They just don’t rea...
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They just don’t realise yet.

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Does anyone else think many guys on the forum and their journey,are a lot further along than they know ? There’s many posts/comments,stating they get many p-waves but no o,or they feel this and that but ‘that’s it’ or tons of o but no super o.
I would say tons of anything is an orgasm,and tons of o’s are actually a super-o,but they think there is more,a clearly defined box ticked experience with sign attached,so they don’t see it and thus don’t experience the sensations fully. I myself remember have a 6 streak mmo near the start of my journey,I know know it was a super o,I just didn’t realise it.m,so I just didn’t give myself fully to it. I wonder are a lot of people in that same lane.

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I know for absolute fact from my own experience that this is the case. What are now almost unbearably pleasurable a-less orgasms used to be pleasant tingling sensations. It was only when I learned to relax into them and enjoy them for what they are that I was able to mentally amplify them. The one constant on my journey is whenever I notice something new, it gets better and stronger every time I experience it again.

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Ironically, I think that when people let go of this mindset - expecting some indefinable, Big-O sometime in the future - and instead focus on what is given in the moment, that is precisely when advances are made towards what one wasn't expecting.

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Does anyone else think many guys on the forum and their journey, are a lot further along than they know ?

YES, this is an aspect of Aneros use I have posted about in numerous threads such as What's an Orgasm?, Super-O Myths & Illusions, @neros thread The Myth of Super Orgasm and @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O?. In particular, I wish every member would read veteran guru @B Mayfield 's post in the thread Non-Ejaculatory response vs. Super-O.

Some men say "You will know a Super-O when you have one." but I don't agree with that statement. I have read so many descriptions of men having sessions where they are experiencing sensations they readily admit were outside their traditional ejaculatory orgasms but because it is outside that normal frame of reference they didn't know how to characterize it. If your frame of reference for orgasm is fixed on an ejaculatory event then anything else may be interpreted as non-orgasmic, this is a very limiting way of thinking.

IMHO, the issues involve semantic misunderstandings of just what an orgasm is. I think newbies have difficulty separating the concept of ejaculation from the term orgasm and until they can do that their interpretation of their sensations is limited. Once one really understands that distinction then they will start to see their orgasms as existing along a continuum and that they may have already been experiencing low level Super-O's. It is a paradigm shift in thinking. I try to encourage men to see through their own preconceived notions of what a Super-O is an acknowledge what they are, in fact, experiencing as a Super-O.
Good Vibes to You !

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I must agree that we all compare to a traditional ejaculatory orgasm and thinking a super O will be just like that only more intense. It took me quite a while before I looked back and realized I was having orgasms all along and thinking the "big one" is just around the corner.
It has been mentioned over and over here that expectations are a real hold back to progress. I treat my sessions like meditation and if I have some good feelings or an orgasm or two along the way then that's a win/win

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@craigio its been the same for me,we solve the puzzle quite early on,the pieces are just jumbled. 😉
@Katzy Torally agree mate,as hard as it is,one must accept and be grateful for whatever a session provides. In this game,we are 100% receivers. 🙂
@rumel Ahead of the pack as always ;).
Yes I look back over the journey and see almost all along,prostate orgasms were being generated,and yet I couldn’t see them,I guess the paradigm shift in thinking is truly ones rewiring process,as I feel my journey has taught me that the prostates capabilities were always there,albeit overlooked by the mind that likes to have its ducks all in a row.

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@thhn yes agree with all that. The thing with expectation,we can’t really have zero.
We all know what we bought these toys and why we undertook are journeys. Best session yet,but no super o is another one where I wonder have they had a prostate orgasm and passed right by it waiting for the tactical nuke.

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I completely agree! It's like trying to discern a difference in senses such as taste or smell.. sight and sound.. prostate and penis. We are born hardwired to believe that the penis is the only organ capable of producing a orgasm and all of the sensations associated with a penile orgasm. In a "prostate awakened" state, once you come to terms with the fact that the prostate is it's own entity.. then you can begin to associate all these new feelings and new sensations to the prostate. All men are born with a prostate.. it's really as simple as learning how to use it. I think we all are guilty of making it more difficult than it really needs to be, lol Once you've unlocked it, it's really just the beginning! The rabbit hole goes deep.. it gets better with time. The prostate is capable of much!! Some individuals "get it" right away and for others it takes time. I've been on my journey now for 10+ years. Took me the better part of 5 years to really break through. 10 years down the road and I am still discovering new heights, new capabilities.. unlocking new "out of this world" orgasmic sensations! it's truly amazing!! As a example for newbies, something from one of my previous posts.. As a baby you were born with legs. Your legs were nothing more than dead weight until you decided that there is a use for them. If you wish to use them then you have to learn how to use them. Once your brain discovers all the new sensations, the nerve endings in your legs then it develops the ability to support your weight and give you mobile ability. It's the same with the prostate.. it's always been there, you were born with it. You just have to learn how to use it. There are some elements of penile ejaculatory "experience" involved in unlocking your prostate.. it's that feeling that drives you to seek a better orgasm.. multiple orgasms. It's also learning how to associate and chanel those feelings to the prostate instead of associating those horny feelings to the penis alone. Every experience, no matter how insignificant, is **Necessary** on your journey to awakening your prostate. What you may not consider to be "Big O" worthy may be the very thing that takes you there!

