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Success! From How? to Wow!

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I purchased my Helix Syn about 6 weeks ago. Completely new to any backdoor play, either solo or with my wife, I was excited to explore this new world. Thankfully, this message board exists, and with the knowledge gained here, I was armed to give my new toy a try.

My first 3-4 sessions were all about getting comfortable and enjoying the new sensations. I would usually listen to some music and watch porn or look at erotic pictures on and off to help with arousal. I worked on breathing and did contractions of various lengths and intensities. Definitely enjoyable as my body got used to things.

Looking to move things along, I discovered the Tug of War technique on the wiki and started practicing that method. It was here, over the next dozen sessions or so, that I was able to identify the different muscles and get those small, involuntary contractions. Sessions were definitely getting more enjoyable and "buzzy". However, I hadn't achieved what I'd consider a "major" breakthrough. I joined the site a couple of weeks ago, thinking that my first post would be of the "Need Help", "How do I move this along?" or "What am I doing wrong?" variety. Well, that all changed this morning.

I started as usual, lubing and inserting while in the suggested side/knee up position. Instead of playing music, I just put on some porn and relaxed. After about 10 minutes, I turned onto my back, lifted my knees, and just tried to enjoy and tune-in to any sensations. Immediately, this session seemed different. As I settled into a baseline, low-level contraction, things started buzzing and the minor involuntaries were more constant than usual. I didn't try to force anything or do any controlled contractions. I just enjoyed the feelings and watched the movie.

After about 25 minutes of low level pleasure, I suddenly felt the helix start to move much harder and quicker, almost along with the thrusting in the movie. This had never happened before. Hoping that something new was about to occur, I just tried relaxing more and focusing on the new sensations. Things continued to intensify, with my unexpectedly hard cock starting to bob along with the contractions. I'm guessing this is the "auto-fucking" I've read about. I don't know how long this continued for, but the feeling was incredible and when it finally died down, I felt great from head to toe and was definitely in a euphoric mood. My heart was pounding. If this wasn't a Super O, I can't imaging what it would entail.

I was able to get the contractions/auto fucking going 3-4 more times (Super Os?/Dry Os?/incredible no matter the label), with varying levels on intensity. When I rolled back onto my side to cool down, I went through the cycle another time. Fantastic.

For anybody who is starting out and possibly wondering when "it" is going to happen (like I was just hours ago), just give it time and don't try and force anything. It was well worth the wait. Now I'm just worried I won't be able to achieve the success again. Hopefully, the "rewiring" has occurred.

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Thanks for your great post, it reads well, how about writing a blog? Don't worry, you will be successful again! But remember, how you got there: letting go, being in a special mood, looking at some stimulating pictures, listening to certain sounds, having time, having space, how many days after your last ejaculation and so on. If your are missing, understand that there always are ups and downs and that your endurance and the circumstances made it.
It really looks like you're on your path! Think about that exciting experience while sitting on your couch or standing in your kitchen. Listen to jour senses and try to locate your gland and you will soon get to some Aless moments you never thought to be possible. Congrats! You are a lucky guy!

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@sylvester99 congratulations on your breakthrough session! It's great that you achieved this level in such a short period of time. You are in for a pleasureable long future!
@SOwithoutAneros 's suggestion is a good one; consider entering your progress details in the Bog section for archive purposes. Good vibes!

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@sylvester99 Congratulations on your progress! I found the on my side position didn't do much for me, and I also had much better success on my back. I have also found that the angle and position of my legs makes a significant difference.. if you haven't already, I suggest experiementing with having your legs closer or farther apart, more or less bent, etc.

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You know, after almost a year now of aneros, I have just now achieved a point where things are getting steadily more juicy. I personally consider the moment where your penis bobs up and down a super O and I'll continue to think so untill my next breakthrough. This happens once a month ateast lmao.

Anywho, congratulations! You've done well for yourself friend.

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Thanks for all of the positive feedback. I've had two successful sessions since the breakthrough. The first, about 24 hours later, was similar to the original. The buildup to the Super O was a little less manic, as I wasn't wondering about what the hell was about to happen.

The second, this morning, was the big surprise. Following some much needed alone time with my wife, I figured it was too close to a traditional orgasm for much to happen. However, with the house empty a couple of hours later, it was a good to time to just relax and see what might happen. The first hour of just chilling and watching some porn resulted in plenty of hard contractions, auto-fucking and what seemed like a mini super-o. Feeling pretty satisfied, I moved from my most favored position, on my back, to my side with both legs somewhat bent. After a few minutes, unlike my usual experience, I felt the helix move very strongly inside with a very hard contraction. As I held this in place, a wave of pleasure built up deep inside and spread throughout my body, causing me to shake a little. Instead of the contractions being frequent and powerful, it was a more full-body feeling that was really intense. I was able to repeat this a couple of more times. I'm not sure what you'd call it, compared to what I had experienced before, but I'm looking forward to trying to repeat it again.
