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Something astounding happened during my very first session

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As the title says something astounding to me happened last night during the very first use of my Helix Syn Trident.

During my 1st session there was a point where I experienced this incredible feeling.  It is hard to describe, but here goes:  It was like my testicles became thick, soft vapor and expanded to the size of a basketball.  Of course this didn't happen physically, but this is what my brain felt.

Before starting my Aneros journey I studied up quite a bit, but never saw this mentioned, or whatever it is mentioned in this way.

Could one of you veterans help me out with what this may represent in terms of the path toward prostate orgasm?

I feel like I was doing something very, very right but I just want to understand it better if I can.

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Posted by: @drcaspyr

Could one of you veterans help me out with what this may represent in terms of the path toward prostate orgasm? I feel like I was doing something very, very right but I just want to understand it better if I can.

First, I'd like to welcome you to our little community. You've just discovered one of the mysterious benefits of prostate massage, its ability to stimulate not only your body but your emotional imagination as well. I don't know if your imaginary experience represents anything in particular but your experience does demonstrate the power our mind has to create new imagery from the sensations being generated. Yes, you were probably doing something right to allow yourself to create this "astounding" experience. I hope you continue to have many more to come!

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel Thanks Rumel.  To be honest I wasn't expecting much, as per the sage advice.  It took me by surprise, but was so beautiful of a visceral experience.  If that wasn't a p-orgasm, then I am wide-eyed at what one is.


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Posted by: @drcaspyr

To be honest I wasn't expecting much, as per the sage advice.  It took me by surprise, but was so beautiful of a visceral experience.

That's good you didn't expect much, in fact it is best not to have any expectations. It is better to have your ego be the objective observer of what is happening rather than projecting what you expect to happen or even imagine to happen. Please see the thread The Tao of Aneros

Good Vibes to You!

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Out of complete curiosity...

Do you remember exactly what you were focusing on mentally when the sensation began to grow?

Sounds interesting if you were getting these sensations and not p-waves (or was this passed that stage?).

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@nat Yes at that moment I was focusing on staying on the anal flex that was giving me contractions I couldn't control.  I had done this several times before and started to get some full body involuntary shuddering that would last for around 5-10 seconds each time.  This time when I found the spot and worked to stay there , the full body shuddering happened again but the involuntary contractions held on for much longer than the previous times.  It was during this that I experienced the sensation, and it lasted for around 20 seconds until I lost the involuntary contractions.  I didn't use a lot of determination to stay at the contractions, just held them as long as they would let me without trying to control with effort.  I have seen over and over, as rumel points out, that expectations are a surefire way for it to be ruined.


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It just came to mind to ask...

I wonder if sense of time is distorted while in a session.  

In dreams we have these long conquests to tell the next morning, but in reality those long quests were only a few seconds of our time sleeping.  I wonder if the same goes for sessions, where something we believe to have lasted 20 seconds may have only been 5 or 10 seconds.  Or..  Maybe longer than we imagined!

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@nat It makes sense.


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Welcome to the forum. Many of us have strange almost hallucinatory sensations in our sessions. These sensations are part of each of our unique journeys, so don’t be surprised if no one else has an identical or even similar experience.  For example, I have no idea what you are talking about, but I also comepletely understand because I have had many interesting hallucinatory sensations. I would say it is a good sign, because it means you’re letting go and opening up. I would recommend enjoying your first couple months without dwelling on details, so as not to get caught up psychologically. Just see where the sensations take you. Some here suggest journaling: why not. 

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@divine_o, journaling one's Aneros sessions is a great idea. I found the Aneros blog section a great place to do my journaling over the years.


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I agree with @bigglansdc, the blog section is a great way to keep notes on progress and achievements.   It's been a while since I blogged and I intend to resume doing so  on a regular basis like I used to. 

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@bigglansdc Thanks for the advice! 🙂


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If having expectations can kill the Aneros ride, then having intentions can help encourage pleasure. This thread called User Theorems has some mantras and thoughts you can use as intentions to approach your sessions. I recommend you see what people have posted and submit your own if you have some!

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