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Prostate sensation: How subtle is subtle?

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I'm a newbie to my Aneros Helix Syn, and I've tried it a few times, as well as getting familiar with my prostate with my fingers and with my girlfriends fingers 🙂 The nerves around my anus are clearly sensitive and happy to be played with, but I don't really feel much when I touch my prostate. What I've been reading talks about it being a very subtle sensation, that it takes time to tune into the feeling from prostate stimulation, so my question is this:
1) How would you describe the initial sensation of a newly explored prostate? How subtle is subtle? Is it like touching the top of a fingernail, where the only clear sensation is pressure? (that's sort of how mine feels)

2) Once the prostate is de-armored and more sensitive, how would you describe the sensation of touching it? Similar to the sensation from touching the head of your penis?

Hope y'all can help shed some light 🙂

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What was surprising for me is that I don't really feel it directly on that spot. The feedback is different. Like if you scratch your ear, you feel your ear being scratched. I experience prostate stimulation more like scratching my ear and my neck gets warm and starts throbbing.
You don't just have to turn up the volume on what you're hearing, but you have to throw away a lot of assumptions and expectations about where this sound is going to come from. The feedback will come from a lot of different places, and I think you should try to listen to them all and explore them. Be open to them and don't filter them out just because they're not what you had in mind.
In my case, I had no concept of pleasure coming from the place it does now. I couldn't have imagined it or willed it out of thin air. It's like trying to invent a new color. So I wouldn't get too focused on the direct feelings at the prostate/aneros contact-point.

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Wow! Thank you, Clenchy, that is a relief, and a fascinating challenge 🙂 In my search for information about prostate sensation, especially as it relates to Aneros, I never came across such a take on it, thank you. "It's like trying to invent a new color"; what a poetic and eloquent explanation.

I look forward to seeing if that resonates with other people too.

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Just to add, I do now relate the feelings I get to the prostate, because the cause/effect has been more established and mapped (though it still feels indirect). But starting out, and trying to make first-contact with these feelings was hard. I made the mistake of being too attached to what I imagined I should be feeling, and pushing for that. I was trying to apply a frame of reference that didn't fit. I identified what I thought was prostate pleasure and pushed that, to the exclusion of everything else. Maybe the pleasure you should be enjoying feels (right now in its subtle form) more like a good stretch and yawn, or the relief of letting go of a piss you've been holding on to for too long. And until you've experienced it, you can't really predict how it would feel if it grew into an orgasm. So I think you have to be careful not to get locked in to any particular expectation.

Like I said, the pleasure I feel now is something I couldn't have predicted or tried to steer the experience towards until I already felt it.
I'd describe it like this... I have a new organ inside my body, that's a combination of a heart and a penis, it's a big soft ball with tendrils that go out in many directions, and it sits behind my lower abdomen, a few inches below my navel. Pleasure glows through it, rising with a feeling of thick warm orgasm oil being poured over it, which runs down slowly over the surface. It becomes electrified, buzzes and throbs in anticipation of the next ladle of oil to be poured over it. That orgasm electricity conducts outwards and dissipates, lighting up nerves along the way. Sometimes this energy accumulates in my legs, and it's like they experience a soft, ongoing orgasm of their own. I do get more directly poked by the aneros, and in a way, it does feel like stroking my a part of myself to orgasm, except "I'm doing" it by letting it happen and not physically interfering with it.

But I don't want to say this is fact for everyone, or that you should "try" for any of these feelings. All I'm trying to get at, is that - how I relate to the feelings I have now is insanely different to my old traditional orgasms, and penis stimulation. It defies expectation, and it has to be allowed to defy expectation. Trying to excitedly grab on to it and mould it into a more traditional, predictable and familiar shape is a mistake, and one of the things I've struggled with the most.

I'm generally opposed to any form of mysticism, and 10 years ago I would have rolled my eyes at the thought of "moving energy around", but my aneros experiences have presented me with some pretty challenging evidence.

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I think your exemple of fingernail is a good one. You might be surprised and interested to notice a lighter touch on your fingernail actually produces more effects, even if less localized.

Also I'd agree with @Clenchy that the point is more to focus on whatever sensation it might produce anywhere in the body.

To be honest, I don't think the prostate is producing the orgasm at all. It is just a general area (from navel to pelvic floor) which moves and reactions the massager is helping you sense and get in tune with. This place is a special one where the whole tensions and reactions of the body seem to originate or end. It is more mobile. It is more subject to the moods. More able to express every complexity of our general state. It is like a magic cauldron. The aneros is merely a spoon.

All in all it is the whole body awareness that is being slowly mixed, observed and enjoyed.

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You guys are true inner travelers, thank you 🙂

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I would describe it as:
"Is that it ? What's that strange feeling ? I wonder what happens if I keep doing that."

Not pleasant at first, but intriguing. Certainly not boring.

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I would describe it as:
"Is that it ? What's that strange feeling ? I wonder what happens if I keep doing that."

Not pleasant at first, but intriguing. Certainly not boring.

Absolutely...the sensations can be varied...the Getting Started section of the Wiki has a Milestones checklist which lists many of them! Look for any of them at any time!


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"I have a new organ inside my body, that's a combination of a heart and a penis, it's a big soft ball with tendrils that go out in many directions, and it sits behind my lower abdomen, a few inches below my navel. Pleasure glows through it, rising with a feeling of thick warm orgasm oil being poured over it, which runs down slowly over the surface. It becomes electrified, buzzes and throbs in anticipation of the next ladle of oil to be poured over it. That orgasm electricity conducts outwards and dissipates, lighting up nerves along the way. Sometimes this energy accumulates in my legs, and it's like they experience a soft, ongoing orgasm of their own."

Amazing description and image, @Clenchy. I wouldn't have believed it 2 years ago either.

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