it functions as the fulcrum of a lever arm transferring force from ones anal and rectal contractions and anchoring the unit to a certain extent as well. This transfer of force is what accounts for the Aneros' unique ability to generate sensation in several locations simultaneously. So it critical that one NOT adjust the unit in such a way that its function is compromised. One of my first mistakes was to adjust the arm (on my old MGX) so tightly that the unit was no longer insertable!


Good Luck,

BF Mayfield

(this post was edited 2006-05-24 20:31:38)

Originally Posted By: B Mayfield
(this post was edited 2006-05-24 18:55:27)


First the short. A great deal has been made of lubrication in the past in the forum, and I'll admit that I've participated in a fair amount of it myself. However, as I have journeyed onward, some things have become clearer to me. The truth is that one shouldn't get too hung up on lubrication. Find a lubricant that’s slick, one that you like, one that “agrees with you”, then apply it and be done with it. Despite what anybody has to say on this, almost any decent personal lubricant will suffice, so long as it meet the criteria above.

Now the long……

I use KY jelly. It adheres to the Aneros easily (as contrasted to the thinner lubricants which do not) and it is super slick. It's also available just about everywhere, from drugstores to supermarkets. On occasion I have used some of the thinner types of products to pre-lubricate my rectum (prior to the Aneros' insertion). This involves getting an infant medicine dropper (available from your neighborhood drugstore). They have a small bulb end that may be removed so that it can be filled (and easily cleaned). They only hold about 2 or 3 teaspoons, which is all that you'll need. KY jelly can also be used for this purpose, but filling the dropper is a little harder. Pre-lubrication is not strictly necessary, but I find that it affords the Aneros maximum mobility. Lubricating the Aneros itself is fairly straightforward; completely coat the main body of the unit (down to the ribs), being careful to keep the abutment tab and handle dry.

The standard forms of Wet, ID Glide, and KY are all water based (water soluble) lubricants. The chief constituent in all of these products is GLYCERIN.

Silicone formulations represent the newest technology in personal lubrication. Silicone is a material found in many hand creams and industrial lubricants. One of its main physical properties is that it is water repellent (silicone sprays are used for water proofing camping equipment for example). In cosmetic preparations it's actually used to keep the skins own natural moisture in! ID Millennium and Wet Platinum are both silicone-based products. The advantage of these products is that they are extremely slick and yet will not dry out or break down as the water-based counterparts do. The downside is that some people may show sensitivity to them and that clean up can be a bit more of a challenge.

Although some have reported success with the Aneros and oil-based products, (Vaseline and Albolene cream for example), these products have the ability to be absorbed into the skin which as a practical matter disqualifies them for everyday use in my book.


Although it would seem desirable to use natural products, they are unfortunately inadequate to the task. In choosing a lubricant, what you're really after is a substance that reduces the surface tension of the skin without being appreciably absorbed. Vegetable oils do make the skin feel slippery, but do so weakly as compared to glycerin based, (water based) lubricants. Oils can be absorbed into the skin. This makes continual reapplication necessary. Another factor to consider are possible allergic reactions (for some individuals) to vegetable oils, which may cause irritation or worse.

I have experimented with straight olive oil and an oil complex containing several different oils (sweet almond, coconut, wheat germ, grape seed, sunflower and sesame oils). I found that they simply didn't facilitate the kind of mobility that I was used to with KY. For purposes of a Super O session, it is essential that the Aneros has unfettered movement of the in and out of the anus. That said, there are those that like to “retain the Aneros”, throughout a day for purposes of continuous massage, (vs. an orgasmic experience). For such an application, natural oils may be adequate. Some have even reported using only water! After all, what called for with this case is something pretty much limited to aiding in the initial insertion.

In addition to natural oils there are also new generations of so-called “natural lubricants" that use botanicals (guar gum, locust bean and aloe) that are available. I haven’t tried any of them myself, but I suspect that these are really examples of “niche marketing” versus any kind breakthrough in (personal lubricant) technology.

All and all, I firmly believe that the traditional water-soluble lubricants show several distinct advantages. First, they are not readily absorbed into the skin (as are oil based products). Considering that we're talking about some very delicate tissues in the anus and rectum, the water-soluble products are simply the gentler alternative. I myself have found that the oil-based products make me sore. In addition, because of the absorption of some of the oil-based products, reapplication may become necessary. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, CLEAN UP IS A SNAP with the water based products.

In so far as KY versus the other glycerin based products, I have found that they're all pretty much the same; some thinner some thicker. Again, for the most part, they all contain the same ingredients. I use KY jelly exclusively at this point. It's readily available (even at some grocery stores), it's thicker so it can be cut with water if necessary, and generic alternatives (the drugstore's own brand) are commonly available as well. Personally I find that the jelly is more slippery than the thinner formulations. (It's also easier at the check out counter,. you know more discreet, after all, KY has some medical uses too. Compare that to a phallic shaped bottle that has WET emblazoned on it! 🙂

Store bought versions (KY liquid, WET etc.) are fine for "internal lubrication." The full strength KY Jelly is best for application directly on the Aneros itself. Again, the thicker consistency of the jelly simply adheres better to the Aneros' surface (it doesn't all run down the sides before you can get it inside you). The two applications together give the Aneros the ultimate mobility, which translates into the optimum responsiveness to even the minutest anal contractions. The infant medicine droppers you've read about hold normally about 2 teaspoons, maximum. The concept around this is to have lubrication inside and outside the rectum. Even with copious amounts applied directly to the Aneros a large amount is squeezed off as it passes through the anus and into the rectum. So in applying some lubrication internally, you're assuring the Aneros maximum mobility.

BF Mayfield


I posted the following comments to another users thread last week. At the risk of being redundant, I thought it should be included as an update to my thread on lubrication as well.

Hi All,
Always in search of the perfect lube, I happened upon a new one (for me) that I REALLY love. It's a water based lube from Great Britain, called appropriately enough (for us Aneros users) MAXIMUS! This glycerin-free formulation has a gel like consistency which is long lasting without becoming sticky (the way that the glycerin lubes can) Some users have complained about the glycerin products causing cramping and having a purgative effect. Maximus is frankly the most benign lube that I've ever used...producing no sensitivity or irritation even after hours of use. And because it's water based...clean up is a snap.

One other thing, once it touches your feels like a natural product,..frankly it reminds me somewhat of vaginal lubrication. Believe it or not the stuff actually turns me on...just love the feel of it!

Maximus comes in two sizes; a 50 ml bottle (good for travel) and a 250ml that comes with a pump top. The only downside is the price: $4.95 and $12.95 respectively (at

BF Mayfield

B Mayfield
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My experience has shown me that this Backdoor to Ecstasy is not opened with a key, but with a combination! I have posted previously that I was lucky enough to stumble into the Super O the very first time I used the Aneros, only to be frustrated by my subsequent attempts. For months I sought in vain for the one factor or "key" that distinguished my first efforts with the device, but to no avail. In my own case I was luckier than many, since I knew what was waiting for me out there. Yet that knowledge only seemed to set me into trying to force it to happen. Ultimately I was successful once more when I started to conceptualize it all as a sensual journey, the final destination being this Super Orgasm. In the end I found that there were numerous factors that are necessary to encourage this kind of experience. And in this way it all seems more like trying to find a "combination" to the lock rather than any single key.

First I decided to adopt a "beginner's mind" for the task. This involved not only putting out of my mind all of my previous efforts with the Aneros, but more importantly, the process by which I achieved a traditional penile orgasm. I really tried to clean the slate, and in effect open myself to different forms of sensation. Sensations that WOULD NOT INVOLVE ANY DIRECT PENILE STIMULATION WHATSOEVER. I also removed from myself the burden of expectation that plagued me for many months of frustration. Another element that became clear to me over time was that one cannot force this to happen, but rather encourages it. So faced with that realization, I made the conscious decision to enjoy each of my sessions with the Aneros for what it was as opposed to what it wasn't. After all, even absent this Super Orgasm, I was having a lot of fun just trying to find my way, and the consolation prize of a traditional penile orgasm with the Aneros (ejaculation with the Aneros inserted) was(is), well,... not a consolation prize at all, but an intense, fantastic, experience in its own right.


The first key in this combination lock is to start your Aneros sessions aroused! To facilitate the experience I always start my sessions by relaxing in a good hot shower, which is also a good place to get squeaky-clean too! Very often I direct pull my cheeks apart and direct the shower stream at my anus. The water creates wonderful sensations, and sometimes I find myself almost grinding into it. If an enema is necessary I do this prior to going in the shower. Next, I find that viewing some good erotica is a great way to get aroused while practicing some rhythmic breathing. This kind of exercise for me takes the form of breathing into and expanding my lower abdomen, with a gentle "quivering-wave" like motion, almost as if one is sobbing. It’s important to stress that this is not about hyperventilation, but rather about getting myself excited and in tune with sensations that are abdominal-rectal in origin. At some point I start to introduce gentle anal contractions as well, contracting and holding as I breathe in this way. Soon after, I start to become aware of ”fullness" or swelling of my prostate, which I try to focus on mentally. As I become more aroused I start to pull on my nipples. When I am really in the mood, I am fully capable of having a very intense orgasm with the technique alone! Go to Jack Johnston's for more info. (I developed my own technique after experimenting with his methods which involves sound, mine does not)

After getting suitably aroused, I generally retire to my bed where I have prepared everything for my session with the Aneros ahead of time. Those items being: one or two towels (one covering the bed) a tube of KY and the Aneros, cleaned and ready to go. It is essential that this preparation be done beforehand, because you do not want to cool down your arousal by having to do it once your session is underway. I then lubricate the Aneros liberally with KY jelly. On some occasions I precede this by prelubricating my anus/rectum with a small amount (4 or 5 cc’s) of KY liquid. Depending on my state of arousal, the insertion of the Aneros itself can in some cases kick start the involuntary anal twitching that are the precursors of the Super Orgasm.

