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The Crimsonwolf Method: PreWiring and the Confident Boomerang

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Greetings, my fellow Caballeros -

This post was too long to do in just one shot - there are 3 parts altogether, all in this thread. Hope you find something beneficial here. Cheers...

I’ve been reluctant to do this, as I think it’s best to spend considerable time doing or experiencing a thing before one attempts to pass on knowledge of that thing to others. It can be quite dangerous (and expensive, and time-consuming, and frustrating,) to take bad advice. You don’t need me to remind you of this.

Having said that, I’ve decided to give you all what I see as a sound approach to using a prostate stimulator. I’m getting consistent enough results that I feel I can share my process with you, without fear that it will do you harm.

It’s your choice, however, to continue reading this, to take my suggestions, or to throw them all out – it’s been said many, many times that everyone is different, that we all experience things differently, and up to a point, this is true. But it’s also true that physically, biologically speaking, we are all more alike than we are different, age notwithstanding. And because of this similarity, I believe you can do what I have done.

I’m going to say some things which have absolutely been said before, by many other men. I mean no disrespect to them, nor to any who’ve written or spoken of their experiences. I am, however, going to express my opinion about a few things, and I’m prepared to take the heat for it.

Here we go...

The First Noble Truth: Arousal, and therefore sex, begins in the mind.
The Second Noble Truth: Free your mind, your ass will follow.
The Third and Most Vital Noble Truth: Contracting, or using tension of any kind to reach a super orgasm DOES NOT WORK.

PLEASE, PLEASE, ABANDON THE MYTH of contraction-induced super orgasms, of orchestrated, fatigue-induced anal and PC muscle spasms, leading to MAYBE making the toy dance, leading to maybe, maybe, MAYBE triggering a super orgasm…if your body is in the right position, and you put your legs just right, and you're thinking about the right sexy thoughts, and you hope the p-tab is in the right place, and you hope you used enough of the right lube, and oh god, what if this isn’t the right toy for me????

None of that shit matters. Let it all go, man. It just ain’t so.

Author’s Note: If you know nothing else about me, know this: I’m doing this because I know I’m NOT special. I’m writing this because I don’t want any more men to invest their valuable time and energy into endeavors that lead to frustration and disappointment. Please know that I mean no harm or disrespect to you or anyone else – I want us all to be able to enjoy ourselves as much as I have enjoyed myself so far. I am an advocate for us, for MEN. No bullshit.

PreWiring: 101

In order to become aware of what our bodies can offer us, in terms of arousal, orgasm, multiple orgasm, etc., we need to experience and become familiar with the no-thing: the lack of stimulation of any kind, the simple function of breath and relaxation, and in doing so, we encourage the development of our ability to control these things at will.

Many people have talked about rewiring, and @neros has posted some GREAT stuff recently concerning this very topic. I personally do not like the term, “rewiring,” because it doesn’t accurately reflect how I feel my body functions. Rewiring implies bad wiring in need of replacement, or perhaps misrouted wiring that was poorly installed, neither of which can metaphorically suggest how orgasm might be “wired” inside my body.

When I use the term “pre-wiring,” I’m talking about laying the groundwork, or “clearing the channels,” so that connections might be more easily made. We’re going to clear the way for awareness to flow. And it won’t suck. I promise.

I’m going to give you what I feel is a very practical approach, which begins with establishing what I call a Fundamental Level of Operation, or FLO. In terms of the human body, this means developing a deep awareness of the body in its most basic functional state: relaxed breath. Simply, fundamentally, alive. From that FLO, we can prime the mind and body for whatever activity we might choose to engage in.

If you do this, if you make a habit out of the FLO, you can develop conscious control over how your body and mind react to outside stimulus. You can further develop the one thing that separates us from the animal kingdom: Conscious control of your reactions, and ultimately, your perceptions…of everything.

My First Statement That May Surprise You, and Your First Decision

It has been said by many people, and I agree, that you cannot force a super orgasm like you can a traditional orgasm. What’s interesting to me is that almost everyone seems to try using contractions of exactly the same muscles (the PC group,) to accomplish an orgasm that can only be realized through relaxation…and this other, little, tiny detail, known as “surrender.”

