I've been wondering about something new that happened to me a few days ago with the Eupho.
After reading that new post in the 'my first super-o' thread, I went into a session considering the idea/mechanics of dry-heaving (from his puking analogy). And it really lead me somewhere. I find it true that there's a yes/no when it comes to focusing on the sensation of throwing up. And applying that idea to my session and the general relaxation/tension of muscles, I found there was some tension that I hadn't been letting go of before... like my rectal wall was bracing itself against the aneros, and if I could relax what ever that was, the aneros would sink in more toward the prostate.
And that's when I got hit with something. A big involuntary spasm from the prostate area that felt deep, blissful, profoundly intense, and like it was a direct result of that physical movement, accompanied by what I can only describe as a momentary sense of falling. I had a few of these, but with long/random intervals between them.
Now I'm wondering if these are mini-o's, p-waves, or even what some people are describing as involuntaries?! I thought I had settled on my definitions, but I've nothing left to file this under. Does anyone get these? And what the hell are they?
This sounds familiar to me. I compare those with body spasms because it feels jolt like to me and sort of like a squeeze?
I think that spasms are caused by tension that is resolving. I personally believe that when things spasm, that I am not yet relaxed enough but that my body is almost there. A spasm sits in between tension and relaxation of a muscle; like you can make a muscle flutter by flexing it but not really.
I base this on my meditation practice: If I'm not deep enough into it I will get spasms in my limbs, hands or feet. When I am fully relaxed and deeper into it I don't get spasms or really feel my body at all anymore. A sense of falling or floating happens when I reach this deeper level of relaxation. I feel light and tranquil, euphoric, like I'm on a private hidden beach or something.
I think that you can sorta sever the connection with your muscles and have them fully disconnect. This is way harder with an Aneros in than it is with normal meditation but when your active mind is not controlling the action, your body will do it for you. That is what I consider involuntary's to be; your body taking things over from your mind.
When you are sleeping you have in fact lost control of your body, but also over your mind. I believe that you can simulate this state without losing control of your mind. This is the difference between meditation and sleeping. This is also similar to a hypnotic state in the way that you are nearly asleep but are super aware at the same time. In this state, the body and mind are able to influence and control each other. I think this is why dreams are so life like. There is no ego or active mind bogging things down by rationalising and looking for patterns or meaning everywhere. Dreams can be so real that you can cum without touching right?
I believe the best sessions are where I am successful at giving up control and am able to surrender. It might also be why it is so hard to explain what is going on during a session because I am only half there. I actually sometimes wake up in the middle of the night after a good session and decide that I'm done with it. I'll reach to take the Aneros out only to find out that there is nothing there; It's the middle of the night and I was dreaming?
Sorry if this post is way out there but I think you fell into a deeper level of relaxation.
For me, those are the contractions that become Super-O's. I would say work on relaxing into them. What helps me connect those sensations to eventually orgasming is focusing on the plesure only. Also, i activly fucus on trying not to think about anything... like literally trying to shut off my upper brain function. I find that the second i start thinking about how good it feels the next secound the pleasure is gone. I try to think of it as letting myself become the pleasure as opposed to trying to analize what im feeling.
Now I'm wondering if these are mini-o's, p-waves, or even what some people are describing as involuntaries?! I thought I had settled on my definitions, but I've nothing left to file this under. Does anyone get these? And what the hell are they?
I've had a few of those types of contractions as well in my years of practice but generally my involuntaries are of low intensity but longer wavelength frequency. If you feel you must categorize that particular sensation, I think I'd call it a strong involuntary orgasmic contraction.
I believe the best sessions are where I am successful at giving up control and am able to surrender.
Yup, I agree exactly!
I try to think of it as letting myself become the pleasure as opposed to trying to analize what im feeling.
Yes, over thinking/analyzing is often a session killer, being "in the moment" is where you want to be. Resolving to suspend rational thought processes is a good way to smooth the transition into the O-zone. There will be plenty of time after your session to debrief yourself. Good Vibes to You !
For me, those are the contractions that become Super-O's.
Woah, nice. Do they ramp up in frequency, and become rhythmic? I've never really lost my shit during a session, but it's like I've had a peek at the goods. I don't know what I'd do if they were to keep happening 😮
There will be plenty of time after your session to debrief yourself.
And here we are! Believe me, I don't even speak English during my sessions. 🙂 I consider anerosing one of my hobbies, so I do like to pick at the details and compare notes.
In my last Super-O (in my blog) I didn't even expect nor did I try to achieve it. It started out like a tiny "whisper" and grew from there. So I am convinced that when your body is ready for one, it will have one (with a little help from Aneros!)
