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What's the next step?

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Hello People,

I find myself unsure as to what I need to do further, or not do, to get to achieve super-O's with my Helix. As it stands now, I am able to pretty reliably have completely hands free super-T's. Which seems to be what inevitably happens now. The last three sessions in row I did this. Although the last session I tried to somehow hold back the ejaculation event by completely relaxing and stop any movement as orgasm started and place my attention away from penile sensations. It delayed the ejaculation a little, but still failed.

It seems that I'm able to achieve the hands free super-T's by flexing and holding my PC muscles, thus pushing my prostrate against my Helix while it moves. Then I rock my hips back and forth, making for some extremely pleasurable sensations. And then with a little help from a few hard conscious anal contractions, it seems to initiate the orgasm and then a little later the ejaculation event while my penis is completely flaccid.

So my question is, am I going down the wrong road by doing this if I want to eventually have super-O's? Is there a technique I can, or should try to prevent the ejaculation event from happening? Even though what I have been doing lately is very pleasurable... If it is training my mind and body incorrectly, particularly the ejaculation part, then I would want to stop doing that. As I do want to achieve super-O's someday.

In hindsight I also notice that my sessions seem to be much more vigorous than the guys that are having super-O seem to imply that theirs are like. I find myself all hot and sweaty from constant rocking of my hips, flexing of PC and anal muscles, and convulsions. It almost seems quite opposite. I've gotten the impression from the advanced users that their sessions are a lot more relaxed and less conscious movement.

I also wonder about my physical position during my sessions. The only positions that seem to feel the best is on my side, top leg forward and slightly bent. Or the same position, but my lower torso twisted and crotch facing down on the bed. And I have to wonder if the bed rubbing against my penis, even when completely flaccid is part of the problem with ejaculation happening. Although I'd swear with the last three sessions that I was not feeling any sensations in my penis leading up to the orgasm. It's only after the orgasm started that the pleasurable sensations transfered in part to my penis and ejaculation started.

My apologies if my writing seems to wander in this post. But I am a bit lost in where I need to take this next. I'm open to any thoughts, ideas, and comments. Thanks. 🙂

Love is Peace

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Hi Love_is,
I think you are doing a lot of the correct things. however...

It seems that I'm able to achieve the hands free super-T's by flexing and holding my PC muscles, thus pushing my prostrate against my Helix while it moves. Then I rock my hips back and forth, making for some extremely pleasurable sensations. And then with a little help from a few hard conscious anal contractions, it seems to initiate the orgasm and then a little later the ejaculation event while my penis is completely flaccid.

You may want to try another technique. you seem to have created a new way to ejaculate, and wired you mind to this new way.

I also wonder about my physical position during my sessions. The only positions that seem to feel the best is on my side, top leg forward and slightly bent. Or the same position, but my lower torso twisted and crotch facing down on the bed. And I have to wonder if the bed rubbing against my penis, even when completely flaccid is part of the problem with ejaculation happening. Although I'd swear with the last three sessions that I was not feeling any sensations in my penis leading up to the orgasm. It's only after the orgasm started that the pleasurable sensations transfered in part to my penis and ejaculation started.

I'm concerned you may be rubbing a bit much against your penis, but who knows for sure. You have mentioned that you do move a lot. That movement could be a lot more than you realize when you are very excited. an Unconscious thrusting when you are super excited may be something you need to really watch.
I would really try your back or side facing away from the bed. you have nothing to loose.

In hindsight I also notice that my sessions seem to be much more vigorous than the guys that are having super-O seem to imply that theirs are like. I find myself all hot and sweaty from constant rocking of my hips, flexing of PC and anal muscles, and convulsions. It almost seems quite opposite. I've gotten the impression from the advanced users that their sessions are a lot more relaxed and less conscious movement.

I do consider myself to be an advanced user, and I do the same as you!! you should see my bed when I'm finished with a session! Hot?? Yes, Vigorous?? yes, very. Sweaty?? have to change the sheets... I don't think I could move and rock any more with out breaking the bed. that is not always true, but most times. Noisy also. 🙄

These are all just thoughts that may or may not help you to get to that Super-O you desire so much.

