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Try to Urinate with Aneros & Cock Ring

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Wanted to share about a new mind boggling experience I had,

Been an Aneros user for few years now, very on and off, with minor success. I've recently came across a cock ring for the first time, and its very subtle but enjoyable. Having the cock ring helps me sense more pleasure on the penis, not sure if this helps are harms the rewiring process. 

Long story short, after I decided to conclude my session, I had the urge the pee so I went. I kept the Aneros inside, and left the cock ring on my soft dick, and while I tried to pee it gets interesting. I guess the cock ring is somehow "preventing" (not blocking" a smooth flow of urination, so as I try to pee nothing wants to come out but I feel an erection coming. The key is to just try to relax as you would to pee, but for some reason (aneros or the cock ring) prevents the urine from flowing out and it builds this unbelievable pressure around your genitals. As I try to pee nothing is coming out, but its some how arousing my genitals making me feel like I want to cum & pee at the same time but nothing is coming out (notice how I didn't mention anything about me touching myself? Cuz I'm not!). With the toys and the nature of urination & ejaculation, I think some of the muscles and glads are confused/pleasured by my behaviors and dont know what to do. 


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I have had experience with peeing and having an oversized prostate (officially diagnosed as BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia).  My symptoms were a little different than what you are describing, as I had some slight difficulting emptying my bladder completely thereby causing overactive bladder and peeing too frequently.

I say this because in your case I suspect that the cock ring is simulating a similar response in you as it did with me (until I had HoLEP prostate surgery to reduce its size to normal).  In otherwards it is causing a restriction - so much so that you can't pee with it on.  I understand the purpose of the cock ring is to slow the blood flow out of the penis to enhance the erection, i.e. makes you look bigger, too.  I have used them for that purpose before: shaved my cock and balls and put a cock ring on before in years past.

I would simply take the cock ring off when doing prostate massages with your device in order to enjoy the sensations that gives on its own.  I think that you are right about these two devices at once confusing the body.  I would use them seperately.

I hope that you get other response from this forum, as there are some very smart and more experienced folks than I that may have a different opinion.  Otherwise, you may want to share your experience with a urology specialist for their take.

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