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For me when I had my first super-O I knewthat was it because one it was intemse and two I felt trapped by it. It was the same tingling feeling except more pronounced and it grew in pleasure. It also felt like I let go and allowed myself to be taken.

I haveto agree. I think some of them may be further along than they are willing to admit

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Does anyone else think many guys on the forum and their journey are a lot further along than they know?

Yes, I too guess they are, only still missing sufficient awareness of their vibes. I love @darkbond's expression, "allow myself to be taken". Pure lettin' go!

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My experience has been different. I struggled a bit for a month but in month 2-3 "Super-Os" hit... they did not feel like something I had been feeling all along and had missed...

No, these contractions and good feelings blew me out of the water and left me gasping and moaning and feeling like melted jello (a good thing) afterward.

There was never a "oh, I've been having those all along" sensation. There WAS a "holy he'll what WAS that!!!"

15-16 months later and I've not experienced my Super-Os in a year.

So... I'm very confused as my experience has been sort of the opposite.

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@HereByAccident I experienced a series of nocturnal super orgasms quite early in my journey. They all occurred when I was awoken in an episode of sleep paralysis (something I’ve always suffered with). Two of them were utter bliss - almost made better by my complete inability to move - but the latter two were marred by simultaneously experiencing the frightening hallucinations that sometimes accompany sleep paralysis.

I regard these now as “accidental” super orgasms. They happened because the conditions were right (totally out of my control). It was many months before I was able to experience them of my own accord during waking hours.

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For some.. yes I assume they are expecting more but already experiencing a lot..and others are experiencing the start of these feelings but way less. I agree from my own experience that focusing on these small feelings do help them grow... just very very slowly for me.

The difference between individuals reactions is massive and sometimes people seem to hit it off instantly with no training or meditation etc... I get that some are more naturally in tune with their body, less hangups, more experienced with anal, naturally more relaxed or in the right mindset etc. but it still seems like more is involved in the variation with user experience.

There was a report posted on these forums a while ago about a guy who combined his aneros with cialis and ended up having too much success! Now I am not recommending this, just using it as evidence. This drug not only increases blood flow to certain areas but also relaxes a lot of the pelvic muscles. I am wondering if some people who are still struggling despite following all the great guidance here have physical issues such as tightened pelvic muscles or reduced blood flow to certain areas..

Years2CenteR, I would be keen to hear about your breakthrough as I have been at this for 2-3 years now and would like one myself 😀

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-sheepishly raises hand- Yep, I'm one of these guys. I was having very low frequency prostate orgasms only a few weeks in and didn't realize it. I would recount stories people would tell on these forums about how it's "just like a regular penis orgasm, only nothing comes out" or how they would moan and scream and shake uncontrollably so I assumed I was just having p-waves. Even when the orgasms were getting stronger and more intense I would think to myself "wow, these p-waves are starting to get good." Eventually it reached a point where they were SO good they couldn't be anything else BUT an orgasm. I still don't get very vocal or have the body shakes, but I'm definitely having orgasms. Now that I've realized that fact I'm finding I can continue to make them increase with intensity as my journey progresses. I'm still a bit of a newbie at several months in, but I'm looking forward to seeing how far this goes!

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I might be off base on this but I don't think most men know what a orgasm feels like. Before starting the aneros journey all my orgasms included ejaculation. So I had always believed you had to ejaculate to have a orgasm. It wasn't until I tried edging and was able to separate the two that I realized that yes I had been having really nice orgasms I just didn't recognize them for what they were. Lately I've been starting my sessions by having MMO's by edging then switching to one of my aneros tools and it seems to really be working great. The edging gets me warmed up and as soon as I insert the aneros I'm off to the races.

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@HereByAccident my experience is similar to yours, but also feel that @Tommygunn raises a good point. When I had my first, and only, super O it was unlike anything I'd experience on my aneros journey (or in my life) and was mind blowing. This happened about 1 year after I'd started using an aneros. Since then I haven't been able to replicate it, and I feel a possible reason is I sometimes go into session with an expectation that I need to get back to that super O, rather than just enjoying all the good feelings and sensations that arise. Saying that I enjoy every session and always generate some great feelings, so I'm happy. Good luck @HereByAccident I hope you once again find the super O 🙂

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I'm sure I had prostate Os during my first 10 years trying to "have" a hands free O using Aneros. I just was expecting something so much bigger, ejaculation hands free, and something that sounded close to explosive. After I had my first real Super O, I didn't realize that was what it was, but knew it was bigger and more "washing over me" than anything prior. After that, all the regular, smaller Os I had during sessions felt reminiscent of those 10 years prior: I had these smaller, wonderful orgasms, I just expected more. @Tommygunn I think you nailed it here.

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@GettingThere your pitfall may not be expectation,it may be the trying to replicate the steps to that super o. Same position,same contractions etc then the mind is entrained with a task,so it isn’t in letting go mode. Change it up,if your super o was on back,feet on bed with knees bent,lie in same position,only put your legs down flat,you can get some banging o’s Like that,or stand up,lie on side,hands and knees,sit I achair etc I’ve found super o are never the same,similar yes,but no two are twins.

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