The second key is then to encourage involuntary anal twitching by paced gentle anal contractions. How many and how long you hold will be determined by your own self-discovery. While I’m experimenting with these contractions I normally engage some of the rhythmic breathing (as described above). The important thing is to take your time and remember if it doesn't happen for you in this session it will in another.

With regard to the instructions that the manufacturer has given, they are a good starting point, but don’t be concerned with following them to the letter. They are really just an outline, intended to help new Aneros users (newbies) and those unaccustomed to anal play. They will undoubtedly get one going in the right direction, but ultimately your own success will be tied to your own personal self-discovery, so don’t be afraid to deviate from their instructions. Experiment, explore, have fun with it!

So your anus is twitching,… so what now? Key number three, sit back and enjoy them! I've found that the twitching alone can give you kind of a high of it’s own. But importantly, now is not the time for heavy/strong contractions, again you can't go back into the penile ejaculatory model for cues here, that is, more (contraction) is not necessarily not better. Be observant, be patient, work in subtle and gentle ways and allow things to develop.

Key number four; after experiencing and enjoying several of these waves of twitches MAKE SURE THAT THE PERINEAL ABUTMENT TAB IS CENTERED ON YOUR SWEET SPOT. What is your sweet spot? It’s my name for the perineal acupressure point, a dime-sized area located half way between your anus and scrotum. Well the good news is that for most people the Aneros takes care of the vertical location for you. All you have to be concerned about is the horizontal orientation of the tab. Generally it is located in the center of you perineum. More specifically, once you start to have the twitches you will hopefully have the makings of a good erection. The erection makes finding the 'sweet spot" easier. Move the tab and find the middle of your perineum. Move the position a little; sometimes it’s not exactly in the center. When you do find this spot you will experience a tingling sensation that you feel SIMULTANEOUSLY inside your penis, through your perineum, your anus and prostate. Try to keep the tab in this position by gently using one or two finger to the side of it as a guide. However, DO NOT PUT ANY PRESSURE ON IT WITH YOUR FINGERS! The reason why is that any pressure that is exerted on the tab must come from your the anal twitching and/or your anal contractions ONLY!

Key five is about putting it all together. It is the involuntary anal twitching coupled with proper tab placement with an aroused user that starts the neural feedback loop that generates the wave that becomes the Total Body Orgasm. Knowing how to contract in order to keep the twitches coming, once more is where your own self-discovery is involved. Remember, this is an individual experience, and to a certain extent we are all "wired" differently. However, in previous postings I've likened this stage to the principle of harmonic motion that is seen in a playground swing. With a swing, when force is properly applied, only a small amount of force is necessary AT SPECIFIC TIMES to make the swing go higher and higher. The same can be said for the Aneros experience too, as this is final key that will unlock the cascading effect to the Super Orgasm that we all desire.

Some things to avoid: 1) DON'T TOUCH YOUR PENIS AT ANYTIME DURING THESE SESSIONS. IT WILL ONLY REDIRECT NEURAL IMPULSES AWAY FROM THE AREA THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO STIMULATE. (If you're finishing off afterwards or if you're discontinuing your session and want finish with a penile orgasm...go for it! 2) Don't use anything (alcohol, drugs) that will dull your senses, you will need to be focused and alert to what comes your way. 3) AVOID VIBRATORS. Vibrators will simply bury the sensations that you're looking for. Again, you're dealing with specific focused neural impulses. Using a vibrator in search of this Super Orgasm is like using a chain saw to cut butter! It obliterates everything! However, as means of magnifying a traditional penile orgasm (ejaculation) with the Aneros in place....go for it. 4) Allow yourself the time you need free of disturbance. 5) SCHEDULE SESSIONS WHEN YOU'RE RESTED AND READY FOR THE EXPERIENCE. It can really make a difference in your success! 6) Put a day or two between your sessions, your body will use this time to recharge, and you will find the accumulated arousal that comes from this, put to good purpose in your next session.


BF Mayfield

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It took me many months of experimentation to arrive at the same approach that you have outlined, so it should help many jumpstart their aneros experience.

The most important things to know are that the pleasurable feelings are NOT like those of penile stimulation and that attempting to achieve satisfaction by forceful stimulation will be counterproductive.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer's instructions lead you to believe that if you follow the numbers, success will be at hand leading to expectations that will result in failure. The most important thing that you can take from the instructions is how to control the aneros and the relaxation exercises.

Having said that, I'm really not sure that peak of my aneros experience corresponds to what you call the super O. The definition of conventional orgasm is the building of tension followed by it's sudden release. That is not what I experience with the aneros.

Perhaps you would be so good as to comment as to the physical nature of your super O.


B Mayfield
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The orgasm that I experience shares the same criteria (build-up and release) with the penile counterpart, however it is MUCH more global in nature and far more intense. It goes something like this.

The build-up starts with waves of anal quivering and the abutment tab creating a strong tingling sensation in my perineum, anus, prostate and rectum simultaneously. Soon after I experience a tickling sensation in my abdomen and find myself contracting my abdominal muscles. In short order I feel a paradoxical sensation of my anus pushing outward while the Aneros seems to be drawn INWARD! All of this builds and suddenly I feel my erection get much harder. What happens next can only be described as blissful waves that encompass my whole body. (an endorphin cascade) The duration of the orgasm is much longer than a traditional orgasm as well and I may even experience another orgasm coming on top of the first one! Unlike a traditional penile orgasm it does not have a "refractory period" where one must wait a period of time before ejaculating again. I also notice that after having this kind of experience I am sated yet energized at the same time! This stands in stark contrast to a traditional penile orgasm where I feel relaxed but somewhat lethargic. Of course, I'm not knocking penile orgasms at all; it's just that the Aneros is (for me) a more intense and ultimately more fulfilling experience.

Today, for example, I experienced somewhere around eight of these orgasms, four that were extremely intense and three to four others that were smaller in size. (They all felt incredible.) This all occurred within roughly an hours time. The traditional penile orgasm that I finish myself of with is itself too, much more intense than I had previous known.

I should mention that for a while I was under the impression that the sensation that accompanies the anal quivering was the Super Orgasm that I had read about, it is not. This Super O, or "non-ejaculatory orgasm" as the manufacturer calls it something quite different.


BF Mayfield

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From your description, I'm at the stage you once thought was the peak. At this stage I often have strong involuntary contractions that last for several seconds, similar to a conventional orgasm, then subside. Feels great, but there is no release of tension. There is also no refractory so this series of strong involuntary contractions can occur over and over until I'm totally breathless and worn out.

B Mayfield
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The following is a copy of my thread entitled "In Search of the Sweet Spot". Since locating this area is so essential to the building a Super O I felt it would be better placed with my other postings that deal with technique development. - Mayfield

posted: 2003-12-06 15:45:05

To be clear the "Sweet Spot", as I call it, is not an intensely pleasurable area in and of itself, say like the head of your penis, or the clitoris for women. Touching this spot doesn't necessarily make for a spontaneous orgasm either. It is however an area that is essential for generating the "non-ejaculatory orgasm" or Super O. The "Sweet Spot" is the neural plexus, an area of convergence of a series of collateralizing sensory nerves, nerves that serve the penis anus and prostate. I have described how the area may be most easily found, by finding the rounded ridge on the underside of your penis and following it down to your perineal area and then yielding pressure over the center of it (most easily done when you have at least a modest erection). Alternately you can start an inch from your anus and work your way up. Again it should be in the general perineal area, (if you're on your scrotum you've gone too far!) One should experience a tingling sensation that runs in the center of your penis down to your anus, and prostate somewhat simultaneously.

I have previously stated that the vertical location of this spot was provided by the abutment tab of the Aneros itself and that all one had to be concerned with was finding its' horizontal location. On the basis of several users comments and my own experimentation over the last month or so, I now believe that my statement was inaccurate. I am now coming to the understanding that the "Sweet Spot" may subject to a lot more individual variation with respect to its location, (vertical and horizontal) than I had previously thought. Some user’s comments speak to a higher location on the perineum for the "spot", while in my own case I have recently concluded that it's a lower vertical location than what the standard MGX Aneros provides for. In general, I believe that the Aneros works for many "out of the box" in this regard, but not for all.

So what to do? Well first, find your "spot" (as described above) Once this has been done you'll want to insert the Aneros and find out where the abutment tab touches, relative to the area that you found with your finger.