As of this moment, you need no longer perform any exercise involving your anal sphincter muscle. Did you fully comprehend that statement? No more anal contractions. I’m 100% serious – Aneros toys move in and out when you breathe deeply. So please, stop it. Really, you’re much better served thinking about trying to relax those muscles. I assure you, they are very well developed, as you’ve been using them effectively since you were born. (Assuming you’re not medically altered.)

You will be doing a thing or two with your PC muscles, but not until later; sit tight, cowboy. I will teach you something PC-related, that will seem counter-intuitive at first, but yields absolutely heavenly results. So make a decision today, you’re not going to waste valuable time and energy clenching up your asshole anymore, ok? Relaaaaaaax. Seriously.

How to Relax

We begin with a relaxation technique I learned at age 14, from a book on self-hypnosis that I found in a box in my parents’ basement. I didn’t do anything with the hypnosis part of the book, but the relaxation technique has been something I’ve used all my life since then. I would not have been able to do some of the things I’ve done without it – this would include performing with a band in front of 22 thousand people, jumping out of an airplane and landing a parachute into a football stadium, a little standup comedy here and there – you get the idea. It has helped. (Oh, and those WERE in order of least to most scary for me.)

This process is fairly simple, and doesn’t take very long. You won’t be using a toy for this first part. That’s for later on. You’re here to learn how to make your body relax, not to train for an orgasm. We’re laying foundations for the clear perception of our experiences.

Start out by wearing some comfortable clothes, (or naked, doesn’t really matter,) laying on your back on a pallet on the floor or in your bed, without a pillow. Place your arms wherever they feel most comfortable. Take a few deep breaths, as slow as you can. Take your time, you’re not trying to rush anything.

Remember this: Slow, deep breathing is MAGICAL, kids – do not skip over this idea. SLOW and DEEP. Try restrictive breathing, which is constricting the back of your throat just a little bit, but breathing slow enough so that you don’t sound like Darth Vader. It works wonders on stress, and slows your heart rate.

The following process will be repeated for each part of your body, from your legs all the way up to your head:

- Begin by lifting your entire right leg up off the bed, just a few (2 or 3,) inches. Hold for just a second or two.
- Let it drop gently back down.
- Take a deep breath, slowly, in and out.
- Now, THINK about, or visualize lifting your entire right leg up off the bed, just a few inches, at the same exact speed, using exactly the same muscles as when you did it for real.
- Imagine you’re dropping your right leg gently back down onto the bed.
- Take a deep breath, slowly, in and out.

- Do this with your left leg, lift it up and hold, then let it drop.
- Breathe.
- VISUALIZE lifting your left leg, same speed, etc, and imagine the drop.

- Lift your right arm up, just a few inches, hold for a second or two, then let it drop.
- Breathe
- VISUALIZE lifting your right arm, same speed, same muscles, etc.
- Imagine letting it drop gently back down.
- Breathe.

Simply continue with your left arm – lift and drop, breathe, then the visualized sequence. After that, arch your back or lower torso just a little and let it drop, breathe, then imagine lifting and dropping. Breathe. Lastly, lift your head up, just an inch, hold, then let it drop back down, and then imagine the same. Breathe deeply. If you’re doing it right, slowly, it will take around ten minutes to go through your whole body.

Once you get to this point, you’ll feel somewhat heavier, like you’re sinking into the bed. Just breathe into this relaxed state of your body; maybe try clenching and relaxing your toes and ankles, your hands and wrists, your jaw, your eyebrows – whatever feels tight, let yourself “breathe it” into softness. There are no rules here, do what feels natural, what feels good.

The amazing thing about this process is that while it really does relax the body, it also primes the mind; the bounce between the physical and non-physical helps promote a kind of internal synchronicity. The REALLY amazing part of this is that, in reality, the brain doesn’t really perceive the difference between physical and clearly visualized, nonphysical actions – to the brain, both are equally concrete, equally real.

