Treasure Map Part 2...
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Treasure Map Part 2 - Survey!

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I'm working on a follow up to my Treasure Map for the Unsuccessful post that will detail some new discoveries and developments on what I outlined in part one.

As part of my research I'd like your help to gather some data on what I'm calling the Pleasure Timeline, which is a simple log of how you feel over the course of the first half an hour of a typical practice session. I'm interested in Pleasure, and Effort (how much deliberate physical effort you are applying, i.e. conscious contractions, moving, thrusting).

If you'd like to take part, just copy the blank grid at the bottom of this post and fill in your numbers!

Remember this is for the first 30 mins of a typical session.

P: Rate Pleasure on Scale: (Nothing) 0 - 10 (Mind-Bending Euphoria)
E: Level of Deliberate Physical Effort: (Nothing) 0 - 10 (Workout-Level Exertion)

Here's an example grid from me:

0-5min - P3 - E0
5-10min - P5 - E1
10-15min - P3 - E1
15-20min - P1 - E1
20-25min - P1 - E1
25-30min - P0 - E1


0-5min - P - E
5-10min - P - E
10-15min - P - E
15-20min - P - E
20-25min - P - E
25-30min - P - E

This topic was modified 1 year ago by SupaOkami

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Hi, while I don’t have that precision, I would like to reply.  Every timepoint would have P and E ranges.

But I can say I’m “never” E0, even though I can and do engage in the lower exertion range.  Sometimes I love E9 or E10 because it spreads pleasure around my body and makes me feel like a beast.

I’m almost never a P10, the very highest it can seem to go.  (Is there even a hard limit?)  Generally I feel my best pleasure comes somewhere around 30 minutes in.  Whether that’s P7-9, I’m not sure.

I’m interested in others’ responses.

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Last night fit within the 30 minute window, and I again reflected it’s hard to nail down what’s typical.

I control of the exertion- I play it by ear as whatever feels good at the time, so you may not find a clear relationship that E drives P, nor time drives P.  While I have a say in the pleasure,  the strongest pleasure in terms of sensation came unexpectedly, and in the first third.  It’s like I wasn’t trying for something big, it just occurred.  It was a flowing state of high pleasure I didn’t want to leave- and didn’t- I kept “pivoting” to different things to bring the high plateau to excursions higher.  E8-10 on bigger muscles.

The last third was also high pleasure, but strongest in another dimension, an affective (emotional) one.  I was hugging internally Helix Syn Trident, tucked away in a secret pocket, while there was a general sense I was being taken care of, like under warm, heavy blankets.  I was taking care to make this one different, with E1-E5 and breathing through.  And that difference came true.  The muscles I used were smaller- butthole and hip adductors/abductors.  Smaller bounces of the toy were thus not drowned out by clenches and I wasn’t sweating in effort.  Peaceful.

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@helical Maestro, as usual your words have far exceeded the paradigm I have presented! Very interesting, and much appreciated, thank you.

I'm not drawing, or expecting, any conclusions at this stage, although I do have a secret question in mind, and I'm hoping some measurable insight might begin to form a pattern - but I can't share it yet in case it colors the results!

Also looking forward to responses from other members...

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0-5min - P3-7 - E0
5-10min - P7-9 - E0
10-15min - P9-10 - E0
15-20min - P8-9 - E0
20-25min - P9-10 - E0
25-30min - P9-10 - E0

Fun stuff! I never exert physical anything, sometimes I just do mini contractions to make the toy move in and out a few times to make sure the lube is right, or if I just want to see if the head is where I think it is, which then instantly triggers autocontractions and a usual O. I could say for E its 0-1 for every 5 minute section, but I don't have to contract to have Os.

I had to do ranges for P. Instantly upon insertion I can have an O within seconds to 30 seconds, and its like eye-rolling level O strength. Or they are gentle and certain, usually every 30 seconds or so, the first 5 minutes, with a few that are near Super Os.