As user TJ has pointed out the Aneros can be adjusted (bent) to increase or decrease the area of engagement slightly. BE GENTLE with it. Experiment, find out what works best for you. Maintaining the horizontal location will always be a little more of a challenge since the perineal area, particularly when it's engorged is irregular in shape (rounded, ridge-like) so the tab will always want to slide to one side or the other. As I've covered previously, if you use a finger or two as guides you shouldn't have any problem. REMEMBER, it's crucial not to let you fingers exert any pressure on the tab while they're guiding it, the tab MUST be powered and responsive to your anal contractions ONLY. It is this that sets up the sensory feedback loop that is essential to generating the Super O.

B Mayfield

(Since I wrote this thread last year the manufacturer has modified the original Aneros MGX providing the redesigned model with a shorter tighter abutment tab. For many this will make finding ones Sweet Spot an easier endeavor. For those with the original design MGX or "MGX classic" as I call it, modification is still an alternative (see "ANEROS MODIFICATIONS" later in this thread.)

submitted by B Mayfield, 2004-06-05 20:01:12

The Sweet Spot as I call it, is not an intensely pleasurable area in and of itself, say like the head of your penis, or the clitoris for women. Stimulating this spot by itself doesn’t make for a spontaneous orgasm either. It is however an area that can be essential for generating a non-ejaculatory orgasm or Super O. The Sweet Spot is the neural plexus, an area of convergence of a series of collateralizing sensory nerves, nerves that serve the penis, anus and prostate.

Be aware that the precise location of the “sweet spot” is given to a certain amount of variation from one person to the next. So finding your “spot” can truly optimize your chances for a successful Super O session. I’ve determined that having some engorgement in your penis is a good starting point for the search. A full erection is not at all necessary, but some engorgement will yield a more sensitive perineum. Thereafter, the “spot” may be located by finding the rounded ridge on the underside of your penis with your finger and then following this ridge down just to where your scrotum ends. Now start yielding a pointed/modest pressure as you slowly work your way down towards your anus. Work downward on the center of your perineum, incrementally, just a fraction of an inch at a time, using the tip of the finger, and while holding a position rocking back and forth on the first knuckle (so that the tip of the finger digs/ rubs/vibrates deeply.) Alternately you can start an inch from your anus and work your way up. Do keep in mind that you want to focus your search in the general perineal area, (so if you find yourself on top of your scrotum or anus you've gone too far!) If you start to experience a tingling or numbing sensation that runs in the center of your penis down to your anus, and prostate simultaneously, STOP, you’re on the spot.

If you are still having a problem locating your “sweet spot” try squatting of kneeling (with your knees on the floor next to your bed and your torso laying down on the bed). Both of these positions tend to engorge the perineal area making the “sweet spot” easier to find.

What next? Believe it or not, I recommend marking the spot with a felt tipped pen and whipping out a large mirror so you can actually see where the spot is located. Thereafter, you must insert the Aneros to find out where the abutment tab touches, relative to the area that you marked. At one time I had stated that the vertical location of this spot was provided by the abutment tab of the Aneros itself and that all that one had to be concerned with was finding its' horizontal location. Indeed, for some users the original Aneros or MGX Classic as I like to call it, has worked right out of the box in this regard. However, many others (myself included) have experienced distinct problems with the height of the tab on the Classic making the vertical location of the Sweet Spot difficult if not impossible to find.

So you’ve inserted your Aneros and the abutment tab is engaging your perineum at a position that is higher than your pen mark. This problem can be remedied in one of several ways; 1) purchase a New (redesigned) MGX which has a shorter tighter abutment tab (virtually all of the MGX units that are sold on the Aneros site are now of the redesigned type) 2) consider modifying your MGX Classic (see my posting entitled ANEROS MODIFICATIONS) or 3) try the SGX version of the Aneros which also features the shorter, tighter tab design. . Be advised however, that the body of the SGX is smaller and may offer less prostate engagement for some users.

If your pen mark is higher than where the abutment tab touches, you’ll want to stay with the MGX Classic if at all possible. In this case the modification required is a little simpler to accomplish, and involves bending/rocking the abutment tab backward slightly (away from the body). This gives the arm a little greater reach. Again this should be executed after applying heat to the abutment arm (preferably with a heat gun). If you are looking to purchase an MGX Classic contact the manufacturer directly.

The idea in both cases is to make the abutment tab hit the mark.

If the tab is on the mark,.... but you're still not getting any stimulation from it (not enough pressure) some adjustment is required (see ANEROS MODIFICATIONS).

Horizontal Location

Maintaining the horizontal location is more of an ongoing endeavor since the perineal area, particularly when it's engorged can be irregular in shape, especially when engorged, (rounded, ridge-like) so the tab will always have a tendency to slide to one side or the other. If you use a finger or two as guides you shouldn't have any problem. Again, make a V with your first and index fingers and straddle the abutment tab on either side…voila`! Think of it as a continuous fine-tuning. REMEMBER, it's important not to let your fingers exert any pressure on the tab while guiding it; it is critical that the tab be powered and responsive to your anal contractions as much as possible. It is this freedom of movement that enables the sensory feedback loop that is essential to generating the Super O. For those who still can’t hack the minimal effort of sustaining the horizontal stability of the abutment tab in the fashion I've described, there are several types of “anchors” that have been devised by users that can be of some assistance. (See ANEROS ANCHORS AND STABILIZERS) Be advised that such devices do have some drawbacks!

B Mayfield

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I've had my MGX for about a week now and am in search of my "sweet spot" (I didn't think it would be this difficult). Is it possible not to have a sweet spot? I can feel my prostate and I've read and tried all the methods listed in the forum but the most sensative place for me is about 1 1/2" from my anus--3/4" out of reach for the perineum abutment on my MGX model. The spot really doesn't tingle or send feeling to the inside of my penis and prostate--it's just the most sensative by default. If indeed this is the spot, I can try to do some modifications the MGX as suggested but don't want to risk breaking the abutment if I haven't found my sweet spot. Any ideas? Thanks

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Sweet Spotless (great user name!)

In fact, my sweet spot is located pretty close to where you've described. Often times the sensations that I have written about are not obvious until there is a certain amount of engorgement in the area. Try getting your penis erect and then do some hunting around and or squat while you do so. This has a tendency to make the neural plexus move closer to the surface of the skin while under the pressure of the surrounding engorged tissue.

You've stated that you have an MGX, is it a Classic model (the old style with the longer abutment tab) or the New MGX ? If it is the the Classic model it will have two raised bumps (nodules) on the inside surface of the body of the unit near the tip. If you do have this model, it will indeed require modification before it will function properly for you (given what you've said regarding your sensitivity so near your anus.

Fleshjoe (a contributing member in the forum), has recently discovered his Sweet spot after presuming (for many months), that he too was spotless . See his comments below.

Another tip that works best for me with the SGX (the smallest model). With the aneros fully inserted, push the perinium tab gently downwards towards your anus as far as it can go. It should come to rest on the upper side of the ring of muscles lining your sphincter. Now do the hip rocking motion I described earlier. You will be surprised that when your involuntary contractions start, they will be accompanied by extremely pleasurable sensations from your perineum. Added bonus: the Aneros feels positively huge when used this way, it feels like a 4-by-4 in your backside, but in a very very exciting and pleasurable way.

I re-emphasize: GENTLY push the perinium tab down towards your anus. If you encounter any resistance whatsoever, stop. You only need to do this once, before you start rocking your hips, and shouldn't have to do this repeatedly. It helps if the perineum tab is wrapped in a piece of tissue paper to absorb excess lubricant that may leak out, that vastly reduces the tendency of the perineum tab slipping forward towards your balls due to the perineum area becoming slippery with lube.

Final word: GENTLY. Do not use any force.

Hope this helps,

BF Mayfield

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As many of you know, the manufacturer has long recommended the side lying position as good place to start in one's quest for higher orgasmic fulfillment via the Aneros,(the Super O). For those familiar with some of my previous postings I have been somewhat critical of this choice for one reason; it had never worked for me! I have seen numerous comments from other users who have had a similar experience with it as well. Well as my last posting (see above) will attest my opinion on this has changed. As a matter of fact, as of this last weekend, I thoroughly recommend the position.

For those who have been successful with this position from the start, the following may not apply, but for those, (who like me) had long ago discounted its use, and found success with some other position, there is good reason to revisit this approach. First, don't bother with trying to initiate your Super O's by this method, but once you've had your first one, (in some other position) and have "awakened" your body, try shifting to the side lying position. Strangely, where I found it impossible to "start-up" this way, it was a much simpler matter to have subsequent orgasms in this manner. Furthermore, I found that the orgasms that this position affords are VERY intense indeed! The position seems to naturally allow one to internalize and focus the "pleasure waves" for building and maximizing a Super O. I also found myself pressing my knees together and sort of squeezing rectally at the same time, which yielded some incredible new sensations too.

Again, if you've been otherwise successful in having Super O's and haven't tried the side lying position for a while, give this a shot. For those you are still in process of finding their way, I still think that some of the other positions are more productive.

BF Mayfield

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In my last posting I made mention of being open and ready for this new experience. To me this has several meanings. The first of these (which I’ve discussed previously) involves setting aside some the traditional notions about how to achieve an orgasm. It also means, quite frankly, feeling sexual. I’m quite certain now that the use of the Aneros is greatly enhanced by being aroused PRIOR to its introduction. There are instances where this arousal may be generated, through use of erotica or with a partner or sometimes it can just arise on its own. When I feel aroused, I am able to actually sense fullness in my prostate. I then try to mentally connect this fullness with the pleasure waves that I create through timed breathing and subtle, low intensity, anal contractions.

