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Nipple Orgasm group on Reddit

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This was started by a Spanish friend whom I met years ago in my now defunct, sorely missed Yahoo group, "Nipple Orgasms Unlimited." This Reddit group been around for a couple of years and now has nearly 5000 members. It's gratifying to find so many guys discovering the sublime ecstasies of nipple orgasm. Even better: some of them have the literary skills to describe their sessions in scintillating detail. Very inspiring! Here's the URL: Hope to see some of you there!

Bill Bately, Ghusa and Fred27 reacted
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Thanks for posting it. I am very interested in this erotic part. I have been training nipples without any using any toys on nipples. Now the nipples are my main love buttons. Will certainly chek out Reddit. 

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Bill Bately
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Yes, nipple stimulation for me works wonders. I wonder at this point in time if I’ve morphed over from prostate stimulation (only) to nipple dry os. Seems like once I touch those nips I’m off to the races. 

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Posted by: @bill-bately

Yes, nipple stimulation for me works wonders. I wonder at this point in time if I’ve morphed over from prostate stimulation (only) to nipple dry os. Seems like once I touch those nips I’m off to the races. 

Of course I agree. I have been having nipple orgasms for half a century and the experience continues to awe me. Here is my latest post to the Reddit Group:

Lately in my nipple orgasm sessions I have adopted a minimalist approach to nipple stimulation. I cup the lower side of my breasts with my fingers and slowly, very slowly, gently drag my thumbs downward from the upper breast, ever so lightly touching the tips of my nipples. This sends a current of pleasure into my loins. Then lightly touching the hyper-erogenous underside of the nipple with my thumbnails I then slowly drag my thumbs upward, then repeat this process over and over. This minimal, delicate touching can slowly bring me into a high state of arousal and sensual and spiritual ecstasy and, ultimately, an intense nipple orgasm.

The sensuousness of this technique is heightened by the fact that my breasts are smooth—one day years ago on a whim I removed my chest hair with an epilator and I immediately had a chain of five nipple orgasms in quick succession. From that day I have kept my breasts smooth!

Try this technique!


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First experiment with nipple stimulation combined with simple tantric breathing produced mind- blowing orgasms. I’m hooked. 

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Bill Bately
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Will do. I’ll try that. 

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@wuerstchen Thanks for sharing. One question. Do you usually dry nipple orgasm or wet ones?? Thanks in advance.

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As I've grown older it takes me longer to achieve a nipple orgasm, but not THAT long! But the cluster orgasms I used to have--a chain of four or five within a couple of minutes--are now rare, unless I take cannabis. Now my orgasms usually come in pairs, a nipple orgasm after which I vigorously squeeze my breasts, and achieve a second orgasm. Nowadays I almost always ejaculate, but the volume is down and it is often slow to happen, oozing out slowly. Such is age, but the orgasms are still great!

This post was modified 4 months ago by Wuerstchen

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A recent post on the Reddit group, a response to the following post by me, made me wonder if I had ever posted it here. I don't beleive so. If I did it was years ago. I think some of you may find it of interest and perhaps inspirational.


The feelings I have during nipple, breast, belly, thigh, and penile orgasms are all different. My body is like an orchestra composed of different instruments, each has a different sound as it produces an orgasm. The penile orgasm is centered in and largely confined to the penis, highly localized. Even mangina orgasms (achieved by pushing the soft penis inside, which are particularly intense, remain focused in the pelvic area, and are like slow, soft but shattering explosions of certain kinds of fireworks lighting up the night sky. Nipple orgasms, although they are felt throughout the entire body, are sharper--an intense sensation concentrated in my erect nipples and genital region (a different sensation than in the nipples), but with wonderful feelings spreading throughout my entire body. When I touch my nipples the first time, or even just certain sections of my breasts, I immediately feel a response in my prostate, they are hard-wired together. As I continue to stimulate my nipples, the sensation in my loins builds up and spreads from the prostate to include the penis. There are then equally strong, but different sensations in these two points, nipples and prostate/genitals.

Breast, belly, and thigh orgasms are different from the nipple orgasm, but closely resemble each other. Breast orgasms can be achieved both after an initial orgasm and also without a nipple orgasm. In the latter case I bring myself into a state of arousal through nipple play but then remove my fingers from my nipples and massage an area of the breasts. I find that each area of the breast has it own distinct kind of sensation. The sternum is perhaps the most intense, while the orgasms achieved by touching the bottom of the breast, where it meets the rib cage, the sides of the breasts (between nipple and shoulder) and the tops of the breasts being softer, rounder, but producing the exquisite and intense sensations that flood my body. In general I would describe breast and belly orgasms as feeling rounder, deeper--soul orgasms I might call them; they seem to touch the core of my being. The feelings are less sharp, more diffuse, and, unlike nipple orgasms, they almost always result in ejaculation. Why this is so I have no idea. As with nipple orgasms, I can also experience multiple breast and belly orgasms--breast orgasms can be as multiple as nipple orgasms, as I move to another area of the breast after each orgasm. Thigh orgasms are a more recent discovery. They have a different character because closer to the penis and prostate. The color of the orgasm differs depending on whether i rub the tops of my thighs (jacking them like giant erect penises!), the bottoms, or the sides, grazing my buttocks as I do so.

Even when it is not aroused, each surface of the body produces different sensations. It really is like an orchestra. I encourage you just to slowly, patiently explore the different sensations produced by different areas of the breast. The sensation at the upper area, below the collar bone, is distinctly different from the bottom of the breast, where its roundness meets the rib cage. The sides of the breasts are different again. You have a great orchestra, with many instruments of erotic sensation in your body. Learn to play them! Become a virtuoso!





This post was modified 4 months ago by Wuerstchen

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