The last 4 sections I'm having Super Os more than smaller ones, but even the "smaller" ones could be someone's Super Os. I have to admit though, rarely do I only use Aneros or contraction-driven toys through my whole first 30 minutes, usually by 15 or 20 minutes I'm already using a glass g-spot wand to get different Os and milk my prostate, and then after a few minutes of that I'm moving on to riding dildos. Regardless, whether I'm using Aneros the whole 30 minutes, or riding fake cocks the last 10 minutes, my Os on the P scale are identical. I'd say its always at 10 when riding though 😉

helical reacted
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@techpump Nice to learn from you, that E0 yet high P is entirely feasible.  I’ll also make a mental note about the curved dildo, and riding the straight ones.  I’ve never gotten into either, I do those gingerly and feel awkward, although some mild pleasure results.  I may have unfounded concerns I’ll hurt myself with those tools- I own them yet they’re none “too big” nor obnoxious.  There’s hope to my keeping leveling up- I’m only ~ 3 years in, to your 6 : ).  Plenty of growth possibilities, as you’ve shown.

This post was modified 1 year ago by helical

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I will try!  The thing is that it's hard to say what's normal for me and what the timing is, because for me trying to keep track of time during a session would be counter-productive. Also who's to say that the numbers I've assigned are going to match anyone else's?  It's not like we can accurately, definitively, and absolutely state that everyone's 1, 5, or 10 will be equal.  Though I've never really gotten close to anything I'd consider mind-bending euphoria. 

Most of my sessions these days are also around the 90min mark.  I just try to experience pleasure and worry about little else, and so far for me the greatest pleasure happens at around 45-75min (and maybe that's going to be about a P3.5, P4 on a good day; E0-E1 the entire time). 

0-5min - P2 - E0
5-10min - P1 - E1
10-15min - P1.5 - E1
15-20min - P2 - E1
20-25min - P2 - E0.5
25-30min - P2 - E0.5

I'm someone that goes in for very little effort, most of it is experimentation with holding contractions at various levels kind of building off what I was experimenting with in Mindgasm.  Besides that I do just kind of lay on my back, put myself in a receptive mindset, quiet the constant stream of thoughts running through my head, and welcome pleasure to come to me whenever it wants to. 

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@techpump would using a dildo be to big and then damage the anal sphincter muscles? and then cause the helix not to work properly and not hit the right areas when you do the Kegel exercises with the helix inserted, or any other aneros device inserted? and , my question would be this, if the prostate is like 2 to 3 inches inside, then why use a 5,6,7,8, inch long dildo? and the girth , wouldnt a to large of a girth be damaging?

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Posted by: @helical

@techpump Nice to learn from you, that E0 yet high P is entirely feasible.  I’ll also make a mental note about the curved dildo, and riding the straight ones.  I’ve never gotten into either, I do those gingerly and feel awkward, although some mild pleasure results.  I may have unfounded concerns I’ll hurt myself with those tools- I own them yet they’re none “too big” nor obnoxious.  There’s hope to my keeping leveling up- I’m only ~ 3 years in, to your 6 : ).  Plenty of growth possibilities, as you’ve shown.

Hey man thanks! I'm actually 20 years in, I got my first Aneros which was my first anal toy in 2004, the MGX. Aneros was only selling like two or three models back then. I got several toys over my first 10 years of anal play, including non-realistic dildos. I didn't have a discernible hands-free prostate orgasm until 2014 though, and as soon as I did, they were plentiful and constant every session, all the time. The 6 years on my signature panel when I post is from the time this website got redesigned, all our old membership counts changed; I was on the forum longer ago than 6 years. 