Recognize however, that there will be times when YOU ARE NOT READY for this experience. One, when you are not appropriately aroused, you’re tired, not feeling well, have things on your mind etc. None of these things in and of themselves would normally stand in the way of a traditional penile orgasm, but when it comes to the Aneros experience, I believe you really need to “feel 100%” in order to allow it occur. The second instance where “you are not ready” for it, is when you are TOO AROUSED! Yes, I know it sounds like a contradiction, but being too aroused can lead to impatience and impatience is a “deal breaker” here. How? It can cause you to ignore the subtle sensations that should be the focus of your attention. You need to combine, and summate these smaller pleasure waves to make larger ones, and so on. With both of the above you must be honest with yourself with respect to where you at. The appropriate questions to ask yourself are then, " I up to this tonight?" or " I trying to hard?!!" In the end, making this simple determination will save you time and frustration. But never fear, there is always a Plan B!

On the occasions where I’m incapable of sufficient arousal or too aroused, I generally skip right to a traditional penile orgasm (with the Aneros in place) and I have a terrific (albeit traditional) ejaculatory orgasm effortlessly. And there’s no shame in that!

Now for something completely different…

TO SHAVE OR NOT TO SHAVE..that is the ?
This may seem like an odd one at first blush, but when I sat down and tried to think of all the things that I do in the way of preparation, that I hadn’t already mentioned, this came to mind. Am I suggesting total “pubic depilation” (removing all one’s pubic hair) ….not at all! What I am suggesting however, is making sure that your perineum is pretty much hair free. For many men this may not be an issue at all since they are not particularly hairy around the perineal area. Why do I feel this is important? First, I believe that a clean-shaven perineum offers a better surface for the Aneros’ perineal abutment tab. It is easier to keep dry (which is essential for maintaining proper placement) and offers greater stability. I have found that a clean-shaven perineum is more sensitive also. Lastly, shaving also prevents any discomfort that might be caused from an errant hair being pulled by the abutment tab.

As an aside, my wife has been waxing for years and I’ve encouraged the practice…makes for easier navigation down below don’t you know! Nowadays I keep a somewhat “cleaner profile” also, and she has made it abundantly clear that she appreciates the reciprocation!

BF Mayfield

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(No..but 1st Class beats Coach everytime!)

There have been several postings that have asked whether one can practice without the Aneros or if the Aneros is the only way to have the Super O experience. My answer is YES and NO (respectively). I am now thoroughly convinced that we all have this ability (for the Super O) inside each of us just waiting to be called upon. I have stated previously that I, and many others that I am aware of are able to have a form of the non-ejaculatory orgasm without the Aneros, (from posts in this forum and Jack Johnston’'s

Last night, in particular I had no less than 4 such orgasms before introducing the Aneros into the equation. The first three were accomplished by focused breathing and timed abdominal contractions combined with very subtle anal contractions. The only use of my hands was involved in pulling and pinching my nipples (which seems to kind of push me over the top.) All this occurred while viewing some erotic videos.

This method begins with a low level anal contraction, (so low that’s it’s just above the level of relaxation). I will use this as a “base level” and always come back to this low intensity contraction even if I should try a stronger contraction. The breathing that I’m referring to involves taking in air while expanding into the lower diaphragm (the area from your navel and below). I try to think in terms of breathing into this area. While I’m drawing in air, I do so in a way that vibrates the diaphragm (almost like one would do if one were sobbing). I then hold the air for 10-15 seconds while gently “bearing down” abdominally and to a lesser extent, rectally at the same time. IMPORTANT…I never hold my breath for very long (just several seconds at a time), remember, anoxia is not the goal here. The “bearing down” is accomplished by the contraction of my abdominal muscles while yielding a gentle pushing down motion toward my rectum. I may upgrade my anal contraction to a low-moderate size for several seconds, (always returning to the “base level” afterward.) I may or may not exhale all of the air that I've taken in and regardless of which I chose to do, I normally try to keep my lower belly extended at all times once I have started.

At some time during this process I will usually notice a pleasant tickling sensation similar to a kind of “butterflies in the stomach” sensation, only lower in my abdomen, slightly duller and somewhat deeper. It is this “pleasure wave” that you are looking to perpetuate and magnify as much as possible. Now that I am very familiar with this sensation, I have realized that I've experienced it countless times before in my life, but simply ignored it (while stretching for example). The reason being, that on its own a single “pleasure wave” of this type doesn't resemble anything that is overtly sexual. However, when it is focused upon and built up, one wave on the next, it becomes something very different and very powerful indeed! Around this time I usually try to focus my awareness on my prostate and try to channel these sensations deeper and deeper in its direction. Hereafter, it amounts to mixing it up and trying various combinations of this kind of breathing coupled with the “bearing down” and gentle anal contractions that ultimately build an orgasmic wave. A linkage of abdominal, anal/rectal and prostate sensory pathways takes place that makes the non-ejaculatory orgasm occur. I will even have the “anal involuntaries” with this experience.

Last night this happened 3 times while I was sitting in a chair, and again all of it occurred without any touching of my genitals. The 4th time was something totally different. Immediately following the last orgasm, I went to prepare for the Aneros by cleaning up in the shower. Even while I was getting into the shower I could still feel remnant “pleasure waves” in my abdomen. I soaped a washcloth in order to clean my anus, and soon found myself doing some gentle anal/perineal massage. Quickly I got an erection, and found myself using my fist to push against my anus in an inward-downward motion so that I was massaging my anus and perineum at the same time. I also noticed that with each gentle thrust, my now erect penis was bouncing up and down. It felt exquisite. I soon had a great “non-ejaculatory orgasm” STANDING UP!


The Aneros is a device that can generate, focus and magnify these “pleasure waves” to an even higher level still. You can almost think of THE ANEROS as A TOOL FOR “HOT WIRING” YOUR BODY! When properly positioned the Aneros is put in direct contact with the anus, perineum and prostate simultaneously. In short, it facilitates a sensory synergy that leads to the most intense orgasmic experience that I've ever known!

So getting back to my story…

After the shower I was off to my bed and the Aneros. Even as I was inserting it I could feel another wave building, and within a minute or so I had the first of what would be TWELVE DISTINCT, NON EJACULATORY ORGASMS. (No I’m not kidding, it’s my record so far!). I have discussed previously the notion of “crossing over” to this level. Interesting enough, when you do get onto this level there don’t seem to be any special techniques that are required to make more orgasms occur. Specifically, all that’s required at this point is a little mental focus, and the Aneros seems to take care of the rest. Sometimes it helps to “actualize” the orgasm by telling yourself that you feel yourself coming…. yes positive thinking pays off big! Of the twelve orgasms that I experienced, 7 were immense in magnitude Super Orgasms and 5 were slightly smaller (still incredible though). The majority of orgasms occurred on my back, with 2 in the kneeling position (thanks Max), and one in a prone position (butt in the air and face in my pillow). During most of the session I had my eyes closed, but I swear I actually saw fireworks a couple of times. (I have heard that such things are generated in the optical cortex in the brain in response to certain stimuli) This session took place over roughly an hour’s time.

As is my custom now, I “dove-tailed” the last Super O into a traditional penile orgasm that was the most intense and most “voluminous” to date! I could barely walk afterwards, and the afterglow…well, it continued for hours. As a matter of fact, as I have been sitting here composing this text I can still feel some small sensations in my abdomen and twitches in my prostate (aftershocks) nearly 18 hours later!

As my previous post on this thread asserts, being “in the mood” is critical to your success, creating the proper level of arousal, that is where the technique comes in.

BF Mayfield

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As I have discussed previously in this thread (see above..IS THE ANEROS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY?), it is not only possible to have a "non-ejaculatory"/ Super O without the Aneros it is a terrific "warm-up" as well as a source of tremendous pleasure in it's own right. I recently had an experience that takes this one step farther.

A couple of days ago, at the end of a long day, I had laid down on the floor and started doing some stretching in order to release some tension in my back. I had planned an Aneros session for later but for now I was just trying to relax a bit. After about 10 minutes or so of doing some exercises, I noticed a warm limber feeling in my lower back. Just for grins, I decided to do a little rhythmic breathing coupled with a little mental focus to see if I could generate a "pleasure wave" or two, just lying there. To my surprise, with very little effort I soon felt the warm tickling of a wave starting up. I then started some gentle anal contractions to encourage more waves and a moment later I had mentally connected some of those sensations in my back with those I was generating in my abdomen/anus/rectum.

Soon I found myself building very nice orgasm with more focused breathing. To make a long story short, I went through 2 more orgasms like this, one building on the other until the 4th one came along. At this point, I had more less decided to transition and finish myself off with a traditional ejaculation (after all, I was still planning on the Aneros for later on), so I started stroking my penis, fully expecting the "non-ejaculatory" response that was starting, to be extinguished and replaced (after a minute or so) by the familiar sensations of a penile orgasm. This time however, something really strange happened, the penile orgasm did not take hold! As I was stroking my penis, I noticed somewhat diminished penile sensations, yet I found myself stroking faster and faster. It was odd, because even though the sensations I was experiencing were NOT penile centered in the least, the stroking was helping me build a larger "non-ejaculatory" orgasm. Soon I noticed that I was breathing harder and harder and the "pleasure wave" was becoming larger at the same time. When the orgasm finally broke loose, it was absolutely enormous! An earth shaking, total body experience! So much so that I thought I was going to pass out! After 10 or 15 minutes or so of basking in the afterglow I decided to finally finish off with an ejaculation. I can truthfully say that when this one came it was without a doubt the most intense orgasm (of the traditional type) that I've ever had! Honestly, it was hours before I felt normal again, and even the next morning I felt little "aftershocks" from it all.

