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Trying to I.D. a possible barrier in making it to Super-O

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Does anyone think that traditional masturbation during Aneros use BEFORE SUPER-O is counter-constructive? To give an analogy, if one tried to learn an instrument and holds the drumsticks wrong/holds their hands to the piano keys with poor posture - something like that, for sake of "ease" or "what feels natural" - they tend to have a very tough time unlearning that, if they ever can (I am already a victim of such lol, hold the drumsticks a little oddly).

Basically I wonder if the brain, during it's rewiring process cements, in a preventing way, the traditional pleasure with the new anal pleasure? Would that affect the resulting Super-Os? Would Super-Os be greatly delayed, or even prevented entirely?

Share thoughts as I find teasing myself to a Super-T quite awesome, but worry about that, I do know that distracting worry is not good for achieving Super-O

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Basically I wonder if the brain, during it's rewiring process cements, in a preventing way, the traditional pleasure with the new anal pleasure? Would that affect the resulting Super-Os? Would Super-Os be greatly delayed, or even prevented entirely?IMHO, going for Super-T's regularly before achieving Super-O's will make it more difficult to get to the Super-O level. I believe you are programming yourself to reinforce the penis-ejaculatory orgasm neuro pathways and not developing the new neuro pathways associated with your prostate. Of course the choice is yours which path to pursue but if you want to reach for the Super-O you will need to adopt a very different thought paradigm. This new thought paradigm necessitates you to turn your focus away from penile stimulation and the ejaculation reflex. To this end please read “cockadoodle’s thread Penis, NOT and 'rook's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & "zoneros" for a little insight.
Good Vibes to You !

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So, just as I thought, penile stimulation during Aneros sessions can be preventing in the goal of Super-O arrival*, or at least, I have an agreement on that statement.

This is rather problematic for myself as I find myself often unsuccessful in even getting a P-wave (I can only say I've gotten 1 noticeable P-wave, perhaps light tremors here and there but otherwise...) and just feeling like the Aneros session should end with a Super-T just because... I suppose its a "I just spent an hour in bed naked alone and didn't even notice anything" mindset (note: I DO notice slight things, little teency tiny twitches, and I do try many different methods/positions/etc.) and I try to let those little stimuli take me over, but usually I feel like I'm going to start just overreacting to minor things that don't really mean much (kindof seems like I would be in a "blowing things out of proportion" mode sortof like - "aaah that TWITCH was SOO good" and not actually getting that much GOOD out of the twitch)

I believe that also I need to reassess my pre-Aneros session set-up (usually have difficulty finding more than an hour of time where I am alert aroused AND available/alone for some serious Aneros)

And I'll read into the articles that I haven't already read (forgot what the real message of "Penis, NOT" was trying to get across) and try to get this, highly subjective, incredibly difficult concept worked out.

I don't know if I could just lay there and be like "I don't need to work towards a Super-O" like many seem to advise though... I would like to just feel like I AM making SOME progress, like "every journey starts with the first step" I feel like I'm off to the side of the road or something lol.

*arrival: that seems to be a good way to put it, like "when the Aneros gods decide you are ready you will suddenly start feeling stuff" - not trying to sound like an ass about it, I'm just genuinely frustrated really.

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I understand your frustration completely.
It is something that I completely struggle with too. One thing to keep in mind throughout your journey:

Studies have shown that people who are able to resist the short term gains in favor of long term gains succeed much more often that those aren't able to resist it.

Putting off the short term pleasures of an ejaculatory orgasm now will only help you succeed in finding that elusive super-o later!

So try not to feel to bad about going to bed after not feeling much. Those slight feelings will be back with vengeance if let your body build up arousal:)

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@EiBoi said: "Basically I wonder if the brain, during it's rewiring process cements, in a preventing way, the traditional pleasure with the new anal pleasure? " and "...I find myself often unsuccessful in even getting a P-wave (I can only say I've gotten 1 noticeable P-wave, perhaps light tremors here and there but otherwise...)"

That's what I'd like to know. I've read about the landmarks in the wiki which was extremely helpful as I recognised most of them that I've reached. But is there a general sequence of landmarks that experienced men could agree with? Wouldn't a general sequence towards rewiring start with achieving consistent p-waves so the body/mind would have a direction to go? Then perhaps anal twitching and anal awareness would follow? I understand that many men can skip many of the landmarks and get a super O right away. I'm not minimizing the importance and intangibility of inner feelings and events for all of us which are very difficult to describe and transmit to other men. I'm not asking for a flow chart but just a generalized sequence of what most men experience on our journeys.

My sequence started with p-waves, then waking all my other erogenous places, and now growing anal twitches. I would expect involuntary anal contractions to follow on my way to the super O. But I started with the p-waves which told me that my prostate was waking and gave my body/mind a direction to go. But p-waves would be the initial landmark, right?

I don't remember how I got p-waves but they showed up pretty much from the get-go. Now I know to use diaphragmatic breathing and kegels. It's still a individualized journey for me but with a logical sequence of experiences that I recognize from reading other men's posts.

I know your frustration with not getting any pleasure and resorting to ejaculation. I've found @Jmay's advice helpful for learning to turn on all my erogenous places. Then I can play with my penis if I want and not feel like ejaculating. I don't know if this not ejaculatory playing with my penis is preventing my progress towards rewiring though, just because I'm not ejaculating. It doesn't seem to hurt and I can go back to prostate message without any problem.

Sorry about the highlighting. I don't know how it happened or how to get rid of it.

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