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The truth behind how to "rewire"

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@inhope Oh and don't think that sensation in the penis is bad. I have plenty of sensations in my penis when I'm looking at porn and I get a boner BUT I also feel my prostate at the same time because I'm focusing on that area.

So don't think you aren't "allowed" or supposed to have sensations in your cock during aless or aneros sessions - they are normal and a good thing, part of the tapestry of a session.

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@neros (lol didn't realise the pun)
I came to almost the exact same conclusions. I differ on the fantasies thing, though. I just don't use them at all.

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Yeah the ache isn't sore really, just a pressure/pressing that doesn't bring pleasure. A sensation that you might skip over because it doesn't feel like that thing you're chasing.

I don't think about penis/ejaculating either. I prefer to think of my prostate as my second penis, and ejaculation as that second penis going into some kind of spasm.

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@inhope one final thing. You can always move that energy from your penis up into your stomach or failing that into your perinium and then your asshole. That should stop it being "stuck" in your cock.

I know you mentioned being bored with your fantasies - I wouldn't suggest looking for new ones as some people do find themselves in some wierd porn addictions that bear no resemblance to their actual sexual turn-ons.

Surely there is one core fantasy that really does it for you? There's one for me that I remember being turned on by even when I was like 11 years old, so well before I would have been "corrupted" by porn. That one never fails and never gets boring.

BTW I've just realised something. Maybe "arousal" might not be an accurate desciption for some people as it gets them confused with more penis centered sensations.

Here's another way to describe the sensations:

When I think of my core fantasy for a couple of seconds and actually doing it in real life I get a rush of butterflies/excitment like you would if you are about to do something that makes you nervous.

But instead of it being in my stomach area like it is when I'm nervous, it's lower down in my abdomen - aka the rush of butterflies is in my lower belly around my belly button and below.

THAT'S "arousal". It's a physical response to my imagined fantasy.

From there I just focus on that "warm feeling" (which is what is left over once the butterflies disappear) and imagine it spreading out through my genitals and up to my chest as well as staying where it is.

I might add in some more flashes of fantasy to help "stoke the fire" so to speak but from there it becomes arousing as it spreads through my body and feels good.

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@nerosThank you. Your posts have definitely helped. It's made me see how tense I was becoming & trying to make something happen. Since relaxing more I've felt the warmth start to climb up my body. Its something I need to get used to & relax into. To me it almost feels how your body feels as you fall asleep.
Also the 'ache' spoken about is something that's there in some degree for me most of the time & even when it's not, I've just got to think about it & its there.
For me it feels like a very hard throbbing erection but inside me. In my perineum & prostate I guess. I've only got to shift my mental focus to it & it starts to grow. So much so that I hardly bother with aneros any more. I know something great is coming soon. 🙂

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@Jazzer great! So glad I could help.

Hard throbbing erection but inside you - great description. I'm always searching for new ways to describe the sensations as different people experience sensations in different ways.

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I had a few good A-less experiences this past week and was able, with some coaching help to work on spreading energies. But last night, I awoke at 3:30 and tried to implement your 7 point exercise and I had the most amazing experience--full body and flowing energy and...I can't wait to do it again. Your well written 'primer' has become, for me, one of the most important discussion threads I have read on this site and, again, I thank you, and look forward to reading what you have to say.

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@Armon-neat woohoo! 🙂 so glad I could help!

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@neros....thank you so much. For a long time I wondered if I would ever read anything relevent here ever again. You have given life to this forum....keep up the good work.

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Cheers, to you @neros - very well spoken, and a ton of good information.

One of the best things about being a part of these forums is knowing there are men out there openly discussing the things this thread has opened up. You're helping to change the initial mindset of the new user.

Great stuff, man!

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@devajones thank you for your kind words.

@Crimsonwolf Thanks! I've just finished reading your recent posts on your relaxation techniques - great stuff, gonna incorporate them into my next session for sure!

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So do I understand right @neros If i begin to arouse myself using mental imagery while using the aneros then I will begin to experience sensations that lead to orgasm by focusing on the prostate and my genitals, feelings in my abdomen etc caused by thinking about my fantasies? I've never gotten beyond mild pleasurable feelings using the helix and I haven't used thinking of my fantasies during a session. At the most I have watched porn but ended up getting so turned on that I jack off

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Absolutely fantastic.
This thread has helped me make a break through. I have been at a road block for some time. Lots of great feelings down there with mini O's. But I've never been able to do the "do nothing" technique. Every time I tried to relax into it, I would simply loose the feelings and have to start over. While I've been reading this discussion I was able to understand a key element. I had to move the sensations from my groin to the rest of my body. Focusing on slowly moving the sensations up toward my chest made sense and was actually fairly easy to do. As I did so, my groin sensations continued while warmth and bussing flowed more and more all over my upper body. I was sitting aless in my easy chair in the living room with family members nearby, so I had to stop myself before what was sure to be at least a dry O. It would have been difficult to explain what I was doing. Now I'm certain I can progress further aless and maybe even with an aneros. Thank you!