But yes there are PLENTY of growth opportunities! But lets talk about your dildo play and use. So when I use them, its ALWAYS after I've warmed up with some kind of smaller toys, usually 3 at a minimum (unless my wife is pegging me, at which time I'll warm up usually with just one Aneros toy and I'm so horny I can take whatever she's wearing without any pain and with great ease lol). I go up in size, but not always, sometimes the Aneros toys are about the same size. I tend to then, after at least 15 minutes, use a glass wand to work my prostate directly, and also open up my anus a little more. It's just 1" in diameter, but this helps. After a few minutes of that I'll start to ride a smaller realistic dildo. Then I'll move up to a larger one. Honestly, my dildo play increased in duration and frequency because I could finally "cum" from riding them; I have immense hands free Os that are mostly all full body, and they are as strong as my strongest Super Os I get from prostate massagers like Aneros toys. 

There are a few keys to making this work easily, with no pain, and so you can fuck these things with reckless abandon like I do. I get very lost in riding them, like I'm not even myself anymore, and when I have a full body O I'm like "slammed" back down to earth. First things first, warm them up!! I use a tall thermos mug, stainless steel, full of very hot water every session I ever do. I soak my Aneros toys in it, they hang inside with the Ptab to the outside, and warmed toys makes for more ease of entry, better comfort, and quicker Os. (In fact, I think the problem most users have with prostate Os is that they use cold toys...) I warm up my glass wand in it before I want to use it, glass takes seconds to come to temperature. I plunge whatever cock I want to ride next down into the water, it warms up it takes a little longer, but if the outside is warm, it slides right in. LOTS OF LUBE. You have proceed delicately sometimes at first. But once you have been using smaller toys and a wand for at least 20 minutes, your anus can take it. 

My flaccid penis flops and flies around a lot when I ride. I place a super soft pillow case on the floor (I put the dildo right on a towel on the floor and spread my feet so I can sit right down on it, its the easiest most natural way for me to ride, although you can bungee the dildo base to a dock so its up in the air better, like where a cock would be if you were riding one on a real person) so my dick can hit it and it won't get irritated. My glans is super sensitive now that I've been doing glans restoration with special sleeves for over 2.5 years. Yes I do get some stimulation when my cock slams around on my body and the floor! But its not that pleasurable, more of a turn on that its happening than stimulation that will get me off, although I do get erect from riding sometimes. I try to not grab it, but once I've had enough Os and I'm ready to finish with a Super T and end my session, I'll grab it and play with it as I ride some more. Quite personal info I know, but that's what happens when I do this!

If it hurts when you ride, then you can hurt yourself. If it doesn't hurt, then go for it. Just know that when the spirit or whatever it is starts to take over and you find that you are fucking that thing out of control, like your body takes over and you are not making yourself do what you are doing, you have to monitor how it feels and if its uncomfy snap yourself out of it and slow down or pause. I don't have to do this all the time, but I do if needed. With practice you'll be surprised at what your ass can take, I have some very large dildos that are just kind of fetishistic and I've only been able to do them a few times in the few years I've had them, but being filled up to the max is beyond simple prostate pleasure 🙂 More of a challenge to do the large ones, and there's a level of eroticism and horniness that comes with doing them that is orgasmic in its own right. But I'm off topic now! And if you feel "awkward" don't: its your body, your mind, your sexuality. Own it. Own that shit! If you feel a little shy sometimes, just give in and get going with your feelings and stimulation and if it makes you have an O or cum, say "fuck yes that shit made me cum!!" And be proud that you can experience such unique pleasures as a man 😉


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Posted by: @teddybear309

@techpump would using a dildo be to big and then damage the anal sphincter muscles? and then cause the helix not to work properly and not hit the right areas when you do the Kegel exercises with the helix inserted, or any other aneros device inserted? and , my question would be this, if the prostate is like 2 to 3 inches inside, then why use a 5,6,7,8, inch long dildo? and the girth , wouldnt a to large of a girth be damaging?

Only if your anus is not ready for the size. I've done quite a lot with small and large, and very large, dildos and dual density realistic dildos and then went straight from that play to small Aneros models, even the Eupho or sometimes Peridise, and everything works perfectly fine, I might be "a little loose" but if I wait a minute or three my anus contracts back and is pretty tight again. You can do sphincter squeezes or kegels and it'll constrict. Its a double set of sphincters and your body wants it to be closed very badly, and although large dildos can keep it open for a while, the anus will close up again because it has to. 