Needless to say, I never did get around to using the Aneros! So does this approach replace the Aneros. Not at all, remember, "variety is the spice of life". Besides, I credit the Aneros in part for enabling me to "wake up" this "nether region" of my body. Moreover, all of these things complement one another anyway. What's going on for me now is a sensual journey whose itinerary began with the Aneros, then stopped off with Jack Johnston's, then to some months of experimentation to produce my own breathing techniques. These breathing techniques would later facilitate more consistent Super Orgasmic results with the Aneros. Presently, I am now having wonderful, intense, yet different experiences both with and without the Aneros.

As an aside, I know that in the past I have strongly cautioned against incorporating any penile stimulation in one's Aneros sessions if one is attempting to have a Super O. Not withstanding my comments above, I remain steadfast in that assertion. Call this new experience an "advanced technique" to be employed by "advanced users" only. Again, for most users, I still believe that penile stimulation initiates a deeply ingrained physical response, which for most people ends in a traditional ejaculation. That is, penile contact generally derails the "non-ejaculatory" phenomena. There are numerous comments from Aneros users that support this notion. However, in my own case, over the last 15 months, I've succeeded in "tuning" my body for some altogether different physical responses.

I am firmly convinced that the key to it all lies in focused breathing coupled with the proper anal/rectal/abdominal contractions. It is the synergy of these stimuli that enables you to build larger and larger waves that create the Super O. (Remember the analogy of the playground swing). What is absolutely essential is learning your body's OWN unique rhythm. This can only be accomplished through experimentation and practice. The good news is that once you have discovered your own rhythm, generating a Super O will become as easy as having a traditional penile centered orgasm.

The journey's not over yet....,more to come later!

B Mayfield

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Last week, while in the midst of one of my Aneros sessions, I stumbled across something really different. It involved combining two methods of stimulation. The first is the technique of spreading ones butt cheeks as a means of generating "involuntaries". For those unfamiliar with this, the concept is that spreading your cheeks (while the Aneros is inserted) further destabilizes the Aneros in a well lubricated anus such that it slides in and out VERY easily, causing your anus to fight to hold on to it. Between the voluntary contractions that you make in trying to hold on to the Aneros and the degree and amount of spreading that you do, you can give your anus a nice workout and by doing so tune-in some involuntary contractions fairly easily. I like to think of this method as a way of getting your anus to transition to involuntaries.

The second involves using skeletal muscle tension, and focused breathing. More precisely it is the buildup of sexual energy through muscle tension and rhythmic breathing and its timed release to orgasm. The origin of such methods can be found in Tantra. Jack Johnston ( has discussed this method as well as a part of his “Key Sound” technique.

While “mixing it up” one day I came across a position/technique that I’m calling a SLINGSHOT (for reasons that will become clear later). The position starts with you lying on you back (with the Aneros in place). Pillows may be used underneath your upper back to give some elevation. Arms are set tight to your sides and both hands go under your buttocks. Both hands grab a cheek and spread. Experiment with the degree and duration of the spread, but remember, you must use your anus to hold on to the Aneros, so don’t let go! Play with it for a while, and notice, that by simply opening and closing your cheeks and/or by varying your level of anal hold/contraction you are able to slide the Aneros in and out rhythmically. After this “warm-up” try holding the Aneros in with an anal contraction while executing a rectal contraction (the pushing out contraction). You’ll notice that these contractions work "antagonistically" (against each other) one pulling in, the other pushing out, so that the net effect is greatly heightened muscle tension with very little net movement of the Aneros. The idea here is to be continually ratcheting up muscle tension.

The next step is to elevate both of your legs just like you’re doing leg lifts, and while doing so elevate your torso as well (if you have pillow under your upper back you may not need to work as hard in this area). Use your hands and butt as your center of balance. At this point you should have your arms to your sides your hands grabbing your cheeks your torso lifted and your legs lifted at the same time, much like you are trying to form very widened out letter “ V “ with your body. Be aware you don’t have to lift very far in either direction, just enough that you are able to get and maintain a good abdominal contraction. If you are doing this correctly, it takes less abdominal energy than you might think, mainly because you are really balancing (teetering) on you butt.


While maintaining this position, spread your legs apart as far as you possibly can. No I’m not kidding! Now, when you have all of this in place, start spreading your butt checks once again and work your anus to hold on to the Aneros. Try spreading your cheeks as hard as you can! In this position you’ll find that that your glutes are naturally engaged so you won’t be able to spread them very far. Nonetheless you will find that all of this activity further ratchets up the muscle tension (which you will release later). Once again, much as you did in the warm-up try alternating holding and releasing contractions combined with the cheek spreading, stopping occasionally to see if your anus starts any contracting on its own. To change it up you might try holding your breath, bearing down (rectal contraction) an anal contraction spreading your cheeks and legs wider at the same time. Now exhale, but start immediately with some rhythmic breathing or vibratory breathing as you inhale. As you inhale mentally focus on your anal rectal and abdominal sensations and visualize energy being drawn-up into the very center of your being. If you’re like me very soon you will be having many "involuntaries". In my own case, I was in this position for about 5 or 6 minutes when I had my first orgasm (Super O), In all I was able to maintain the position for about 20 minutes. Over that period of time I had 4 orgasms.

By the 4th orgasm my muscles were finally fatiguing and so as I felt it coming on I decided to let go, (legs down torso down), but maintained my anal contraction. It happened simultaneously, that is I pretty much collapsed, but as I did this the forces (anal/rectal/abdominal/legs) that were in balance just moments before were no longer so, and the result was that the disproportionate force of my anal contraction thrust the Aneros, like a "slingshot", deep into my rectum. Almost involuntarily I clamped down with an intense anal contraction and held it down hard as I was catapulted into one of the most intense Super O’s ever.

I find this position unique. I love the way it feels being all spread-eagled having orgasms, it’s almost too intense to describe. It’s rewarding in both the buildup and release. This one’s a keeper!

Advanced users and newbies alike, don’t be scared off by the apparent amount of exertion required for this, again, it’s less than you think, and if properly timed, can yield exquisite results.

Check it out!

B Mayfield

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The following post was originally written concerning the MGX Classic. The techniques described herein may also be applied to the MGX (new style), SGX and Maximus models should they require it (although their tabs are shorter and tighter than the “Classic”). The Helix and Eupho feature a different style abutment tab that should not require such extensive alteration.

Over the last year I have read comments by others and written extensively myself about concerns with proper abutment tab placement. It has been my contention that proper placement; vertical and horizontal orientation along the perineum coupled with the necessary pressure, is an essential element for facilitating the neural feedback loop that generates the Super O. In the past I have dubbed this pressure point the "sweet spot", not that it in and of itself feels so pleasurable, but for its crucial role (when properly stimulated) in facilitating the larger orgasmic experience. The problem appears to be that whereas the position of the prostate is fairly consistent from person to person (regardless of one's stature) the location of this "sweet spot" may not be so. I discovered that my own "spot" was much closer to my anus than the standard MGX model provided for. Last month I read a posting from TJ (See my thread "In Search of the Sweet Spot") who indicated that he had identified a much higher location for his spot than the Aneros provided for.

So what to do? In TJ's case he found that by simply bending the Aneros' abutment tab backwards resulted in the tab engaging his perineum higher. In my own case I found that obtaining the SGX (PS2) model did the trick. This smaller version came with an abutment tab that presses on the perineum in a lower position, and more tightly I might add. Nonetheless, I still slightly missed the MGX's larger girth and length. Again, I had heard of others modifying the Aneros, but had been reluctant to do so myself, not wanting to permanently damage the device. However, given the fact that I now also own an SGX unit that works very well for me (a backup if you will), I decided to throw caution to the wind.

First off, I was lucky in that I was able to get a "heat gun" from a friend (really a glorified hair dryer capable of more intensely focused heat). In evaluating my needs I realized that what I was really after was a shorter and more forward protruding abutment tab. To affect this I applied some sustained heat near the bottom part of the ascending loop of the abutment tab first so that I was able to move the tab backward (away from the main body). I then applied heat to the upper outside curve of the tab, so that I was able to bend it inward/downward. In essence, it was like taking the top of a letter " S " rocking it backwards, then curling the top part down in on itself. On my first "test drive" of the modified unit, I noticed that Aneros would not insert completely (as it had prior to my modification). From this I gleaned that I had bent the tab too far forward. I figured out that the tab itself shouldn't overhang more than about 5 or 6 ribs on the Aneros' main body. Any more, and the unit will not insert properly nor move naturally.