Let that swim around in your head as you continue reading…

You can use this technique as a precursor to meditation, as I do, and you can also do abbreviated versions when you’re pressed for time…like when you find yourself in a little airplane, climbing to 13k feet above the ground to make your first skydive of the day…after not jumping for a few months. These are the moments that really test your ability to relax your asshole.

Part 2 coming tonight...

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All parts posted and relieved. LOL

Hope you enjoy!

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@Crimsonwolf, great post. Will help many I'm sure.

Agree completely that trying to do too much will not get you to where you should be. To get to O's I just get in my favorite position (belly down), relax, do deep breathings. Can get to O's in less than a minute that way consistently. Do not try and do any contractions, the deep breathing (and body's automatic response) seems to provide the movement necessary.

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Thank you, I never got around to writing a relaxing tutor myself. It was much needed.

You've just spared me the effort. How relaxing ! LOL


Just adding one tipsy:
People should realize what is relaxing and what is not. It is extremely hard (actually impossible for most) to suddenly relax. So whatever you do to relax, if it's quick, it is not relaxing, merely an illusion of doing so... often makes you even more tense. Relaxing is a slow and gradual process. Think of "breathing out" the tensions. Relaxation is something spreading, sinking. It's like melting. Allow yourself to relax. And wait patiently for the relaxation to deepen before you begin to consider it enough.

And one more:
There is no such thing as fully relaxed. Well, not as long as your bones stay attched to each-other anyway. So whenever you think you are fully relaxed. Know that you are far from it. Then try to go deeper. You can always be more relaxed. And, believe me, you will be rewarded for it.

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Part 2...

PC Awareness Exercise

If you’re unfamiliar with, or unaware of your PC muscles, the next time you have to urinate, try doing this: Let yourself get started, then slowly cut off the flow. Hold it for just a second, then try slowly letting it go again. Don’t do it too abruptly, because, as you may know, it can be painful to do so. Try doing it several times before finishing, but like I said, don’t overdo it. You’ll have to remind yourself to practice when you go to the bathroom, but do it for a day or two, and you’ll become familiar. Don’t sit around holding contractions or anything; you just want to be familiar, ok?

I’ve already told you that you no longer need to do any anal sphincter exercises, so don’t worry about them at all. To do this PC muscle thing I’m going to discuss, it’s important for you to understand that the point here is to FEEL GOOD, to experience pleasure – and what @neros said in his description is absolutely true: we need to become acquainted with the lower levels of arousal. First without a toy, then later on, with a toy.

So there you are, in your relaxed state, happy and breathing. Maybe you have a little smile on your face, because being totally relaxed really kicks ass. You’re not doing ANYTHING but breathing and observing how you feel. Make a mental note of HOW GOOD IT FEELS to just relax. The point here is to experience the simple pleasure of the body in its relaxed state. Oh, and you HAVE felt this before…when you were an infant.

Continue breathing slowly, and we’ll now begin to gently engage the PC muscle, but ONLY a little bit. We’re going to do this in a very specific way, that may seem counter-intuitive as you read about it, but it will feel right to you.

Take a deep breath in, and as you let it out, slowly, gently, contract the PC muscle to maybe 10% of what you could do. As you breathe in, slowly release the contraction, let it go. Don’t try to keep track of what your doing, don’t count, and don’t think about rhythm or anything but what you’re FEELING. Do this as much as you like, but there’s no need to wear yourself out. Again, we are growing awareness, not building skills. It may feel good to shift your hips forward a bit, like you’re slightly arching your lower back and extending your spine. (Hidden treasure, there…)

This is the ONLY contraction that I ever allow myself – because when I’m building to a super orgasm, my body naturally falls into a breathing and contraction pattern that is congruent with what I’ve described to you. It’s funny to me, because the idea of contracting during an inhalation seems more intuitive – doing the reverse, contracting during an exhalation, reminds me of a Taoist meditation and Tai Chi method I learned a long time ago. Relax, enjoy, and experience.

The Best Insertion Technique and Your Second Decision

As I’ve already stated, this is about feeling. Specifically, it’s about feeling good, feeling pleasure. One of the real hurdles I’ll bet a lot of us have to get past is the whole insertion thing…no pun intended. So to help you dissolve any resistance to new ideas you might still harbor, let’s just state for the record right now, however unnecessarily, that you don’t have to be gay to enjoy the process of having something inserted into your rectum – it doesn’t have to mean that you want someone to screw you in the ass. Don’t worry about what things mean. Don’t worry about what other people think, just enjoy yourself.

