Hello I hope you all had a good start to the New Year 2023.
I'm relatively new to this forum and just started using the MGX Trident on the day before New Year.
On the first session i didn't have any luck but on new years evening i had some good progress...
My body felt like it was turning in different directions at the same time... eyes flickering, no body shaking and no unvoluntaries.
It felt so good, especially after being intimidated by so many other brands and big, bad products for YEARS...
- so this was a very good start to the New Year.
I just have some newbies question:
I'm working as a CAD constructor and since the "1am - New Years explosion" i can't really focus on anything because I'm mindblown.
It makes it specially hard because I'm sitting down all day and it stimulates me (my perineum) in like an afterhall effect.What do you do to get over this? Or just enjoy what I suppose are p-waves?
I tried doing sports but that just made it "worse" or better...
I think i "overdid" it a bit in the last session in terms of session time as i can still feel the pressure on my Perineum a lot - almost painful.
Did anyone of you had this before and how long of a breaktime do you recommend between sessions for newbies?
I also did read quiet a lot in the forum, but also read i shouldn't overinform myself for the beginning.
If i understand correctly there are two muscle groups that need to be triggered simultaneously.
I just don't know how to tell the difference as years of "depressive coping behaviour" ruined me a bit.
Any advice or trainings I could try?
I'm very happy and motivated to even do some sports again - I think I found some sence back into my life.
Really trying not to fall for some bad habits here but its difficult... I will need to find some kind of "switch" to switch over to reality again.
I hope the "rewiring" will work for me - I know not to rush it but its so addictive...
Maybe I'm just too excited and should just relax a bit...
Thanks for your help and the oppurtunity to post here
Many Greetings from germany
Ps... Sorry for my first Post... Maybe some admin can remove it? I think its buggy...
..since the "1am - New Years explosion"i can't really focus on anything because I'm mindblown. It makes it specially hard because I'm sitting down all day and it stimulates me (my perineum) in like an afterhall effect. What do you do to get over this? Or just enjoy what I suppose are p-waves?
It sounds like you are experiencing a type of "butt buzz". This often occurs with new users as your body becomes accustomed to these new types of sensations. As far as I know, there is really nothing you can do to prevent this from happening but be aware that it will probably abate fairly soon. You are going through a kind of 'honeymoon period' so you might just enjoy it while it lasts.
I think i "overdid" it a bit in the last session in terms of session time as i can still feel the pressure on my Perineum a lot - almost painful. Did anyone of you had this before and how long of a break time do you recommend between sessions for newbies?
Yes, you may have overdone it but you will soon become enured to this initial irritation. Give yourself a couple of days off and you'll probably be fine. I know this type of pleasurable massage can be quite addictive but IMHO, you should have at a minimum at least a full day off between Anerosessions.
... If i understand correctly there are two muscle groups that need to be triggered simultaneously. I just don't know how to tell the difference as years of "depressive coping behavior" ruined me a bit. Any advice or trainings I could try?
There are actually some other muscles involved, please see the Pelvic Floor Muscles section of the Aneros WIKI for more information. Kegel exercises are an excellent practice to develop the most used muscles, you can also check out the suggested exercises referenced in the Aneros WIKI.
Maybe I'm just too excited and should just relax a bit...
You can't unring the bell of a prostate awakening but you can sure enjoy the echoing pleasure waves. I don't think you can be "... too excited..." but you can become too expectant of results, understand that you have started on an adventurous journey with many new sensations and feelings to be encountered on your journey. Welcome to your new life.
Good Vibes to You!
Hey @rumel thanks for the vibes
I'll try to focus and read a lot in the forum and the wiki.
I tried the "do nothing and relax methode" described by Crimsonwolf and got first sensations.
So i think its the first time that I'm doing some things right and am working in the correct area.
Do you have any advice on clothing or lightning? Some said red light helps.
Up until now i just layed in complete darkness and tried to figur things out.
Sometimes I even have really weird flashbacks... almost like dreams.
Thanks for the feedback!
Do you have any advice on clothing or lightning?
I'm pleased to hear that you are seeing your own progress, it will get even better the more experience you have.
As regarding clothing, I suppose nude is the most beneficial as you have easy access to all your sensual/erotic 'Hot Spots' for arousal stimulation purposes, however, wearing anything your are comfortable in and that won't distract your attention away from focused intent on your Anerosession will work.
As to lighting, please see @Zentai 's thread Ambiance Lights and the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress for other environmental elements to work with.
Sometimes I even have really weird flashbacks... almost like dreams.
Anerosessions can put you in an altered state of consciousness, not unlike meditative states, I call them erotic meditations. In these states of mind all manner of issues, desires & traumatic recollections can occur. Not all men will reach these meditative states of orgasm but you are on your way there.
Good Vibes to You!
I just don't know how to tell the difference as years of "depressive coping behaviour" ruined me a bit.
Any advice or trainings I could try?I'm very happy and motivated to even do some sports again - I think I found some sence back into my life.
Really trying not to fall for some bad habits here but its difficult... I will need to find some kind of "switch" to switch over to reality again.I hope the "rewiring" will work for me - I know not to rush it but its so addictive...
I would advise you to keep an eye on how strong the drive to have session gets. What you are telling us raises a red flag or two. The contrast between the "lows" of life, and the "highs" of Aneros sessions and Super-O states, can be very, very large. If you feel like you're finally experiencing all the pleasure you did not get in the last 6 months or 6 years, this could be a warning of sorts. I'm convinced such things as "Super-O therapy" can work, and it's an incredible motivator, but it could backfire into addiction issues.
It looks like you are a natural at this, or at least at certain parts, so your initial momentum could propel you a bit too far, too soon. I would honestly recommend taking a whole week off from sessions and using this time to focus inwards, write down your experiences (this is very exciting and might be life altering, so you'll want to remember all the details for later) and think about how you can fit your new hobby in you life.
For newbies I would recommend 2-3 sessions a week, but in your particular circumstances, you might want more time to process each session, at least until you have a good idea of what pace you are on and how fast you are progressing. It will be easier to tell after the next session. Don't rush it.
Thanks you both for the help
desires & traumatic recollections can occur.
I hope it doesn't happen to me after what i saw at work... but i think I'm over it... atleast I don't have nightmares anymore...
I'm convinced such things as "Super-O therapy" can work, and it's an incredible motivator, but it could backfire into addiction issues.
The reason for being depressive is found and I'm working on it... changed job...
I quit smoking weed as it just made it worse for me and i now can find back the joys in life slowly but surely after 6 months...
I just want to relearn and get to know my body as i never really had the time or the sense to do it.
I won't rush it especially after you told me and I have my addiction problems sorted out...
It just feels too good... Also writing down is a good idea... maybe I can remember some things I saw and sketch them...
Have a nice week
Welcome to the forum, you came to the right place for advice. Congrats sounds like your one of the lucky ones. It can be quite overwhelming, and easily addictive. It might help to scheduale your sessions. That works for some ppl, but you should be aware that some times your ass just calls and you will find it hard to deny it. Don't beat yourself up, succomb and move on. Its alot like jacking off, how many times does a guy just find himsrlf with his dick in his hand with no intention of it being there. We don't make a big deal out of that, cause were men and it happens. Theres an ebb and flow to aneros play, and some times its so good you might do it every day. I have a potentially dangerous job, I often have to mentally tell myself to pay attention. Aneros has actually helped me stay in the moment. And when I allow my aruosal to rise in my day its like forplay for your next session. There absolutely nothing wrong with a healthy hyper sex drive,check your fear and enjoy the ride.