Been playing a litt...
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Been playing a little to get ready.

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Story time! So I've been playing a little after reading up a lot. Got myself an aneros and waiting on it to show up. In the meantime I have a silicon rod that I've been exploring with. I believe I found the prostate. When I pressed on it gave me that sensation of having to pee or cum just behind my testicles and up from my taint about an inch or 2. Is this the sensation everyone talks about? Am I hitting the right spot?

When I started this session my heart was racing from excitement. I was on my side knee bent up like suggested. I then did very light clenches, that pressure became more intense/ the urge to pee became stronger. But it felt strangely good with that pressure. I focused on that with each clench. It was then that I noticed that I could hear my heartbeat very loudly on the pillow and with every clench it picked up in rate and loudness before slowing down after a few seconds. I could lower the time between clenches and that would make the rate go higher and higher. Am I on the right path? Should I continue to focus on my heartbeat or the good feeling?

And lastly, after about 40 minutes I got very little pleasure feelings with each clench so I stopped, but as I was walking around the house I noticed that pressure just behind my testickes and above my taint still remained, even after l peed and it's been awhile. Is this normal or did I do something to injure myself? Even now laying on my back if I squeeze my thighs together
Ir gives me this urge to pee. Is this normal or did i screw up?


To recap my questions are:

Am I hitting the right spot?

Am I on the right path? Should I continue to focus on my heartbeat or the good feeling?

Is this normal or did I do something to injure myself?

I'm really excited for my toy to show up and see how that affects me since this is little .25 in diameter rod and straight. Here's to getting more of those good pressure feelings I got with each clench with my aneros.

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Sounds like you definitely found the magic spot! Doubtful you injured yourself if you had no other indication like bleeding or pain. Best not to use a pointed object like a rod but a smooth rounded object is best with lube.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

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Posted by: @articus
Am I hitting the right spot?

Probably, it sounds about right

Posted by: @articus
Am I on the right path? Should I continue to focus on my heartbeat or the good feeling?

Focus on the good feelings, your heart and breathing rates will vary during any Anerosession so don't worry about them.

Posted by: @articus
Is this normal or did I do something to injure myself?

It's hard to say but I doubt you did any serious harm but as  @Fred27 noted if there is no continuing pain or blood you're probably OK. However new users do tend to overdo their stimulation and often soreness is a result of these early explorations. AS you learn to focus more carefully on the body's feedback sensations you will find it takes less pressure and vigor to generate the pleasure waves.

Posted by: @articus
I'm really excited for my toy to show up and see how that affects me since this is little .25 in diameter rod and straight. Here's to getting more of those good pressure feelings I got with each clench with my aneros.

Excitement is good but I would caution you about having any expectations, just let yourself be the objective observer of what your body produces.

Good Vibes to You!