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@neros, imho you wrote the best advice I ever read about building up non-penile arosal and how to achieve Aless. Thanks to @rumel for giving the hint. Surely worth a stickky. Thanks a lot, Mart

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Just discovered this thread. This is a great Post. Since I have not reached the Big O yet but have been enjoying the aneros for a year. I really enjoyed your description of how to tune in to your body. I am going to follow your advice and see if I can discovery my body. to

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I have been on my Aneros journey nearly eight years. It is my impression from those years that the effects of one's Aneros sessions are cumulative. These health-promoting effects facilitates one's Aneros rewiring. However, sooner or later you reach a tipping point during which the rewiring causes you to experience that very first Super-O and then it appears wonderful things happen such as MMO's, Super-O's on demand, absolutes sweetness from nipple diddling, etc., etc.

I will give you a few milestones in my Aneros journey:

Late June 2012: P-waves three weeks into my journey.

July 2012: First chairgasms.

August 2012 onward: Sustained Aless.

Late November 2014: Addition of Tempo to my Aneros collection, an absolute game changer.

July 4, 2015: My first Super-O, albeit a mild one.

Mid-August 2016: Formation of a "heavy-duty," yet natural Kegel Exercise regime which produced loads pleasure which I believe was the tipping point of rewiring which led me an early morning Aneros session a month later producing Super-O's and MMO's galore.

February 2017: Discovery of the power of nipple diddling sweetness combined with the Kegels which enable me to have Super-O's on demand, yet the diddling and the Kegels combined are often subtle yet sweet and powerful especially at night in bed.

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I have been on my journey for two years now, and have only recently experienced a breakthrough as I have applied the principles emphasized here. A few observations of my own: First, Nipple diddling has progressed to the point as if it is hard-wired to my prostate and ass, creating anul twitching almost instantaneously. Second, though I understand the "hands off" principle when it comes to focusing on the subtle pleasures leading to the Super-O, I have recently discovered that gently tickling the frenulum in the same way I diddle my nipples almost immediately leads me to a Super-O. I would appreciate hearing other's experiences along these lines.

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BG .... you have known me a long time, even pre this site; so my comments may be redundant to you personally. You know me already. I have some additions to your timeline (which resembles my own). About the time I was getting proficient at orgasms with Aneros I became rewired. The turning point of rewiring altered my sexuality or maybe just opened a window in that sexuality that was closed for most of my life. I became an open sensual and sexual man. My appreciation of sensual beauty expanded. My desire intensified and my sexual response strengthened. Seminal flow and power of ejaculation increased and most significantly my desire to have sexual experiences with men got added to my bucket list. I think of myself as bi but in reality I just desire cocks and semen LOL. I do not get turned on by men just their male equipment and I love manipulating it, exciting it and making a guy cum.

I have been rewired for more than 12 years now. During this 12 year time frame my sexuality has mellowed as it has matured. I savor arousal much more now and I don't require ejaculation. I look at sex with my wife as much more spiritual now as my next entry in my blog will describe.

That's it. I am so glad you posted your entry.

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@neros --- WOW fantastic post, I have not tried out your idea, but it makes perfect sense. Every newbie, (like me), needs to read this. We are so goal driven as you say, to just get it done. I always wanted to slow down and enjoy sex more, but the more aroused my penis became the less patience I had. Mistress Aneros is teaching me to slow down and smell the roses. Thanks for this information.

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nice post

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very well written

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You might be surprised that this can also affect females too.

I'm slowly helping my girlfriend to wake up her vagina and nipples. She had been completely focussed on the clitoris before we met, and initially felt nothing from stimulation of them.

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@twlltin I hear you there...I wish I could get my wife, the psychology professional,  to have a more mindful approach to sex, but that is some thick ice to break. Her upbringing reflects a "sex is bad and we just don't do it" approach that led to a somewhat miserable sexless marriage. 

Meanwhile, the past several months have made me feel like apologizing to the folks here on this forum. I was in the camp that got pleasure from the Aneros devices, but I admit I thought this whole super-o thing was a bit of hype. I just wasn't patient enough. I wasn't ready to understand the simple steps spelled out here in this thread.

I still have no idea what triggered my mind, after over a decade, to actually fall into the groove leading to much more interesting steps in this journey. I did always wonder why so many Aneros users would write at length about these experiences, but I realized later how awesome it can feel, and how crazy it is that it is not something many of us can just share with anyone. 

This thread helped me back into the groove after my mind was blown to smithereens by my first super-o.  Maybe I was EXPECTING too much,  who knows, but it was like I had been shown a valuable piece of rare knowledge and then I fell flat on my face. Then, for several months, I was not getting anything of the pleasurful response from my body. 

This thread is the one that helped me back the most! I wish I would have been geared to understand these ideas ten years ago. I'm sorry I ever doubted you guys!


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@acquiescence  Interesting yes, that you find the laying on stomach position best for quick arousal using the Aneros.    I've tried other positions but I seem to get a reaction without fail or much effort as well in the stomach down position.   I'd like to see more discussion on this and as to why it's effective here in the discussions.  If you've seen such, let me know  if  you would.


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