Long post warning - I wanted to thoroughly document my experience so far, in the hopes that folks would be able to advise me on how to break through to an orgasmic experience
Some background. First-time forum poster I'm 26y/o, had the helix syn for probably 4 years-ish and I've used it on and off. I didn't have much success early on so I'd say it's mostly been "off" for that period of time. In the past 5 or 6 months I've been focusing a lot more on my progress and I've advanced quite a bit but have yet to experience anything that I would consider an orgasm. I have more or less entirely stopped masturbating - the only time I ejaculate at this point is during sex with my gf. I definitely feel like I'm reeeeeal close a prostate orgasm, though. Especially the past two weeks.
I unfortunately don't smoke weed (makes me psycho/paranoid) which is a shame because I feel that could be something that gets me through the "final mile". I ran through all the "mindgasm" lessons a while back and had mixed results. I will say that series helped me take the "do nothing" technique seriously and it wasn't till I listened to those lessons that I had any awareness of my prostate/subtleties down there. In fact, now that I know that "relax and feel" works, I look back on all the PC/sphincter contractions and realize that I really didn't ever get much out of those. Still don't, I find that they actually distract me more than anything, and I can get to much higher arousal/pleasure by just relaxing and feeling. (Please let me know if there's something very wrong about this mindset...a lot of what I read here and on the forum centers around contractions and I am currently not incorporating voluntary contractions at all, so I would like to know if this is misguided). Ultimately I hit a wall with mindgasm and found it to be too repetitive and too time-consuming for the amount of progress I was making with it.
Then I read the infamous "Truth about rewiring" post and that really helped a lot. I've been doing a ton of aless sessions which are going great (maybe even better than my aneros sessions, oddly) and I've been noticing my sensitivity increasing more and more. I feel building pleasure - higher and higher - but I have yet to "orgasm" to my knowledge.
Here are the most notable things I have been feeling:
I have a few different techniques/regimens that I feel work for me, and I alternate between them when I feel I've hit a wall in my arousal-building. I do these both aless and during an aneros session. I'll outline them quickly.
Technique 1: Lie on my back. Normally with my legs straight/extended but sometimes with my knees bent and my feet on the bed/couch. Relax completely and center myself around the forehead/pelvis throbbing and pulsing (this feeling is with me basically at all times now). Then, I calmly visualize an imaginary point in space that is perpendicular to my penis by maybe an inch or two away from my body. I focus on this location with my mind and with my body I consciously feel any/all sensations, including but not limited to those in my genital area. Normally the "zoned out" body focus leads to waves of butterflies and glowing, ever-increasing pleasure and all of the feelings in the bullets above. I consciously attempt to keep my mental focus away from my genitals and the feelings, and allow my body to soak up all the sensations.
Technique 2: Same position as technique 1. I think the essence of this one is the same, but it manifests a little differently. Instead of focusing my mind away from the pleasure, I focus very very deeply on it. Generally I focus on my prostate, or where I understand it to be. I try to focus so closely that it's almost like I'm looking past the sensation that I'm actually feeling. Like I'm peering into the fog. When I do this, I can feel a very subtle glowing feeling of mounting pleasure and arousal. Sometimes this comes on suddenly (when I zone out) and other times it comes on very slowly. When it comes on slowly, my focus is on the new, heightened pleasure each time the intensity increases
Technique 3: This is really just an addition on top of the first two. Sometimes, when I feel that I haven't made any notable increases in pleasure for a while, I will attempt to layer in some contractions. Normally I find this does not do much, instead it distracts me from the things that I was previously feeling. Recently, however, I've noticed that my sphincter and PC muscles wind up contracting themselves over time, to a level that is comfortable to maintain for as long as I want. Additionally, I recently tried "flexing" the tip of my penis and it did seem to launch me into a heightened state of arousal (though not any higher than I have been able to achieve without contractions.
SO...why am I posting for the first time? I'm hoping that a more experienced user can read through my experiences and provide tips, or give feedback on my technique. Over the past month or so, I'd say that I have been making forward progress (increasing my upper-bounds of pleasure) very consistently. I'm not sure whether or not to simply keep practicing, or if I'm going to top out at my current stage (that's what it feels like right now).
helix syn
Funny enough, my Helix Syn and me are just becoming close friends now after six years of neglecting it and prefering my Eupho Syn so far. Don't know whether you might ever have tested a prone position. I am usually prefering to lie on my stomach, but one leg drawn up by about 90 degree and my respective arm mirroring that position. This gives my body a slight turn and my crotch a bit space.
