The Best Aneros mod...
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The Best Aneros model is ...

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"What is the best Aneros model...?" How many times has that question been asked in the Forum and Chat? 'B_Mayfield' authored the first Polls (Which Aneros model is best for new users? & What Is Your Favorite Aneros?) to ask these questions. What these polls indicate is that there is no 'Best' model, merely preferred models, yet hardly a week passes without a 'newbie' asking which model is 'Best' for him.

In regards to choosing a first Aneros model, I recommend that you first read the following : "Choosing a Model" from the Aneros WIKI and “Which model is best for new users?” (this poll is rather dated and doesn't include the newer, improved models). For additional information and reviews, you may wish to read an older thread titled Aneros Products Reviewed (note some models reviewed here are no longer available). For newbies, I would recommend either the Helix 'SYN' Trident (you can see my review of it here), the MGX 'SYN' Trident or (if you can afford it) the new Helix Syn V model. The Aneros Company recommends either of the Helix models for new users.

Each Aneros model has unique performance characteristics and each man will interact with these models differently. Unfortunately it is impossible to predict which model will provide an optimal experience for any particular individual, you'd have to try them all to find that out. Even if you have each model (and I do) you will find that your own desires and reactions are variable to the extent that on certain days one model will prove more effective than a previously effective model. For some men this variability may be frustratingly problematic, for others this is exactly the spice needed to keep each Anerosession an interesting, unique and mysteriously tantalizing adventure.

Bigger is not necessarily better, the saying "Good things come in small packages." is particularly applicable to the Peridise & TEMPO models, but then they are not prostate massagers per se. Additionally, due to the anatomical variability between different men, the smaller models may actually be more effective at prostate massage than longer or larger models.

Incidentally, if you purchase any prostate massager model through the Aneros website you get this :
"Aneros offers a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Customers may return their Aneros product for a refund if requested within 90 days from the purchase date. A 5% processing fee will be deducted from the refund total." That's pretty amazing for a sex toy company.

FYI, the Aneros® line of prostate massagers, (see ANEROS is born), are owned and manufactured by High Island Health LLC, it is not a different company, just a separate division. Aneros has discontinued the 'Classic' lineup of massagers although a couple of their equivalent models are still available through the High Island Health website, the SGX = PS-2 and the Helix = PS-X, the HIH PS-NEW & 950 have no current equivalent Aneros models and the Aneros Peridise lineup is equivalent to the HIH Peristal models.

There are no HIH cross equivalents for the Aneros Progasm, Progasm Jr., Tempo, Helix SYN Trident (replaced the Helix SYN), the Eupho SYN Trident (replaced the Eupho SYN), the MGX SYN Trident (replaced the MGX), the DeVice or their latest model series, the MGX Trident, Helix Trident, Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident. The EVI and VIVI is a vibrating Kegel exerciser for women and supplements the existing static model EVI. The Vice2 (replaced the Vice & Muze). The newest model is the Helix Syn V, a vibrating version of the most popular Aneros model (you can read some reviews HERE).

Good Vibes to You !


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The "best" model is the one that works for you at that moment in time, which varies from person to person, and from session to session. The downside is, you just about have to purchase all of the Aneros models to find out which works best for you, because there is no standard of what model is best for what. Just like the old saying about opinions, everybody's got one, and they're all different. What works best is all by guess and by golly.

Since my surgery, I've found that the Maximus I purchased earlier this winter has been producing some good P-waves and uncontrollable shakes from time to time, and recently, the largest Peridise has been providing some very good sensations as well, which is encouraging to me. Hopefully, it means that I'm beginning to get some sensations back in the anal area (that's what you lose when the L-5/S-1, and L-4/L-5 nerves get pinched off; you lose feeling in the prostate/rectal area).

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@rumel, spot on. I think I have managed to collect them all except the SGX since I'm 6'. Each one delivers a different experience. Each one has been my "hands down" favorite at one time or another. It does seem like your prostate gets used to a model after a period of time and sensations tapper off. Switching models seems to maintain the intensity at a higher level.

I totally agree with your suggestions for starting out. The smaller models seem to work well when your muscles have developed.

@Badger, I agree as always. This has to be the best product marketing model ever. This product line should be a study in every business case text book!


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@Badger, I have also had a few surgeries in the low back I am now Fused from S1-L5 Rods and screws along with the disc inserts. Thank you for mentioning that.

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