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Hiya skeeter_g,

Thanks for the reply. 🙂

You may want to try another technique. you seem to have created a new way to ejaculate, and wired you mind to this new way.

So what do you suggest I do?
Is the conscious flexing and/or holding of my PC and anal muscles a bad idea?

I got the initial impression that the do nothing and relax technique was for beginners to get them used to the feeling of the Aneros and teach them to completely relax the anal muscles. Once I got past this point, and started feeling pleasure within a few minutes of insertion, I seem to have let go of using that technique. And opted for consciously doing movements that initiated more pleasure. Is there perhaps something I might be missing by not using that technique anymore?

I'm going to have to make more of an effort to practice having sessions on my back. Perhaps with more practice it will start to feel pleasurable. The only variation of that position that seems to come close to being on my side is laying completely flat.

I do consider myself to be an advanced user, and I do the same as you!! you should see my bed when I'm finished with a session! Hot?? Yes, Vigorous?? yes, very. Sweaty?? have to change the sheets... I don't think I could move and rock any more with out breaking the bed. that is not always true, but most times. Noisy also.

But are your movements all consciously done? Or are they unconscious, and/or just reactions to the pleasure?


Love is Peace,

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Hey Love_is,

Just curious, how long do you wait between ejaculations to have a hands-free supper-T?

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Hello JIH,

This is still mostly new to me. So there is no pattern as of yet. Generally I abstain from masturbation completely, with a few infrequent exceptions here and there. But on that day I had three sessions. All three sessions I was able to have hands free super-T's while being completely flaccid. I masturbated to ejaculation between the first and the second. Each session was several hours apart from each other.

Keep in mind, that it is not my intention to have ejaculatory events during my Aneros sessions. It just seems that the technique I've been using, and possibly the position I'm in seem to cause it.
Does that answer your question?

Love is Peace

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Hi Love_is,

Is the conscious flexing and/or holding of my PC and anal muscles a bad idea?

I think you are doing OK with the flexing of your anal and PC, you can also try that lower stomach muscle that flexes you balls.. You should not have to flex hard to get sensations, but the do nothing approach does not always work for everybody either. Use a gentle flex... The last chat had a great way of putting it into simple terms. On a scale of 1 to 10, only do a 2 to 3 contraction (flexing). Hold for 15 to 20 seconds, then release, do this over and over and see what happens, you should start to get some good sensations happening. let it build, but don't push for them.

Your description of how your are doing your technique in the earlier post is interesting in that it seems you have a new way to masturbate without your hands, and I almost think your brain has excepted it as your new way to jack-off. It seems it is a special process you use. " Flex and hold, rock hips back and forth, crotch facing the bed, a few hard anal contractions" boom... cum. Very interesting! obviously not that simple, but I think you know what I mean.
The flaccid penis is the fact that the Aneros is inserted and touching the prostate, which often makes one flaccid. Not always, but most of the time.
IMO, it just sounds to me this is what is happening to you. That is the reason for me suggesting a new technique.

Hot?? Yes, Vigorous?? yes, very. Sweaty?? have to change the sheets... I don't think I could move and rock any more with out breaking the bed. that is not always true, but most times. Noisy also.

This is not a force on my part, it is what transpires when I have my super-O's
I always just do the mild contractions to start my process, and my preference is on my back knees up feet flat on the bed. When I end up with the super-O, that is what throws me into the things I have mentioned.

I hope it helps to understand what I'm saying.
PM me.


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Thanks skeeter_g. That does make a lot of sense.
I'm going to try what you have suggested in my next session.
I think one thing that has changed since I have really started to have some pleasurable results and am able to hands free super-T pretty reliably, is that now I pretty much expect to have a pleasurable session. A bad mindset, as I end up pushing it, or forcing it to happen. So yes, I guess it's time for some new approaches on my part. Thanks for the ideas. 🙂

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I've been asking myself the same question today Love_is but from a different place. I have the advanced Peridise set, the Helix and Progasm - I've used the Progasm twice, both times ended up in frantic masturbation, Helix about 30 sessions I guess, mainly in the butt at 180 about orientation, rather than the usual orientation - the Helix was giving me pleasure and recently an acceptance of butt buzz and a gradual learning to enjoy that, though I have occasional abs involuntaries, I have never gone into full bodied spasms. I'm nearly always laying on my right or left side in bed with knees brought up slightly toward chest.