I find that my prostate might be a tad bit numbed, but it is like electrified and becomes highly sensitive to small, direct toy stimulation after dildo riding and fucking. No matter what size dildos I'm using, I go from those usually straight to smaller Aneros models, lie on my back, and get hard to get to Super T. The toy stays in me, it feels amazing, and it doesn't come out during final orgasmic ejaculation, no matter how hard I cum at the end. 

You can only get a dildo so far inside you, the rectum does a turn to the left side inside you when it joins the colon, and you literally cannot get past that. Maybe one or two times in 15 years have I been able to get a dildo past that point. Now, tiny thin super long toys you can get past it, but its different kind of play and not what we're talking about here. So for me, the feeling of fullness, and just, well to put it bluntly, the feeling of a big cock in my ass is wonderful. It creates lots of pressure against the prostate, but the anal pleasure is amazing. If the dildo is realistic it might have veins and stuff like that, or if a large dildo has ribs or texture, if you go slow you can feel all that stuff moving against the rectal and anal tissues and walls and its exquisite. Just very unique and totally fun. Its fun to "bottom out" too, when you're sitting or against the dildo as far as it will go, and to push against it. If the dildo has a head/glans shape, you can work that part against your prostate, you can feel it pretty well if you use Aneros and have prostate Os, and that can be amazing because you can slide past it and across it and it creates some really unique feelings. The orgasms are also quite different, they kind of "fill up" my whole pelvis and radiate through my body fast and fully.

Girth doesn't really bother your anus if you are training for it, starting with small toys and moving up to larger ones. You can't jump into a 2" diameter toy cold, it hurts bad! It just involves a time commitment and working your way up from small to large. The stretching feeling in your anus can be very amazing to feel, it really is unique and creates amazing sensations. The larger the toy the more pressure is exerted against the prostate too, and that can be amazing. Sometimes I have prostate Os from the toy not moving at all simply because the pressure against it is so strong and good. 

What's really wild is to get your penis fully erect with large dildos inside of you, it creates a whole different feeling and sensation of your erection. Like, you can feel the base of your erection deep inside of you, like its attached to the base of your spine or something. Pretty cool!

Hope this info helps!


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Posted by: @techpump

First things first, warm them up!! I use a tall thermos mug, stainless steel, full of very hot water every session I ever do. I soak my Aneros toys in it, they hang inside with the Ptab to the outside, and warmed toys makes for more ease of entry, better comfort, and quicker Os. (In fact, I think the problem most users have with prostate Os is that they use cold toys...)

A bit off-topic but this comment grabbed me.  I used to heat my toys up but over the years I have sort of gotten away from it, maybe I just thought it was too much trouble.  Why does this make such a difference?  I have been experimenting with temperature play where I actually stuck an Aneros in the freezer and then used it which was definitely an interesting experience.  That was also too much work but I've since decided that going cold is easy, quick, and comfortable enough.  Tell me why I'm wrong because now I'm considering heating my toys up again! 

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Posted by: @faith-manages

First things first, warm them up!! I use a tall thermos mug, stainless steel, full of very hot water every session I ever do. I soak my Aneros toys in it, they hang inside with the Ptab to the outside, and warmed toys makes for more ease of entry, better comfort, and quicker Os. (In fact, I think the problem most users have with prostate Os is that they use cold toys...)

A bit off-topic but this comment grabbed me.  I used to heat my toys up but over the years I have sort of gotten away from it, maybe I just thought it was too much trouble.  Why does this make such a difference?  I have been experimenting with temperature play where I actually stuck an Aneros in the freezer and then used it which was definitely an interesting experience.  That was also too much work but I've since decided that going cold is easy, quick, and comfortable enough.  Tell me why I'm wrong because now I'm considering heating my toys up again! 