After some further tweaking the Aneros was ready for another "test drive" and this time it was incredible! Finally, more pressure from the tab in just the right place! Unbelievably I was even able to achieve 4 Super O's in the side lying position! Although this position has been the one the manufacturer has recommended from the start, it has never been one of my favorites. However, on this occasion, with my modified MGX, this position came alive for me. With each "involuntary contraction" I could actually feel the Aneros bouncing all over my prostate.

So, am I recommending that everyone modify their units? Absolutely not! As a matter of fact I would actually RECOMMEND AGAINST IT UNLESS you are: a) absolutely certain where your "sweet spot" is, and b) fairly certain that the abutment tab is not hitting it. I would also add that you must have a good plan together prior to making any modifications, as to what you need to change and how to execute it. Furthermore, before you change anything take some notes on how the Aneros is configured from the factory, Make some measurements; distance between the underside of the tab from the ribbed part of the body. How many ribs does the tab overhang (counting from the base) etc. This way if you get into trouble you'll have some reference points to come back to. Just remember that the Aneros has been "engineered" to perform in a certain way according to the relative proximity of your anatomy. Also be aware that underlying any modification is the risk that you may alter the functioning of the unit for the worse, so all factors must be carefully considered prior to attempting this.

As for me, I think I'm off of my SGX and on to my MGX (MOD) for a while at least.

BF Mayfield

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Originally Posted By: b mayfield
I am curious, how is your body positioned when using the Aneros? Are you predominately on your side or on your back?

Actually I've found that the best position for me is kneeling.

I find that in the side position the aneros doesn't make good contact with the sensitive spots, has limited range of motion, and is harder to control. An aneros that was 1/2" shorter would work better for me here.

On the back, I find it awkward to find a position where the bed isn't interfering with the looped handle. Strategically place pillows or pads can help, but finding the right combination of comfort and freedom of motion has been difficult.

For me, the kneeling position overcomes the above problems and has additional advantages. First, gravity comes into play, which allows the aneros to slide out to a degree not possible in the other positions. It also means that greater effort is needed to hold it in place during contractions and this seems to help the muscles to quiver. Not only does the aneros now have a greater range motion, but I do too. I can move my hips back and forth, side to side, and bend at the waist to find the sweetest spots. And, again, I think my anatomy is such that I benefit from the shallower penetration possible in this position.

I can, however, obtain the involuntary spasms I described in any of the above positions.

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It's funny, my first inclination was to discount your approach. But as I read it over again, I found myself quite intrigued by it. As a matter of fact, although I have an approach that works for me, I intend to try yours as well. Hey, it’s always good to have a backup and it sounds like it must be pretty stimulating.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but my approach involves lying on my back. As you so astutely pointed out, this method does present one with some challenges. However, I am convinced that it offers several positives that outweigh the negatives. First the negatives: yes its true that one must avoid laying down and putting ANY pressure on the looped handle. It is also true that it requires some maneuvering with pillows under the lumbar area of ones back coupled with some leg strength to keep the pelvis suspended. But what I have found is that to transcend the "quivering stage" it is crucial to ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN proper perineal abutment tab placement. Lying on ones back while elevating the pelvis allows you to do both of these things with the most control. Yes the downside is that there is some "leg work" involved, but over a period of several weeks you can develop adequate stamina to make it happen.

From what you have described, it seems to me that you are very close. The way I see it you must find the "sweet spot" and keep it there! You must get that anal quivering working for you. Do you know what I mean by "sweet spot"? Have you experienced a tingling sensation that runs through your penis, perineum, anus and prostate almost simultaneously?

Something interesting that you might like to know is that once you do go over the top into the Super Orgasm stage it is VERY EASY to keep it going. At this point you don't seem to need any special techniques. Almost any kind of movement, contractions, what have you, can make another wave hit might consider this a dividend for the patience and discipline that are required to make it to this place!

BF Mayfield

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Finally tried your approach of kneeling with the Aneros, and it definitely got those "involuntaries" going pretty good! It was interesting because gravity became a factor to work with and I did find that the position allowed more movement of my body than I've been used to. I also found that it increased the engorgement of my perineum tremendously making my “sweet spot “ easy to locate. This one is a keeper!


B Mayfield

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Different positions are great for changing things up and adding variety to any sexual encounter, including those with the Aneros (see the Slingshot, above). For instance, I have used the standing position and walking around in the context of a full on session, very successfully. The more intense pressure that these bring to bear, can be a great way of bringing on another Super O. On occasion, when I have already had several orgasms on my back or on my side, I will stand up and walk around, grinding my butt cheeks as I do so (terrific anal sensations). Then sometimes I stand about 3 to 4 feet from the foot of my bed and let my hands fall to the edge of the bed while my feet stay in place. At this point my body is at an angle with the bed. I then lower myself down almost as if I were doing a push-up and grind or bow downward with my pelvis at the same time. I find this maneuver does marvelous things with the Aneros inside the rectum yielding a delightful pressure on my prostate rhythmically. I also find that if I move my pelvis in a circular motion as I do this, that it yields exquisite sensations in my anus. It gives you the sensation that the Aneros is traveling around the entire inner circumference of your anus!

B Mayfield

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(this post was edited 2005-12-09 19:58:28)


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(this post was edited 2006-01-29 11:57:41)


For whatever it's worth, I am the person who established the use of the term Super O or Super Orgasm here in the forum. Over the years, I've seen several users refer to different experiences using this term. For a long time now I've striven to avoid making comments that could disturb the flow of any users journey, preferring to try to gently steer people when necessary. Rather than telling somebody that they have the concept all wrong, I've tried to introduce alternative ideas. In retrospect, perhaps the confusion over this needed more of a definitive correction.

In any event, the Super Orgasm (Super O) was name that I gave for an orgasm that stepped out of my normal frame of reference. The Super O is a non ejaculatory orgasm that may involve the entire lower abdominal and pelvic regions and may even extend more globally, into a whole body experience. Since this is a non ejaculatory event, there is no resolution phase the part of the male sexual response that begins the refractory period...our biological time-out during which arousal is not possible. What this means is that multiple orgasms are possible since one never falls from a certain level of arousal (effectively staying in the plateau phase between orgasms). The duration of the Super O may be several seconds to minutes longer than a traditional orgasm (particularly when multiples are involved).

Know this though,...Super O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued. Generally the experience is one of a surging pleasure wave that leaves one in a blissful yet energized state ...look Ma' no refractory period !

The existence of a tickling sensation in the penis, perineum, anus and prostate simultaneously has been reported on many occasions as well.

There may be outward physical signs of the event such as engorgement of the penis, producing a very stiff erection, and swelling of the glans or head of the penis. Often this swelling may cause the glans to change hue and take on a shiny appearance with the corona becoming larger and more red in color. There may be anal contractions accompanying the orgasm as well. Such contractions may be internal or external. There may be skeletal muscle contraction and rigidity as well. There may be emissions (a flow or oozing) of "precum" (Cowper's fluid) before, during and after such an event too.

That said, individuals may exhibit all or only a few of these signs.

There is normally some sense of release following a Super O, but be advised that it may not be of the same magnitude as it is following an ejaculation. Why? Because part of what accounts for the feeling of release is the precipitous drop-off of arousal at the onset of the resolution phase. With the Super O, since we're staying at or near the plateau level of arousal the fall off is much shorter yielding a less pronounced sensation of release. Many have reported feeling strangely energized following a Super O as opposed to the lethargy that accompanies an ejaculation. Again the reason is, is that one is still at the level of arousal following a Super O.

Yes, it can be confusing from a practical standpoint trying to get a handle on what the Super O is by establishing what it looks like. As I've stated in the past, I believe that the phenomena has its roots in the female sexual response. And as with the female experience, in many cases we are left to accept anecdotal reports as evidence of its (the Super O's) existence. (So it turns out that women aren't the only ones who can fake an orgasm!) But that's just the way that it is. I'm certain that the phenomenon could be scientifically documented with any number of tests; EKG, blood pressure, skin conductivity, etc., but to my knowledge this remains to be done. It is for this reason that I've been somewhat dubious of the videos that have circulated. Not that I'm suggesting that anyone has faked anything here, I accept that everyone is of good intentions, it's just that there seems to be a level of uncertainty as to what's going on. There is so much that depends on the actual sensations that one is experiencing that can't be revealed in this way.

My opinion is that YOU WILL NEVER DISCOVER THE TECHNIQUES OF ACCESSING THE SUPER O FROM WATCHING A VIDEO. The reason, as I've described previously, is that there is a great deal that is going on internally that defies scrutiny. So while such videos may be titillating, they will have a difficult time being enlightening. (It's like someone giving you a video that shows an individual meditating and expecting you to learn how to meditate from it.) What I'm trying to express here is that even if one sees an individual who outwardly displays physical signs of this type orgasm (and remember that many don't), it does nothing to illuminate the path for getting there! Such videos may be interesting to watch, but they won't get you where you want to go.

As I've described before, the path to the Super O is a personal process. For some it occurs quite quickly, for others it evolves over time.

So how does one know the difference between the Super O and a more traditional experience? Interestingly enough many people who have experienced it, know it right away, because (as occurred with me) it is something that is outside of their frame of reference. It is, in many ways, a redefining experience. Others (particularly those who start with the more subdued experience) take more time to come to terms with what it's all about.