As my latest experiences showed me, my Helix Syn needs more body movement than my Eupho Syn. While my Eupho is kind of dancing inside my bum, the thicker Helix wants to be bumped from gyrating my butt. Off course these are my special personal experiences and must not be generally applicable, but perhaps it may be a chance for you to get things going.
"Less is more" has been a helpful recipe in my whole journey, no matter what has been in question.
Not knowing how often you have sex with your girl-friend, it still can be too often to collect enough energy for your prostate experiences. For example ejaculating every week can already be too often.
Not knowing how often you have your Aneros or Aneros-less sessions, it still can be too often. A good idea is to skip any session you don't feel the urge for. Doing sessions on a daily basis I'd estimate to be too often. Doing sessions on a schedule basis I can't recommend either.
After weeks of Aless sessions, I yesterday felt interest for a Helix Syn session and it has become a wonderful session. This morning I felt so intrigued that I couldn't resist to have another session which felt even better. I'd say I let my prostate decide whether I'll have a session or not, but I guess the next one won't happen before the weekend.
I will attempt to layer in some contractions
Not knowing how strong your "some contractions" are, it still can be too strong. I remember that I once read about minimizing one's willingly executed contractions to a minimum would be a game changer. It has even been recommended to focus on the idea of a contraction only instead of really doing it. It hasn't been easy but it has been so much the more helpful to me. Somehow this minimalist approach strengthened my focus effectively and reinforced my orgasmic vibes substantively.
Only my 2 cts here, still hoping some of my ideas make sense for you and can help you with your journey.
Good luck and best wishes, Mart
I unfortunately don't smoke weed (makes me psycho/paranoid) which is a shame because I feel that could be something that gets me through the "final mile".
THC can be an aid but it really has to do with dosing level. First, I don't recommend you smoke it as you can't accurately dose yourself. Low dose (<5mg) edibles are a better way to go IMHO, the THC is metabolized differently in edibles into a different compound with slightly different psychological effects. Another alternative consciousness adjuster would be low dose (<250mg) dried p. cubensis. These doses are low enough that normal DMN functioning is not impaired but sensual awareness is enhanced.
SO...why am I posting for the first time? I'm hoping that a more experienced user can read through my experiences and provide tips, or give feedback on my technique. Over the past month or so, I'd say that I have been making forward progress (increasing my upper-bounds of pleasure) very consistently. I'm not sure whether or not to simply keep practicing, or if I'm going to top out at my current stage (that's what it feels like right now).
First, it seems obvious to me, all of your bullet points are indicative of being in an orgasmic state. So you are already there, it is more a matter of you acknowledging this fact to enjoy it the most. Second, the techniques you are employing seem to be working well for you so I don't see any reason to suggest any major changes. It is important to keep in mind that this Aneros journey of learning is seldom a straight linear progression but rather a twisting path with stops and starts, slow movements, occasionally sprints forward and occasional steps back. I get the impression you are already aware of that but just need a little reminder.
My advice is to keep practicing as you have been, enjoying the progress you have already made, enjoying the orgasms you are already having. You may be experiencing a lull now but by continuing without specific expectations things will change and evolve to a higher level in time. You're doing well, just continue to go with the flow of what your body whispers to you.
Good Vibes to You!
I’m on mobile and I dont really understand how to properly format quotes, so this might look weird.
@rumel I gotta tell you, your comment was definitely a turning point for me. Learning to take things at face value and cherish what IS as opposed to what COULD BE. I mean it quite literally changed everything for me with regards to Aneros but it’s an immaculate philosophy in general.
i haven’t been on the forums really at all these past few years, but a lot has happened. This past weekend I had what is clear to have been my first “textbook” super o. Lots to talk about. Trials and tribulations. Adventures in drug use and pornography. New toys, tossed toy. Imagined spider webs and feeling hairs breach the surface of my skin in realtime. Before anyone asks I’m completely fine and really do believe that I have everything under control and within the bounds responsible and safe practice. To me at least (experienced drug user)
I’ll have to make a proper post cataloging all this. No time right now but wanted to come express some gratitude. Cheers