After all, no one else can teach you what your body has to say to you.

Here’s a very important point: Don’t do any of the PC exercising before or during the use of a toy - we’re going to continue with the mindset that RELAXED is what we want to be. Quite simply, the more you can relax, the more you can notice or observe.

And here’s your second important decision, the one you’ll want to remember and repeat to yourself before (and during,) every Aneros session from here on out. Say this to yourself before you begin, every time: “I am the observer. I am here to clear the way, to experience, and to feel. I choose to observe, and I will not interfere.”

I cannot accurately describe what happens when I say this out loud during a session - but it's almost as if I can feel something "unlocking." It is a mental thing, but it's almost like I'm saying to my body, "Hey, you know what? You take over - I can't keep track of all this information." I know it sounds a little out there, but there IS a mind-body connection, and one will always affect the other...

Commit to the decision, and it will help keep you on track. It sounds trivial, I know. But things will heat up, and you’ll be tempted to contract this or that – you MUST resist that urge in favor of the greater goal, which is to observe and feel without interference. YOU don’t know how to orgasm, but your BODY does. Stay out of its way, and it will send you to heaven, right there in your bed.

First thing, lube yourself and your toy as you normally would, and lay on your side with your lower leg extended, your upper leg drawn up a bit. Fairly standard, I should think.

Begin by just using the tip of the Aneros to feel around very gently and slowly, and really pay close attention to HOW GOOD THAT FEELS. Don’t push any of it in just yet. Breathe deeply as you’re doing this, and prepare yourself: your breathing is about to guide you to bliss. Play around, explore, experience, like when you were ten or twelve years old. PLAY. RELAX. OBSERVE.

Press only the very tip of the toy inside, just until you feel a little resistance, then stop, and just breathe. Hold the toy still, and you’ll find that as you breathe in, your body will kind of seek out a bit more of the toy. As you breathe out and relaaaaaaxxxxx, you’ll feel the resistance give just a little bit, and you can push just a tiny bit more inside, then hold it still again. Continue this process, breathe in and let your body grab onto the toy as it tries to draw more inside. Hold it still, let your body take it as it wants. You’ll find it most pleasurable to do this really slowly, and you may even feel the stirrings of a super orgasm as you do it. Make your body WANT the last little bit to go in…make it WAIT. You’ll understand, once you try this. And I’m betting you’ll thank me.

Take your time and make the insertion part of the pleasure. It doesn’t have to be an unpleasant thing. On the contrary, I’ve found that it primes the system, if you will. I’ve had this launch me into immediate and very powerful super orgasms that almost make me scream. Ok, they have actually made me scream.

Next stop, getting a super orgasm.

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Here we go, Part 3...stay with me boys...

Enter the Confident Boomerang

Pleasure, as we all first experienced it, was something we had to notice or become aware of…before it could then be sought. Pleasure was not something we initially went looking for; we noticed it, we enjoyed it, and we looked for more of it. Because of how we have experienced pleasure, and subsequently related that to orgasm, we carry those “training scars,” with us into everything sexual that we encounter in our lives. Until we choose something new.

The goal here is to experience pleasure, not to develop a skill, or set of skills. This is about feeling good, feeling pleasure, feeling whatever your body has to show you. It’s not about muscle memory. It’s not about orchestrating a dance of muscular perfection. Trying to do things like that serves only to short-circuit everything you’re actually wanting to feel. Contracting actually can scramble your ability to detect very subtle pleasure. This subtle pleasure comes and goes…it ebbs and flows, and can only be perceived when you are in a relaxed state.