I started out with the Peridise set, but they just irritated after awhile, so I hadn't used them since the arrival of the Helix, but Sunday and Monday night I returned to them - maybe the Helix and perhaps even the Progasm prepared me, have been awakening me - but those last sessions with the Peridise seemed to have really switched something on.

I've become aware now that the initial experience of the Peridise was not irritation, but a level of pleasure I couldn't - cope with / interpret / appreciate consciously - not sure, combination I guess. The butt buzz is difficult to describe - it's very subtle, but also extremely intense and a level of pleasure I haven't experienced before, my cock is for the most part hard, extremely hard, but I have no real desire to do anything with it - the buzz is incredible it sweeps out over my balls, down the back of my legs and up my spine - but it's action in repose, I lay still like a statue with this fever of pleasure invading my consciousness, my whole being.

However, the scary, laughable, exciting development is the butt buzz went auto pilot for the last 24 hrs - without the Peridise in - the butt buzz returns when least expected, thankfully only when quite and relaxed (but that can mean the middle of meetings!), getting up and moving around or falling into mental concentration it goes, but then suddenly it's back in consciousness and insistent and distractingly pleasurable and sometimes a little annoying, this has all calmed down as I type, but - the question what next is - well does this lead to the capacity for an intensity of pleasure on demand or a completely uncontrollable 24 / 7 pleasure take over. Dilemmas, dilemmas 🙂


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hey love_is, i sympathise with your position, as I remain at the crossroads and don't know which way to go.

the super-t sounds good though!...and although its's never happened to me, it has become something of an obsession for me. Once I attain it, maybe I'll be able to move on!

I'd like to be in your position....and you'd like to be mine, that's about the size of things! I don't ejaculate when using the progasm...it's never happened. Maybe that has to do with how I'm wired up, how I do my sessions and maybe the model I use (the progasm's redesigned p-tab!)

I've had plenty of dry ejaculations with the progasm, and I suspect I've visited the brink of the super-o on more than one occasion (whether I've crossed the threshold is debatable)

My advice before you look at changing your model, try a session without moving around, teach your body to be passive throughout. From day one I've just tried to lie there and whatever happens, happens. No rocking of the hips, try not to shift position too much, let the aneros do the work for you. I view the conscious contractions and movement as your mind's desire to assert some control over what happens. Give up control! Aboslutely no conscious flexing of the pc muscle!

Take the magma crazy experiment approach to aneros, there will always be another session!

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Hi magma1984,

Thanks for the ideas. I think that I'm going to try both your approach and skeeter_g's and see what happens. So somewhere between giving up control completely, and only applying small amounts of anal contractions and PC muscle flexing. Or, could be either or. I strongly suspect you are right about the conscious movements and contractions is a form of control over the experience. That's a difficult one to let go of. But your right, there is always another session. Thanks again. 🙂

Love is Peace

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Hey People,

So I had some interesting results from last night's session. I chose to lay on my back for the whole session. And found I could get fairly pleasurable sensations by keeping my legs straight and spread apart a little so that the Aneros is not held in place by my anatomy. Although I think having the handle/tail removed took care of a lot of that problem. I started with the do nothing approach. And as my body started to convulse a little I quickly realized that with the Aneros(Helix) inserted, my penis is highly sensitive even when flaccid. So I had to pull the bed covers down so they were not touching my penis. Then as I convulsed more, I found that even my flaccid penis flopping around was making too much sensations there. This really surprised me! So I put on my underwear, and that seemed to take care of the problem. But I didn't have much of a chance to experiment very long with it as I suddenly had to move my bowels. End of session! 😆

The only problem I experienced with wearing underwear during the session is that as I move around, it inevitably starts riding my butt crack to a certain extent. Which ends up with shea butter stains on the backside of my underwear. I don't want to make my laundry day more difficult by having to make sure oil stains are completely out of my under shorts! 😛 I'm thinking that perhaps I could fold a medium towel over my crotch to keep my penis from moving around. Something to try.