One last thing, it may be helpful for some of you to understand what a SUPER O IS NOT. The only thing that one can say with absolute certainty is that a Super O is not an ejaculatory orgasm! Occasionally, I've seen posts that lament the fact that there was no ejaculation and therefore no Super O?!! Clearly they're misunderstanding what it's about. In other posts I've read about hands-off ejaculation (sounds so tremendous... I wish I could do it myself) but this is not the Super O either. Ejaculation no matter how intense signifies a traditional orgasm and once this occurs a refractory period is inevitable. Refractory period = NO SUPER O.

I hope this clarifies things a bit!

BF Mayfield

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(this post was edited 2007-02-18 23:47:17)


When it comes down to embarking on this sensual journey our first decision comes down to the choice of an Aneros. Upon examining the product line, I'm certain that many if not most newbies say... why can't there be just ONE unit for everyone?. Ultimately it is individual anatomical variations that occur from one person to the next that makes having different models a necessity.

For this reason there may never be a true one size fits all when it comes to the Aneros, although between the Helix and the MGX we may have a one size fits most. However, the continuous process of product design and refinement will surely allow more and more users to be included in the Super O experience.

To this end there is some exciting news to report in that there will be two new Aneros models introduced early next year! One device is similar in size to the Helix, but with a different more sculpted configuration. The other is a different unit altogether, one that will completely redefine the parameter of size in the product line. Yes,...first there was the Maximus, now there is the....the....X? Although it doesn't have a name yet, this unit is 25% LARGER than the Maximus. This is sure to please some in the large insertion crowd and those who really enjoy the sensation of fullness.

I will be posting my review on both models very soon, but until then, many O's and...

Happy Holidays to all!!

BF Mayfield

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The PROGASM is a third generation Aneros that shows style, precision and innovation in a single device. This model is consistent with HIH’s move away from the one-size-fits-all devices, towards products that are more specialized. While it is not for everyone, this Aneros is bound to generate a multitude of fans!

Those who are already familiar with other models will likely be taken aback by the size of the Progasm. It’s large, as matter of fact by my calculations, on average (based on the head/tip, midline, stem near the base, and length) about 25% larger than the Maximus! If that doesn’t surprise you, then the extra abutment tab just might. That’s right, this Aneros has two tabs. Why? Why else… 'cause two tabs are better than one! But seriously, in a design first, the Progasm features a P tab and a K tab (the K tab takes the place of the handle in back…more on this later.)

In another Aneros first, a larger ball end (approx. 1/2” diameter) has replaced the round flat head of the abutment tab of the Helix and Eupho and the hockey stick tab of the Maximus, MGX and SGX.

The Progasm is made of a dense polyethylene material that has a satiny finish and will enable the production of a wide range of colors as well (currently it is only available in white). In terms of it’s overall shape the unit is vaguely reminiscent of a large extended thumb, (particularly at the tip), followed by a large mid-line bulge and ridge. The stem near the base is rib-less, and is taller than it is wide.

Upon insertion, the various dimensions of the Progasm make themselves known. Having had some experience with larger fare in the past I knew to take it easy and expect a slower start. In short order I determined that the head/tip of the unit was best accommodated by a “spooning” or angling motion versus a straight insertion. At the time I presumed that this was due to the upward angle of the tip and eagerly anticipated the sensations that might follow. Of course I didn't have long to wait! So what does it feel like? As the unit is drawn in, one is treated to immediate prostate engagement and an overall feeling of fullness that is unmatched by any of the other Aneros products to date.

What one finds out very quickly with the Progasm is that when it comes to contractions, a little goes a very long way . So even very gentle contraction produces some major prostate stimulation. By way of comparison, I found that a 25% anal contraction with the Progasm was roughly equivalent to a 50% contraction with the Helix. In this way the Progasm allowed me to explore much subtler levels of effort than ever before. So much so that even subtle PC contractions (without the anal component) were strong enough by themselves to produce some wonderful stimulation.

The newly designed ball tip of the abutment tab performed well, providing added stability with a kinder gentler perineal stimulation (a real plus for those who have complained about irritation from previous tab configurations). I must admit, I like the higher intensity stimulation from the old style tabs a bit better, but when the stability of the new tab is factored in, it makes the new design a clear winner.

The K (for Kundalini) tab is designed to engage another acupressure point, one that’s located between the tailbone and anus. Frankly, when I first looked at this unit I wondered if this additional tab would hamper movement. It does not. So far the stimulation from this tab has been very subtle and most evident at higher levels of contraction. What does it feel like? It feels like a nice little tickle south of where the sun don't shine . At this point although I haven’t experienced anything orgasmic that was directly attributable to the K Tab, I have strong sense that there is more to come from it. Stay tuned!

One of the things that surprised me the most about the Progasm was how mobile it was for its size. Granted I used aggressive lubrication for this, i.e. pre-lubrication followed by copious amounts applied directly to the unit. Nonetheless, based on my prior experience with the Maximus, I had expected the action of a plug when I first examined it. As it turns out, nothing could have been farther from the truth. In my opinion the Progasm is more responsive and produces far more sensation than the Maximus. This gets down to one of my issues with the Maximus very early on, that it seemed somewhat out of balance. It appears that my (and others) concerns were heard.


A large and responsive unit designed for anal vets and those who are looking for fuller and deeper sensations. This unit may also be helpful for those who have failed to receive adequate prostate contact from the smaller models.


Not for anal novices. Requires aggressive lubrication for optimum performance.

As an aside, thus far all of my sessions with the Progasm have been Super O sessions, so it still remains to be seen how it will perform in a traditional sexual encounter with a partner, particularly those requiring vigorous movement such as in intercourse. Frankly, I have a hard time envisioning undulating (comfortably) with something as large as the Progasm in place..but I'll follow up and let you all know about that.....on the backside.

Final Impressions

The Progasm demonstrates the best qualities of an evolving product line. It embodies innovation and refinement while staying true to the principles of the past. My first orgasms with it came quickly and were VERY intense. One difference that I noticed when using the Progasm was that when the waves of the orgasms hit and I went into involuntary contraction, I could REALLY feel it as my anal and rectal walls encountered it. In some sessions I could almost feel an echo wave sent backwards, like my body was contacting something solid and reverberating from it. It was truly amazing! A traditional orgasm (ejaculation) with the Progasm is an absolute slammer! So expect to be thoroughly drained. Another difference was the depth of the sensations themselves. I must believe that the extra length and angled tip of this unit not only engage the prostate more fully but also deliver more seminal vesicle stimulation. Whatever the reason, the Progasm makes for a mighty wild ride!

BF Mayfield

P.S. Can't wait to get one in purple.

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Over the last couple of years I've had a series of delightful experiences in the shower. I realized just recently that I've never posted on them before.

As I've stated in the past very often my Aneros session prep involves getting cleaned off in the shower. This includes soaping up all over...and some gentle anal and perineal massage, often with a washcloth. While the technique does not involve insertion per se, it does include some deeper pressure on the anus and perineum. I always do this bent over in a standing position. The motion of my hand involves pivoting around a center point. I normally use two or three knuckles covered by the cloth to do the job. Occasionally I find myself pressing downward on my anus toward my perineum as well. If this massage doesn't yield an orgasm, it generally increases my level of arousal substantially.

One day, inadvertently, when I was rinsing off, I had adjusted the shower head to the massage setting. On my Hansgrohe Clubmaster this had the effect of producing 3 separate pulsating streams of water. While bending over I separated my buttcheeks to expose my anus to the oncoming jets. I will grant that I was already aroused by earlier manual efforts, but I was genuinely surprised with the sensation that the shower massage produced. Interestingly I found I could control the area and to some degree the depth of impact simply by adjusting the spread of my cheeks with my hands. Course adjustment could be made by moving my body from one side to the other. In some positions the water almost felt like it was penetrating me, sending delightful sensation deeper into my body. Soon I found myself breathing deeply and rocking and arching my buttocks upward so that the jets would contact my perineum as well. In short order I experienced the sensation.... that electric sensation...the one of simultaneous stimulation of the anus, perineum and penis. At this point my body fell forward just slightly until my forehead was resting on the shower wall, helping my balance. As the sensations continued I began to focus on a prostate massage fantasy (one similar to the Sakura video currently in the forum). The water alternately tickled, licked, pressed and pulsated against my anus and perineum. I opened an closed my cheeks, and generally squirmed against this aqueous onslaught.

Soon my abdominal muscles began to contract, until they were rock hard. My penis too was coming into full and stiff erection. I was aware of my scrotum raising my testicles upwards and closer in to my body ( I knew I was getting close to an orgasm). At that point I freed one hand to begin some nipple stimulation and as I did so, I was instantly catapulted into one enormous Super O. I released my nipple and began riding the stream of water with my ass savoring wave after wave of the orgasm. It was absolutely beautiful, intense, and left weak in the knees. It also left me squeeky clean!

There is little question in my mind that this is more of an advanced users technique as it is predicated on being orgasmically rewired to a large extent. Yet, I would still recommend this to newbies as a means of building arousal. And in the end it serves two purposes.... as a high-powered bidet and foreplay for the Super O.

Check it out!

BF Mayfield

p.s. One area of caution, be careful that the water doesn't strike you in the scrotum... take it from me, THAT can be quite painful!