So now, from the insertion position, simply draw the lower leg up, so that if someone wanted to spoon you, they could. Just lay there comfortably and relax your whole body, remembering what it felt like when you were in that totally relaxed state. Let yourself feel whatever your body is feeling and just focus on breathing. If you feel tension anywhere, try to breathe into it and relax through it. When I feel tension after the insertion, I do not try to “help it” by applying more tension through a contraction. I pay close attention to the spot or area, and do my best to just breathe and relax…because on the other side of what feels like tension is pure sensation, subtle pleasure that you can amplify through attention and relaxation, and transform into massively pleasurable buildup waves.

This is where the Confident Boomerang comes into play.

The sensations you will feel will ebb and flow; they will come and go. Your task is to fully experience every subtle sensation without interfering with what’s happening; to observe, feel, and experience. You’re not going to contract anything – you are the ghost in the shell, the observer of your own experience. In this way, you allow your body to guide you to the pleasure you seek.

At this point, as long as your staying relaxed, you may find it helpful to imagine something sexual happening to you, such as someone kissing your nipples, or the hottest girl you know riding you to bliss – whatever the scenario, just enjoy the fantasy, but don’t try to be too detail-specific. Just feel.

As you experience the beginning of this process, you’ll feel a subtle pleasure here and there. As I stated before, it will come and go. As it comes, you must allow yourself to surrender to it. As it goes, or fades, you must remain confident that it will return, like a boomerang returning to the one who threw it, it WILL return. This will happen over and over. Do nothing to interfere, nothing to “help it,” other than accepting what pleasure does come, breathing, and enjoying yourself.

If you keep to this, you’ll find that each time the wave fades away (or the boomerang has been thrown,) you’ll sense its return in your periphery, sort of off in the distance. As they keep coming and going, they will happen a little bit faster, and return a little bit quicker, and become a LOT more intense each time. No matter what, DO NOT CONTRACT. Relax and breathe. Observe. Feel. Breathe. Get your mind (the resistant part,) out of the way so that your body can speak to you.

Once again, do not contract anything; stay committed to your position as a watcher, an observer. Relax everything – the relaxation is where the super orgasm will be born.


So let’s say you’ve gotten to this point, and nothing’s happening, or at least, you’re not sensing any more pleasure. Turn onto your back, with your knees drawn up a bit. Take a few deep breaths. I’m now going to introduce what I call the Trinity.

Before I go into this part, you should know this: It’s ok to touch your penis.

It’s more than ok to touch it if you're NOT contracting your PC muscle. I know, people say, “Don’t touch your penis, you’ll prematurely ejaculate!” I think that’s just hogwash – you won’t ejaculate unless you’ve been contracting (NOT relaxing, hint, hint,) and focusing on ejaculating. Relax, and you won’t come (ejaculate,) until you want to.

Using only one finger, gently stroke one of your nipples, just once. Pay close attention to the feeling you get from this, but don’t try to hang onto it. Let it fade. Breathe.

You might notice a tingling in your prostate as you do it. This is good.

Using only one finger with your other hand, gently stroke the opposite nipple, just as you did the first. Breathe.

You might notice a tingling in your prostate as you do it. This is good.

Now, keep one hand near your chest, and with your opposite hand, gently…and I mean GENTLY, grasp only the head of your penis with your fingertips. Just hold it gently, like a mouth closed around it, and note how this feels. Let the sensation fade, but don’t take your hand away. Relax. Breathe.

With your other hand at your chest, stroke one nipple. Wait a second. Breathe.

With the opposite hand, GENTLY squeeze the end of your penis. Breathe.

Repeat this VERY SLOWLY. Stroke, wait…squeeze…breathe…stroke, wait…squeeze…breathe.

If you’ve done everything else up to this point, you will likely feel a massive build up of pleasure that will make you feel like you want to cry. Let your body do what it wants to do…let it ALL go. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself losing your mind with pleasure.

I think of this as a “pleasure loop” – it sort of confuses your senses. Your mind can’t really keep track of one intense sensation that leads into another…and in this case, with my body, at least, it’s almost like a slingshot. The pleasure starts moving very rapidly and soon I can’t hold back the massive wave of orgasm that crashes over me. It’s quite delicious.

This Trinity thing is my “launch vehicle” for toy-less super orgasms now. My nipples are linked to my prostate, and I’m able to derive indescribable pleasure from this in a VERY short period of time. I’m talking about full-on, mind-melting super orgasms in less than 5 minutes. And believe me, I am utterly amazed to be able to say this is happening.