This does confirm what skeeter_g was thinking that the contact between my bed and my penis in the other positions I used in previous sessions was probably enough contact, even though flaccid, to cause me to ejaculate. So it will be interesting to see what happens as I continue to follow this path.

I did still flex my PC and anal muscles this last session, although nowhere near as much as before. I tried to let the involuntary anal contractions do it's own thing. It is still incredibly pleasurable to flex them though. I'm wondering if the saying "pleasurable sensation trumps all" applies here. That's a path I'm going to have to explore.

Do any of you guys have problems with keeping your penis from being inadvertently stimulated while laying on your back during a session? And what do you do about it?
Thanks. 🙂

Love is Peace

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Hi Love_is,
I think you are starting to do a great job now.. Cool Dude. 😀

Still you need to slow down the movement if possible. I know about that penis flop, and I think you are pushing for it. I remember I use to do that, because it felt so damn good!! Slow down with the hips a bit more just to stop the flopping.

Remove the underwear spread your legs and contract you anus more than the PC muscle. do mild contractions mostly with the anus.

That should stop the underwear Shea butter stains also 😆

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Thanks skeeter_g.
I don't think all of the penis flop is from conscious hip movement. I purposely didn't do a lot of that this last session. What I do get a lot when I practice the relax and do nothing approach, is involuntary abdominal muscle contractions which inevitably force my hips to move a bit. Perhaps there is a way to relax enough to keep that from happening?

But I will try what you suggest of using more anal muscles contractions, rather than PC muscle.

That should stop the underwear Shea butter stains also 😆

Maybe we need to have a new glossary entry in the Aneros WIKI ! 😆

Love is Peace

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I don’t know about convulsions because the only time I shake is when it gets too cold in the house now that winter is here. I’ve never experience so much as a twitch.

What I do for lube stain control is rotate a couple of old black loose fitting Jockey Mid-thigh all cotton boxers through the weekly sessions. They are so comfy and you can slip them on and off during a session and put on clothes over the top to walk around the house, when necessary, with very little device interference.

As for the bed? Nothing says “Happiness” at my house like stains on the sheets! I use a product called Citra-Solve for stain removal. Available over the internet. Squirt some Citra-Solve on those sheets and boxers and throw them in the washer and watch your worries rinse away! For “organic” stains, Oxi-Clean does the trick.


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Hi Love_is,
Sometime it is hard to tell from a written post the exact situation. good to know about the penis flop and it is more involuntaries.
Mine was a more conscious effort because of the great feeling I was obtaining. I stopped doing that over a year ago but remember it well. 😆

Relaxation is important, but IMO you still need to contract a bit. I think your getting there. 😉

So the new Wiki term is "Penis Flop" right? 😆 😆

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WoooooooooHooooooooooo! 😀

Hey guys,

I just had a fantastic session tonight! And I feel like I am back on track to figuring this all out! You'll have to excuse me for not wanting to post the same thing twice. So here is a link to my Blog.


Feel free to leave comments here or on my Blog.


So the new Wiki term is "Penis Flop" right? 😆 😆

Actually I was thinking "shea stains" would be it. But I like your idea better!
And I know just the fellow to write it up....

Oh Voyager, where art thou?
We need your perverse writing skills! 😆

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Shea Stains !
How about" Sheaites"

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WoooooooooHooooooooooo! 😀

Hey guys,

I just had a fantastic session tonight! And I feel like I am back on track to figuring this all out! You'll have to excuse me for not wanting to post the same thing twice. So here is a link to my Blog.


Feel free to leave comments here or on my Blog.

Congratulations Love_is!

From my experience on this, you have just begun a major next step! Details in my comment on your blog post. 😀

all the best with this phase of your rewiring


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Thanks again artform! 🙂

Hi Voyager,

Thanks for stopping by. 😀

Shea Stains !
How about" Sheaites"

Not bad! 😆

Love is Peace

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Hi Love_is,
posted a message on your blog. 😀

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Hi skeeter_g,
Thanks man! I read it earlier and replied already. 😀

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