Honestly, I think it has to do with engagement of the soft tissues in the rectum and anus. When I flush with an enema bulb prior to my sessions, I try to use water that is close to body temperature. The reason being, as I read info on it, cold water makes the tissues/muscles contract and you can't empty your bowels/rectum correctly, and too warm or hot water dries the tissues out and mucus membranes get kind of washed clean of their barely natural coating. The hot water can also trigger deeper bowel movements and you can wind up with a mess a while later.

Body temperature or slightly warmer than body temp just makes for instant, easy, natural-feeling contractions in me. When the toy is cold it still works, but it takes time for my body to warm it up, and the cold-against-warm feeling inside makes me more aware of my insides and it makes the Aneros or any toy for that matter feel foreign. But too foreign and alien to my insides, and it takes longer for natural hands-free Os to start to happen. Sometimes if the toy is too cold, it doesn't make me have Os at all. I'll wait like 5 minutes and it won't be happening, whereas warm toys can provoke nearly instant Os within seconds sometimes. 

Lastly, dildos and larger insertibles that are cold make the anus pucker up really hard if its too tight its just pain, like a tearing feeling. If the toy is warm, its soothing almost and the toy just slips/slides right in. You really notice the difference between warm and cold toys when using dildos and larger toys, its night and day. I cannot use cold dildos...unless I'm about to be pegged, and I'm warming the dildo up with my mouth and throat but that's a topic for another discussion!


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During the session it is difficult to know how much time has passed, so my answer is an approximation. Super Os don't always happen, but a 09 pleasure level is usually enough. Sometimes Super O happens and the session continues at a lower level (08 or 09).

I'm the type that doesn't do anything. Practice and time lead us to this, so the energy expenditure is 0. This depends on the profile, some guys use a more active approach.


0-5min - P 03 - E 0
5-10min - P 07 - E 0
10-15min - P 08 - E 0
15-20min - P 08 - E 0
20-25min - P 09 - E 0
25-30min - P 09 - E 0

techpump reacted
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I almost always use warm water in a bulb to do a quick clean out. Have not tried warming up my Aneros but may have to try it. Sounds reasonable that it would be soothing and help relax the area prior to inserting Aneros!

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@techpump interesting perspective!  It takes me more like 20-30min to start getting really pleasurable feelings and even then, while I'm making steady progress, I have never orgasmed from an Aneros toy.  You're really making me look at my entire Aneros journey in a new light, because while I would go for really hot water (boiling, sometimes), I never tried anything just above body temp.  I think I have more experimenting to do!

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@faith-manages I put extremely hot water in my thermos mug because it gets cooler as toys absorb the heat, and the water just cools off after about 20 minutes. But the toy doesn't get so hot that it hurts or is uncomfortable. Warm and sometimes warmer than body temp yes, but never too hot. After a few minutes its ready to go. I leave them in there so I can just pull it out, its slightly wet and that adds nicely to my water based lube that's already in me. Most times I don't even relube or add lube to toys, the couple drops of water make the lube in me slicker and it is efficient and I'm off to the races instantly and throughout my session. I do relube from time to time, but not until I'm using larger dildos after 20 or so minutes. The water cools down, it doesn't get cold, but its not enough warmth to warm up a toy. My sessions increased drastically once I made this change, its been O time ever since! I can heat up 4 Aneros toys, a glass wand, and even two larger realistic dual density silicone dildos all with the same water before I feel it needs to be changed for hot water fresh. I never redip but do at the end of my session. I'm clean as a whistle during sessions anyway.

This post was modified 12 months ago by techpump

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@techpump good advice!  I appropriated a tall mug which might not retain as much heat as a thermos but hopefully should do the trick.  I'm committed to following your routine for a bit so may it grant me success!

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Thanks to all contributors so far! I really appreciate that you're all trying hard to answer carefully and accurately. If you haven't already, then please do have a go!

Just want to say that I adore the enthusiastic discussion going on around this and encourage it to continue! I feel like there's a little revolution brewing among us lately... Some fantastic insight and ideas and an array of new approaches and creative chat that's really getting people excited. You know, we're at the cutting edge here - who knows where the journey leads?...


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