I know that I’ve gone out on a limb or two here. Again, it’s not my intention to undo anyone else’s good work, but I honestly believe that our initial exposure to information about things like the Aneros tends to shape our experiences.

I'm inserting a clandestine correction here: I originally made a disparaging statement about the Aneros Wiki - I retract that statement. What I should have said, I think, is that the instructions that are sent out with Aneros prostate stimulators are in need of revision.

Two Bits of Important Truth:

- Initial first impressions shape the initial experience.
- The initial experience of this product and process needs a renaissance, an overhaul.

Alright, I’m off my soapbox, now. I thank you for reading this short novel of a post. Perhaps it’s better suited to another medium, like the blogs. I don’t know. I felt compelled to do this, but I want to be clear I’m not here to compete with anyone, or outdo anyone else’s method or approach. I’m giving you my interpretation of how I would describe this stuff to a friend or a brother…or even my Dad.

I believe words carry power, and that too often, that power is misused by some who do not understand the scope of the power of their words. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. You can’t really take it back. You can however, recognize that you were wrong, and you can apologize and try to make it right. If that is what I must do, then I will. If I’ve offended anyone, please know that it was not my intention, and if I’ve done violence to anyone’s words, they can call me out. But please know, again, that my intention is to inform and entertain, and I do this out of genuine caring for us as men.

Happy Motoring, Gentlemen.


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Thank you, I never got around to writing a relaxing tutor myself. It was much needed.

You've just spared me the effort. How relaxing ! LOL


Just adding one tipsy:
People should realize what is relaxing and what is not. It is extremely hard (actually impossible for most) to suddenly relax. So whatever you do to relax, if it's quick, it is not relaxing, merely an illusion of doing so... often makes you even more tense. Relaxing is a slow and gradual process. Think of "breathing out" the tensions. Relaxation is something spreading, sinking. It's like melting. Allow yourself to relax. And wait patiently for the relaxation to deepen before you begin to consider it enough.

And one more:
There is no such thing as fully relaxed. Well, not as long as your bones stay attched to each-other anyway. So whenever you think you are fully relaxed. Know that you are far from it. Then try to go deeper. You can always be more relaxed. And, believe me, you will be rewarded for it.

Thanks for reading, sir! If you read the parts I just posted, you'll find we agree on a lot.

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Well said! This has to be the best post I have ever read! Many of your techniques I already use and now I have some new ones!
If you are just starting with Aneros or an experienced user this is a MUST READ!
Thank you Crimsonwolf for this tutorial.

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Thanks Crimsonwolf. Not many guys (probably including myself) would put this much time and concern into helping other guys. This puts you in the category of other greats on this forum who have helped many men to crack the code of the prewiring and rewiring.

Will digest it in totality with a notepad for my own personal plan of attack using your wisdom when I get time and relaxed.

Much appreciation.

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Thanks, man - I appreciate that.

Fyi, if anyone is interested, I can send you a pdf of the entire thing...a 9-page pdf. 🙂

I'm also working on a real-time audio guide for the relaxation technique. May include the PC muscle stuff as well, not sure.


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Thank you for putting all the hard work and obvious passion into this helpful post.


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Thanks, LS - I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read it all.

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Crimsonwolf, This is another excellent post from you, I agree with almost everything you have stated here as a viable path to the Super-O and all the points leading there.

Good Vibes to You!

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Crimsonwolf. With Rumels comment above, you now have the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval...and you are ranked extremely high on J D Powers best luxury vehicles............vehicles of masculine bliss that is.....

So Happy Motoring TO YOU, bro.

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Good lord, who knew???

Seriously, gents, thanks very much for such high praise - if I can save one guy a year, or even a month of frustration, it was worth doing. It helps me, too. I get clearer about things when I write about them.

Hats off to you, gentlemen - thanks again!