Yup, I agree exactly!Yes, over thinking/analyzing is often a session killer, being "in the moment" is where you want to be. Resolving to suspend rational thought processes is a good way to smooth the transition into the O-zone. There will be plenty of time after your session to debrief yourself.
Good Vibes to You !
What @rumel wrote makes sense but it is often easier said than done. Finding the middle of the road is challenging even for veterans.
I've had a variety of different orgasms, so I know about the whisper and surrendering my consciousness (until it feels like I might die if I go any further)... and I agree with all that.
But I think there can be roadblocks that actively need to be identified and worked around. One of mine is a physical roadblock, my body wants to respond with a very light amount of tension, in a very specific area, at very specific time. I've sensed it as a body-nervousness, and in a way I have to be there to offer reassurance. It's almost like a startle response, you might be deep in meditation, but if someone comes up and sticks their finger up your nose, it's going to bring you out of it.
Maybe what I've gotten good as is relaxing my mind, but the physical side is something else... something a deeper part of me is still watching over, and something is happening to me that it's refusing to accept. Which makes sense to me, since the orgasms I've had felt more brain/spinal/full-body, and never accompanied by pounding involuntaries. It's hard for me to go down that road, and that's why this is new and exciting to me.
So if you're coming from a place where you don't have these issues, of course all you have to do is let go and everything will happen automatically. I've been doing this enough years, and tried enough things, that I'm pretty certain I have things I need to address head-on, and get involved with. And I feel like the "just clear your mind, and don't think about it" advice is somewhat dismissive of that.
I've been doing this enough years, and tried enough things, that I'm pretty certain I have things I need to address head-on, and get involved with. And I feel like the "just clear your mind, and don't think about it" advice is somewhat dismissive of that.
I've been on my Aneros journey for over 9 years now and like you have tried many different techniques and I still struggle dealing with the 'mind noise' issue. I certainly do not mean to be dismissive about this issue as I DO need to consciously address this in each and every Anerosession as it does take a certain amount of mental discipline to focus your energy on what your body is doing while also enjoying the experience of the moment. This is a balancing act that is easily upset by allowing one's consciousness to wander down tangential thought paths.
... it is often easier said than done. Finding the middle of the road is challenging even for veterans.
I absolutely agree. Good Vibes to You !
Well, how I'd put it, is that I've somehow become wired with a bad semi-involuntary that I have to focus out-of-existence. The mental, wordless equivalent of saying "shh, shh, it's okay" to that area... as nuts as that sounds. It's like recoiling when someone is about to punch you in the face, even if they're only pretending, it takes a measure of reassurance to mentally override the flinch.
I've been doing the quiet mind stuff, and I owe my best sessions to it. There were times where I felt as if my very consciousness was about to be lost in the void, which was scary as hell but I somehow surrendered to it, and got multiple full body orgasms (although it was just that one time). But powerful involuntaries have always been missing from my sessions... and I can't blame that on a lack of mental relaxation, clear mindedness or being in the moment. I feel like I've already been to the edge of mental relaxation, but there's a body-calmness component that I'm not getting with that (I wonder if this is what smoking weed helps people with?). There's something primal at work there, like a dog spooked by fireworks... except in my case it's when some part of my rectum relaxes enough to let the aneros pivot forwards/more deeply and touches that live-wire of prostate contact. Typically it only makes a small spark before the rectal wall kicks in to hold the aneros at a greater distance, it's almost like my prostate is ticklish and my rectum is tightening in response. When I managed to focus on preventing the flinch, and moving that energy away from my rectum to my abdomen, it was allowed to stay on the prostate, and that stimulation lead to an escalating series of prostate twitches, that culminated in that hard prostate contraction.
Hopefully with practice/repetition, I can re-wire that response and be able to drift through it... but for now, focus is the only way this is happening.
It's not often I hit something new and wild like that... it's frame-of-reference-breaking. I want to define it and label it, because I read the forum often, and definitions matter in understanding what people mean. And there's a certain amount of giddy excitement, wondering if these contractions are what fire off like crazy during a super-o.
Smoking weed helps and is fantastic for what we are doing.
What might help you is that it relaxes the muscles. It's hard to notice where you have tension in the body. This is like a sedative, in that will just make all of em relax. It gives more energy to work with and a heightened sensitivity of your body - also of the nether regions.
Feeling stuff in a new or different light can be helpful. If you are ever able to try it out.
I didn't want to type it out at first because it might just be me. But I feel that while I'm high, I have a more mobile aneros. I think it might help especially with the whole physical part.