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Total newbie advice needed

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Hi to all just found out about the Aneros, been reading the posts on the forum for the last couple days. Read about how with time comes the Super Os, the horny feelings you get and hoping the Aneros can help me.

I am 49 and am currently experiencing low libido and inadequate erections. Did a hormone test which shows that my total test levels are low. In my search to find ways to naturally raise my test levels I saw on another forum someone mention the joys of Aneros.

Which brings me to my questions; do you think I could benefit from using the Aneros. That is with simulation of the prostate, the Os, the strengthening of the muscles involved and the horniness . Do you think it will simulate an increase in testosterone? I saw it mentioned on a post here the term "short circuiting". Do you think I could short circuit my system this way?

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@Curious Tom, First allow me to welcome you to the Aneros Forums. I also hope you will read my Introductory Message to New Members which offers some hints and tips to get you really informed about the journey you are embarking upon.

Posted by: @curioustom you think I could benefit from using the Aneros. That is with simulation of the prostate, the Os, the strengthening of the muscles involved and the horniness.

The simple answer here is YES to each of those aspects.

Posted by: @curioustom

Do you think it will simulate an increase in testosterone?

The answer to this question is really not known. There are a great many factors which affect testosterone production in the body, genetics, diet, physical conditioning, age etc. There are some members who think regular prostate massage does increase testosterone production owing to the frequently reported instances of increased libido. However, I don't know of any scientific studies to verify that assertion. We do know the mind has a great influence on this effect and thereby, the success of users experiences.

I'm unclear about what you think the term "short circuiting" implies. We often refer to the term 'rewiring' here on the forum which is essentially using our neuroplasticity to re-circuit our brains. This is essentially what learning is.


Good Vibes to You!

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Thanks for the reply looking forward to trying the Helix Syn hopefully, it will increase my libido and everything else follows.

Made some lifestyle changes with regards to nutrition realized that I have not been consuming the number of calories I need on a daily basis and started an exercise regime with a focus on building muscle.