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Hi Mr. Mayfield,

It's great experiencing such awesome sessions like you described. I have had very simaliar bath-orgasms, and also have experimented with the shower also. These warm-up sessions usually lead to some very intense super O's. Take care, peace. Nood

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I got the Progasm about a month ago and got a string of Super "O"s on the third day of playing with it. Since then I'v tried to get the Super O's again and failed ....UNTIL..I came to the forum and read Mayfields posts. It seems the thing I was lacking was to be found in the breathing excercises. I believe he said that when he is breathing in rythm that he pushes air toward his abdomenal area. Anyway I tried this by basically breathing in to my stomach area more instead of the chest and like he said pushing the pressure of the breath down toward the abdomen. That did it for me. It's awesome too I have to say..way better than the first time. I was even able to start the process all over again once the O's had weakened simply by continuing the breathing excercise and letting the contractions grow to max again. It's just unbelievable. Thanks Guys=)

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ANEROS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY? ...REVISITED (originally posted in B's Best of BEELINE)

About a year ago I posted some comments to one of my Keys... threads regarding initiating and sustaining Super O's WITHOUT the use of the Aneros. The thread was entitled the Aneros the Only Way to Fly? In it I went into some detail about a session that I had had involving breathing, anal, rectal and abdominal contractions and mental focus only (with no penile contact). As some of you may recall I characterized it as a wonderful and intense experience but not of the same order of magnitude as my Aneros sessions. Furthermore, I stated at the time, and have since maintained throughout the forum, that I believed this method to be the ideal warm-up prior to the Aneros' introduction. Where this still may be the case with respect to the warm-up aspect, something happened to me recently that has made me change my mind completely regarding the potential of the Aneros Free Super O.

Last Friday, I was beginning one of my sessions as usual, building arousal with some good erotica while practicing my breathing and various contractions. Coincidentally about that time I received an email from a user who was in search of some information. In the process of our correspondence he very generously provided me with some particularly stimulating viewing material. In the course of 20 minutes or so, between this exquisite visual and audio stimulation, the occasional emails and my arousal techniques I found myself becoming tremendously aroused. After a half and hour I was experiencing such intense sexual excitement; my heart pounding, butterflies in the stomach, that I knew that something big was imminent. All the while (as is my practice) I kept directing this sensual energy deeper into my body with mental focus, rhythmic breathing and the occasional contractions. As I tried to hold onto it and concentrate it, some of this energy would actual re-emerge elsewhere as a delightful sensation in a completely different area of my body. It was as if there was too much energy to keep it bottled up for long, much like a cup that was overflowing from being over filled. Then I started experiencing the involuntaries, and shortly after, several small scale Super O’s. These orgasms were fairly typical in size and intensity for this Aneros free technique. Yet something was very different this time, instead experiencing a release from these orgasms, my excitement was still growing in strength! Then at some point, I must have reached critical mass, because I crossed over to a totally different level, one in which I was completely awash in non-ejaculatory orgasms. And not just any orgasms mind you; but intense, immense, whole body experiences, SUPER O'S, that were totally overwhelming! The sensations themselves had a deep pelvic component, yet they seemed to roll over me (like a warm wave) from my head down to my toes. It was like a dam breaking... as the orgasm hit it would happen slowly at first then increase in size and intensity as it swept over me. I was absolutely bathed in bliss. As time went on, I found that the orgasms just kept coming, wave upon wave, inexorably, such that I wasn’t sure that I could stop them even if I had wanted to (and I didn’t want to). Furthermore I found that these were true multiple orgasms, NOT just consecutive orgasms. In the past, I would have to confess that I’ve described the experience of one orgasm occurring consecutively or sequentially (one after the other) as multiple. The distinction with this experience is that it was at times an almost continuous orgasmic state, with one orgasm peaking on top of another, in many instances even before the first one had had time to dissipate! Another interesting factor was once this got started there was very little effort necessary to keep it going.

After several hours of this I was able to obtain some brief moments of rest when I distracted myself sufficiently to disengage from this…phenomena. To return, I found that all that I had to do was to focus my attention once more and I experienced what I would call an echo sensation and soon thereafter I was rockin' and a rollin' all over again. It was almost as if the orgasm had never really stopped but just been put on pause (as if it was still cycling in the background somewhere).

Again, this was an Aneros free event, one that was not penile centered and that had little specific technique to generate it, outside of my usual warm up techniques. Rather it was created as a direct result of a high order of arousal (to the extreme), with visual and auditory stimulation, that was channeled and focused mentally inward.

Sustaining it again was primarily accomplished mentally, with the aid of the video and the use of an occasional anal or rectal contraction here or there and maybe some nipple tugging. .

I maintained this experience for about 3 hours, how many orgasms I had…I still don’t know; I lost count, perhaps 30 or 40. (No I'm not joking and this is NOT hyperbole) Finally it was about 1: 30 am, so, I was off to bed and to the Aneros (yes, there’s a part II here…but that’s for another day).

Suffice it to say that this was yet another defining moment for me in what has been, over the past several years, an incredible sensual adventure. Given that this chapter occurred without the Aneros, it reminds me of what my self-hypnosis instructor once told me...

The body’s primary sexual organ is found between your ears…. not between your legs.

Ohhhh how right she was!!

BF Mayfield

P.S. The erotica that I used was a video of a genuinely multi-orgasmic female. You'll note that I wrote genuinely...(actors need not apply). Within the approximate 4 minute playing time of this video this wonderful lady has 4 intense, REAL orgasms. Interesting enough, this was not terribly explicit either; it was the experience of seeing (her rhythmic abdominal spasms) and hearing real ecstasy that did the trick. I looped it and utilized it almost like a mantra elevating my arousal to push me over the edge. Thereafter, I kept it on and used it to maintain my arousal and the Super O’s that flowed from there, almost indefinitely.

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Last night I experienced what was a singular event for me, a kind of milestone that some of you may find interesting. I had gone to bed late, and was having some trouble staying asleep. Making matters worse, I had skipped my evening's Aneros session as I had an early morning appointment to make. For a period of some hours I would wake and then fall back to sleep. In each instance I would awake with a sizable erection and a pool of precum accumulated on my belly. The first time, I didn't think much of it, but as the night wore on it started to dawn on me that I hadn't taken care of business and that my body was trying to tell me something. Not to be deterred I finally made it into a deep sleep where began a rather detailed encounter with a gorgeous temptress. She was blond, with full lips and chest, deep blue eyes and a come-hither look that took possession of me in an instant. Of course it didn't hurt that she was reclined naked on a bed with a vibrator in her vagina, and a Helix (you heard that right...a Helix!) in her anus. As is common with dreams, I joined it as a scene-in- progress. The air was thick with her scent as she worked the toy in and out herself feverishly. The room was filled with her moans, the incessant hum of the vibrator and the wet sound that it elicited from her turgid flesh. The Helix moved erratically in and out of her anus rendering an occasion buzz as it came into brief contact with her whirring power tool. As I stood in front of her, I became aware of an omniscient voice... narrating the events that were unfolding in front of me. The sweet, earthy smell of her continued filling the air, intoxicating me... drawing me inexorably closer. There she was, her glorious naked body, writhing and twisting, caught in the grip of an insane passion. My pulse quickened...I began to pant. She beckoned me closer, inserting a wet, scented finger into my mouth....which I eagerly engaged. But as I did, it was as if I had imbibed an elixir....a potion that would transform the event in some way.....and transform it did. Just like Alice through the Looking glass.. (the blue pill or the red pill?) Suddenly I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my abdomen stiffen....that feeling that something imminent was about to occur.

Then, a familiar tickling sensation formed deep inside my pelvis, getting stronger and stronger by the second. My penis, already at attention, stiffened becoming rock hard, I could feel the head swelling. My body was preparing, swelling up...filling up as in the way of an enormous sneeze! Then it happened, as I looked down, I could see her body starting to buck back and forth wildly, the Helix flew across the floor...she climaxing, ...and in a split second...SO WAS I. But as I would soon find out, fantasy and reality were being juxtaposed .....I was a having a real orgasm! The physical sensations of the Super O bringing me back to consciousness. I looked back to see my dream lover getting smaller and I felt as if I were being pulled away quickly in an aerial crane! I was having a nocturnal Super O! A first!!! A fantasy, a product of my unconscious mind was driving this physical experience! I was coming....coming intensely! I heard myself moaning and groaning as I awoke.

My abdomen was in full rigor, and I could feel my anus contracting spastically....sending electric sensations into my rectum and penis simultaneously. Then an expanding center of pleasure waves began flowing from my pelvis, spreading wider and wider, up my chest, down my legs...I could feel myself twisting my nipple in my left hand. The magnitude of the orgasm intensified, quickening the pace of the waves until I was completely encompassed in an ecstatic bliss...from head to toe! I could feel my entire body quiver and throb as in some sympathetic chorus of sensation. It was so intense, I was completely overcome by it...I began sobbing. This went on for what seemed like 5 full minutes..a total unalloyed rapture of a world class Super O....a nocturnal Super O mediated by my unconscious mind. Heaven knows, if I'll ever recreate it. Perhaps I should stay up late more often, lol. I'd skipped a session earlier in the evening, but my body... would not be denied. As I looked back on it today, I sat in awe of what transpired. It was something so intense, yet so effortless and natural...and my body knew the way. And so the journey continues!

Nice, nice, very nice!

BF Mayfield

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