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I'm really enjoying the boomerang idea.
When the pleasure drifts away, it gives me the confidence to not panic and run after it. And when I feel it returning, my confidence in it increases. It's like I'm able to maintain a kind of battle-stance, a state of readiness, that chasing the boomerang breaks me out of, but waiting for the boomerang to return allows me to keep. It's like the energy level stays higher without this stop-and-start chasing.
This is the weird thing I keep finding with the aneros, catching myself doing things I didn't know I was doing. Like would I have been able to visualise that I was chasing the pleasure before I tried not to?

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I can hear the sound of awareness growing, and next to the sound of a sexy woman having an orgasm, it is the sweetest sound there is. May your awareness grow to the outer edge of the universe.

I tell you this: I LIVE for providing little moments of "Ah-hah!"

Made my day sir - thanks!

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@Crimsonwolf,Iv'e just mentioned this in another thread but, have you thought of crystallising your thoughts into a paragraph or two in the Aneros Wiki?

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Crimsonwolf, I can't thank you enough for the time and thoughtfulness you have put into your post. A breath of much needed fresh air. This post should go right up there with Mayfield's sticky. I would be interested in the pdf and keep us posted on the exciting!

Thanks Again!

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@Crimsonwolf,Iv'e just mentioned this in another thread but, have you thought of crystallising your thoughts into a paragraph or two in the Aneros Wiki?

I have given it some thought to that. I'll look into it - I haven't been there since before I joined these forums. I'll have another look.

Thanks very much for reading!

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Crimsonwolf, I can't thank you enough for the time and thoughtfulness you have put into your post. A breath of much needed fresh air. This post should go right up there with Mayfield's sticky. I would be interested in the pdf and keep us posted on the exciting!

Thanks Again!

How you honor me, sir. Send me your email in a p.m. and I'll send you the pdf.

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Great post @crimsonwolf, this might help alot of people and I will try your technique. Hoping for more consistent results.

Now, a few personal preference questions to you, if I may?
What's your favourite aneros model?
When do you feel your results are the best? (Considering TSLE time since last ejac, and relaxed state f.ex.)

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Thanks, Alex -

My favorite model? It's a toss up, really. I own three, an MGX, a Helix Classic, and another I won't mention yet. I honestly like them all, and it tends to depend on my mood. I've actually used a coin toss on several occasions to decide which one to use.

But, since you ask, I really like both the Helix and the MGX - if someone were asking for advice on their first one, I'd say start with a Helix Classic.

TSLE: Doesn't seem to have any bearing on my ability to orgasm, whether it's a super oragasm or traditional - once the prostate has awakened (or, rather, once you become aware of it,) refractory periods don't really matter that much any more.

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Just a quick message to say this was a massive help and has really boosted my sessions.

Thanks for the post 🙂

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@Crimsonwolf : You, sir, should get a Medal of Honor for your fine masterwork of a short novel 🙂

And yes please, I would like that pdf if you don`t mind.

I will definately change my strategy from now on and see how it goes.
Thank you so much for your time and effort!


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Well, judging by the "bolero and aneros super-o" video and thread here there are in fact both a VERY physically active, and a passive way of reaching the super-o.

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Agreed - in my case, however, I didn't initially allow myself the physical stimulation - until after the first super o hit me. I felt that my body needed to get over the first hurdle without me interfering, without relying on oustide stimulation in order to make the first orgasm arrive.

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And I believe your path is a good way to start! Personally, I started on the active path - and I have been exploring the passive path the last 6-7 months. I can say that I enjoy the passive path more, and if I could start over - that would be my first part of the journey 🙂

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This is a very interesting take on how to induce a super o. Some of this runs contrary to what people have told me about not touching my penis as it interferes with rewiring yourself. The few times I have touched myself with the Aneros I have caused myself premature ejaculation however I wasn't relaxed and am sure that I was contracting my pc muscle during that time. I'm excited to try this method and see if this works. Being able to touch your penis head will ramp up arousal a lot I would think

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I am posting, for the most part, because your post needs to be read by as many members as possible.

You have so eloquently said so much of what I believe, but can't seem to convey. I feel like a cheerleader on the sidelines shouting for you to keep going. Great job!

You say you are hoping to help a few people....My guess is you will help many more than that!

Thanks again @Crimsonwolf

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